Notice for appointment of Regular / Rural Retail Outlet Dealerships Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL) proposes to appoint Retail Outlet dealers in Bihar State, as per the following details: Sl. Name of Reven Type Estimated Category Type Minimum Dimension Finance to be Mod Fixed Securi No location ue of monthly of (in M.)/Area of the site arranged by e of Fee / ty Distric RO Sales Site* (in Sq. M.). * the applicant Selec Minimu Depos t Potential tion m Bid it (Rs. # amount In (Rs. In Lakhs) Lakhs) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9a 9b 10 11 12 CC / SC DC / CFS SC CC-1 SC PH Estim ated Estima ST fund ted requi ST CC-1 worki red ST PH ng Draw for Regu capital of MS+HSD OBC Fronta De devel lar / Area requir Lots / in Kls ge pth opm Rural OBC CC- ement Biddi ent 1 for ng of OBC PH operat infras ion of OPEN truct RO OPEN ure CC-1 at RO OPEN CC-2 OPEN PH 1 in Village SITAM RUR 71 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 2 Athari ARHI AL of between Lots Runni Saidpur Chowk and Belsand Chowk 2 Within SIWA RUR 150 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 2 4km N AL of from Lots Ramraj Mode towards Andar on Siwan- Andar road 3 Within 4 SITAM RUR 83 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 2 KM ARHI AL of Singhgh Lots orwa chowk towards Kushmar i on Kuashma ri Basanpa tti Road 4 Within SIWA RUR 140 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 2 3km of N AL of Saryara Lots mpur , on Derauli- Guthni Road 5 Within 3 SIWA RUR 130 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 2 km from N AL of Siwan on Lots Siwan- Barahan- Lakridar gah road 6 CHUNNI MADH RUR 87 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 2 VILLAGE UBANI AL of BLOCK Lots MADHEP UR FROM MADHEP UR TO BASSOP ATTI ROAD 7 WITHIN MADH RUR 65 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 2 2 KMS UBANI AL of FROM Lots MAHAD EO CHOWK TOWAR DS SAKHI CHOWK LOWKHI BLOCK 8 WITHIN DARB RUR 64 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 2 2 KM HANG AL of FROM A Lots KURSO DURGA ASTHAN ON MADHEP URA ROAD 9 Within 2 DARB RUR 110 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 2 KM from HANG AL of Kanauni A Lots Chowk towards Bauram 10 Village SHEIK RUR 50 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 2 Lodipur, HPUR AL of Block A Lots Sheikhp ura 11 Village SHEIK RUR 50 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 2 Abgil, HPUR AL of Block - A Lots Sheikhp ura 12 Village SHEIK RUR 50 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 2 Kosra, HPUR AL of Block A Lots Sheikhp ura 13 Village LAKHI RUR 65 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 2 Ramcha SARAI AL of ndarpur, Lots Block Pipariya 14 Between SAMA RUR 70 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 2 Chandan STIPU AL of Chowk R Lots to Kusho Chowk 15 Within 3 SAMA RUR 75 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 2 Km from STIPU AL of Magarda R Lots hi ghat towards Ilmasnag ar , Block Warisna gar 16 Between KAIM RUR 100 ST CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 2 Kudra UR AL of and Lots Rampur on Kudra- Rampur Road 17 VILLAGE AURA RUR 65 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 2 PHESAR NGAB AL of BLOCK AD Lots AURANG ABAD 18 In GAYA RUR 101 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 2 between AL of Makdum Lots pur to Paibigha on Makdum pur- Paibigha Road 19 Village JAMUI RUR 90 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 2 Telwa AL of Bazar, Lots Block Jhajha 20 Pasraha KHAG RUR 115 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 