■■....... V ' . ’' • ' A ' \ '':/ ^ ' ■ ' - f e a t h e r , * F i i n a l * " — Continued:l e d : 1 ^ 9 ^ ' E d i V o r m Edition 11 ^,ir and W arm . ■ TheT h e MujjicMi Valley, NCwf-puper!>puper Di'dicatedDi-di. to Servingili nnd I'rnmI'rimuiting the (Jrowth_^ofh of Nine Irrinatcd1 Idaho Cininticsn in ti e s -— ------------------------------------ — --------- 1 y _______________ ' TTWl.N W l . ^ yALLS, 1DAU 0,o7 E\YE11NK:SIKAY, l l N K:S 29, m u Tl'lN CENTS P “ I- ~ ^ ' * ■ miT ’ "" f J c a st t e e r r W i l l I SBMP'I Pope JolJ o h n i l S u c c e ed ^S t i v e r ^ B ||Has [ e a r l y l l A s C o um n t ty ; C lerkk ■ ' U p S r, Filer, who was defeated by a t f i r f i "ist : ™November's general oleclion ■ H f run as n Democratlocrat aKfajiainst T. \V. Stivers, in- . H | I Fatal €Cr r i s i s LntReruWicaii. forir the officeoffh of Twin Falls countyu n t y H B I VATU’AN'ciTY, M ay ‘JO20 (IM’D - .b'lin XXIH. ,% r| Tuesday afternoon to replace if «fJppomte^ B 81. gravely ill I'mn) wl'mi. j.s bi'limib i'lil'v e il lo b e a d v a n c e d 'i 'l S s , wh05e resignationtion becomesbccor effective Saturday. B cancer nf tlie stonnnii. riillii'iliillii'il sliiTlsli^Tht^y hiday after a i| 4 li‘i £ aPPointmeiit was mmade ade atal a spccial meeting of thet h e B "v“ v e o ry rv bjul) niyhl" innfki'il byby aa lU’ar-lu-ar-falal crisis. Unof- |B |^ l & ls countv commission,mission, LancasterL was appointed B fii'iiilflL'ial Vatii'an somve.f said 1 ilicilic I'upel\ipi‘ heninrrbajieil dur- iB B ’ ’county weed control chair-r h a ir - B ing lheih( niglu witli ;i nnijurijui- crisiscrisis around 1 -.-iri a.m. 'B n *r*rr| man by the commissiono n in B w liic h a lm o s t In i'k lii.< life . , 'H'Hii'y n 'y ssaid a id lu' suffored•al•utc^ J a n u iir y . }Iis (ie\v)y-ap-’ - a p - B ly in'd was strickon witli I'iiinfulim in fu l nan a u s e a . l)e.>«pite g e n - ' i j B pointed-^)Ositinn as county) u n ty B crnlly optimistii.’ ri‘i’''i-l.s clerk rnark.^ the (ir.st tim e in 25 k years the county has hod a B . i(*Tiii(‘il by tile Vatican. (hi‘; iV IJg j ^ K ^ '- \ DemDcmoct-nt In th e oftlcc. B Pronliff's o n l if t i-nnditinn ri'inain- Misbranding pli, ■ •• “—Tli Tlie~counly’s Inst'Democnitlc-«nitlc- B eil so serious tbat his vii-ar f ■ ' 'I clerk WHS Frank Smith, who B _ for Home. Clemente Cardlmil«; OfI l r Gem Spuds | , W ^ ' APrvecI ./rom ]<133 to 193B. whA> ^ B Mlchra.Wlchni. jolheU CftlhDUc-prclates; ------------ l l ^ Q | | ; ^ S 3 H ^ RH | B H hetie was dcfentccl by Walter MMus* us- tliioiiphoin th e ivorld in cnlhiu: f n ly . ^ Republican. Musgravesgrave ■ for prayeis "that lhe honr o( ' aii({~ sncrifieesaerifiee will be late In coinliif:."”! Is Reported !l| B CDuitiyCDun clerks and Stivers took ------■ lAniliaele n lr enn save hfm," noTRi::'Z n n tS E . May 23 itPO—The a t- ^“ j | , o((ic W I o(t>ce In Septem ber, 1S51, a fte r ^ B ^^^^B H I^H B I^IB ^li■ H ^a hlch 'prclMo* wns- quoted osas torney general'sgci olllce no* naked------- - jn M t: BullesBuIK died, stivers has servedserved snyhit;.snyhw. Idaho'sl(Jnho-s twot U. S. senators to |^ l V ■':.' < tw county clerk for 12 yearsrs nnd VaiicaVatican radio, which also hasas jnish forfor a1 federal crackdown on H I ' - rc.^lK;ied hom lltc SB.500 aI yyear e ar FIHFill! ST TO KKCKIVK Diri-OM/iD in .O M /i duringdi Twin FalU high slinwnsliiiwn receivloK het' diplomiRia a from J- 'IT. Anderson, ehulnm uiII nfof been mlmildly optlmlsUe, said to allegednii^ned misbrandingn of out-of- ■ ! I- V B S ^ ^ B V - Job <lo purchnse the Boone LLn'nd and school;*school; com m rncem tnt ex,e^cls^^!X,ercls^^ TuesdayTutsi evening was Anne the b'board ot trustees' oft Twin Tails school district No. •111.-HI. day the Pope's illness "Iin.s t.ikcnI’O slateslate potatoespot with an Idaho JH I ' m TitleT itle company. AlwortAlworth, vnledlclorlan In this year's *ttraduatlng clasa. She isIs (Tlmes-Neiv*(Time pholo) on ft name,ill a name which thehe label.label. Si| I '^1 Silvers, If he had not resigned.■Igncd. , ’ .._• , ; --------------------------------------------------- ------------------ wo'.ld reeoKnlzedri with aneulsh.-' Agricultureaj.,](;u1i Com m issioner I ^1 B, woiild have served a (ull four* 1 i 1 • 11 did *nol use the word cancer Stanleyct,,,,i.v I,1 Trenlialle called the 1 1^.