PUBLISHED DJILY under order of THE PRETSIDENT of THE UNITED STA4TES by COMMITTEE on PUBLIC INFORMATION GEORGE CREEL, Chairman * * * COMPLETE Record of U. X. GOVERNMENT Activities VOL. 3 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1919. No. 513 WAR TRADE BOARD ISSUES CONDITIONS INRUSSIA AS STATED REGULAR ARMY OF 500,000 NEW CONSERVATION LIST INSTATE DEPARTMENT REPORTS MEN PROPOSED INA BILL According to State Department advices, Swedish press reports from Helsingfors FURTHER REDUCING ITEMS report the bombardment of Narva from PRESENTED TO MILITARY sea side, and quote the Russian news- REQUIRING EXPORT LICENSE papers as stating that since New Year's COMMITTEE OF THE HOUSE Day the people have not seen bread, the only allowance of food being a half pound SWEEPING CUT MADE of unground oats per individual. Fac- MEASURE OUTLINED IN DECEMBER ORDER tories and railways are reported to be BY SECRETARY BAKER coming to a standstill, and numerous dis- turbances taking place, which are, how- Only About Fifty Commod- ever, being put down by Lettish and Question of Military Service Chinese troops. The papers also report ities Remain Calling for the organizations of Chinese and Korean Not Treated-Forceof Size Individual License as Bolsheviks at Petrograd resolving them- Proposed Intended to selves into the Chinese labor union and Against 900 Last October. the Korean national organization, who is- Meet Needs of Transition sued manifestoes to tens of thousands of ForeignTrade Rapidly Be- Chinese and Koreans working In Russia. Period-Principleof Pro- A Moscow report states that at the ing Restored to Normal. third meeting of the labor cooperation motion by SelectionAbove Food and Materials. the " communists " emerged victorious, Grade of Captain. the Menshevik; and the Centrists being of their power. A new Export Conservation List, ef- deprived Press statement by the Secretacy of fective January 16, and covering about 50 War, January 16, 1919: items as against more than 900 in the LICENSES FOR IMPORTATION The bill presented in the House Com- list of October 15, 1918, Is announced by mittee on Military Afigirs to-day is the the War Trade Board. Practically every OF COFFEE STILL REQUIRED result of the study made by the General commodity still on the Conservation List Staff for the creation of an army of requires the procurement of an individual The Food Administration announces 500,000 men, divided into such organiza- export license regardlees of destination. that the withdrawal of special coffee rules tions and arms as have been show ai by Commodities no longer on the Conser- and license requirements under the food our experience in this war to be appro- vation List require no individual export control act have no bearing on the re- priate. licenses for shipment to the United King- quirements of import licenses from the Army for Transition Period. dom, France, Italy, Belgium, or Japan, War Trade Board, and these are still re- and their colonies, and to other destina- quired. Under the law as it now is the present tions export licenses will be freely granted The War Trade Board, however, will Army is in process of demobilization, In most cases. no longer require coffee import licenses to Some provision is therefore necessary to the transi- Food List Materially Reduced, contain the clause that all coffees must authorize a regular army for be first offered to the Sugar Equalization tion period, and until the situation grow- Foodstuffs on the Conservation List Ing out of this war is sufficiently clarified reduced In number Board before they are offered elsewhere. have been materially are to enable the United States to determine since the signing of the armistice, and the Licenses for the export of coffee under the jurisdiction of the War Trade the permanent military policy which will same reduction Is even more apparent in have a proper relation to its needs and commodities other than food. Board and are not at present granted. the case of of the food control- act obligations. No effort is made in this bill Arms and ammunition, The provisions coal and coke, are still in effect. to treat the question of universal training moving-picture films, quinine and its com- or service, but merely to produce an army pounds, and jute yarns and jute nitrate deemed adequate to meet obligations and bags are to-day practically the only con- needs which can now be foreseen. siderable commodities other than food CONSULAR VISE NOT NEEDED still remaining on the Conservation List. ON MEXICAN EXPORT LICENSE Present Organization. In addition to the removal of the com- In addition to this the bill prox ides for moditles previously stated, tTMe Board an- The War Trade Board announces, in a the legalization of the present relations nounced the removal of copra. new ruling (W. T. B. R. 518), that the and