A Living :Memorial Sister Deirdre Rofe was an outstand ing leader and educationalist. She was Pri ncipal of Loreto Mandeville Hall from 1979 to 1998 and had a profoun d influence on all who knew her. To honour Sister Deirdre and to keep her spirit alive into the future, the Sc hool has decided to establish the To enquire about ma king a donat ion to the Sister Deird re Rofe Scholarship Appea l, pl ease contact Deirdre Rote Scholarship Stephanie West, for Leadership Di rector of Development, Loreto Mandeville Ha ll 1 0 Ma ndeville Crescent Toorak VIC 3142 Te lephone 03 9823 8147 Newman College Students' Club Inc. presents f{h e 25th /()aniel Mannix Memorial Lecture The Reverend Tim Costello speaking (.,n Professor Manning Clark, AC Thursday 14th October, 8pm Copland Theatre, University of Melbourne Free Admission Contact: The Secretary Daniel Mannix Memorial lecture Committee Newman College Ph : (03) 9342 1667 The Dan iel Mannix Memorial Lect ure Series was established in 1977 to perpetuate t he memory of t he late Archbishop Mannix, and to study the art of public leadership in Australia. <)> 03: Cf; 3:)> EUREKA STREE ImN :;;:z zm cO 3:., ~c "'"'oo C on Cl~ o); g;3Q,., _V> ,__,-; o i om ... )> ~ 41 Grandstand politics )> COMMENT z Ben Fraser enj oys the spectacle of 0 -; 4 Marcelle Mogg Time and place Afghanistan's equestrian past-time. I m 5 Clare O'Neil Let them stay 0 r 0 Cl IN PR INT -< THE M ONTH'S TRAFF IC 30 O n atonement 8 Anthony Ham Australian election Paul Bourke reviews fo e Cinque's Matthew Albert African dreams consolation by Helen Garner. 31 New ideas COLUMNS Troy Bramston looks at new ideas in Imagining Australia: Ideas for om future. 7 Ca pita l letter Ja ck Waterford Shades of grey 33 With true love showers Kirsty Sangster reviews Christine 9 Summa th eologiae Balint's Ophelia's fan: A story about Andrew Hamilton The pharisees dreams, Shal<espeare and love. 10 Archimedes Publisher Andrew Hamilton >I 34 Roving ambassa dor Editor Marcelle Mogg Tim Thwaites Higher learning travels Ass istant editor Beth Doherty fohn Button Twelve cities: A Graphic designers Maggie Power 11 By the way m emoir with Roy Jenkins. and janneke Storteboom Brian Matthews Bush tales 35 Return of th e native Direc tor Christopher Gleeson SJ Business manager Mark Dowell 46 W atching brief Gary Pearce follows Mourid Barghouti's Marketing & advertisi ng manager Juliette Hughes Ode to Oscar journey to Palestine in I Saw Ramallah. Cam ille Collins Subscriptions Denise ampbcll 37 W inning the war Editorial, production and administration FEATURES Peter Pierce examines Roland Perry's assistants Gera ldine Battersby, Lee Beasley, Monash: The outsider who won a war. Ben Hider 12 Th e Spanish factor Film editor Siobhan Jackson 38 Hidden lives Poetry editor Phi lip Harvey Margaret Coffey looks at the Hispanic Kate Cherry reviews Creating frames: jes uit editorial board Andrew Hamilton SJ, vote in the US election. Greg Bau m, Virginia Bourke, M ari e Tehan, Contemporary Indigenous Theatre by jane Mayo Carolan, Christopher Gleeson SJ, 14 Waiting for Arthur Maryrose Casey. Marcelle Mogg, jack Waterford. Peter Hamilton visits Australian Patrons Eureka Street gratefully 39 The problem w ith new mo ney elections past and the US election acknowledges th e support of Daniel Donahoo looks at Doug an d A. Ca rt er; the tru stees of the estate of present. C. Henwood's After the New Economy. Miss M . ondon; W.P. & M .W. Gurry 16 Survivor sec rets 40 Fi sh tales Eureka 5Lreet magazine, ISS N 1036-1758, Dorothy Horsfield examines one fan e Mayo Carolan goes Down to the Australia Posl Print Post approved centre's response to victim s of torture. pp349181 /003 14, is published ten times a sea: The true saga of an Australian year by Eureka Street Magazine Ply Ltd, 18 Time aga in to save the w hales? fishing dynasty with John Little. 300 Victoria Street, Ri chmond VIC 3"121 Anthony Ham investigates new PO Box 553, Ri chmond VIC 3121 Tel: 03 9427 73 11 Fa x: 03 9428 4450 campaigns for commercial whaling. ON STAGE email : [email protected] 20 Rea lising a drea m http:/ / www.eurekas tree t. com.au/ Responsibility for edilorial content Tony Malkovic reports on the 42 Home run is accepted by Andrew Hamilton SJ, completion of Perth's St Mary's Marcelle Mogg on the MTC's Take m e out. 300 Victoria Street, Ri chmond Cathedral. Printed by Doran Printing 461nduslrial Drive, Braes ide VIC 3195. 22 The las t goodbye MUSIC © Jesuit Publica tions 2004 Gillian Bouras looks at the role of the Unsolicited manuscripts will not be returned. Please do not send original body in death. 43 Musica sacra photographs or art work unless requested. 