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(1*85"%'01$4$9/$ 0/$,,'BB''ACDEF' !$9;"'BB''AHDEF !'# $ %& $ '" #37 :";"-$9*$%'<9$="'!"$Ser>"&ved0/$,, with'BBC''IDhickEF' R!$9ice;" en'orBB''ACDEF F riesFingers 6 . 99 !$5!''$%&$'( !$5 Flushing, MI 48433 #38 :";"-$9*$%'?$,$@$, 0/$,,Deb'BB''IDEF' oned!$9(7*6J;"'BB''ACDEF C"%hick'5*%<en ".& 6.99 KCEE (7*6J"%'5*%<".& KCEE #37 Chicken Fingers 5.99 P: 810-487-9799 0*7"'J97"9& Side Orders F: 810.487.9796 Add Feta 1.49 or Black Olives 1.00 Available on Mon & Wed Only Side Orders Cup 3.99 Bowl 4.99 Quart 9.99 Add Chicken I.*%Jor Lamb 3.99& gototetasgrillI.*%J& .com #39!'-$%&$(. or 40 K)//)&'L*-1'+*-Hummus$ K$,@' 'QDEF W'' ?),,ith' ' RDEFPita Half 5.99 Full 8.99 !(##39$%&$(" or 40 '()Hummus*+'(,*- ./0(12)34 Half 6.99 Full 9.99 '()*+'(,*-./0(12)34 M$#$'<1$%%.);"'4*-1'+*-$ K$,@' 'QDEF'' ?),,' 'RDEF Temporary Business Hours #41!('#41$%&$(( or or 42 42 3$##.),"1Baba Ghannouge0-1K$,@B'aba'QDEF"2&''3("?),, G' withhannouge')RDEF&0-1 P"2ita&!4#() "2Half&-# 5.99&56#7/Half Full 6.998.99 Full 9.99 0-1"2&3(")&0-1"2&!4#()"2&-#&56#7/ !()$%&$(* Fatoush K$,@' 'QDEF'' ?),,' 'RDEF !"##43!(+#43$%&$(, or or 44 44 :";"-$9*$%'<9$="'T!"$abb>"& TK$,@oulehabb' 'EDEFouleh20o'' ?),, S' alad'IDEFz. Sof *Available DrinkHalf in GF s5.99 Half Full 6.998.99 FullBCDE 9.99 !"# Mon-20o Wed-z. Sof Fri Drink & Sast: 11-8 BCDE #45!(-$%&$). or 46 :";"-$9*$%'?$,$@$, K$,@Fa'tt'HDEFoush'' ?),,' 'SDEF Half 5.99 Full 8.99 !"#!)##45$%&$)" or 46 <$9,*8'4*-1'+*-+$F,att-()=oush".' 'HDEF$/"'' MS.4alad',''0,)%QDEF *Available1$*% in'2".. GF 3Half'24$& 61.99 FullBCDE 9.99 !"# +,-".Tue$/"-Thu'0,)% & 1Sun:$*%'2".. Closed3'24$&1 BCDE !"#!)'$%&$)( Lentl Soup withVegetarian Pita ()=' 'GDEF Gr'' apM.4e,''HDEF Leaves Half 4.99 Full 7.99 !"# #47!))#47$%&$)* or or 48 48 N.%@$-'+,$*%'O.;)9-Vegetarian()=+' 'ADEF,-'' M.4".,'' GDEFG$/"rap'e5.)*1 Leav'es+)%67 Half 6.99 FullBCDE 9.99 + ,-".$/"'5.)*1'+)%67 BCDE !"##49!)+$%&$), or 50 ?9"%81'?9*"& Vegetarian0/BBB'G0*%)1DEF'' !; F'BBBalafal''HDEF"'0$*/'8994"Half 3.99 Full 6.99 BCDE !"# At Teta’s Grill we cook 0*%)1everything"'0$*/ fresh'8994" daily and we are HalalBCDE. !)-#49$%&$*. or 50 P*8" 0V/BBBegetarian'HDFF'' !;'BBB''SDFF Falafel Half 5.99 Full 8.99 !"# 0*%)1"'0$*/'!":,%$/" BCDE !"