Fall 2014 Mail Order Catalog Cistus Nursery 22711 NW Gillihan Road Sauvie Island, OR 97231 503.621.2233 phone order by phone 9 - 5 pst, visit 10am - 5pm, email: [email protected] www.cistus.com Fall 2014 Mail Order Catalog 2 USDA zone: 2 Cornus alba 'Hessei' tartarian dogwood $16 Cornaceae Euonymus nanus var. turkestanicus turkestan burning bush $12 Celastraceae USDA zone: 3 Adiantum pedatum northern maidenhair fern $9 Adiantaceae Carex mertensii merten's sedge $9 Cyperaceae Hemerocallis 'Secured Borders' daylily $16 Xanthorrhoeaceae Hosta 'Blue Mouse Ears' $16 Liliaceae / Asparagaceae Opuntia 'Smithwick' $12 Cactaceae Opuntia echinocarpa 'Portal Blonde' wiggin's cholla $11 Cactaceae Opuntia erinacea 'Browse Cherry' $14 Cactaceae Opuntia fragilis - Michigan tiny form brittle pricklypear $11 Cactaceae Opuntia fragilis 'Alberta Sunset' $8 Cactaceae Opuntia fragilis 'Red N Black' $12 Cactaceae Opuntia fragilis x - Duchesne County, UT $12 Cactaceae Opuntia humifusa 'Major' $11 Cactaceae Opuntia humifusa x macrorhiza $12 Cactaceae Opuntia polyacantha 'Browse Pink' $12 Cactaceae Opuntia polyacantha 'Crystal Tide' $11 Cactaceae Opuntia polyacantha 'Peter Pan' hedgehog prickly pear $12 Cactaceae Opuntia sp. - round pads, orange glochids $9 Cactaceae Opuntia sp. SBH 9116b - mini pad $9 Cactaceae Opuntia x rutilia $11 Cactaceae USDA zone: 4 Aesculus pavia $14 Sapindaceae Anemone x lipsiensis rock garden anemone $12 Ranunculaceae Arachniodes standishii upside-down fern $16 Dryopteridaceae Aster ageratoides var. ageratoides 'Ezo Murasaki' $12 Asteraceae Cheilanthes argentea silver cloak fern $12 Adiantaceae Chrysanthemum x rubellum 'Clara Curtis' $11 Asteraceae Cornus sanguinea 'Compressa' dwarf bloodwood dogwood $12 Cornaceae Delosperma congestum 'Gold Nugget' ice plant $7 Aizoaceae Fall 2014 Mail Order Catalog 3 Elaeagnus 'Quicksilver' silverbush elaeagnus $14 Elaeagnaceae Epimedium grandiflorum 'Dark Beauty' $15 Berberidaceae Ginkgo biloba 'Weeping Wonder' dwarf maidenhair tree $22 Ginkgoaceae Heuchera 'Green Spice' $10 Saxifragaceae Heuchera 'Marmalade' $10 Saxifragaceae Houttuynia cordata 'Chameleon' $8 Saururaceae Hydrangea arborescens 'Emerald Lace' smooth hydrangea $15 Hydrangeaceae Juncus effusus bog rush, common rush $8 Juncaceae Kerria japonica 'Albescens' white japanese kerria $15 Rosaceae Kerria japonica 'Picta' japanese kerria $11 Rosaceae Leucosceptrum japonicum 'Golden Angel' japanese shrub mint $14 Lamiaceae Lewisia cotyledon [mixed seedlings] bitterroot $9 Montiaceae Opuntia 'Achy Breaky' $12 Cactaceae Opuntia 'Cyclops' cyclops prickly pear $12 Cactaceae Opuntia 'Dark Knight' hedgehog prickly pear $12 Cactaceae Opuntia 'Golden Globe' prickly pear $15 Cactaceae Opuntia 'Peach Chiffon' prickly pear $14 Cactaceae Opuntia 'Red Gem' prickly pear $12 Cactaceae Opuntia 'Sunset' $16 Cactaceae Opuntia aff. columbiana IB 06 - H65 $11 Cactaceae Opuntia aurea 'Coombes Winter Glow' creeping beavertail cactus $11 Cactaceae Opuntia basilaris 'Peachy' beavertail cactus $12 Cactaceae Opuntia basilaris ssp. whitneyana SBH 7775a beavertail cactus $12 Cactaceae Opuntia basilaris var. aurea - Zion National Park [David $13 Cactaceae Opuntia basilaris var. heilii - Type local beavertail