I I I I I t I I I' INTR.ODUCTION Tl¡e following list of Eible nartres is a cornpilation of rnacerial available irr tl¡c lrest Concordances and Bibie tr]ictiona¡ies. ]t is the concensr¡s of the meanings ul Bibiical names from many scholars. "ln the rnr¡ltitude of'counselqrs there isi¡rlil. ty." EXPI-ANATORY NOTES . fh" rneaning of'some tsible names is completely unknown, or is so doubtfirl that there is wide disagreement by Bible scholars-" These names are not found in our hst. If only two or three reference bo<¡ks give the sarne meaning to a certain Bible name, then we have indicatectr that the particular meanirrg given is very question" i:li1il-i,tl ll able,-by,T.eTs of a question mark used jn two diffe¡ent ways: (l) 4¿¿i I (orna" l.l;," :t.t:.t,.. ,: ',:t ment?): (2) Fas-dammim * trorder (or endi of'blood(?). 'it: t.,,:,t.ll. r:litii:i,r 1i In the first exarnple. the word (or words) witi be felrnd encieserJ in parent- iL heses, arid the last word is followed by a question rnark, to indicate that the rnean. i,.il.: , ll.l ing given is not generally agreecl upon. In the second exarnple, because the words i!.)li" itr l;r. .ttt!.]| "or entl" are in parentheses, the question ma,rk is placed aftei the last word, and be- : rrrllit..irir it,:.,rt,: r'.::t I .r:liii:!I li tryggn rlalgllheses, to indicate that the whole meaning given "border (or entl) lr!, : ¡lr - f il ,;, ofblood (?)" - is not generally agreed upon. ,..1 Words enclosed parentheses. irnrnediately i L,ri- !l{1i tri I il br¡t rrot flolloweti by a question ,. lit ,', mark, are used in the following cases: (l) ,{bihu - God is (rny) fáther. The wortl .,i1r..., :iitr'l-.r r: r l;1r,.¡rll r'lf ' (*y) parentheses rnd.icates ihat tniiii,ord is an alternate rdáOing, e. "'Gocl ir¡ ip i. i:i ttrl;, : .Li. :il.l1. father" is the prefer.r*9 "cod is rny farher" is also"an acceptable T9*¡lg,.but ir -:. t , ,; meaning for the word "'Abihu." (2) * \ i:' i r t ' . r : r , | ¡ ¡li i r l.l l[hira brother of (or is) wickedness. ln this .:jrr,. case, the word "or" ii!"it-r. :' , *brotherindicates that "i$" rnay be substituted ior 'bf'," so that th$ rneaninF are of wickedness," cir"hrother is wicketln*rs.í'(3) r ii i.,. l Gini&; lll¡:lilti dwellers in Gath (winepress). In this case, the word (or words) enclosed'in paren- iri il;::r. :" - ii, i \ theses give the nreaning of the Bible name which it fr¡llows. t,: irilllrrl :l l.l lr;11 r;,1 A,xternate ii-,.,-t ,ii) I I r': r. meanings indicated by the word "or," but not enclosed in paren. ¡rl, ''li ijtl ,'! : rJ irlL these.s. sigr¡ify thal rneaning ís preferred. For exarnptre: shaalbim -l .aue i.,i:tri .neither 1 or place of fbxes. "cave otr'f,oxes," cr "place of foxes," are equally acceptable ".) meanings. l' i.i:li i, ^ ,GgneraiJy speaking. orre Bible reference, giving book, chaprer and verse, i.c. Gen. tr:1 is given for each Bible name, to indicaté that tt¡e name has the same mean- ing wtrerever used in the Bible, and fhe reference gjven shows the first passagc where the particular name is used.. But, when one Bitile ruame in English represeriil two or more words in the original, with separate meanfulgs, then itls necessary t() indicatc in some way which referenccs go witn which mea¡ling. Forexample,Ábcl , (l breath (Gen. '.; ¡;r]li . ) or-vapor 4:2); (2) meadow (onl5, in tr Sa" 6: lB & II Sa. ZO: tS¡. This indicates that there lre two lrords in the original, having separate meanin¡1s. 'tli.l, but which are represented in the English language by the onJword, "Abel." oiro meaning is "rneadow," and it rneans thjs onlv in I sa.6:18 & II sa.20:lB. In rll sther references where "tAbel" is found, it nléant "breath or vapor." and thc ii¡rt reference where it has this meaning is in Gen 4:2. FIam black; (hot?) (Gen. _ - 5;32) (but not in Gen. l4:5). This indicart:s that in Gen" l4:5 another word is used in the original, whose meaning is unkrrowrr, or so questionable that it is not given. :l Achzib Deceit; deceivcr; (lie?) Aharah After ot lrr'lru¡,1 tl¡, lrlother - Brother folly (11 Sa. Aloth (mistresses?) (1 Ki. 4: l6). (Jos. 15 :44). (I Ch. 8:1). Ahitopel of - 15: l2). Alphaeus Changer; to changer (Mat. Adadah festival (Jos. l5:22). Aharhel After t)r I'r.lr rrr, I I lle in- - - goodness (1 Sa. l0: 3). Adah ornament, (bcat¡ty'l) ((-lc. trenchment (I Ahitub Brothe¡ of Ch. 4:tt ) Alush Tumult (Nu. 33: 13). 