# We are 0*%)1 the "only'0$*/ restaurant'!":,%$/" that is: BCDE #51#51 or or 52 52 GGarliclic with Dip P *itaDairy & GlutenCu Freep 3.99 C upBow 5l .995.99 Bowl 7.99 !"##53 or 54 Lentil Soup0*%)1 with "Pita'0$*/';.Cu$%<p 2.99" Bowl 3.99 BCDE !"# 100% MSG0*%)1 Free"'0$*/, 100%';.$%< Dairy," Free, BCDE !"$#53 or 54 lentilTum-E Soup Yummies or Lemon Gr Riceeen Souptastc C Appleup 2.99 Bowl 3.99 !"$ #55 or 56 Lowfat Plain Yogurt Cup 1.99 Bowl 2.99 BCFE 100% Nut Free, 99% Soy Free, BCFE !"$#55 or 56 =):>?Teta's'@)::*"& Chips'A ".3'2"..3Sm--'24)" 2 .99 Lg---BCFE 3.99 !"$ = ):>? and'@)::*"& 97% Glut'A".e3n-Free'2"..3. '24)" BCFE #57 or 58 French Fries or Teta’s Chips Sm--2.99 Lg----3.99 !"$#57 or 58 =):>? ' @ )::*"&French F'ries5.)*1 $#)4,)& S'm--+)%67 2.99 Lg---BCFE 3.99 !"$ We use= NO):>? citric'@)::*"& acid, NO'5.)*1 eggs,$#)4,)& NO mayonnaise,'+)%67 BCFE !"$#59#59 or or 60 60 Tum-E RRiceic Yeummies or Veggies Or angSm--2.99e-arifcS m--Lg---- 2.993.99 Lg---BCFE 3.99 !"$ NO artificialTum-E ingredients, Yummies Or Or butter.ange-arifc Instead we BCFE !"% !"% New # 79 8.99 Dasani Botled Water BCGE use fresh squeezedDasani Botled lemon andWat pureer olive oil. BCGE !"& DrinksDrinksCofee BCGE !"& We also prepare everythingCofee fresh daily including Coca-Cola® Products - Cokoca-e, CDola®iet C Pokroeduc, Spritts e or Barqs our salads and side orders. We cook all our meat Coke, Diet Coke, Cherry Coke, Sprite, Lemonade #62 Soft Drinks - Tea (Sweet & Unsweet) 1.89 to order, so we apologize in advance for the wait, #62 Soft Drinks Bottled Coke,Diet Coke 1.89 But we guarantee your meal will be worth it. #62 Powerade - Mountain Berry Blast, Fruit Punch 1.89 #62 Tea SweetI"&&".1& & Unsweet 1.89 Did you know? #62 Minute Maid - Apple, Lemonade, Orange 1.89 #62 Powerade - Berry Blast 1.89 We have passed all health inspections with ZERO violations #63 Tum-E Yummies - Apple, Berry, Punch, Orange 1.09 #63 Soft Drinks 12 oz Cans 1.09 since we opened in June 2016.We were nominated and WON !""#64 Dasani Bottled2$J4$ WaLter$'+*&1$67*,& 1.59 BCFF !"" 2$J4$L$'+*&1$67*,& BCFF #64 Bottled Water 1.59 the 2019 Excellence in Food Sanitation Award for the cleanest !""#65 Cof2$J4$ee L$'($&7"-& 1.59 BCFF !"" Ethnic restaurant in G2$J4$enesLee$ 'Cou($&7"nty,- Wo& n the 2020 Honorab le #65 Cofee or Hot Tea 1.59 !"5 M$:,).$ BCFF !"5 M enti on in Outstanding Food Service Sanitatio n, and w e Wo n the 2019 Best of the Best Lebanese Cuisine award. 