' ->-ir ‘ ^ -U . I. ■\t '■; f 'SATDKTFAT, JULT I, ITOT <♦ V >Manchester Evening ' Herald The Weather Average Daily Qliralstlpn •f U. S. Weather Boreau For Um Month at A sm. 1S44 ConUnaed fair Weather aad mod- To Be Soloist Tot Seriously 8,762 rrate temperaturee tonight aad About T o w ^ Injured in Aelion Heard Along Main Street WE ARE FULLY EQUIPPED Tueeday. - /' Abmber of the Aadtt HurtbyAlito TO DO ALL KINDS QF B «r«M •< CtraohrileM Klitf David Lodge of Odd Fel- And on Some of Manchester's Side Streets^ Too Manch^ter— A City of Village Charm towi, together with dunaet Re- BODY AND FENDER WORK bekah Lodge, are planning a noep- Runs Into Street in the MAI^CHESTER. CONN,, MONDAY, JULY 3, ld4i ‘ (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE rUKEE CEN' ^tion in honor of Grand Xag|er Sectional differences never stop-vised that he would have had a Affir^Mss as Dlaaulng Manchester, and the la t-- better chance of making a sale Path of Car; Both His AND PAINTING N Chariea Roberta. Ja^ who recanUy eat development seems to be one ' without his high-pressure ngm a, attained the highest office within ---------- NO WAITINC! --------- - the gift of Odd IhUowa of the aided andj abetted by what might i role Legs Are Broken. otherwise be considered that most Should such a crew select Man­ aUte. The affair ia to take place chester for Its field of operations First Photo of Allies* ^Secret Weapon’ next SaUnrday evening, July S> at- impartial of all " things, the Robert T. Tayjor, the 3-year-old Manchester Motor Soles weather. There is. of course, no it would be well Jot housewives to M d M low a haU. Mr. Roberts ia be on the alert-If thej;e attempt to son of Mr. apd"^Mrs. Joseph Tay­ .»12 West Center Street . Telephone 41S4 Soviets Cut Nazi American 1st the third member of King David longer shy quarrel over the fact lor, of 22 Qlhrk atreet, was seri­ that certain North End thermo­ push sales by the same or a simi­ liodge to become Grand Master. lar story. ously injured late yesteulay aft­ meters one of them belonging to a ernoon ^'hen struck by a car driv­ high district official »lw»ys , ^ The Klwanls Oiib wUl meet as en by Mrs.' Louise Lent!, of 270 Escape RailWys; eustomarv at the Country Club able to cla m of Middle Turnpike, west, Gardner street. ' ’ Monday noon. The members will dhampionship rhsmn ' addressed to the commanding of- / ' According'^ to the report of Of­ ens New Attack; OBjoy a round table discu.'wlon on are admittedly mercurial champ-the ..Anti-Aircraft head- ficer Walter Cassells, the child . problems looking toward the bet- lons. I .quarters . at the Armory:A .m ..,.. nDear Col was playing in a lot at the corner But they are not much better tsm ent of the club. ^ . Bliinda; Can you not help u.s In of South Main and Mt. Nebo CLOSED Threat to wilno than tiecT for honora and beneflta our distress? All we want is one streets and was hit as he ran in the rain department. During the Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Hub­ of your gun battcrie.s. We do not across the street. Both of his legs dry'spell a thtinderahower ■ got a.sk even for a big 90inm. gun; we were broken. 10-Mile Wide Front bard and fanllly of 179 Main loo.se and drifted into this area. The child was taken to the Man­ Monday, July 3 and Tues., July 4. Tanks and Cavalry With­ street, have gone to Pleasure North B’ndcrs and South Enders will be sati.sfled with an ordinary War Goods ^ Beach for a stay of ten da,ys. They OOnim. Just give us also a squad chester Memorial, hospital and aft­ in 10 Miles of Minsk alike heard »-it dlatiirbing their of men with hand grenades and a er X-rays were taken, he was re­ will be at the Palmer House. sleep, and turned back-to their pil­ Drive Toward .German few of your marl'smen and ex­ MIs!^ Pearl Oleaerke moved to St.. Francis’ hospital. Today; Reds Capture Ueut. Robert J. .Martin lows -With thoughts of green, wet Quota. Falls Bad Weather No Herald Stronghold of La Haye V Perhaps it Is the hot weather gardena toe next morning. But perts for sniping duty. For you sea, dear Colonel, some peaky MiM^ Pearl Gicsecke. daughter MANCHESTER DRY CLEANERS Slpboda and Wilejka; |SK.,that induces tht, young men on Second Lieutenant Robert J. the Shower cast only a thin edge Tomorrow du Fuits; Doughboys. if;^toreycles^^to attempt to make y I reported injured over the railroad tracks, and Its woodchucks, are roaming right of and Mrs. W. E; Gicsecke of Russians Describe Re­ beside your armory. They do not Bolton, will be the featured soloist LIQUOR DEPT. 93 Wells Street Telephone 7254 Goal Holds Air Raid .spdedway_r—^ of ^Main street o .iromi . in action in Italy, sustained- a main line seemed to follow Center ' Fight Forward on Mud- street. It took that flnal soUil disturb your-soldiers, but they are ■at the first of the union services treat as Full Rout. / Middle Turnpike to D e ^ t • Urol^en le^. It has been ascertain- ruining every Victory garden to OPEN AS USUAL.