FOURTH GENERATION TEA TIME Mailing Label Like the men before him, Ken Teachers unite to discuss school-wide Webber heads to West Point. readings of ‘Three Cups of Tea’ See story on A3 See story on A5 GILFORD, N.H. - FREE Pared down library budget ignites debate BY DANIELLE DELISLE cent of the time was spent [email protected] on philosophical discussion The library budget was, about what the purpose of once again, a controversial the library.” issue for the Budget Com- Dormody indicated that mittee as they discussed the because of the philosophi- sub-committee’s report last cal differences between Thursday. members of the sub-com- “We’re heading into some mittee and the trustees of tough economic times,” said the library it would be best Skip Murphy,member of the to have the whole committee library sub-committee. “We review the budget. looked at the budget from Terry Stewart, a Budget that angle.” Committee member who at- The 2009 budget for the li- tended the sub-committee brary started with an in- meeting, disagreed with crease of 7.46 percent, the those conclusions observing largest of any Gilford de- that there was a lot of philo- partment. The budget sub- sophical discussion on both committee decreased the sides but they also discussed budget by $3,000 dollars for line items. He noted that a chairs and shelving, $3,950 part-time library position for three cameras and new was approved by the sub- computers and $1,000 dol- committee and added the lars for new books and peri- Budget Committee has al- odicals. The total amount of ways had a problem with the sub-committee cut was adding employees to any de- $9,800 dollars, bringing the partment. increase in the budget down “To say that they didn’t do to a 3.24 percent increase. their job is untrue,” said Dale Dormody, Budget Stewart. Committee member, asked Doug Lambert, a member for a departure from the usu- of the library budget sub- al committee procedure and committee, said that if they requested that the entire had made cuts based on phi- committee go over the budg- losophy then they would et in detail and make a deci- have cut all the money for sion. Dormody said that the DVDs and electronics. He sub-committee meeting had pointed out that a line item no analysis, no data and no for more telephones in the statistics. He listened to the building was left alone. Lam- recordings of the sub-com- bert said that they did go mittee meetings and said it through and discuss line was not the way he had ever items in the library budget. seen things done in a sub- Dormody argued that the PHOTO BY DANIELLE DELISLE committee. sub-committee didn’t look at “What I did hear was the the circulation, which af- Talkin’ turkey trustees attempt to bring up fects the numbers and war- Cathy Duffy, a facilitator from Prescott Farm Audubon Center for CO-SEED (Community School Environment Education), talks turkey to Jill increased circulation,” said Coffey’s kindergarten class last Thursday. The class walked the nature trail playing games and learning about turkeys. Following the trail Dormody. “Forty to 50 per- SEE LIBRARY PAGE A8 led to different stations where the students learned about what turkeys eat, what predators eat turkeys and the different parts of a turkey. Fire Department may charge fees GMS lunch becomes a 'mixed up' affair for permits and inspections BY DANIELLE DELISLE BY DANIELLE DELISLE was based on the potential for [email protected] [email protected] revenue from established The Gilford Middle The Gilford Fire Depart- fees to offset some or all of the School was all shook up ment has researched a poten- cost related to the increased during lunch last Thurs- tial fee structure for future hours provided,” read a let- day, the goal being to have permits and inspections. ter from the fire department students leave the cafete- “Discussion of the estab- ria with a new friend. lishment of a fee structure SEE FIRE DEPT PAGE A8 The “Mix It Up” day con- cept has been done in Gil- ford before and worked so well the guidance staff is doing it again. Students Awaiting response from heirs from all grades in middle school attend lunch as BY DANIELLE DELISLE Board of Selectmen. “I heard classes and normally sit [email protected] they were planning to send a with their close friends. On The Board of Selectmen letter.We can give them more “Mix It Up” day students decided to give the heirs to time to send that in.” are given a playing card the old library property Grant said at this point and the student must sit at more time to respond to the she is leaning toward going the table labeled with their cy pres petition currently in ahead with the petition. The card. The idea is to get stu- the courts. petition would grant the dents sitting with