4:19). Ahasai Protector; (Ne- 14: 3). - - l)rr.,.,(...,i('f Ahlab Fertile place; fruitful (Jg. Alvah (iniquity?); (subiimity?) (Ge. Adaiah Jehovah has a<.lorncd ( I I 1 1 :13). - l:31). 36:40). Ki.22:l). Ahasuerus King (Ezr. 4:rr ) - Ahlai Oh that! Would that! ( 1 Ch. Alvan (sublime?) (Ge. 36: 23). Adam Man; human being; rctl Ahava (River?) (Ezr. ti: I 5 ). - (color (Ge.2:19). - 2: 3l ). Amad A place (Jos. 19:26). of the earth) Alr¿rz - Possessor; he that l)()ssesses (1 (red) (Jos. Aholah Her tabernacle (or tent) Amal Labour; fatigue Ch. 7: 35). Adamah - land l9:36). (ll Ki. l5:38). - - (Jos. Adar (fire?) (when (82.23: 4). Amam - Gathering place l5:26). - it refers to tlrc Alurzirh Jehovah has seized or (or (secure?); (permanent?) (Jos. ( Aholiab Tabernacle tent) of his Amana month) 15:3). ¡rosst:ssctl 1 Ki. 22:4O). (S. Adbeel (miracle God?) (Gc. (I father (Ex. 3l: 6). of S.4: 8). - of Ahhan llrother of intelligence has promised or 25:13). ('.1t.'2:)()). Aholibah - My tabernacle is in her Amariah - Jehovah (Eze.23: 4). said (l Ch. 6: 7). Addan Strong (Ezr.2:59). A nol lrcr; t lrc onc behind (I Ch. - Ahor (or tent) Amasa Burden; (burden-bearer?) Addi (ornament?) (Lu.3:28). 1:12). Aholibamah - Tabernacle - - places (Ge. (l I Sa. l7:25). Addon Strong (Ne. 7:61). Ahi Brothcrly; (rny) brolhcr (l (lh. of the high 36:2). - - water (1 Ch. Amasai Burdensome ( I Ch. 6: 25). Ader Flock (I Ch. 8:15). 5:15)- Ahumai - Brother of - - Amashai Burdensome (Ne. 1l: 13). Adiel Ornament God (I Ch. Ahiah Brother 4:2). - - of - of Jchovah (l Sa. possessor (l Jehovah has burdened; 4:36). l4:3). Ahuzam - Possession; Amasiah burden of Jehovah ( 1 1 Ch. l'l:16). Adin (voluptuous?) (deücate?) (ef- Ahiam The mothcr's or father's Ch. 4: 6). - - Ahuzzath possession (Ge. 26:26). Amaziah Jehovah is strong; strength feminate? ) (Ezr. 2 : | 5). brother (II Sa. 23:33). - - (of (Jos. 7: 2)" of Jehovah (1 1 Ki. 12:21). Adithaim Double booty (Jos. Ahian Brothcrly (l{lh. 7:19). Ai - Heap ruins) - Aiah Falcon;vulture (l I Sa. 3: 7). Ami Worker; builder (Ezr. 2: 57 ). l5:36). Ahiezer Brothcr ol hclp; brother is - - - Heap (of ruins) (Is. 10: 28). Aminadab People of liberality; my Adlai Justice, righteousness (I Ch. help; Brothcr wlto hcl¡rs (Nu. l:12), Aiath - - - Heap (of ruins) (Ne. 11:31). people is liberal; (my people is 27:29). Ahihud - (l) llr<¡thcr of renown (or Aija - Places gazelles (or deer) noble?) (Mat. l: 4). Admah Fortress; (red) earth (Ge. majesty) (Nu. 14:,27). (2) Brother of Aijalon - of - (Ios. 24). Amittai Truthful (l I Ki. 14:.25). l0: l9). mystery ( I (lh tt :7 2l: - " ). morning Ammi My people (Ho. 2: l). Adna Pleasure (Ezr. 10:30). Ahijah Brotlrt:r of Jehovah (I Ki. Aijeleth Shahar - Hind of the - - (Ps. People of God; (my people Adnah Pleasure (I Ch. l2:2O). ll:29). 22, title). Ammiel - - Ain Spring; eye (Nu. 34: I I is strong?XNu. i3: l2). Adoni-bezek Lo¡d of Bezek (light- Ahikam My hrotlrer who rises up or - ). - Falcon: vulture (Ge.36: 24). Ammihud People of praise (Nu. l: ning) (Jg. 1:S). stands ( ll Ki. 2'2:12\. Ajah - gazelles (or deer) l0). Adonijah Jehovah is my Lord (II Ahilud Brc¡tl¡cr ol'one born:brother Ajalon - Place of - - (Jos. Amminadab People of liberality; my Sa.3:4). of birth (ll Sa.8:16). l0: l2). - (Ge. 36:27). people is liberal; (my people is Adonikam My Lord has risen or Ahimaaz Brother of anger; (power- Akan - Twisted - Insidious (1 Cl¡..3:24). noble?) (Ex.6:23). rises (Ezr.2:13). ful brothcr?) (l Sa. l4:50). Akkub - Akrabbim Scorpions (Nu. 34:4). Ammi-nadib My people is liberal Adoni¡am Lord of height; my Lord Ahiman - Brother of (or is) a gift (Nu. - - - (l ( S. of S. 6: l2). is exalted (I Ki. 4:6). 13:22). Alameth - Covering; hiding Ch. 7:8). Ammishaddai People of the Adoni-zedek (my) Lord is justice; Ahimolech llr<.¡ther of the king (I Sa. - - (J (Nu. Lord ofjustice (Jos. 10:1). 2l:l). Alammelach - King's oak os. Almighty l: 12). 19:26). Ammizabad My people is endowed; Adoraim Two hills: double honor Ahimoth Brother of death (I Ch. - - (l Ch. people the giver; my people has (II Ch. I l:9). 6:25\. Alamoth - Virgins; soprano of given (l Ch.27:6). Adoram Lord of heights; my Lord Ahinadab Brother of liberality (I Ki.
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