AFTERNOON NIGHT OWL Talk Shows Television > Today's Highlights

AFTERNOON NIGHT OWL Talk Shows Television > Today's Highlights

Page 6A East Oregonian TV TIME Friday, January 15, 2016 Alan Rickman, star of stage and ‘Harry Potter,’ dies at 69 LONDON (AP) — an acclaimed 1985 Royal DFWRUVDQGGLUHFWRUV´ and Irish politician Eamon British actor Alan Rickman, Shakespeare Company ³, FRXOGQ¶W ZDLW WR VHH de Valera in 1996 historical a classically trained stage star production of Christopher ZKDW KH ZDV JRLQJ WR GR GUDPD³0LFKDHO&ROOLQV´ and sensual screen villain in Hampton’s “Les Liaisons ZLWKKLVIDFHQH[W´VKHWROG He had a sideline in comic the “Harry Potter” saga and 'DQJHUHXVHV´ 1HZVZHHN VFL¿ EULQJLQJ NQRZLQJQHVV RWKHU¿OPVKDVGLHG+HZDV Film roles included Hans Mohammed Saghir, DQGIXQWRWKHVSRRI³*DOD[\ Gruber, the psychopathic WKH SUHVHQWGD\ 6KHULII RI 4XHVW´ LQ DQG GHOLY Rickman’s family said YLOODLQZKRWRUPHQWHG%UXFH 1RWWLQJKDP ² QRZ D FHUH HULQJH[LVWHQWLDOHQQXLDVWKH that the actor died early Willis in “Die Hard” in monial role in the English voice of Marvin the Paranoid Thursday in London after a D GHFHDVHG ORYHU ZKR Midlands city — paid tribute $QGURLG LQ ³7KH +LWFKKLN EDWWOHZLWKFDQFHU consoles his bereaved partner to Rickman’s version of HU¶V*XLGHWRWKH*DOD[\´LQ 'DQLHO 5DGFOLIIH ZKR in 1990’s “Truly Madly 5RELQ+RRG¶VIDPRXVIRH played opposite Rickman in 'HHSO\´ WKH ZLFNHG 6KHULII ³+LV VKHULII ZDV D JORUL Frequently charming in HLJKW ³+DUU\ 3RWWHU´ ¿OPV of Nottingham in “Robin RXVO\QDVW\FKDUDFWHUZKRLW SHUVRQ 5LFNPDQ ZDV E\ VDLG5LFNPDQZDV³XQGRXEW Hood: Prince of Thieves” ZDVHDV\WRORYHWRKDWHDQG KLVRZQDFFRXQWXQFRPSUR edly one of the greatest actors LQ DQG D ZD\ZDUG ZKR KH DSSHDUHG WR KDYH PLVLQJ DV DQ DFWRU 'XULQJ ,ZLOOHYHUZRUNZLWK´ husband in 2003 romantic Photo by Charles Sykes/Invision/AP, File great fun playing,” Saghir WKH¿OPLQJRI³+DUU\3RWWHU´ %RUQ WR D ZRUNLQJFODVV FRPHG\³/RYH$FWXDOO\´ Alan Rickman VDLG he maintained Snape’s air London family in 1946 and 0LOOLRQV NQRZ KLP IURP D SHHU UDWKHU WKDQ D FKLOG GHDWK+HZDVDPDJQL¿FHQW 5LFNPDQ¶V YLOODLQV ZHUH of haughty disdain even trained at the prestigious WKH 3RWWHU ¿OPV LQ ZKLFK :RUNLQJZLWKKLPDWVXFKD DFWRU DQG D ZRQGHUIXO memorable, and included an RIIFDPHUD Royal Academy of Dramatic KH SOD\HG +RJZDUWV WHDFKHU IRUPDWLYHDJHZDVLQFUHGLEO\ PDQ´ (PP\ZLQQLQJWXUQDV³PDG “The animal in me $UW5LFNPDQZDVRIWHQFDVW 6HYHUXV 6QDSH ZKR ZDV LPSRUWDQWDQG,ZLOOFDUU\WKH (PPD 7KRPSVRQ ZKR monk” Rasputin in a 1996 takes over,” Rickman told DVWKHEDGJX\ZLWKKLVULFK either a nemesis or an ally — lessons he taught me for the starred alongside Rickman 79ELRSLF The Associated Press in languid voice he could invest possibly both — to the titular UHVWRIP\OLIHDQGFDUHHU´ LQ ¿OPV LQFOXGLQJ ³6HQVH But Rickman’s screen ZKHQ KH DSSHDUHG HYLOZLWKZLFNHGLUUHVLVWLEOH WHHQDJHZL]DUG +DUU\ 3RWWHU FUHDWRU -. and Sensibility” and “Love UROHV ZHUH UHPDUNDEO\ RQ %URDGZD\ LQ 7KHUHVD UHOLVK 5DGFOLIIH ZKR SOD\HG 5RZOLQJ WZHHWHG WKDW ³WKHUH $FWXDOO\´ SUDLVHG 5LFN varied, and included the 5HEHFN¶VSOD\³6HPLQDU´ +LV