Walt McPherson 15 "Bull" Lewis xxvi SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, FRIO:kV, OCTOBER 8, 1937 Number It lly ;ad the an Conference On Death Trap 'ea the UNLESS . (las Strong Arizona State de- CITY, tonight's game with Nor- COLLEGE COUNCILS ads thern Arizona State MAY BE Eleven Gunning For without the benefit of the of planned light stunts. TO DISCUSS CROSSING :;els Victory Over Sparta This was made directly pos- the tilde by the selfishness of 20 of Construction Of Pedestrian Underpass Only people whose need for the p00 to Dud DeGroot To Coach Start First String Satisfactory Solution To Problem Says can lights was more pressing than Tonight Against Burly Lumberjacks 1 that of the student body of City Manager Clarence Goodwin San Jose State college. the MC PHERSON AT FULLBACK If those 20 have the cour- By ORA LINDQUIST vele age to return their lights, they Need for immediate action upon the "Death Trap" dangers on 'earl Birlem To Take Over Quarterback Duties will find a cardboard box in- Fourth street being felt, the San Jose City Council and San Jose are For Nation's Highest eats Scoring Eleven side the Student Union, where ;State college student council will confer Monday night on the pro- vela they have a chance to become posed construction of a pedestrian underpass on San Antonio and By WILBUR KORSMEIER ; to Fourth streets. A severe test for Coach Dud DeGroot's rampaging Spartan grid., as honorable as the majority ders will be on tap at Spartan Stadium tonight when Coach Garret of us. ' "An underpass would be the best solution to the problem,' are Arbelblde presents his burly Lumberjacks from Arizona State College -BOB FREE. San Jose City Manager Clarence B. Goodwin declared. "Erect traf- Nen at Flagstaff. The invaders base their strength on a beefy line and a l fic signals at the intersections and Fourth street would lose its value bout of ball -carrying speedsters. I couple las a service lateral through the iety Touted as "stronger than Pay eon- ifie". the Flagstaff eleven will be Resulting from an extensiv.. gunning for a third straight vic- tory. Losers to Texas Tech by a campaign conducted by the Spar arv- ig t Stunts blocked kick that resulted a j Feature Kally In /bet SEE PAGE 2 touchdown, the Lumberjacks have 4 - affie FOR POLL come hack to trounce Whittier e ta college 9-0 and Cal Tech 26.J 300 Flashlight tan Daily, the student council, act- Arbelbide combines a University, And It Comes Out Here . ing Monday night, delegated Ben of Southern California defense with the team will be the first this year Lo Used As New Melzer, junior member of face the Spartans with "sucker" group, to contact opinions of the of playa. Yell Leader city officials upon the relieving HIGHEST SCORES the Fourth street traffic dangers. The local gridsters, still the na- underpass cannot be con- Ivied Leads "An tion's highest scoring football oui sidered and will be of no use un- fit, are primed for a victory over less college students agree to use :ly is the Arizona outfit. After snowing - RALLY STUNTS Mr. whet under Idaho and La Verne by 99 it, however," emphasized UI be points, the College of Pacific Tigers Three hundred student body- Goodwin. San Jose State college pen will rose up and barely lost to the owned With the cost of the underpass Spartans, 12-7. flashlights last night glowed from a, to The game tonight , approximating $7,500, the con- night will be the fourth on the lengthy ! the hands of like number of Spar- struction of two more may be con- State 14-game schedule. tan rooters to preview tonight's Northern Coach Dud DeGroot is taking I bleacher stunts feir the sidered if the dangers necessitate Arizona State-San Jose State foot- .A.1.1 (Continued on Page Three) such action. ball contest. 3runo "It seems to me that traffic Featuring five different stunts, ed to the best solution," which included spelling of the lights would be rt of Class Treasure words "Dud", "G.A.", (Garret Ar- I Dr. T. W. MacQuarrie asserted than pro- belbide), "SJS", "N.A." (Northern yesterday. "An underpass would be "EXHUMED": may Lcticit Arizona), and a huge portrait of a expensive, and Fourth street highway, n (Continued on Page Pour) not always be the through Bob Numerals Taken bow their Not unlike the exhumation of the: dead, the , head graveyard of senior Spartan Knights' classes today yhoe gave up silent evi- dence of the past. ; over Bringing After-Game Dance Cancelled mon- back a dream of long queues of ghostlike grad- mask of mystery !stunt, Johnny Diehl, erstwhiit uates in black, two containers Utilizing the NG "Duke", vehemently denied the- filled with lists