^ but referred only lo the -etero- year teim unlll lOCG. However, J °* latest misbranding Incident to pifiUnm gtistricft,". or stomach Atty,^{(y, Oen.qc Allan O. Shepard'* ' U)e ■mTm Death Rate 27527 Seniors^iors A re G raduaaduated m s"» the commission was notified tumor. attcnllon.attenllon, ’ f H T uesday by Jam es M, C unning-in ln ^ -d . V'CHICAGO. May 29 (UPH- , Vatican soitffcs rcconstruclcd , , ■ ■ ham.ham assistant ,prosccutlnB at- .5 {* J ‘ He said Rn eastern Idaho In­ torney. that Uncaster.aa newly- ■: lost‘x , In traflic accidents I I . spector fouudjwtatocs being sold . i J Ht f O l ^ LAyCASTER ^°^,c during-the. ^irst fo Itir-' T.F.H* iglrSc?h School Class lass of 1963 ' i B „ In Rexburg In bags bearing the ' ' (Coniinurd.n r>t. ]. CslsninO : At 1;« a.m. Prot. PJeJro Max- -------- -mon copyrighted 'X3rown In Idaho" > '■ -------- months of ' Ihls year, the '' AdviceArtv to fellow seniorseniors on fiifinding a placc forr themselvfthemselvea in the world afterif te r zoni, oneon of a team of doctor,* In V nf i National Satety council „ " j .. A" label of the.sUite‘8 poUto and |i' I T \ * • ^; said Tuesday. ^ . Fsdu,graduation was givenen to Twin Falls high Hchool’BoI’b 275 gr;graduating seniors dur- aticndaiatlcndance. desperately called for onion commission and proclaim- ‘” 1 r r n .. The tratilc deoth ratc:^'^atc:4'j mging q<qommencement exerciaea TuTuesday evening by Anne AAlworth. valedictorian,■rian, i*''i’l»''l’ pqi'lpmcnt. a few mln-V* Ing,, '°’,hev they were Idaho potatoes l u J l «tes later five cars fijied In i W ^hsm issesi3^^/nmnom-m onth^period-^iod-^ and~Jand-Jerry-Kuykendallj-iHilulatoci ill.-jtalutatorinn, MiBs_A lw orthth and KKuykeudallun planned their i " packed by D, M. TSbbllta and was the same as a year ;■ gncect il!£!£ itam O U ltM kiliijsls*, ,»{!£— eotiSira^K .“ s t Anlhony.j__________. _ * i ; ■ speeches on the samele general topic,tc with'.Kuykendallsndall givinggivin an introduction: andnnd oecup.intsoccup.ir not identified. " i. I, , _ ago-1.7 fatalities p er 100. i. - (ht Federal and state Inspectors ' - lussing . :---------------------------- : -------- They worked through the night , Fcaera' million vctiiele miles traav- y - ■^ •I’JiSSMiss .A lw o rth discussing ,d. looked over the spuds, he said. ■Integrationion Suiti : eled.= ;:i;:i tthe h e ccconclusion. Kuykendall 'X T on the weakening patient, ad- « I* mlnliterlng transluslons without and "confirmed«*'• that they wer« I - Br I'nlM>d FrmF rtu InlInlernaJbnal ^ i •.Tlie Tl 11,630 deaths was )/ said,said, “As Americana we .-n not Idaho poutoes," They were X any a;apparent result. Vatican ”®t Id t^ ■ A federal judge who10 orderedorderec two Negroes enrolledrolled P®"" the f-'L hhave a v P ' a great influence on N ebraskan:aii M]? in ister j jig new round, red potatoes. Tron- , previous record of 11.516 I , sourccssources said It was a "dramatic JJ®* ■ so t month in the Univeraityniveralty of Alabama today dis- ' national and world affairs. The night." a "very bad night." ' • haile sald, but Idaho has not as ^ ®- ii for the first four m o n th s .ip Sfuture p is up to us. It Is up to I-/' yet harvested any 10(53 crop pota- ■niissed a government suit seekingseeki; integration of publicm b li c ■]•! of 195Gi and four ner cent !=! By 4 a.m, th e doctor.^ Uilng Ice 11 us to use our education to pro- X . packs on the patient's stomach,ch, “tOM. cs. ■jcbDols around the nation’slation’s spacesi flig h t centere r ata t i aboiabove tho 11,160 deaths m n q, , 3 Preachess at R upert Ir; :.”• if moto pcaco - and-democracy:racy in t stcmmestemmed th e Internal bleedingIng He addadded that Tibbltta said hs ■Hoiitsville.-Alft. U. S..D3U iatrict trict JudgeJu H. H.-Grooms-ruledr u l e d t4 J « - a p h i. t>. : th e wworld." o tjt of did not pack them and had given ' out It i RUPERT. May 29—“If—“If the ttask seema impoaaible,aible, that hrhas sapped the strength of did notj ■that the justice departmrtm ent was\v, “without authority’'• r i t y ’' \] r.r ,mMiss iss Alworth pointed out ll is Rcr5j the >ope desplle hU "vaUMitant US.ns. permission to use his decision o f each JndJvidual,dividual J'}®*' must be very important."important." the Rev.
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