History & Genealogical Society COOPllATINO WITH THI DALLAS PUILIC LlllAIY DALLAS, TExA8 THE QUARTERLY SEPTEMBER, 1965 NUMBER THREE • FALL 1965 I S S UE • Local History & Genealogical Society DALLAS, TEL\S • OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS FOR 1965 PRESIDENT Mr. Banks McLaurin, Jr. 5843 Royal Crest Dallas (30) EM8 - 4357 PRESIDENT EMERITUS Mr. John Plath Green Suite 2130, First Na tl.B•nk Bldg Dallas ( 2) RI8- 1211 VICE - PRESIDENTS EXECUTIVE Mr . Hastings Harrison 4316 Potomac (LAl-7264) Dallas (5) EM3-56 ll Program • Mrs . Mar garet Barret Pratt 3529 McFarlin Boulevard Dallas (5) LA8 - 3433 Publication-Editor-Press-Archivist Mrs . Harry Joseph Morris 11Cedar Crest",6840 Lakewood Blvd.Dallas (14) DAB -1994 Cormnunication Mr, William McCaddiy Pritchett 400 South Akard Dallas (2) RI2-3271 Membership • Mrs . D. Ray Sellingsloh 4167 Park Lane Dallas (20) FL2-3479 TREAS URER Mr s . Sullivan Padgitt 8539 San Fernando Way Dallas (18) DAl-2842 RECORDING SECRETARY Mr s. James D. Lutrell, Sr. P.a. Box 8737 Dallas (16) WH2-3329 CORRESPONDING SECRETARY • Mrs. c. A. Br ewer 6824 Da lhart Lane Dallas ( 14) TA7 - 2856 DIRECTORS-AT-LARGE Mrs . Linnie Wright Barrett 3337 Blackburn Da llas (4) LAl-4706 Mrs, Lucile A. Boykin 1954 Commerce Street Dallas (1) RI8- 9071 Mr. Victor B. Gilman 5332 Edmondson Dallas (9) FL7 - 3191 Mr s . E. Norwood (H.O.) Jones 4420 Co le Avenue Dallas (4) LAB - 5493 • Mr. Joseph B. Latimer 2832 Esterbrook Dallas (34) CH7-lll8 SPECIAL MEMO TO THE MEMBERS REGARDING DUES Your 1965 Dues are now due. Please send your check to Mrs. Sullivan Padgitt, Treasurer, 8539 San Fernando Way, Dallas 18, Texas. THANK YOU. Regular Membership dues, both resident, and non-resident: ... ......... $ 6.00 • Sust aining Membership: .. " .. " .. " ... " ..•... " " •.. " ... " •. "". ". $ 15.00 Patron Membership: •... ...••. •....••.•.. .• •.•• , , .• , ... • . , .• , ••.• , •• , • $ 25 .00 Life Membership : """ .. " •. ". "********** ... "." .. ". "." .. ."." $100,00 GIFTS TO TIIE SOCIETY ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE • NEW POLICY ANNOlJNCED The Local History And Genealogical Society is now accepting orders for advertising space in "The Quarterly 11 for the June, 1965, Volume XI, Number Two issue: ADVERTISING RATES $25,00: full page, 8 by ll inches, 1 time. e $15,00: ls page, 1 time. $10,00: t page, 1 time . $ 1.50: 1 inch~*!*;!:!;* HAKE PLANS NCM TO ATTEND THE NEXT REGULAP. ME ETING, THURSDAY,SEPTEMBER 23 rd, LUNCHEON Y. M. C. A., 605 No rth Ervay, Dallas, Tøxas, 12:00 Noen - 1:30 P. u. • • Local History & Genealogical Society COOPllATINO WITH THI DALLAS PUILIC LIUAIY • DALLAS, TExAs THE QUARTERLY MRS . HARRY JOSEPH MORR IS, EDITOR Vice Pr es ident-Pub 1 ica t ion-Editor-Public Re lat ions-Archi vist VOLUME XI SEPTEMBER, 1965 NUMBER THREE CONTENTS • PAGE Local His tory & Genealogical Society Officers and Directors, 1965-Inside Front Cover Special Memo To The Members Regarding Dues-----------------------Inside Front Cover New Policy Announced, Advertising Rates ------------------------ - Inside Front Cover Announcement of Reassembly Luncheon Meeting, September 23, 1965--Inside Front Cover Listing of Available Back-Issues of "The Quarterly" -------------Back Contents Page • Listing of Available Issues of "The Handbook" -------------------Back Contents Page Calendar of Meetings of Lo cal His tory & Genealogical Society, September-December, 1965 - - - ---- - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - - ---- - - - - - - - 61 Programs of Local Hi story & Genealogical Society, September-December ----- 61 Scheduled Events of Special Interest ------------------------------------- 61 Fourth Annual Oklahoma Genealogical Conference, September 24-25 ----- 61 • Fifth Annual Gathering of The Scottish Clans of Texas, Salado, Texas, November 6-7 --------------------------------------61 - 62 Annual Texas State Genealogical Society Convention, November 26 - 27--- 62 1'The Local History and Genealogical Society Votes to Support Proposal for The Creation of a Historical Area Near The Kennedy Memorial Plaza" 62 "In Memorium" to Mrs. George F. Carlisle, (Willie Flowers), Honorary • Member, Founder Member, Local History & Genealogical Society -------- 63 "Queries" - - - - -- - - -- - -- - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - -63-64 11 Red Bluff Cemetery Records", Submitted by Mr. Banks McLaurin, Jr., President, Local History & Genealogical Society ---------------------64- 71 "Bib le Records of Richard and Mary Merritt Cromwell", Submitted by Mrs. Banks McLaurin, Jr., (Louise Cromwell Morr is on) , wife of the • President, Local History & Genealogical Society ---------------------72-73 11 "Smith Cemetery Records , Submitted by Mrs. Daisy Pierce Sellingsloh, Vice President-Membership, Local History & Genealogical Society -----73- 77 "Tarpley Family Letter", Submitted by