EUHDNRXW UROH ZDV DV +DUU\ VDLG 5LFNPDQ ³ZDV DUHQRZRUGVWRH[SUHVVKRZ man’s “humor, intelligence, XSULJKW &RO %UDQGRQ LQ “You’re as polite as scheming French aristocrat RQHRIWKH¿UVWRIWKHDGXOWV shocked and devastated I am ZLVGRP DQG NLQGQHVV´ DQG $QJ/HH¶V¿OPYHUVLRQ SRVVLEOH EXW LW¶V QRW DOZD\V the Vicomte de Valmont in on Potter to treat me like to hear of Alan Rickman’s FDOOHG KLP ³WKH ¿QHVW RI of “Sense and Sensibility” SRVVLEOH´ Television > Today’s highlights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16/;57;5/9756A 9<1/9:<0@A3?H@23/A6 Tim Allen brings wholesome humor to prime-time in this comedy $# C3;7;5 EA?/ ;A );23?1<C3?<@@ /D/777C3 )/$9/ 9B39<<2@B?@32 $# about hard-working family man Mike Baxter. With a wife and three #3D@/A #3D@ (<;756A -'$# !<8< 39<6/# # #3D@ ' <903?A daughters, Mike struggles to hold on to his sanity while living in a !<1/9 /:79F +6339<4 3<=/?2F );2/A3 'B=3?@A<?3 /A397;3#3/AB?7;5>B/97AF7;C3@A75/A7C3 !<1/9 (63 #3D@ 3B2 <?AB;3 /093! '6<=974A 43/AB?3@0?3/87;5;3D@1<C3?/53/;2 #3D@ (<;756A world dominated by women. 3? ;3D@:/83?=?<4793@ '6<D Hell’s Kitchen +#3D@/A !7C3/A ;@723 );2/A3 'B=3?@A<?3 /A397;33/AB?7;5>B/97AF7;C3@A75/A7C343/AB?3@ +#3D@ (<;756A KFFX KPTV (11) 9:00 p.m. = : '3C3; 27A7<; /093! 0?3/87;5;3D@1<C3?/53/;2;3D@:/83?=?<4793@ /A Chef Gordon Ramsay puts 18 aspiring chefs to the test with intense cu- EA?/ !<1/9 ;A3?A/7 (63;@723?!/@A"/; ? 3; '6/?8( B@0/;2D743 1<:07;/A7<;<4 7::F 7::39(67@ linary challenges in this season premiere. Throughout the season, the #3D@/A ;:3;A 'A/;27;5 3;H@ A3/:6/C3/23C7134<? 7;A3?C73D@43/AB?3 27@A7;1A7C39/A3;756AA/98 contestants compete for a life-changing head chef position at a pre- (<;756A # %6F@71/9 0/073@A<@A/F<;A?/18 @A<?73@/;26/?267AA7;5 @6<D43/AB?3@13930?7AF # =/?3;A@A<@A/F@/;3 7;C3@A75/A7C3?3=<?A@ 5B3@A@0/;2@1<:32F miere restaurant. ()#3D@/A 3<=/?2F +6339<4 !/@A"/; ? 3;# '6/?8(/;8# () 7::F Hawaii Five-0 <?AB;3 'A# #3D@ 7::39 (19) KEPR KOIN %'#3D@<B? +<?92 "1!/B56 +/@67;5A< 6/?973 +79973#39@<;!70?/# &32?33; 6/?973&<@3# 9:00 p.m. #3D@ # ;+338# &<@3# '6<D An elite state police unit puts a stop to trouble in paradise in this re- +/987; B@7;3@@ %'#3D@<B? +/@67;5A< 2<9@/?F '1<AA/793F !BA63? !BA63? boot of the classic TV series. Alex O’Loughlin stars as Det. Steve Mc- A63%/?8 # ;+338# ?/;A 'B?=?7@3 Garrett, a former Naval officer who takes on organized crime and solves murder cases with his team. ?7:7;/9"7;2@ ?7:7;/9"7;2@% ?7:7;/9"7;2@7A ?7:7;/9"7;2@&B; );4<?53AA/093 ?7:7;/9"7;2@ '31?3A@/;2!73@ %A <4 1<;AH2;3EA %A <4 ?3/A67;5'=/13# %?<4797;5 Bring It! (<:0@A<;3+F/AA/?=1<:3@<BA<4?3A7?3:3;A ;3:F<4A63'A/A3.1A+799':7A6 @B113@@4B99/DF3?7@ /2<F@. LIFE 9:00 p.m. 4<?:@/5?<B=A<4756A/5/;5<4B;?B9F<BA9/D@ =B?@B320F/A?3/163?<B@#/A7<;/9'31B?7AF53;1F<44717/9 1A+799':7A6 Coach D comes up with a fantastic idea for the Dolls’ latest competi- (<3;;<B;132 (?336<B@3"/@A3?@ (?336 (D7;7E# (?336<B@3"/@A3?@# (?336<B@3"/@A3?@ 9 %?<<4 9 %?<<4 tion, but they may not get to participate in this new episode.

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