ft & ti 7 in h Kh1 US 1 Ji J WlilIlL I 1 1 ni h j Established July 1856. iVOL. XXVI., NO. 4600. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1S97. PKICK FIVE CKXTS. J. Q. WOOD. SPECIAL BUSINESS ITEMS. lished in the Advertiser on July '2d, ant on icial ciian;i:s. for the benefit of those who did not YEE WO DELUDED ATTnnMTV A HP I All SPECIAL SESSOi w if YOU BUY A SINGER, read it at the time, it is republishes Collector (icucral Castle Resigns. AND Yon will receive careful instruction here: F. U. 31cStocker to Succeed Him. rroiu a competent your teacher at "The United States of America and the James B. Castle, Collector General of NOTARY PUBLIC. home. Republic the nat- You can obtain necessary accessories of Hawaii, in view of Customs, has tendered his resignation ' ural dependence of the Hawaiian Islands OFFICE:. Corner King and di the company's offices. PPPQlrfPJl f f ISSIIRS-- R Pffl- - upon the United States, of their geo Two Bright Officers Mate to Minister Damon and it has been BM w 1 any Yon ma win gei prompt auenuon in j t graphical proximity thereto, of the pre accepted to take place September 1st. , Rtrt part or world, as our offices are ev the ponderant share acquired by the United Collector Castle will be succeeded by tUTvriiere and we give careful attention clamation. States and Its citizens in the industries Rail C. io all customers, no matter where the and trade of the Islands and of the ex Deputy Collector Frank II. McStocker. Dr. B. High machine may have been purchased. pressed desire of the Republic of Hawaii James H. Castle was appointed Col- Yon will be dealing that those Islands should be incorporated with the leading lector General to succeed A. S. Cleg-hor- n . I company in the sewing machine busi- - into the United States as an integral part D6ntlSt on ApriflS, 1S93. PhlladelphU Dental College 1892. nfi, having an unequalled experience chereof, uiid under il.s sovereignty, have He has held the and an unrivalled reputation the determined to accomplish by treaty an position since then, at times through Masonic Temple. Telephone 318. SENATE TO CONVENE 1 SEPT. 8 object so important to their mutual and GHILLINGWORTH, VI DA, SUCCESS strongest guarantee of excellence. seiges of ill health. During the past on easy payments. permanent welfare. To this end the high fiold Repairing contracting parties have conferred full year he has been to the States twice A. C. WALL, D. D. S. done. B. BERGERSEN. Aerent power upon respec 16 and authority their spending several months each tlmo. Bethel Street, Honolulu. tively appointed plenipotentiaries, to-wi- t: These trips were made in search of Dentist. The City Carriage Company possess The President of the United States, John -- - Sherman, Secretary of State of the Unit health and incidentally to work in the I CfDf firet class hacks and employ only To Ratify Treaty! of An- Eight Men and Opium LOVE BUILDING, Fort Street. ed States; the President of the Republic interests of annexation. Since his re- caretnj, steady drivers. of Hawaii, Francis March Hatch, Lorrin Oarriages at all hours, nexation to U.iS. Outfits Captured. turn a few weeks ago he has found GROSSMAN, D.D.S. A. Thurston and "William A. Kinney. ffl. E. deplume 113. Republic of Hawaii it almost impossible to attend to the JOHN S. ANDRADE. "Article I. The hereby cedes absolutely and without re duties of his office and for that reason all Dentist. serve to the United States of America severs his connection with the Cus- HONOLULU. GUIDE rights of sovereignty of whatsoever kind 8 HOTEL STREET. Taking: Time By the Forelock. in and over the Hawaiian Islands and Chillingworth's Tooth Ache Ruse toms department, believing that a long Office Hours: 9 am. to 4 p.m. THROUGH their dependencies, and it is agreed that rest at his Waikiki residence, without HAWAII. Will Avoid Delay Prompt all the territory of and appertaining to Worked Had to Get Past the cares of his office will restore I Action Expected. the Republic of Hawaii is hereby an- Barred Doors. him to health. A. J. DERBY. D.D.S. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. nexed to the United States of America Frank B. McStocker, who will no under the name of the Territory of Ha doubt succeed Mr. Castle, has been De- rOU SALE BY ALL NEWSDEALERS waii. puty Collector General during Mr. Dentist. "Article II. The Republic of Hawaii Castle's term, having been promoted AND HOTEL STREETS, FORT Ever since the treaty of annexation also cedes and hereby transfers to the Two of the happiest young men in from the position of store keeper. Ho Mott-Smit- h Block. WOMAN'S EXCHANGE. United States the absolute fee and own is in every respect capable and has Hours: 9 to 4. Telephone 615. 