cactus $12 Cactaceae Opuntia erinacea x 'Pink n' White' - Emory County, UT [TH] $12 Cactaceae Opuntia fragilis - Sequim, Washington brittle pricklypear $11 Cactaceae Opuntia fragilis 'Little Gray Mound' brittle pricklypear $9 Cactaceae Opuntia fragilis 'Red Butte' brittle pricklypear $11 Cactaceae Opuntia fragilis 'Red Hill' $11 Cactaceae Opuntia fragilis (debreczyi) var. denuda 'Potato' potato cactus $12 Cactaceae Opuntia fragilis th.073 [Salinas Creek] brittle prickly pear $11 Cactaceae Opuntia fragilis th.073.11 [Monticello, UT] brittle prickly pear $11 Cactaceae Opuntia fragilis var. denudata 'Bronze Beauty' marble cactus $9 Cactaceae Opuntia fragilis x 'Metolius' $12 Cactaceae Fall 2014 Mail Order Catalog 4 Opuntia fragilis x polyacantha (?) [Nyssa, Oregon] $12 Cactaceae Opuntia gilvescens 'Oklahoma Pancake' $11 Cactaceae Opuntia humifusa - dwarf from Claude Barr $12 Cactaceae Opuntia polyacantha plains pricklypear $11 Cactaceae Opuntia polyacantha 'Citrus Punch' prickly pear $12 Cactaceae Opuntia polyacantha 'Imnaha Blue' $12 Cactaceae Opuntia polyacantha 'Imnaha Sunset' $12 Cactaceae Opuntia polyacantha SBH 7505b $14 Cactaceae Opuntia polyacantha x - San Rafael Swell $11 Cactaceae Opuntia polyacantha x erinacea var. columbiana SBH 7524 $14 Cactaceae Opuntia polyacantha x SBH 7503c $12 Cactaceae Opuntia potsii var. montana $12 Cactaceae Opuntia ramosissima 'Sara's Robust' $9 Cactaceae Opuntia sp. SBH 6852 $12 Cactaceae Opuntia whipplei 'Tiny Tim' $12 Cactaceae Opuntia wrightii - white spine $15 Cactaceae Opuntia x rutila - red/black spines $12 Cactaceae Polygonatum odoratum var. pluriflorum 'Jinguji Form' red stem solomon's seal $15 Liliaceae / Asparagaceae Rhodiola integrifolia $8 Crassulaceae Sambucus nigra 'Eva' black elderberry $14 Adoxaceae Scrophularia macrantha redbirds in a tree, new mexico figwort $12 Scrophulariaceae Sedum oregonense 'Black Butte' stonecrop $8 Crassulaceae Ulmus parvifolia '11th Avenue' $15 Ulmaceae Vaccinium macrocarpon 'Pilgrim' american cranberry $12 Ericaceae Vaccinium x 'Pink Lemonade' $12 Ericaceae Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum 'Cascade' doublefile viburnum $16 Caprifoliaceae / Adoxaceae Yucca baccata var. vespertina 'Hualampai Blue' banana yucca $16 Agavaceae USDA zone: 5 Adiantum 'Golden Michael' $14 Adiantaceae Adiantum venustum himalayan maidenhair fern $11 Adiantaceae Agave neomexicana mescal $14 Agavaceae/Asparagaceae Agave utahensis ssp. kaibabensis SBHMPS 6747 utah agave $16 Agavaceae/Asparagaceae Akebia quinata 'Brocade' brocade chocolate vine $14 Lardizabalaceae Carex platyphylla 'Blue Satin' $12 Cyperaceae Fall 2014 Mail Order Catalog 5 Catalpa bignonioides 'Aurea' golden catalpa $16 Bignoniaceae Catalpa bignonioides 'Variegata' $16 Bignoniaceae Chaenomeles japonica 'Atsuya Hamada' maroon-red flowering quince $18 Rosaceae Cornus mas 'Aurea' cornelian cherry dogwood $16 Cornaceae Cupressus bakeri RCH 564 $12 Cupressaceae Cylindropuntia kleiniae - Colorado purple clone candle cholla $12 Cactaceae Daphne x transatlantica 'Alba Everblooming' everblooming daphne $16 Thymelaeaceae Dasylirion texanum texas sotol $16 Liliaceae Delosperma 'Fire Spinner' $6 Aizoaceae Delosperma sp. 