If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. __-------;0------------------ ---- , ,\ The Lc;tw Reform j , This microfiche was produced from documents received for Commission-') inclusion in the NCJRS data base. Since NCJRS cannot exercise corttrol over the physical condition of the documents submitted, ~. ('; the individual frame quality will vary. The resolution chart on this frame may be used to evaluate the d9cument quality. Annual ,Report '" r, 1 ! \ ~ \, 1.0 1111.1 i/'l 111111.25 111111.4 \\\\\1.6 o u.s. Department of Justice 82818 Nat/onallnslltute of Justice MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART This document-has been reproduced exa'~tiy is ;eceived from the_ NATIONAL BUREAU Of STANDARDS~1963~A person or organization originating it. Points of View,or opinions stated in Ihis documenlare those of the <luthors and do, not necessarily represent the officiaFjJosilion or policies of the National Institule of Justice. ' ,,: } Permission 10 reproduce this copyrighted material has been 1 granted by , 'j !, Australian Government Publishing Microfilming procedures used to create this fiche comply with ,­ - Service, - ,-, the standards set forth"in 41CFR 101-11.504. ~ to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS). - . Further reproduclfon oUJside of the NCJRS system requires pe/mis- sion of the qopyright owner. \,- ,', "- I . (,,; :) Points of view or opinions stated in this document are '1'· those of the author(s) and do not represent the official ",'" position or policies of the U. S. Department',of Justice. ~ .,..- -' C "",',"O National Institute of Justice o United States Department of Justice qs". .. Washington, D.C. 20531 'z '", . .. ,""',.".',".,'; _ • c:: • 0, - "- ~ *" • o ._---------- ---~ -----~~-------~~ --.---~- - .. The Law Reform ( "', '.' Commission Publications of the Law Reform Commission --------------n\., Reports k:' ALRC 1 Complaints Against Police, 1975 .-~' ... , ALRC 2 Criminal Investigation ALRC 3 Annual Report 1975 ALRC 4 Alcohol, Drugs and Driving, 1976 Annual Report ALRC 5 Annual Report 1976 -'-' ALRC 6 Insolvency: The Regular Payment of Debts, 1977 .. , ALRC 7 Human Tissue Transplants, 1977 ALRC 8 Annual Report 1977 ALRC 9 Complaints Against Police (Supplementary Report), 1978 ALRCI0 Annual Report 1978 "I ALRC 11 Unfair Publication: Defamation and Privacy, 1979, 1981 ALRC 12 Privacy and the Census, 1979 ALRC 13 Annual Report 1979 ALRC 14 Lands Acquisition and Compensation, 1980 ALRC 15 Sentencing of Federal Offenders, 1980 ,ALRC 16 Insurance Agents and Brokers, 1980 ALRC 17 Annual Report, 1,980 ALRC 18 Child Welfare, 1981 Working Papers WP 1 Complaints Against Police, 1975 WP 2 Alcohol, Drugs and Driving, 1976 WP 3 Consumers in Debt, 1976 WP 4 Defamation, 1976 WP 5 Human Tissue Transplants 1977 WP 6 Complaints Against Police (Supplementary Report), 1~77 WP 7 Access to Courts-I Standing: Public Interest Suits, 1977 WP 8 Lands Acquisition Law: Reform Proposals, 1977 Issues Papers :;-. IP 1 Statutory Brain Death, 1977 IP 2 Insurance Contracts, 1977 (i' 0) IP 3 Evidence, 1980 \) c Discussion Papers DP I Defamation-Options for Reform, 1977 C.) ft' DP 2 Privacy and