February 27, 1979-THE AQUINAS-Page 9 Toto: A Unique Sound Concert At Wilkes overB~e~~~:~~:~~anew contains the essence thatisToto. Chapin Swin s The Crowd type of rock music has been laun- , "Child's Anthem", on side one, BY BOB BROWN ching an energetic frontal assault is as striking a rock instrumental On Thursday night" the Scran- on the traditional "knock their as I have ever heard. The ton - Wilkes-Barre Memorial socks off" heavy metal camp. To- repeated staccato bursts of Choir was in full swing at the day, this assault has progressed keyboards and drums intrigue King's College gym as Harry to the point where these new the first-time listener and offer Chapin "The most prolific rockers are literally banging at an excellent clue of what is to songwriter of our time" graced the gates of the heavy metal come. "I'll Supply the Love" us with his presence. Before a palace - only one step away opens with a short electric guitar crowd of 2,500, Chapin played from complete conquest. But intro oy Steve Lukather and con- nearly two and a half hours, with what is this mysterious invade~? veys the mess-age loud and clear the better part of the crowd join­ Well, it is certainly not "bubble that Toto is very capable of play- ing in on most ofthe songs. gum" (plaids and teeth just don't ing solid rock. This song, like the Chapin opened the concert do­ mix well), it is not "punk" (safe- other real rocker songs on the ing a simple solo, "The Chord ty pins are so gauche), it is not album - namely, "Manuela Song," from his forthcoming even "disco" (heaven forbid! n. Run" (heavy harmonies with just album "Legends of Lost and Harry Chapin ata recentKing's concert. True, these music forms (? ) have .a hint of Spanish navor), "Girl Found." It will be another live .'Dreams Go By", "Taxi", night. their own little niches in the Goodbye" (crushing power album of mostly new material "30,000 Pounds of Bananas" (hat­ Some people may say that after music world, but they don't even chords mixed with subtle har- and also some old favorites. For ched right here on the Moosic seeing Harry Chapin four times come close to the crown princes monies; excellent guitar solo), his next song he was joined by Streethill), a_nd finally "Circle". I've become a groupie but I still of rock - the heavy-melodic rock and "Hold the Line" (what can 1 John Wallace on bass, Stephen After seeing Harry Chapin for go back to bear the stories that be . bands like Boston, Foreigner, say, except "great") - are all Chapin (Harry's brother) on the fourth time I walked away tells so emphatically in songs and and most recentIy, Toto. dominated by a precise balance keyboards, Doug Walker on lead feeling that I had not heard ballads. Harry Chapin is The six members of Toto, of guitar, bass, 'and keyboards guitar, Kim Scholes on cello and enough of him. I wished he had definitely not, "Just another though all still in their early to mixed with dynamic vocals by Howie Fields on drums and per­ played longer, or would return travelling salesman trying to mid-twenties, have each spent Bobby Kimball andDave Paich. cussion. He relapsed momentari­ again ... with one exception. The sing his songs from town to years standing just out of the The remainder of Toto's album 'ly and did l'A Better Place To oneliners that he used two years town," but a great entertainer, range of the spotlight, backing up is composed of mellower songs Be" but then reeled off three ago to rib the members of \he and very much worth seeing time such stars as Steely Dan, Alice which help to balance out this songs from his latest album "Liv­ band will still used Thursday and time again. Cooper, and Boz Scaggs. Finally, first-effort LP. "Georgy Porgy", ing Room Suite", "Poor Damned they are experiencing the written by keyboardist Dave Fool", "Why Don't Little Girls", glamour of center stage. Their Paich, has a very jazzy feel to it, and "Flowers are Red", a song debut album, "Toto" (Colum- very much like a Boz Scaggs' about a first grade boy who defies bia), has achieved