Hen A E B Davie NEW WESTMINSTER, a 0„ FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 2», 1887. VOLUME 2 NUMBER 47 O. HBHDBRSOH, M. B., 0. K. gaUggriiisli Columbian J• (Olaagow). TURNER, BEETON & GO. PNT HAMMOND CHARLES MURRAY, OOME AND SEE I FOR SALE. CHILUWHACK, B. C. 1 md»r Kvealag, rt/kmuay W, ISSl. CLARKSON STBEET, W. H. HOLDEN, HB LEASH, __ I i dwfealto MERCHANTS, NURSERY TTAVINO TAKEN POSSESSION OF T of that- well-kuo- opp. Itoglstry Offlce, New Wei''*. n the "Ta»**«tac« Houae," fronting next the Holbrook*" The readers of a partisan press, on Columblaanachurch streets, oppoilte says Dr. Grant, drink from a poi­ Ty WOLF SMITH, M.D. WHABP STBEET • VICTOBIA. the Eplacop.1 Churoh, and now known soned well, Now that the tide is Frnlt Trees, a. the OFFIOE—Clarkaon Street, opposite roar Bonn, Sij^a and Orumniil Funtiaj*. visibly turning in favor of indepen­ entrance of Colonial Hotel, JLCtXHStTB TOB Ornamenlal Trees, Safe for Sale. dent journalism, let the due meed of OFFICE HOURS-10 a. m. to 12 noon; 3 North British snd Mercantile Small Fruits, PAPER HAHQIHC, CLAZIMO, KALSOMININQ, *«. FARMERS'HOME! A NO. 10 TAYLOR'S 8A to6; and6:80to8p.m. dnolOto Will aeoommodate the trav.llng public A order] Suae Incite. Iqi thanks be paid to a journal sueh as Insurance Co. for Mainland. And OARDEN STOCK on hand In great at tbe following aateai •oTd cheap. Auplyat tkUol the Bobcaygeon Independent, whioh M. HAOLUAH, B. A., SA.tt.,CM. variety. WALL PAPER. Board per day. .... ...11N in the worst of times has kept the Everything lirst-class and furnished In Thu largest assortment of Wall Paper " " weole.. If H.C. BEETON 4 CO., in Iho City, comprising newest patterns, Singl..., e Hews^al....Z.. flag of veracity flying, and main­ OFFIOE: MoKensle Street, next door to good shape. always on hand at bottom prices. Sam­ BeaT Second-Hand Organ Drill Shed. 38 Finebury Circu., -eir«. tained its right to see things and London, E. 0. O.W. HENRY, ples on view at T. R. Pearson A ,Co.ta M-Good accommodation for Ladle, and RESIDENCE: Agnes Street, third house dw-delflti! Port Hammond, B. C. Store, Columbia St. Paper hannlnc at familiea. mrMe P. BALE CHF.AP. H.y be mn .1 men, not through the glass of party, /rom Mary Street specially tow rotes. dielUA Fthe Store ot ; . • .. eats bat as they are.—The Week. OFFIOE HOURS: 10 to 13; 2 to 5;«:!»to 8. dwjuite' *k»lJ'-&tfo'n*era1P3nt« THE CLARENCE WALSH'S jii.tiii-^-- As we have already said, even if H. OOOPBB, B. A„H, D„ G. Corner Yatei A Douglai Streets, Canada should relax or repeal the H, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON. HAVING TAKEN act which excludes our vessels, and OFFIOE and RESIDENCE-Church St. VICTORIA, B. C. TAILOKINU N&HAWiwrapj-8rro-i»ii*i-.. ve sbould in turn modify our "re­ (next door to Farmer.' Home), near Luudbom*. gliding, Front St. 0_ ,JS___ anal Ha - Columblast., New Westminster, B.O. FMNK fl. Rl WARDS, Ji. - • - LESSEE good order. For—" sponsive" measures, the dispute (Formerly occupied by Kyle A Tllton), premiMato OFFICE HODHS-8to 10a.m.; Ito8and OURISTS'HEADQUARTERS; FIRST W. PROTHEBO & CO. Or, Henn. DRA! would be: merely pnt in abeyance] 8.80to8p.m. Calls ln town and coun­ T Class In every respeot Pally np* MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN aplltc 4 HE; try promptly attonded to. fe2to EMPORIUM EUed wllh nil Ct»«le»ei of Modem IS NOW READY ji -Irould. not be settled. The situ­ loteli. New and Elegant In all Its Ap­ ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. pointments. Mm Moderate. to serve his customers and everybody ation would be unworthy of two nOBBOULB A Mooeix, Columbia 8tM New Westminster. with a. good a atock as a man wast, tb great and essentially friendly pow­ This magnificent Hotel is now open for .elect from. Span of Mares I BARRISTERS, ers like the United States and Great the reception of Guests. REMOVED mat *•»•«.. «n-eeri«, rravblau, FOR 8Aj^Ctre|A^ Britain, which do not desire a mis- SOLICITORS, ETO kBTNo pains will be spared by the man­ AVING JUST RECEIVED OUR NEW "WTo shop lately occupied by Mr. Darcy, CiMkny, Uaaiwan, IM, At. agement to make this Hotel pleasant and Fall nnd Winter Stook, wo Invite In undertfcadut, or a war. A dispo­ attractive. doc5tc H Columbia Street. , Come and .ee the' new plaoe, and let u. ELL BROKEN TO DOCBtt AMD Offloe, Mcken.le Street, New Westminster, spectlon of the finest selection of Call nnd examine our stock and price. know what you thlek of It, Single Huneu and sition '.f$ . tnemi the situation to a and Vancouver, B. O. Jy81dwto beforo buying. We can't be DIIDBMiB dwooiMo o. MCDONOUGH. a Offloe, 8 ; Eaglhh, Scotch. tlrroi«it» I'rcnck, In the city. Repairing of all klndaneatly rrwJ.-ffi*' party aiwantage in thia oountry m 0. ATKINSON, ud American done. W. PROTHERO A CO. would bs contemptible, and happily THOS. OVENS, seiste E. HUTCHERSON, FOR8ALE. '"V-*tirifcir hi* -at**, beyond the BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Ao, MANUFACTURER OF SUITINGS \*m_ P. PEEBLES. J. W. IIECKLEY NURSERYMAN A DEALER IS Ever shown In New Westminster. For 160 Acres of Mod rmtas ^iWleB' a fiery defiance of Ehg- MoKensle Street, a GOOD FIT and urtlslic style wo defy Frnlt and Ornamental Trees, competition, ~ j(<5*ood'politics-s" In the ' dwtelOto New Westminster, B. 0. LADNER'S LANDINO, B. O. «mlle,l»lowlheCltj,wltbagoMH«» " i.therefowi the rea THOS. WALSH. Peebles 3 Heckley NORNAK BOLE, Buggies, Carriages, mHE SUBSCRIBER WISHES TO IN- ,1T* «- an***."'"'! sonable, aad patriotic course is J. form the people of British Columbia w (NEAR MERCHANTS' SQUARE) that he has established a Nursery at Lad­ dfaliml Agne.8t.,Ne->-«rM. speedy, 'negotiation and a settlement BARRISTER-AT-LAW. ner's Landing, and Is prepared to III of coito-raal privttej-**s by treaty. all ordera for Fruit Tree.. Ornamental LandAgent, Monty to Loan. Look Here! Trees, Shrubbery, Vine., Small Fruit., We He*! uot fear that wa are less Blacksmith and Machinist Ac Tree, imported or home grown ao- ForSale! able t* raaeh « frieanly o-wlwstand- Colnmbia Street, FURNITURE cording to the wishes of customers. The subscriber has had a thorough praotleal 1 "Si2 £/%£JlM '\fivih%i*-sm_l ing thaii. to enforoe a half-hostile .alto New Weatmlnater, B.O. training in the builness, and having a TF YOO 'VANT TO MAKE A NICE MANUFACTURERS, "response'' or retaliation. S3 is the All Kinds of Machinery, Patent Locke, iermanent .take In tbe country lt lint, H. CLOW, fnterest