'Naudy's Nek' $9 Aizoaceae Disporum cantoniense 'Golden Temple' chinese fairy bells $12 Liliaceae Dryopteris pseudofilix-mas mexican male fern $11 Dryopteridaceae Epimedium wushanense $22 Berberidaceae Eriophyllum lanatum 'Takilma Gold' taklima gold oregon sunshine $9 Asteraceae Euonymus alatus 'Firecloud' variegated burning bush $18 Celastraceae Euphorbia 'Blue Haze' PPAF milkwort $12 Euphorbiaceae Helleborus x hybridus - Cistus white strain $24 Ranunculaceae Hibiscus syriacus - white new leaves and pink flowers rose of sharon $11 Malvaceae Hydrangea serrata 'Golden Sunlight' PPAF golden mountain hydrangea $14 Hydrangeaceae Hypericum olympicum var. uniflorum 'Citrinum' variegated st. john's wort $12 Hypericaceae Ilex crenata 'Golden Gem' golden japanese holly $14 Aquifoliaceae Indigofera heterantha himalayan indigo $11 Fabaceae Ipheion uniflorum 'Charlotte Bishop' pink spring starflower $9 Amaryllidaceae Ipheion uniflorum 'Froyle Mill' starflower $9 Amaryllidaceae Itea ilicifolia holly leaved sweetspire $12 Iteaceae Kirengeshoma palmata yellow wax-bells $11 Hydrangeaceae Kniphofia hirsuta 'Fire Dance' fire dance dwarf red hot poker $12 Xanthorrhoeaceae Lonicera nitida 'Briloni' briloni box-leaf honeysuckle $11 Caprifoliaceae Maihuenia poeppigii - Lowrey clone $15 Cactaceae Morus 'Itogawa' thread leaf white mulberry $16 Moraceae Narcissus bulbocodium var. conspicuus hoop petticoat daffodil $11 Amaryllidaceae Nolina microcarpa SBH 6726 bear grass $15 Agavaceae Opuntia 'Candelaria Flame' $15 Cactaceae Opuntia 'Golden Lion' $14 Cactaceae Opuntia aurea 'Golden Carpet' $12 Cactaceae Fall 2014 Mail Order Catalog 6 Opuntia basilaris 'Kellys Choice' $15 Cactaceae Opuntia basilaris 'Sara's Compact' beavertail cactus $16 Cactaceae Opuntia basilaris var. aurea - Garfield City, UT $13 Cactaceae Opuntia basilaris var. brachyclada - San Bernardino County $14 Cactaceae Opuntia basilaris var. ramosa beavertail cactus $12 Cactaceae Opuntia echinocarpa SBH 7777 wiggin's cholla $14 Cactaceae Opuntia engelmanii - white spined engelmanii prickly pear $11 Cactaceae Opuntia engelmannii - yellow spined $11 Cactaceae Opuntia erinacea x fragilis var. columbiana 'Clarno' $9 Cactaceae Opuntia fragilis - dwarf golden dwarf brittle prickly pear $12 Cactaceae Opuntia gilvescens oklahoma pancake cactus $11 Cactaceae Opuntia imbricata 'Guadalupe' chain cholla $14 Cactaceae Opuntia imbricata var. viridiflora - Sante Fe, NM $12 Cactaceae Opuntia polyacantha - dark pink flowers $12 Cactaceae Opuntia spinosior - highest elevation form cane cholla $14 Cactaceae Orixa japonica 'Pearl Frost' japanese orixa $15 Rutaceae Paris polyphylla - Heronswood form multi-leaf paris $22 Melanthiaceae Polygonatum verticillatum $12 Liliaceae / Asparagaceae Polygonatum x hybridum 'Striatum' $16 Liliaceae / Asparagaceae Quercus vaccinifolia huckleberry oak $16 Fagaceae Rhodiola pachyclados afghan sedum $5 Crassulaceae Salvia nipponica 'Fuji Snow' japanese woodland sage $12 Lamiaceae Sedum 'Helen Payne' $7 Crassulaceae Sedum 'Silver Moon' $7 Crassulaceae Sesleria 'Greenlee Hybrid' $15 Poaceae Sesleria caerulea blue moor grass $10 Poaceae Stomatium sp. 'Compact' $8 Aizoaceae Tradescantia 'Blue
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