platinum tune (l parti~ularlylike the piano the system, only to be punished status in less than four months and synthesized "flute" parts.). for painting nowers of many col- since its release. Ithas surpassed "You Are The Flower" and ors, instead of painting "neat the monster "Boston" debut LP "Takin' ItBack" possess no real- rows of green and red". in initial sales; largely because of ly outstanding qualities (except Apermanent scar is left on the the sweeping success of the hit for that excellent "fiute") but do boy when another teacher allows single "Hold the Line". Release serve to adequately fill in the him to paint as he likes. He just of a second single, "I'll Supply gaps between the more in- says, "Flowers are red, green ...' the Love,'~ is expected to bolster teresting numbers. leaves are green, there's no need .album sales even f!lrther. "Rockmaker" is a rather sub- to see flowers any other way than Obviously, Toto's phenomenal dued rocker with the ringing they way they always have been success is not due to the fact that guitar sound that is seen". a ditty drilled into hiS head a million record buyers recognize characteristic of English groups by the conformist teacher. It is a drummer Jeff Porcaro from the such as Pezband. The last song on fiJle song commenting on the days when he played with Boz the album, "Angela", is a par- mass-production- like at- Scaggs. The reason they buy is ticular favorite of mine. This mosphere in primary and secon· because the album is excep- song, with aU the appearance of a dary schools today. Ithas the im- tional; Toto has hit on a sound soft ballad, has a surprise blastof pact of "Cat's in the Cradle". which is unique, yet subtle. power chording built into the Chapin then went on to do the ti- Unlike Boston (also known for chorus, which canknock you over tie track from "Legends of Lost their unique sound), one Toto if you're not expecting it. and Found" and several other song does no sound like the nine As' a whole, Toto's, debut album tunes from that album. Then he , other Toto songs on the album. exhibits qualities which seem to performed the old favorites that Each song is individual but still indicate that the band knows who got many people singing along they are and what they want to and clapping and stomping; do. Look for ~em to follow in the "W.O.L.D.", "Mr. Tanner," CUNT ' 'footsteps of Boston and Foreigner featuring Big John Wallace on IAsrwoOD Guide as an American rock supergroup. vocals; "Cat's in the· Cradle", Coughlin WILLTURN My Father's Place Pettlr Tosh March 15 A DIAMOND In Your Future? Buddy Rich ,... March 16 YOU Jon Hammer .•.......... March 17 S~. Nassau Colliseum You Must Our Great 'IVERY , ' Styx -.. March 2 New Jer..y Values-Before You Buy! WilIOMWAV, o ,', Capitol Theatre 2 " 4 Jerry JeH.Walker ..•...... March 3 Judy Collins , March 10 Our Diamondscope Sho~ It All IIUTLooSE' Steven Stms '" March 23 7 , Elvis Costello March 30 6 A MAlPASO COMPANY FILM Co-starnng loNo.. LOCKI 9 PhIIa.phID Ar.. :3 Spectrum GEOFFREY LEWIS' BEVERlY D'ANGELO and RUTH GORDON as /'{la, 1 Santana " March 3 ~~~', Written by JEREMY JOE KRONSBERG· Produced by ROBERT DALEY Symphony Hall Directed by JAMES FARGO' Color by DElUXE® • Distributed byWARNER BRO!> If• The Big EI March 14 IPG'I~,~~1 ~ A WARNER COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY ~ ~ ~ ~ Walnut Str_tTheatre JEWELERS ... O"l1 INC All8llG,HlSftSlil\110 5 •Peter Tosh March 6 00SPRUCEST. Soundtrack album and tapes available from Elektra Records, , Tower Theatre DOWNTOWN SCRANTON ) Triumph March 2 Featuring Eddie Rabbitt. Charlie Rich. Mel nllis' Angel ..•............. , .. March 9 Nil:olette Larson ' March 10 MEMBER Roosevelt Theatre ~erble Hancock._ : March 16 even Stills March 17 AMERICAN GEM SOCIETY Greenridge Corners Northeast Pennsylvania , University of Scranton! ! !' ~ Jewelers-Si~ce 342-8500 Renafssance ',' March 31 ' *ranlbn Oldest 1880 S"I. & S,,". '\t"lint't': 2:00 & ,1:I:; Shuw.: .:00 & .),13'.
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