100% 100% 100% 99%99% 97% DesserDesserts ts #66#66 Baklava PistachiosBak, Blaakvala vPaistachio Cashews 1.00 1.09 #67#67 NamourNamoura a 1.00 1.09 !"#$%& '()** !"#$%"&" '()&)%" Plate Combos Gluten Free Menu Served with Pita, Soup or Salad Except 5 Items! !"#$%& '()** and Choice of Rice or Fries !!"#$%&"#$!"#$%"&"%& '()&)%"'#21()*++ ()*++ or 22 Lamb Shish Kabob 1-Shish!!"#$%&"#$ 11.99 2-Shish%& 14.99'()*++ ()*++ !"#$%& '()**Lebanese!"#$%"&" Cuisine ()*&*%" Lebanese!"#$%"&" Cuisine ()*&*%" !"#$%"&" '()&)%"#23 or 24 Shish Kafta !"#$%&1-Shish 11.99 '()** 2-Shish 14.99 !"#$%& '()** !"#$%&!"#$%"&" '()** '()&)%" !"#$%&*$%+,)-."&!"#$%"&" '()** '()&)%" #25 or 26 Shish Tawook 1-Shish!"#$%"&" 11.99 2-Shish '()&)%" 14.99 !"#$%"&"H*/&0"$4& '()&)%"#27 or 28 Deboned Chicken Small-- 11.99H*/& Large---14.99 0"$4& !" !$/# *.)&.0)+&0 J"$<&!"#$"%$#1# '()* +(,"#29 -# .#("/ or 30CDEF Chicken Shawarma Plate*+$,"Small-- Combos'-.#-& 11.99!"#$"% Large---14.99Glut '()*en Free +(,"Menu -# .#("/ *$%+,)-."&SandwichesSandwiches Plate CombosExcept 5 Items! Our Menu Is 2,)3,4Availa 5'!.ble 9'0, in ") GF :)',* add 1.59 & Spicy Vegetarian Grape Leaves !"#$"%ServedSmall---- with&'() Pita,*'(+, Soup!-./ 8.99 or-# Salad!+0+% Large---11.99 !" !$5#1 !$/#Lamb *.)&. Shish0$#1# Kabob(7*6J"% 5*%<".& CDEF5.99 KCEE !$5 Served with(7*6J"% Pita, Soup or 5*%<".& Salad Gluten Free!KCEE #1 SandwichesTenderloin Lamb #33Kabob or 34 6.99Vegetarian Falafal +1%andSmall---- 2)-'3Choice" -4 of 5'3Rice" -# 8.99or6 Fries#'"7 Large---11.99 Except #37, !# !$( !"#$!"% "&'"&%tomato,'.)-2"% ($)*+, onion,-% parsley, ! ;)%:"4&$.'&' tahini EDFF CDEF and Choice of Rice or Fries #1 Lambtomato, Shish Kabob onion, parsley, garlic, tahini 5.99 or Substitute a side for 2.50 Desserts & Pitas !# Lam!"#$!"% B"&'"&%ee Shish ($)*+,-%Kafa !$.'&' ~Chef's Favorite~ #2#2 Lambtomato, & onion, Beef parsley, ShishShish tahini Kafta Kafta CDEF5.99 5.99 #21!"# $% or "" 22 LambTenderloin Shish Kabob 1-Shish Lamb 11.99 2-ShishKabob 14.99 19 99 22 99 !$ !'.)-2"%"#$!"% "&'"&%tomato, *.)&. ($)*+,tomato, onion,3$,-% parsley, !$.'&' onion,112 tahini parsley, garlic, tahini CDEF #21 or 22 !$.# /0)&0 1$#-# @A/0)&0 @BCDE FA/0)&0 @GCDE 1-Shish . 2-Shish . #2 Lamb & Beef Shish Kafta 5.99 !"& $% "' Shish Kafta 1-Shish 11.99 2-Shish 14.99 !