Publication-Proposals for Protection, 1977 !il Ji~S DP 3 Defamation .and Publication Privacy-a Draft Uniform Bill, 1977 ., DP 4 Access to the Courts-I Standing: Public Interest Suits, 1978 DP 5 Lands Acquisition Law: Reform Proposals, 1978 DP 6 Debt Recovery and Insolvency, 1978' FEB 91982 DP 7 Insurance Contracts, 1978 ' . DP 8 Privacy and the Census, 1979 DP 9 Child Welfare-Children in Trouble, 1979 DP 10 Sentencing: Reform Options, 1979" DP 1 LAccess to the Courts-II Class Actions, 1979 'I DP 12.. Child Welfare: Child Abuse and Day Care, 1980 ,.:.;,- DP 13 Privacy and Intrusions, i'980 DP 14 Privacy and Personal Information, 1980 o DP 15 Sentencing of Federal Offenders, 1980 . o. DP 16 Reform of Evidence Law; 1980 8· DP 17 Aboriginal Customary Law-Recognition Australitm Government Publishing Service Periodicals Interim Law Reform Digest and Supplements Canberra 1981 Reform (Quarterly) .. ,"J' " '~ ", ",t) i' n Senator the Honourable P,D. Durack, Q.C Attorney~General' '" Parliament House " Canberra, A,C;T.26o.o. 0 C'i,/ ~.' Dear Attorney~Gerieral, In accordance with s.35 of the Law Reform Commission Act 1973 we have the honour to D pr,esent the sixth Annual Report of the Law Reform Commission. The report relates to )} the period of the Commission's work from 1 July 1980. to 30. June 1981. M.D. ,KIRBY (Chairman) i G.W.P; AARONS ,A.C. CASTLES ,B.M. DEBELLE R.A. HAYES " (JORDON HAWKINS D. ST. L. KELLY 8 J.A.MAZ~A F.M. NEASEY B.J. SHAW T.B. SMITH " < .~) o '© Commonwealth of Australia 1981 if ' Commission/Reference: ALRC 19 The Law ilrorm Commission is established by section 5 'of th~ Law Refo~hhcommission Act 1?73 ~or th~ purpose ofpromotmg (, the review# modernisation and slmphfic~t1on ~f the law. The . "t" , Chairma land first Members were appomted In 1975. The offices ." of the cfYh:misSi<?n are at 99 Elizabeth Street, Sydney, N.S.)Y. AustraliF' , (Tel.(01 231 1733) 1 ~ # ;' pr'nte~fby Watspn F~rgU~on) and Co .. Brisbane. ~i - .Jf ,'! TJ;e Commission / v The Commission c :] Research Staff M. Ball, B.A, LL.B. (Adel.) Commissioners of Law Reform-Full Time Senior Law Reform Officer . The Hon. Mr Justice M.D. Ki~rby, B.A, LL.M., B.Ec.(Syd.) , P.K: Hennessy, LL.B. (W.A) B.Ee: (AN. V.) Chairman of the Law Reform Commission Sent or Law Reform Officer Deputy President of the Australian Conciliation and Arbitration Commission P,J. Stewart B.Ec., LL.B., (Monash) Member of the Adm~iristrative Re,ie\v Council Senior Law Reform Officer Mr Bruce Debelle, LJA.:B.(Ade1.) .W.J. Tearle, LL.B. (Syd.) Barrister and Solicitor: of the Suprerne Court of South Australia Senior Law Reform Officer Associate Pr~)fessor Robert Hayes, LL.B. (MelbhPh.D. (Monash) S.J. Odgers, B.A., LL.B. (A.N.V.) Barrister of the Supreme Court of New So.uth \Vales .. Law Reform Officer Associate;fiofessor of Law, University of New South Wales ,:Cj ! ,j , L.M. Re,B.A,LL.B., Dip Ed (Melb.) Mr T.H. 'Smith, B.A, LL.B. (Melb.) J Law Reform Officer Barrister of the Supreme Court of Victoria r. M.A Behan, LL.B. (Qld) Law Reform Officer (part-time) i Commissioners of Law Reform-Part-time J.W. Barnes, B. Juris., LL.B. (N.S.W.) (i Associate to the Chairman . I Mr G. W.P. Aarons, LL.B. (Melb.), ,I Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Victoria V:A P,ursell, B.A. (N.S. W.), Dip. Lib. (C.C.AE.) I II Libranan . , Professor A.C. Castles, LL.B.