2 not on ARIA AL of NH/SH Lots 21 within SARA RUR 120 ST CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 2 3km N AL of from Lots Dandasp ur more towards mahrajg anj on Sikatiya- Paigamb arpur road,blo ck Jantabaz ar 22 Within GOPA REG 360 SC CFS 35 45 1575 0 0 Draw 0 3 3kms LGANJ ULAR of from Lots Banjari More towards sasamus a on LHS on NH 28, new NH 27 23 From GOPA REG 150 SC CFS 35 45 1575 0 0 Draw 0 3 Gopalga LGANJ ULAR of nj town Lots to Barauli ON NH 28, NEW NH 27 within 3km from Arar more 24 FROM SIWA REG 160 SC CFS 35 45 1575 0 0 Draw 0 3 GANDAK N ULAR of BRIDGE Lots TO BHINIK TOLA ON NH - 19(new NH 31) 25 Within 3 SIWA REG 180 ST CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 3 km from N ULAR of Tarwara Lots Chowk,t arwara towards Siwan on SH-73 26 WITHIN PATN REG 165 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 3 2 KM A ULAR of FROM Lots BELDARI CHAK TOWAR DS DANIYA WAN ON SH 78 ON LHS 27 WITHIN SIWA REG 150 SC CFS 35 45 1575 0 0 Draw 0 3 4 KM OF N ULAR of MALMAL Lots IYA TOWAR DS MOHAM MEDPUR ON NH 101(NE W 331) 28 WITHIN MUZA REG 150 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 3 4KM FFARP ULAR of FROM UR Lots PAROO TOWAR DS SAHEBG ANJ ON SH 74 29 WITHIN MUZA REG 200 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 3 3 KM FFARP ULAR of FROM UR Lots SARAIYA TOWAR DS MOTIPU R ON SH 86 30 WITHIN MUZA REG 200 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 3 4KM FFARP ULAR of FROM UR Lots MOTIPU R TOWAR DS BERUA ON SH 86 31 Within MUZA REG 200 SC CFS 35 45 1575 0 0 Draw 0 3 5km FFARP ULAR of from UR Lots Zero Mile towards Sitamarh i on NH- 22(Old NH 77) 32 On new SARA REG 170 SC CFS 35 45 1575 0 0 Draw 0 3 Maker N ULAR of bypass Lots on NH- 722(new )/NH- 102(old) 33 Within SIWA REG 160 SC CFS 35 45 1575 0 0 Draw 0 3 4km N ULAR of from Lots Muffasil thana ,Siwan towards Gopalga nj on NH- 531(New )/NH- 85(Old) 34 Between VAISH REG 220 SC CFS 35 45 1575 0 0 Draw 0 3 Chaksika ALI ULAR of ndar & Lots Jandaha on NH- 322(Old NH 103) 35 WITHIN ROHT REG 185 SC CFS 35 45 1575 0 0 Draw 0 3 5KM OF AS ULAR of KOCHAS Lots ON LHS TOWAR DS DINARA ON NH- 30 36 Within 3 ROHT REG 185 SC CFS 35 45 1575 0 0 Draw 0 3 KM of AS ULAR of Dinara Lots towards Patna on NH3O 37 WITHIN ROHT REG 205 SC CFS 35 45 1575 0 0 Draw 0 3 4KM OF AS ULAR of INDRAP Lots URI POLICE STATION TOWAR DS DEHRI ON NH- 2C 38 Within 1 PATN REG 170 SC CFS 35 45 1575 0 0 Draw 0 3 Km on A ULAR of either Lots side of Saksohra Bus stand towards Barh on NH 30A 39 Between PATN REG 210 SC CFS 35 45 1575 0 0 Draw 0 3 Km A ULAR of Stone Lots 181 to 185 on NH 31 Bakhtiya rpur to Mokama Highway 40 WITHIN PATN REG 200 SC CFS 20 20 400 0 0 Draw 0 3 LOHIA A ULAR of NAGAR Lots ON MAIN OR ARTERIA L ROAD IN PATNA MUNICIP AL LIMITS 41 Within KAIM REG 150 SC CFS 20 20 400 0 0 Draw 0 3 Mohania UR ULAR of municip Lots al limit on main or arterial Road 42 MADHEP MADH REG 126 SC CFS 20 20 400 0 0 Draw 0 3 URA EPURA ULAR of (Within Lots Municip al Limit), on any major arterial road 43 FROM GOPA REG 150 ST CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 3 BARAULI LGANJ ULAR of TOWAR Lots DS SIWAN ON LHS BETWEE N MILESTO NE 31 TO 35 ON SH 47 44 within 4 DARB REG 160 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 3 km from HANG ULAR of bisanpur A Lots police station towards lehariasa rai on SH 50 45 Biraul DARB REG 170 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 3 Chowk HANG ULAR of (Within A Lots 2km from Biraul chowk on either side on SH-56) 46 Between ROHT REG 220 SC CFS 35 45 1575 0 0 Draw 0 3 Km AS ULAR of stone Lots no.908 and 912 on LHS