other “We don’t have to go for- town the right to use the kids they would not nor- ward right now,” said Con- nie Grant, chairman of the SEE HEIRS PAGE A8 SEE GMS LUNCH PAGE A8 INDEX Volume 5 • Number 47 Sports...............................A14 Almanac.............................A2 22 Pages in 2 Section Police Log...........................A2 Local News.........................A3 PHOTO BY DANIELLE DELISLE © Nate Furbish and Andrew Stokes discuss what they have in common with their fellow tablemates dur- Editorial..............................A4 Notebook ...........................A9 2008, Salmon Press, LLC. Call us at (603) 279-4516 ing the “Mix It Up Day” event at GMS last Thursday. The students were asked to find common favorite Classifieds.....................B2-B3 Letters................................A4 email: [email protected] foods, locations and sports with other students assigned to their tables. A2 THE GILFORD STEAMER ALMANAC NOVEMBER 20, 2008 Five Good Energy Committee asks for town data BY DANIELLE DELISLE vide a means of logging all the Energy Committee would data from this information Q UESTIONS [email protected] trips and use of equipment by be able to piece together the would be logged into a com- In order to determine date, destination, odometer town’s energy consumption. puter program that they re- 1. Looking north, what country is to energy use habits in Gilford, reading and fuel data each This would be an overall num- ceived from the International the left of the Adriatic Sea? the Energy Committee is look- month. The committee asked ber, and individual houses Council for Environmental 2. Where is Fort Sumter? ing to obtain energy data from that this include the personal would not be part of the data. and Local Initiatives. The in- 3. Was it George M. Cohan, George the town. vehicle mileage and destina- The data would be broken formation from ICELI states Jessell or Irving Berlin who wrote “We want to get a bench- tion reimbursements for town down into residential, com- that this information helps “God Bless America”? mark,” said Howard Epstein, employees. mercial, industrial, waste and towns target programs and 4. The Latin words “tabula rasa” chairman of the Energy Com- Geoff Ruggles, financial di- transportation in a general initiatives where they are mean: raise the table, blank slate, mittee. “We want to get the de- rector, said that he had all the sense to see which areas are needed most. blank table, tabulate the result? partment heads involved and fuel data for the past three using the most energy. The The Energy Committee 5. Does the U.S. president have the we would also like a represen- years because he was looking committee would enter the da- with also be hosting an Ener- line item veto? tative from the school district into fuel costs for the budget. ta received and after the data gy Fair on Jan. 17. The fair on the committee.” Epstein noted that some of the was process make a report to will feature vendors of ener- In a letter to the selectmen data requested would take the selectmen. gy efficient products. A wind the committee requested that more time, but said that he be- “In this case it would be a display is planned along with ?Five good answers the department heads provide lieved it would be worth the matter of figuring out who to speakers on various energy a complete listing of all mo- time in savings to the town. talk to,” said Epstein. “I know topics. Epstein said there is al- n eln .Baksae,5 No , 5. slate Blank 4. Berlin, ing torized vehicles and equip- Epstein also mentioned re- PSNH can get that informa- ready a lot of interest in the .Iay .Calso hro) ot aoia .Irv- 3. Carolina, South (harbor), Charleston 2. Italy, 1. ment to be entered into a questing energy information tion with the press of a but- fair. The committee has at spreadsheet. They also re- from the New Hampshire En- ton.” least 10 vendors already quested the departments pro- ergy Co-op. With all this data, Epstein explained that the booked. Weather Report Get into the holiday spirit with Fresh Air Fund Date High Temp. Low Temp. Prec. LAKES REGION — This during the summer. By vol- swimming in a lake!” visited volunteer host fami- 11/11 50 33 0.01” rain November, many families in unteering as a host family for Since 1877, The Fresh Air lies in suburbs and small the Laconia area are thank- summer 2009, the spirit of Fund, an independent, not- town communities across 13 11/12 42 32 none ful for something special: the Thanksgiving can continue for-profit agency, has provid- states from Virginia to Maine 11/13 45 29 none gift of their friendship with in your home throughout ed free summer vacations to and into Canada.
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