(Melb.), J.D. (Chicago), ~. Professor of Law, The University of Adelaide f rf! Associate Professor G.J. Hawkins, B.A(Wales) I Executive Officcl' (~ Deputy Director of the Institute of Criminology f Faculty of Law, University of Sydney I ,. I , I .~l Professor David St.L. Kelly, B.C.L. (Ox.on), B.A.; LL.B. B.A Hunt, B.A. (Syd.) , J Professor of Law, The University of Adelaide ,)" ~ I' Mr J.A Mazza, CL.B. (W.A), . J:--, ;A' Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Western Australia Admil,istl'ative Staff The Hon. Mr Justice F:M. Neasey LL.B. (Tas.) I Judge of the Sl,lpreme Court of Tasmania Mr Brian J. Shaw, Q.C,} B.A, LL.B.(Melb,), B.C.L.(Oxon) G.P. Mahlberg f I Barrister of the Supreme ,Court o~ Victoria J.R. Hay M.J.Bulmer M.e. Raiti [ Officers of the Commission S.M.H. Ferry ., \ A;'('}\versa G.M. Symes I Secretary and Director of Resear~h . I L.M. Walters 1 G.E.P. Brouwer, B.A, LL.B.(Melb.), LL.M.(AN.U.) I• Assistant Legis/ative Draftsman Seconded Officer Stephen Mason, B.A., LL.B.~ M.T.C.P. (Syd.) . -":' '/ The Commission wJ~hes to acknow,~edge the legislative draftjng assistance provided A Sowden, RA. (AN. U.)' byMr J.Q. Ewens, C.M.G.,C.B.E., tLB. (Adel.) formerly First Parliamentary Coun­ (Seconded from the Department of Administrative Services) sell of the Commonwealth of Australia, and by Mr N.T. Sexton, LL.B. (Syd), Director, (from 30 June 1980) " Ld;gislative Drafting Institute, on a number of the Commission's references. 1/ c, J! Contents Contents / vii D Lands Acquisition and Compens~tion (ALRC" 14) 56 I 27 Sentencing of Federal Offeriders (ALRC 15) 57 ~ Para Page Insurance Agents an(J Brokers (ALRC 16) 28 60 ~'~; 28 Child Welfare (ALRe 18) fr ' Background to Report 61 J Scope and Arrangement of the Report 29 The Commission Th,e Commission's Proposals 63 29 64 29 ~} -;:: ·:":'''''~':'~t~. I CJ.lrrent Projects I Debt Recovery and Insolvency 65 30 -r~ 66 32 ~ I Privacy ~~ , ," /1,[ Public Consultation 1. Law Reform in Australia " ,! . 70 ~ '" ;.', 32 Consultation with State and Commonwealth Agencies 71 0, 33 Overall Approach and Guidelines for Machinery 72 f The Law and Economics . 1 1 I Scheme of Legislation 33 , Law Reform Suggestions 12 5 , Further Research 73 34, 74 ''''34 !I' Law Reform in the A.C.T. 14 0 ~ Insurance Contracts Program of References 20 6 Sentencing 75 35 I Aboriginal Customary Law 77 35 I /! r The Reference " Discussion Paper 78 36 , i 79 ~ 2. The Law Reform Commission of Australia Public Hearings 36 t 83 " Access to the Courts 38 /" .- 11"( Composition of the Commission 21 7 .The Reference f, Standing 86 38 New Appointments 22 tv 7 87 Class Actions 39 f Reappointments .. 25 ?~ 8 \ Evidence 89 39 Meetings of the CommlSSlon 27 17 8 Progress of Injtial Research Program Divisions of the Commission 28 9 90 40 ~ II Discussions and Submissions Remuneration 29 ,,' 10 ·91 <~ 40 Staff 30 ({ , 10/) Rrepa;ation of a Comprehensive Draft Evidence Act Consultants 92 40 Consultants .
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