while going from Delhi towards Kolkata on NH2 47 Within 3 GOPA REG 160 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 3 KM from LGANJ ULAR of Dharam Lots parsa on Barhariy a - Siwan road on SH 47 48 WITHIN SAMA REG 110 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 3 3 KM STIPU ULAR of FROM R Lots SINGHIA GHAT TOWAR DS DALSING HSARAI ON SH 88 ON LHS 49 2km NALA REG 150 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 3 from NDA ULAR of Noorsar Lots ai towards Chandi on SH-78 50 Between ARARI REG 154 SC CFS 35 45 1575 0 0 Draw 0 3 Araria to A ULAR of Kariyat Lots on NH- 57 LHS 51 Between SAMA REG 110 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 3 Kamakhy STIPU ULAR of a Mandir R Lots Dasaut Chowk & Dekuli Chowk PHC on SH-88 52 IN CHAM REG 105 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 3 BETWEE PARA ULAR of N N - Lots RAJKIYA EAST VIDYALA YA AND NAVIN PRIMAR Y SCHOOL Â ON SH 74 TOWAR DS SAHIBGA NJ ON LHS 53 MISHRA CHAM REG 105 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 3 ULIA PARA ULAR of BETWEE N - Lots N EAST DHAKAÂ CHIRIYA - MOTIHA RI ROAD ON SH 54 54 FROM NAWA REG 150 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 3 JAMHAR DA ULAR of IA URDU Lots MIDDLE SCHOOL TO AARAH HIGH SCHOOL MORE ON SH 8 55 WITHIN NAWA REG 130 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 3 5KMS DA ULAR of FROM Lots PAKRIW ARMA POLICE STATION TOWAR DS SIKANDR A ON SH 8 56 SIMRI BY NAWA REG 160 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 3 PASS DA ULAR of MORE Lots TO VIVEKAN ABD PUBLIC SCHOOL ON SH 83 LHS 57 Within 2 BEGUS REG 130 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 3 KM of ARAI ULAR of Khodaba Lots ndpur police station on SH 55 58 From GAYA REG 160 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 3 Atari ULAR of More Lots towards Jamharia Urdu Middle School on SH8 59 within 5 BHOJP REG 275 SC CFS 35 45 1575 0 0 Draw 0 3 km from UR ULAR of intersect Lots ion of SH81 and NH30 onNH30 toward Arrah 60 On all VAISH REG 300 SC CFS 20 20 400 0 0 Draw 0 3 arterial ALI ULAR of roads of Lots Lalganj (Within municip al Limit of Lalganj) 61 Within CHAM REG 110 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 3 3KMs PARA ULAR of from N - Lots Maharan WEST i Janki Kunwar College BETTIAH on either side on SH 54 62 Between JAMUI REG 250 SC CFS 35 45 1575 0 0 Draw 0 3 Sono & ULAR of Chakai Lots on NH- 333 LHS 63 Within 5 KAIM REG 165 ST CFS 35 45 1575 0 0 Draw 0 3 kms UR ULAR of from Lots Parsathu a Chowk on NH- 30 towards Mohania 64 WITHIN MUZA REG 150 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 3 4KM FFARP ULAR of FROM UR Lots SARAIYA TOWAR DS PAROO ON SH- 74 65 Between VAISH REG 200 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 3 Ghataro ALI ULAR of and Lots Chandral ay on SH-74 on either side 66 Between BEGUS REG 125 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 3 Rajaura ARAI ULAR of and Lots Koria on SH 55 67 Within 4 BEGUS REG 120 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 3 KM of ARAI ULAR of Cheria Lots Bariarpu r Police station towards Khodaba ndpur on SH 55 68 Between LAKHI REG 165 SC CFS 35 45 1575 0 0 Draw 0 3 Rampur SARAI ULAR of & Lots Alinagar on NH- 80(New NH 33) 69 Between KAIM REG 160 ST CFS 35 45 1575 0 0 Draw 0 3 Chainpur UR ULAR of Block Lots Office and Chand block office ON NH 219 70 Within 2 CHAM REG 105 SC CFS 35 35 1225 0 0 Draw 0 3 KM PARA ULAR of FROM N - Lots CHIRAIY EAST A THANA TOWAR DS MOTIHA RI ON RHS ON SH 54 71 Within PATN REG 270 SC CFS 20 20 400 0 0 Draw 0 3 Rajiv
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