PAGE TWO CALEDONIAN-RECORDMONDA- Y, SEPTEMBER 12, 1921 Big Racing Program Vermont Pharmacists CONLON HAS Days. j for County Fair , Hold Annual Meeting For Torrid At the annual meeting of the Ver- BEST AVERAGE i (Continued from Page 1) enjoyabìé "Pick Me Up" mont State Pharmaceutical assoc-iatio- n A stimulating and American Harvester, Newport at Lake Dunmore Septem-be- r ON BALL TEAM easily made and at trifling cost, is Stock Farm, NcMrport; Raj"tmò, Sth these officers were elected : E. B. Hyde, Brandon; i A. F. Trask, Laconia, N. H. ; Wm. President, Din; J. H. Rouche. Laconia, N. first vice president, Eaiie L, Pel-su- e A. Stellar ' , Middlebury; second vice Fairbanks A. " li.; , Hiiiy-o- John Dawson, Ply-- ! of Bran- Prac-ticall- y moiÀh; Buick, M. St. Jam-- s, Stan-- l president, Frank Gilbert of Stop Led In tLJi.y Oakley Short bridge, P. Q.; Leda Dewey, A. Gil-- j don; thircl vice president, r, Every Dept. ili? l lipeap, iStar.bridRe; ' Gay Dewey, S. Skinner of Windsor; secretary-treasure- F. W. Churchill of Proc-to- r. ; f 'John Oraves, Boston; Alcander filli The trustees of the Perma-ne- nt cui'tain fel'. on th min l Islo, .1. II. Roche, P. Q.; Whsn the Tumcr, are Ralph C. Root of Cochato Direct, Ir. H. Seavey, Piy-- I Fund 1021 base ball season in .St. Johns- BrattlebOrO, O. W. McShane of ' H217 mouth; Gremii Mt. Kid, P. C. Ilus-- ; bury Labor Day afternoon five W. B. Shangraw of Rut-lan- d. az? 3H uSL sfll, Vertronnes; I.rown Gentry, Poultney, .meimber.s of the Fairbanks A. A. A. Chcvalier St. Hyacintb; For- - hcld places in the .300 class of Among the out of the state while several others were of any in America. rette, A. P. Haitna, E. HisliRate; guests were Prof. E. H. LaPierre hitters Largest sale Tea ; to percentage. A re- liyron, F. C. Tobcy, Plymouth Leon A. Thompson, dose that - and Prof. vival in M'as started a Orace Dawn, F. C. Tobey; Brad- the Massachusetts Col- hittini? Man, F. C. Tobcy; Guy Wor-- : couple of weeks or more ago and foni lege of Phai-mac- and the Massa- M. Pickel, Newport: Dr. since then the locai boys have thev, F. chusetts State1 Pharmaceutical Kilburn, F. C. Tobcy Plymouth. been meeting the ball with great consisteney. Ga. Shot Gun Shells 2.1!) CLASS MIXED, PURSE $400 Considcrable discussion took season 12 Wo-man- 's Those who finished the place on the formation of a ur P, Cavell, were-Ar-th- INOWHAVEMY FULL LINE OF Francis lìosash, E. was voted in the much sought club Ragtime, A. Auxiliary, and it stop, IColebrook; F. Irask, in the hands "Jocko" Conlon, short .T. Rouehe; to leave this matter Laconia; Wm. King, H. such an ."C; Bernard Starr, catcher, .32(; 65c a Box Cole-,l)i-oo- a committee to organize l'iiday, Q., J. A. Hinchey, k: of Clarence Vitty .pitcher .SI 2; Fu!-l- er j Dtlagoos Southern Lady, auxiliai'y. 'Chuck" Martin .center fielder, Har-l-in- d sec- 5000 Shells we G. S. Davison, Holderness; EAST BARNET .304; and "Dutchy" Richerelli We have Black Pattcher that show-e- d K.. G. S. Davison; Pony Ex- Cham-berlain- man. .300. Conlon The auetion at Charles 's ond base Ci. A. Lyn-donvil- hav-in- g sell price while they last. ' press, McShane, Agt., Tuesday drew a crowd of the big gain of 52 points, will at this Newport .314. complete. I have the largest and most up to date line to select from in Ileleii Peters, 500 people. risen from In contras Stock Farìii : Margaret Caron. .. to "Jocko's" mighty gain, Martin One-pip- e Mr. Benway is moving his mill AH new fresh shells. Furnaces I carry Har-vesti-'i, Northern Vermont. For the V. Young, Woodsville; Ani. Randall lot to the Foster dropped 91 notches a come down E. from the Newport Stock Farm; lot and is expecting to commence from an even .400. Vitty and A. S., A. F. Christopher, Lyndon-vill- e; work there soon. Richerelli made material gains Major Prisco, W. C. Tripp, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Laundry and while Starr lost two points. C. B. CHASE ',l''a'i'll,,ll'Vl'M Morrisville; Forrette, A. P. Han-- : Mrs. J. S Bandy spent. Saturday Conlon leads in scoring the International ria, E. Ilighgate: Han-v- , C. E. Vanville largest number of base hits. He at Charles Wilson's in SrORTIXG GOODS Ifiwale, Colebrok; Neil Sabbie, E. F. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Welch and has hit safely on 32 occasions Irown, Groveton; Dr. John, John daughter of Croton spent Tuesday while Starr, his nearest competi-to- r, Finley, Colebrook; Quicksand, N. hcre and attended the auetion at has made 30 bingles. Richer- Glenwood and E. Parks: Roxy Auduhon. P. C. Charles Chamberlain's. elli is third with 27. Russell; Boll Bov P. C. Russell; Miss Mary Warden returned to Conlon is the leading run get- Jack Foibes, P. C. Russell; Green her school at Lyndon Institute ter, having erossed the piate 17 Mt. Kid, P. C. Russell; Cochato Monday. Robert Warden also times. Starr and Maher are tied Direct, L. H. Seavy, Plymouth; commenced school there this year. for runner up position. neh hav- Steel Morrill ing scored McLaugh-li- n Quaker L. lfi Lucy Black. IL Seavy; Direct Mr. and Mrs. Charles markers. Axvvorthy, Dr. Coolidge, Bristol; and son Walter of Barnet and Mi- has third place with 15 My Glenwood line was never more com- Angus Boy, Coombs Brothevp ami Mrs Clarence Morrill and Of the regular members Vitty has H. A. WILC0X Sherbrooke; Little Prince, H. F. daughter, Marion of Concord, N. tallied the least number of times. Mon- plete. iM iiÉ.'&&1LM Pierre. Stanstead; Gay Dewev, IL, visited at R. H. Hoyt's He has live counters,o his credit. John Graves, Boston; Buick. M. day ' BATTING AVERAGES HARNESS MAKER St .Jair.os, Stanbridge, P. Q.; Leda Gates and Carrie Somers and G AB R H AV Cali and see the most wonderful and Dewey, A. Gillipeau: Ringo John Annie Warden and Mr Whitehill Conlon, ss 25 !)0 17 .35r; the very latest parlor heater, The Estate Davhon, Plymouth; Bell Lacondn, of Rycgate took a four days' tip Starr, c, If 24 8!) ir, 30 .32f. C. J. ITanley, Essex- - Dr. Kilbum, through the White Mountainh and Vitty, p, rf LI 48 5 15 .312 Heatrola, The Parlor Pipeless Furnace, fin-ish- ed F. C. Tobev. PIvmouth; Quecn different places in Maine and New Martin cf 5 23 3 7 .304 Bond, C. J. Hanley, Essex. Hampshire last week. Richerelli, 2b 25 00 12 27 .300 in Mahogany to harmonize with fìnest UHÌÉ' Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Taft of St Goode, p, 11 40 7 11 .275 rf 2.fì0 CLASS MIXED, Purs--e $1)00 end at home furnishings. Johnsbury spent the week Brackett, lf, e Cornado Bell, Roaring Brook Fred Landry's. 11 43 9 11 .250 Stabb Barton; Jersey Girl. Roai-in- g m.. nnd Mrs. E. M. Randall and Maher, 3b 25 80 1C 22 .247 Horse Goods t Steam, Hot Water and Vapor Heating. Stable; Clara Wilkes, familv and Mr and Mrs Sarti Coi'; McLaughlin, lb Dr. Brown, Lyndonville; Charlie m ' descrip-tio- n Uhm riveau and lamiiy mutui 25 90 15 22 .234 of every a, Plumbing and Sheet work K., J. A. Hinchey, Coleibrook ; port Sunday. Downey, rf, p Lit-tleto- n, Tents done in a most satisfactory manner. 3S George Lyons, Woods- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Welch of 25 87 13 20 .232 ville: Am. Harvester. Newport N. H, have been spendmg Conner lf 13 39 10 7 J77 years at the same old stand. Stock Farm: Ruby Frisco. New- a week here with relatives Hoemle, c C 14 4 2 .1G7 Army Blankets port Stock Farm; Pay Roll, Dr. When the season closed four Easton N. Craftsbury; R., EAST RYEGATE players had perfeet aerages Powers - J. Rancour, Concord; Dawn, F. Mr. and Mrs. F. IL having accepted ali chances with-ou- t K. Kittredge, Woodsville; Hailie Mi- - Stevens and Miss Ina Ilunt BAGS REPAIRED H- Satunlay to error. They are Charles GOODRIC S., F. K. Kittrodge; Ultimate, G. weVt to EitoI, N. H., Hoemle, Ralph J. Brackett. "Pus" e M. Ashlev. Lincoln, N. IL; Judge over Labor day. Brac- stav Conner and Fuller Martin. 89 R. R. Street. Phone 180 Clayton, IL C. Aldrich. Whitefield, Hasel Stevens of Salem, Mr. Mrs. kett has had the largest number V,. II;. Grace G., John Graves. Mass., is visiting Mr. and of plays without miscue taking 28 li Boston, Mass.; Dewey, and otlver relatves. chances. Francis Powers daugh- The fielding throughout tm .1 olin Graves; Bruce Audabon, Mrs W S. Lackie and the summer, on the whole, has Ladd Bros; Ouiia B, Ladd. Bros.; ter Margaret spent Wednesday been Ryegate exceptionally good. Few of Tilton. N. IL; iDrect Axworthv, and Thursday in South the games have been lost as a re DANVILLE Dr. Coolidge, Bristol: Lucy Black, at F. J. Tewksbury's. Mrs. Lackie sult of bobbles. th-- New L. IL Seavy. PIvmouth; Bel! Boy, attended the meetings of ' held FIELDING AVERAGES Weeks Items of General Interest P. C. Russell, Vergennes; Jack York Synod which were at PO A E AV from "The Green" Forbes. P. C. Russell; Hollyrood South Ryegate. Brackett, c, lf 23 5 0 1.000 fvlrs. S. team N. Insalls has resigned Effie, P. C. Russell; Baioness The Fast Ryegate bajl Martin, cf 12 2 0 1.000 as correspondent of inteivsting game at TEACTOR this paper, a Watson, E.
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