organization in the General Staff in Rapidly Returning to Normal. regulations lnuounced in W. T. B. R. order to preserve what we have built up 320, issued November 19, 1918. to the as the result of experience and growth. As evidence of the rapidity with which The present organization of the War De- the export trade is being restored to nor- effect that applications for export licenses to Mexico should have attached thereto partment is of course a wide departure mal, it was pointed out that this latest from the organization which existed be- Export Conservation List contains only the order from the consignee bearing the vise of an American consul, have been fore we went into the wa, and it is wiser about one-quarter of the items included in to keep what we have than to go back to the previous list, issued December 24. withdrawn. Orders for shipments to Mexico- will no longer require such con- tite beginning and start over at soine fu- The reduction of regulations affecting ex- ture time. ports has been rapid and steady ever sular vise and need no longer be attached since the signing of the armistice. to the application for export license. Promotion By Selection. The list Is as follows: It is a part of the purpose of this bill REFUGEES TO SWEDEN. New Export Conservation List, anuary to enable the Government to officer the 16, 1919. The Swedish Red Cross relief expedi- newly constituted Regular Army by re- in the service officers of proved (* Individual licenses not required to Can- tion left Liban to bring 200 Scandinavian taining ada and Newfoundland. t Under special ex- fugitives to Sweden. according to advices ability ii ho have come in either from the (Continued on page 0.) to the State Department. (Continued on page 3.) 2 , THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETDT: THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1919. I UNITS EN ROUTE HOMEWARD Import Restrictions on Commodities ON 5 SHIPS FROM FRANCE Are Removed by War Trade Board The War Trade Board announces, In will now be Issued, when the applications AND NEW LIST OF OTHERS a new ruling (W. T. B. R. 519), that the therefor are otherwise In order, for the restriction upon the Importation of py- Importation of caseln or lacterene from NAMED FOR EARLY CONVOY rites has been removed. Licenses will any country. now be Issued, when the applications are otherwise In order, for the Importation of The War Trade Board announces, In a TROUSANDS ON BOARD pyrites from any country. new ruling (W. T. B. R. 516), that here- GEORGE WASHINGTON after licenses will be issued to any li- The Board announces, in a new ruling censee, where the applications theretor (W. T. B. R. 520), that the restriction are otherwise In order, for the Importa- French Liner Chicago Also upon the Importation of graphite or plum- tion of coffee from any country. The Sails With Large Contin- bao (W. T. B. R. 271, issued Oct. 17, direction of ImDortations heretofore exer- 1018), also the restriction upon the im- cised by th§ United States Sugar iquall- gent Due in New York portation of graphite crucibles (W. T. B. zation Board, as announced In W. T. B. B. 164, Issued July 11, 1918), have been B. 268, issued October 15, 1918, has beest January 22 - Transport removed. Licenses will now be Issued, when the applications therefor are'other- The War Tiade Board announces, in a Felix Taussig Scheduled wise In order, for the importation of new ruling (W. T. B. IL 521), that the To Arrive at Philadelphia graphite or plumbago, and graphite cra- restriction upon the importatlot of manu- eIbles, from any country. factures of wool (List of Restricted Im- With Casuals From St. ports No. 1, Item 80), has been removed. The War Trade Board announces, in Licenses will now be issued, when the ap- Nazaire January25. a new ruling (W. T. B. R. 522), that the plications therefor are otherwise in order, restriction upon the Importation of casein for the Importation of manufactures of The War Department authorizes the or lactarene has been removed. Licenses wool from any country. publication of the following Information: The transport Polls Taaafg sailed frtn St. Nasaire January 11 and to due Sick and wounded-Bedridden, 2 offIcers, Supply Company, 2d Battalion and Sani- January 28 at Philadelphia with the fol- 92 men; 1 nurse; others not requiring tary Detrehment, 56 officers, 1.202 men; lowing: Two nurses, Including one nurse special attention, 14 offieers, 768 men, 1 56th Engineers, Reghnental Headquar- sick, requiring no special attention. nurse, 2 Army field clerks. Total, 8,108, ters, Compnnles A, B, 0, Ind Medical De- 'I'bo trausport Lake Yerorton sailed and 21 officers and 850 enlisted men of tnchmeut, 25 officers, 800 men; 102d Bal- from Bordeaux January 11 and Is due United States Navy.
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