24 H ea ding to come Martin Ball reviews Christopher Requests for permission to reprint material Willcock's Miserere. from th e magazine should be addressed Artists at Warmun capture Gemma in writing to the editor. Gadd's heart. This month 26 Ordinary virtues FLASH IN THE PAN Cover: Images and artwork of th e Warmun Don Gazzard visits the Academic 44 Reviews of the films Letters to Ali, community. Copyright Wa rmun Art Centre, Centre at N ewman and StMary's 2004. Coffee and cigarettes and The Village. Cover des ign: Maggie Power Colleges. Cartoons: Dea n Moore p32 28 Pa ge turner Photos: Pa ul J. Ri chards pl 2 courtesy AFP/API', PU ZZLED Pru Taylor pp26-27, Alison Aprhys pp28- 29, Alison Aprhys opens the page on book Rusty Stewart p35 addicts. 47 Joan Nowotny Cryptic crossword comment·] Marce lle Mogg Time and place A m Tm TRAGEmES of Scptombe., we focus on the cover, or the feel of the cloth binding of an on books. In the last month we have seen too many old book all hint at the promise of what is to come. and too great barbarities. The line of dead bodies has Words and ideas find their proper place in the broader lengthened- through the long-planned siege at Beslan, human context. the bombs outside the Australian Embassy in Djakarta So even light-hearted and ephemeral books mat­ and outside countless police stations and homes in lta'1 ter because they affirm the obvious: the essential and through the famine and flight from Darfur. place of light-heartedness and forgetfulness in human Then there are the lesser barbarities- the rough life. To be forever serious and focused only on the trading of election campaigns in Australia and the eternal may be an appropriate attitude in the streets United States, and the anxious reading of entrails by of Iraq, threatened as you are by exploding cars and people who expect us to believe that wisdom or illu­ helicopter missiles. But it is an attitude from whose mination is to be found there. necessity you would wish your children to be deliv­ In the midst of all of this, it might seem an indul­ ered. Playfulness is a gift. gence to review books. Yet books provide a bridge We make no apology for reviewing a full range between our personal lives and the public world. of books-earnest, frivolous, curious, and brigh t. They also, better than almost anything else, stress We hope you enjoy the reviews and the books. We the importance of the person in the public world. are glad that we can all take for granted the space in But even the most serious of books dedicated to which to write and to read, even as our hearts find the most public of issues evoke the small and inti­ space for those to whom these things are luxuries. • mate delights of being human. The weight of a book in your hand, the texture of the pages, the design - Marcelle Mogg Money can be a powerful force for positive change. By putting your money with Australian Ethical Investment you are investing in portfolios dedicated to benefit society and the environment. What is your money doing? Phone 1800 021 227 for a prospectus or visit www.austethical.com.au Australian Ethical invests in the education sector. Units in the investment trusts are issued by Australian Ethical Investment Ltd (ABN 4 7 003 188 930) and interests in th e superannuati on fund are issued by Australian Ethical Superannuation Pty Ltd (ABN 43 079 259 733). Product Disclosure Statements are available from Australian Ethical Investment Ltd and should be considered before making an investment decision. Australian Ethical Investment and Superan­ nuation products are offered by Australian Ethica l Investment Ltd AFSL number 229949. Australian Ethical'" Investment+ Superannuation ® REGISTERED TRADE MARK OF AUSTRAliAN ETHICAL INVESTMENT LTD 4 EUREKA STREET OCTOBER 2004 comment:2 Clare O'Neil Let them stay I,THE PUGHT OE REEUGEES in om country will .Ufcct The government has all the appearance of your vote in the upcoming election, don't be fooled. compassion, but none of the policy that might sup­ While Temporary Protection Visa (TPV) holders are port the rhetoric. This is not acceptable. We must now eligible to apply for non-humanitarian visas, the remember too, that there is a pretty simple answer Federal Govermnent is introducing yet another hoop in to this problem. One that doesn't involve twisted this humiliating process. rhetoric, fanciful categorisations and perverse The regulations, as recently reported, will allow moral judgments. People who are on TPVs in our those TPV holders who have 'made important contribu­ country have proven, by Australia's legal defini­ tions to their community during their time in Australia' tion, that they are in danger of persecution in their in country areas to apply for permanent residency.
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