to deal fairly with the public. He duty of th« United States, when Safei, Sewing Machines, 4o., 4c, will wait upon the varloua towns and set­ t^nadmiiiiftttitts Repaired. tlements shortly, and all order, will hav. veiy-tenU«> . iilj : •< -Juab other great nations are arming and c, ARCHITECT. hi. penon.1 attention. UPHOLSTERERS aulStc E. HUTCHERSON. Frajcrrlver. ,u , '-,,,.,,.1 ..,(* ... menacing the peace of the world OFFICE, tot the present, at residence on BLACKSMITHINC .nbMfclall^asaa. • MUVkMa. tait for no intelligible reason, to show Clinton atreet. Itt ait its branches. Farmers', Loggers', PRESENT Mill and Contract Work; Agricultural Spring and Wool littrenei tad that substantial international differ­ ' av* Word may be left at the Columbian Implements, and everjthuig ln the To a friend or relative, RO down to STIR* Budding alwars 01 hud. Offloe. tlwfeSto blacksmith line made to order. SKY'S and look at somo of those extra- ences ean be peacefully composed, ordinal'-' hargalns In New We.1., Nov. utk^sti' *"ftlH&. Having secured flrst-class workmen, we HAVE ON HAND THE ' --..-•• t '•,.-•-•-*., TTT, —Harper's Weekly. rilPT. PITTENDRIGH, feel confident of giving satisfaction. LAMEST AXD EOT RTME Will tar Horse-shoeing a specialty. ladles' and Gentlemen's Gold and SITIIKE 6S m MAIMUm. Carriage Works! More Belallatlon. dw-Jly81to] COLUMBIA ST., New WKST. Silver Watches, Chains, Brown Leghorns. LAND AGENT, AC, AC Charms, etc., etc. Hardware Hldn« laltc., U AA, t'kerry, H.lanl, ar Hakwny. COLUMBIA STREET, The fisheries retaliatory bill re­ Or If you want a useful ornament for your •TIHREE THOROCSHBHItD BBOWN house, exaraluo those-beautiful 8-day Estimates for Oflloe and Store Fitting.. * Leghorn Cock, for ula,. 1HM. an d-delto MoKensle Street, N. We NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. fine young bird., aid ther ar. 1 cently passed by tho senate of the striking Clock*, with cathedral gongs. An experienced upholsterer haa been very low pricea. Apply at tht. ol United States against Canada is not Stoves! Stoves! Ho Ui .selling at BOTTOM PRICES. engaged by the firm, who are now pre* A R. HOWIU, ared to do all kinds of work In theup- NOW ON HAND, A LOT OF considered thorough enough by the A, Formerly Howie. HIU A Rlokman. Fine Walek Repairing a Specially, and Eolsloryllne. ' djlyato begs to announce that he will resume but* Sleighs, colters, house committee on foreign affairs, Ineuaa good workmanship guaranteed. land Retutry Orflinwee, WW and another has been prepared on •ar Remember the place—tho "Blue 'BOIAl. Buggies, Bvrreyer* Beat Estate •raker am* Store." Ut*^in,Cr.a»n.«.w. the lines of the draft measure pre­ CeftTaj-amcer 3P. STixuiiflnr, Phaetons, pared by Mr. Manning. The new On and after the Unt instant. Offloe, New Gurney's Celebrat­ Democrat, Bipras bill will enable the president to pre­ Caledonia Hotel, Murray st,, Port Moody. dwan8yl Columbia St., Now West. INDUCEMENTS W«?ld^*li2S%« sel9to ed Stoves for Sale. and Farm Wagons. vent transportation by railway as m J. TRAPP, GUARDIAN well;, as by vessel between Canada Alao, a large atock of Baggy, Carriage, b b W.g«, Hid lif lib Material, TiT.
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