$ #3 '.)-2"% *.)&.Chicken3$,112 SI.*%J&hish Tawook CDEF 5.99 Tr#23#23 orays 24 or 24 Shish Kafa Shish@A/0)&0 KaftaI.*%J&@BCDE FA/0)&0 @GCDE 1-Shish 17.99 2-Shish 20.99 #3 /$)+'0%Chickentomato,!"#$! onion, Shish"% ('01+, parsley,'()*+'(,*- Tawook tahini /0(12)34 5.99 #25!"( $% or ") 26 Shish Tawook '()*+'(,*-1-Shish 11.99 2-Shish /0(12)34 14.99 /$)+'0% !"#$!S4)%2&"% ('01+,garlic, tomato, pickle #25 or 26 /0)&0 2$3--4 Shish@A/0)&0 Tawo @BCDEok FA/0)&0 @GCDE 1-Shish 17.99 2-Shish 20.99 !% #3 '.)-2"%Chickengarlic, *.$0-1 Shish tomato,,"2$4/$ Tawook3(") pickle 0-1"2 !4#()"2 -# 56#7/5.99CDEF #27!"* $% or "+ 28 Deboned5"#-%"6 Chicken '0)74"%0-1"2 3(")Small--/.$++ AA 0-1 11.99@BCDE"2 Large---14.99!$8!4#():" AA @GCDE"2 -# 56#7/ #4 garlic, tomato,Chicken pickle Shawarma Top Seller! 5.99 #27 or 28 Deboned Chicken Small-- Large---20.99 !% !"##4 '.)-2"%Chicken *.$,$4/$ Shawarma CDEF5.99 !",!"# $% &- 17.99 7"1/$)+'0%,% ;',!!"#$! 7"1"% ,%('01+,2()'!garlic,20oz.,% ")tomato, <$)=* Sof pickle Drinks BCDE #29 or 30 Chicken'0)74"% Shawarma /0$3$8.$ 20oz.Small--/.$++ AA 11.99@BCDE Sof Large---14.99!$8:" DrinksAA @GCDE BCDE !"##4 /$)+'0%Chicken!"#$!garlic,"% tomato,('01+, Shawarma pickle #355.99 !"##29 or 30 !"#$%&34.99Chicken '()** Shawarma Small-- 17.99 Large---20.99 #4L Tenderloin+,-".$/" Lamb 0,)%1$*% Shawarma 2"..3 24$&1 BCDE6.99 #31!&# $% or &" 32 Vegetarian9":",$8)$% Grape+,-".$/" ;8$<" Leaves!"#$%"&" !"$="&Small----/.$++ '()&)%" 0,)%1$*%AA HCDE 8.99 Large---11.99!$8:" AA @BCDE 2"..3 24$&1 BCDE !& !"#!'# 3"520oz.garlic,$6& 7 tomato,84 Sof1 pickle Drinks PDQF CDEF Tray Served with Pita,!"##31 Garlic or 32 and Tahini SauceVegetarian Grape Leaves Small--- 11.99 Large---14.99 !& #5 3"5$6tomato,&Teta’s 784+,-".$/"1 onion, Gyro parsley, pickle, 5.)*1 garlic, +)%67 tahiniCDEF 5.99 BCDE #33!&& $% or &' 34 Vegetarian9":",$8)$% Falafal>$+$+,-".$/"?$+ Small----/.$++ AA HCDE 8.99 Large---11.99 5.)*1!$8:" AA @BCDE +)%67 BCDE !"##5!'# I1,"4$+"Teta’s J1(%5$)% Gyro0*%)1" @"448 0$*/ @<$&5 8994"PDQF 5.99 ShishBCDE Tawook, Shish!"# Kafta, Shish Kabob, 0*%)1" 0$*/ 8994" BCDE #5 !"#$!!"#$!"%"%"&'"&%tomato,"&'"&% Teta’s ($)*+, onion, ($)*+,-% parsley, -% !Gyro$.'&' !$.'&' tahini or Chicken Gyro 5.99 #33 or 34 Plate CombosVegetarianGlut Falafen Freeel Menu Small--- 11 .
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