215 Merchant St. went into the hands of the Foreign ership of all public, Government or crown town last night, next to those whose - buildings or edifices, ports. proven himself at all times to be a Have on hand Hawaiian and Microne- lands, public engagegments are announced, were thoroughly aian Curios, Native Hats, Kapa, Mats Relations Committee of the United harbors, military equipments and all oth efficient officer. He has every and de been active in politics since ho attained GEO. H. HUDDY, D.D.S. and Calabashes. Hair-dressin- g and States Senate there has been more or er public property of kind Charlie Chillingworth and Henry Vida Manicuring Department just opened. scription belonging to the Government of his majority, is a staunch American less speculation as to how long, after the Hawaiian Islands, together with ev of the Police Department. They made and consequently an annex- Offices to rent. Home-mad- e Poi, Gua- - ardent Dentist. ery right and appurtenace thereunto ap- a successful raid on, what has been ationist. The selection of a person for FORT STREET, OPPOSITE CATHO- - j Ta and Poha Jellies and Jams a spec- - the treaty was passed in Congress, it pertaining. ialty. Floral Designs or Cut Flowers the office of deputy collector general LIC MISSION. would take to have it ratified by the "The existing laws of the United States considered, an impregnable opium joint will be re- to Telephone. 659. apply to left until Mr. McStocker 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. order. relative to public lands shall not kept by Yee Woo, the pork butcher at ceives Hours: From Hawaiian Senate. As long as Con such lands in the Hawaiian Islands, but his commission and assumes the the corner of King and duties of his office. gress was in session and the people the Congress of the United States shall Maunakea enact special laws for their management streets. A. S. HUMPHREYS. - reve- here were on the anxious seat of sus- and disposition; provided, that all The young men have been losing Question of Encampment. Best Mineral Water in nue from or proceeds of the same, except Attorney and Counsellor. sense as to the action Congress would as regards such part thereof as may be sleep for a week past devising means It is rumored that Minister King, xne iviarKei. take in the matter this speculating re used or occupied for the civil, military of making an entrance into the place not liking the idea of having the em- Office, Damon Bldg., Cor. King and purposes the United States E. R. ADAMS, or naval of and decided upon a plan night. ployees of his department off for Bethel Sts., Honolulu, H. I. garding the ratification continued but or may be assigned for the use of the last the Telephone 184. Fort St- - length of necessary 407 when Congress adjourned it apparent local government, shall be used solely Chillingworth was to get the tooth time to attend the for the benefit of the inhabitants of the ache, and find relief in the seductive proposed encampment of the First Bat- SAMUEL J. MACDONALD. ly ceased. for educational and H. HACKFELD & CO. Hawaiian Islands opium. Then they were to get a talion, N. G. H., at Remond Grove, Then Minister "Hatch returned and other purposes. at Law ."Article III. Until Congress shall pro- - Chinaman willing to lead the way. has stated his objections to Minister Counsellor since his arrival he has been closeted - 201 MERCHANT ST. viue for the government of such- Islands These provided for all that was needed Cooper and that the latter has shut snenn flaenfs, with the Cabinet on three different oc powers (One Door from Fort Btreet.) 31 Ciiiosi all the civil, judicial and military was a straw hat and Chinese blouse to down on the whole proposition. In- casions. The matter under discussion exercised by the officers of the existing quiry at military headquarter s last Honolulu. in said Islands shall be vest fit Chillingworth and plenty of nerve. was supposed to be the Japanese-Hawaiia- n Government night brought forth the following an- Corner Fort and Queen Sts., Honolulu. ed in such person or persons and shall be The trouble with the blouse was in the swer: j. m. kaneakua. difficulty and this supposition person or persons and "The report in one of the after- j. l. kaulukou. vested in such length of the sleeves or lse Charlie's noon papers is premature. There is a KAULUKOU & KANEAKUA. was reasonably correct as far as shall be exercised in such manner as the M. W. McCHESNEY & SONS " United shall di arms were too long. little question as to the encampment went, in one or President of the States Attorneys at Law and Maries Public: tne cabinet Ministers rect, and the President shall have power years but nothing has been decided on yet.
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