* No matterroatter what the reason "is the|“ l^led and la getting------ along--------- nicely.- ,iHe . week of rain to make North End- tomorrow morniiig at 10:30 of Tomorp'w (Independence Bogged Fields Under the neighborhood.’' the Emanuel and Concordia Lu­ Army Asks War Produc- xTo Minimum practice is sure to epeH the was one of the Chnnectlcgt 1bom era forget the Injustice and stop MINIMUM PRICES! Moscow, July 3.—;(JP)—So-j Day) there will be no is­ Heavy Artillery Bar- _tor the speeders. Going ovm | who graduated from San their envy o f South End gardens. theran churches, at the latter 2 ^ 5 tinfir naat P'**'^***'* Who graduated from o».. Shoppers along Main street viet tanks .and cavalry struck (tore Board to Exert sue of The Evening HeT- highway at 70 Angelo school of the West Texas Last Thursday evening the score church. Miss Giesecke Was grad- ,rage; Local Advances soAA manymanv side streets Is not . I/--.rD*ssK.*tsowv urith th# was evened somewhat. This time have brought to the ^ en tlon of \iated from Manche.ster High within lO' miles of Minsk to­ More *Vigorf^uS Efforts Strong Blows Struck ald. (^adrangle in February with the this depsrtment, theycondition of dangerous for the offenders but it rahk of Second lieutenant, •It. was the. South End which had school on June 2 with honors. She 41H 1H U JR Announcing The Owning day, and another column Against Nazi Flying I Gain Good Positions. is sure to cause accidents eventu- toe dubious pleasure of watching the Red Cross flag jb a t floats from has been studying the voice for To Speed Weapons. Lieutenant Martin is a graduate the window of tocnl Red Cross carving deep beyond that city •lly. ' of Manchester High school and toe the main strength of a veiy good some time with local and New Bomb Platforms; Oil, headquarters in the House and Yoi k teachers. hammered within 65 miles of Bulletin! Hartford Secretarial achool. He shower pour Its beneflta down on 4ii -,i, — Washington, July 8— (S*)—As­ Advertisement— worthy North End gardena. Hals block.. They say It ia so Wilno, which is only ' 100 Refineries Raid Targets 1 r y tO S m a s h Supreme Headquarters Al­ was fonpiierly employed by the fs<l*d' thgt.the red cross la not serting that war material quotas Hamilton Standard Propeller com­ This department’s attitude on miles from East Prussia. lied Expeditionary Force,^ ; ' The Office of Dr. C. M. Parker, even ret^gnlzable. of these curlers I got at the Beau­ are’ falling behind schedule, the gS9 Main street, will be cTbaed un- pany. 'He ia one of alx aons of the matter Is strictly impartial. ty Shop?" And sure enough it Pounding at the front gates July 3. — (JP) — Americ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Martin of We are unreservedly for ^enty of worked. In fact the husband "" Peterson Studio o f Minsk, Red Army men cap­ Army has asked the War Produc­ Real Civil War jtil July 10. rain for everybody. Wlrouth wUI be served,’’ the say- troops attacking south ^ 13 cedar atreet. Another non. swears that the pipe cleaners did THURSDAY, JULY 6 tured Sloboda, 12 1-2 milee to the tion board to exert ."more vigor- baa^ American bombers w , Corporal Thomas Martin, former­ l o r p m and n might give some A 0 ^ northeast, and then puabed with­ Cherbourg peniiuula /iiave o f our more sober clttsena a shock not go to war at all. He says bus” efforts to step up the manu­ Photo sbbve Is the first released o f a recently dlsrloaed Allied "secret weapon " the/portable Bailey struck at Budapest In Hun- lfiesg|gi, 14 t*Slt'l 4^*4X ly of Fort uackson, is now at F oil During these war times news­ women have so much Influence in in IQ milca of the White Russian gary for the second straight AllSAtAC; J. 1. captured St. Joref, five miles to notice bow easily Manchester ‘‘The Place To Go for Beautiful Portraits!” , facture of weapons. bridge which General Montgomery credits with much of the success of tba Tunisian./Sicilian and Ital­ 1 Bragg, N. C._____________________ papers play an Important part In this country they diverted the capital.-'^ day today, German broadcaata south o f St.
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