Mrs. Sullivan H. Padgitt, Treasurer, Local History & Genealogical Society ---------------------77-78 "Genealogical Records", Submitted by Mrs. James D. Lutrell, Sr., • Recording Secretary, Local History & Genealogical Society -----------78-81 11 Early Census, Land Grant Numbe r s, and Brief His tory of The English 11 Family in Texas , Submitted by Mrs. Jack A. Morr is, Jr., Member Local History & Genealogical Society ------------------------------- - 81- 85 11 "Thumbnail Sketches, Fitzhugh , Submitted by Mrs. Margaret Ann Scruggs Carruth, a Founder Member, Local History & Genealogical Society -----85- 87 • "Mt. Olive (Williams) Cemetery Records", Submitted by Mrs . Clem Beeson and Miss Louise Preece, Members, Local History & Genealogical _ . Society -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - ---- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - ---- - - - - - - - -- - - - - --87-88 11 "Lineages of Cats , as an Example of Study in Genealogy , Submitted by Miss Beth Ann Higgins, Member, Local His tory & Genealogical Society--89-90 "An Invitation to Membership, Local History & Genealogical Society" Inside Back • Cover • LISTING OF AVAILABLE BACK-ISSUES OF "THE QUARTERLY" Of The LOCAL HISTORY AND GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY ,DALLAS, TEXAS Special Notice: To Members, both local and non-resident; Out-of-State Subscribers; Libraries; and Societies: • Here is an opportunity for you to complete your file of the 11 11 "Bulletin , which has now become "The Quarterly , published by the Local History And Genealogical Society, Dallas, Texas, as long as the available supply remains, Orders should be mailed to Mrs. Harry Joseph Morris, Vice-Presi­ dent-Editor of the Local History And Genealogical Society, 11 Cedar Crest", 6840 Lakewood Blvd., Dallas 14, Texas. Kindly make your checks to: Local History And Genealogical Society, and add .10~ Post­ age Fee for each item ordered. Please be sure your check or money order accompanied your order. Orders will be filled in the order received, and since the sup­ • ply is limited, should the supply of an issue be exhausted by earlier orders, money wil l be re fund ed. PRICES AS IND ICATED NOTE: Volume 1-Numbera 1 to 7 inclusive, appears as a reprint in Volume VI-Number 1, of The Quarterly. Volume I-Nwnbers 1 to 7 inclusive, known as "The Bulletin.11 • Description Date Price Each Volume Il, No, l March, 1956 ~ Volume Il, No. 2 April, 1956 $2,00 each Volume Ill, No. 1 May, 1957 $2.00 each Volwne Ill, No. 2 September, 1957 $3.00 each • (Not previously printed material,) Volwne Ill, No. 3 January, 1958 $2.00 each Volume III, No. 4 March, 1958 $3,00 each (Limited Supply,) Volume IV, No, l May, 1958 $1.00 each Volume IV, No, 2 August, 1958 $1,00 each • Volume IV, No. 3 November, 1958 $1,00 each Volume IV, No. 4 December, 1958 $1,00 each Volume V, No, l April, 1959 $1,00 each Volume V, No, 2 July, 1959 $1,00 each Volume V, No, 3 October, 1959 $1,00 each Volume V, No. 4 December, 1959 $1,00 each • Volume VI, No, l April, 1960 $3,00 each (Contains in addition to other material, reprint Vol. I, Nos, 1-7) Volume VI, No, 2 July, 1960 $1,00 each Volume VI, No, 3 October, 1960 $1.00 each Volume VI, No, 4 December, 1960 $1,00 each Volume VII, No, l March, 1961 $1.50 each • Volume VII, No, 2 June, 1961 $1,50 each Volume VII, No, 3 September, 1961 $1.50 each Volume VII, No, 4 December, 1961 $1,50 each Volume VIII, No. 1-2, Double !saue March-June, 1962 $3,00 each (Ancestral Roster of Members of Local History And Genealogical Society) Volume VIII, No. 3-4, Double Issue September-December,1962 $3.00 each Volume IX, No, 1-2, Double Issue March-June, 1963 $3,00 each • Note: Supply of all issues for the year 1964, is exhausted, Now out of print. Volume XI, No. l March, 1965 $1,50 each Volume XI, No. 2 June, 1965 $1.50 each Volume XI, No, 3 September, 1965 $1.50 each "The Local History And Genealogical Society Handbook of Seminara In Genealogical 0 Reaearch , Mrs. Harry Joseph Morris, Compiler-Editor, 1964 $5.00 each • • LOCAL HISTORY AND GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Dallas, Texas CALENDAR OF MEETINGS • September-December, 1965 Thursday, September 9 -Board Of Directors Meeting, Luncheon, 12: 00 Noon, Dallas Press Club, Baker Hotel, Dallas, Texas. Thursday, September 23 ... Fall Reassembly Luncheon Meeting, 12:00 Noen, Y .M.C.A., 605 North Ervay, Dallas, Texas. Thursday, October 14 -Baard Of Directors Meeting, Luncheon, 12:00 Noon, Place to be announced later. Thursday, October 28 -Regular Meeting, 7:30 P.M., Auditorium, Dallas Public Library, 1954 Comm.erce Street, Dallas, Texas. Thursday, November 11 -Baard Of Directors Meeting, Luncheon, 12:00 Noon, Place to be announced later. • Thursday, November 18 -Annual Meeting and Luncheon, Election Of Officers, 12:00 Noen, Place to be announced later.
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