of the grad- which surrounds their organization, d the . charges and announced the dances Jack uates of the classes of '27 and the Spartan Knights today had '30 will be presented after the nex; JOY were found beneath the "Finding Love for . Stepping out of the BIG horn for tonight's BIG game is cancelled the home game. Meanwhile dance en- plaques in the quad given by as Only a Dime" Friday night dance thusiasts who had looked forward the classes of pretty little Gloria (Shirley) Thomas . She leads the band e our those years. Left moral (physical) scheduled as an "after game" fea- -to the event still had the "Campus" y - in the ranks to answer the world's youngest drum major" (fl. Lending ture for today. dance at the Women's Club in Free "Present" to the the i is the BIG horn and winsome Violet Glahn, a "major" roll-call of support show their terpsichorean clams Accused of propagating the which to y-stu- of '30 are faculty members attraction in the last three games. dance announcement as a publicity wares after the grid tilt. Mildred Doris Gentry, Sibyl Han- Half-time entertainment takes the spotlight on the turf to- chett, DeWitt Portal, and Evelyn night when these two "little entertainers lead six-foot six inch Amaral. Names on a program of the Johnny Knight and the San Jose State college band. Shirley will graduating class of '27, which Nice swing the baton (whoopsit’s too big) for her first appearance. Cops To Talk iY Was buried in a tin box, are no Spartan Daily Photo by Anello Ross, longer legible, the paper moldy and brown with age. Police Studes Learn Speakin' With a gruesome finesse the Arizona State vs. Spartans "Oh, for goodness sake, yo big bad name: Edge over to the curb. numerals will go to meet a Do you think you're going to a fire or something?" or "You can - fate similar to the paper buried or happen here. I'll slap your wrist. Dear me!" SO long ago. Tradition must ty Perhaps this isn't the type of language used on the police force, die, and an end must come to but it might very well be in the future. Public speaking is now part all thingsthe numerals shall of the curriculum for police students at San Jose State college. and be melted down in a cremation some twenty or so students are now taking it. of memories. See The Game 8, 1037 PAGE TWO SPARTAN DAILY, FRIDAY, OCTOBER editoriai page To The Fourth Estate THRUST SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE A TRIBUTE AND PARRY SPARTAN DAILY "All of our people are Asked to give consideration to the un- CONTRIBUTORS' COLUMN Dedicated to the best interests of San Jose State Published school day by the Associated Samdasts ei Sae Jam Stat swerving services of newspapers." BAILEY'S FAN MAIL ovary With these words Governor Frank Merriam proclaimed October Entered as second class matter at the San Jose Post Oates deer editor. Pries of Cali, Printing Co. Lohankte 411 kei South FIrse_Se. 4-11 as official Newspaper Week. Three hundred and fifty publica- we hay bin subscribin to yer Suboeription 7k par quarter or SIM per poor. tions in the state of California are celebrating this occasion, and it is sheet fer a long time, and up until a good time to appreciate the work of the newspaper as a service to CHARLES LEONG BDITOI today we hay had know cauze for 545 South Seventh street humanity. cumplaint. However, evin a noose- FRANK 01SON BUSINESS MANAGa POLICY ACCORDING TO NEED Office Phone Ballard 7100Residence Phone Columbia 2129 paper kin go to far, and you hay The large daily through its news and editorials helps to shape went. Now, mr. Bailey is a fin EI)ITORIAL BOARD and foster public opinion. This is the real function of the paper, al- gentlmun, to a certain degree. Associate Editors Jeanne Morehead, Ora Lind* though it serves as entertainment to millions. Smaller cities and towns but when he resorts to such par- Victor have their own country weeklies that are designed mainly as the Feature Editor Carlo: onomasia as was in this paper, social organ of the community. Various trade journals are edited with Sports Editor Wilbta Korstnne persons for which they are in- then sum actun must be took. Are an eye to the specialized activities of NEWS EDITORS BUSINESS DESK dander is up! Wy must the moral tended. Jeanne Morehea,l. Monday; Ray Minuets, James Marlais, Joe Haas, Dove M. of the school be bustid by such Tuesday; Bob Work, Wednesday; James Frank %Vil PROVING GROUND Umiak, Thursday; Ben Hitt, Friday. NEWS DESK COLLEGE A low wit as that list of vocabulary Helen Hooker, Betty Itemise. Ens types of newspapers, the college paper FEATURE DESK liarvie.
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