$2.50 The AVALON HILL March-April 1980 Volume 16 • Number6 2 *The AVALON HILL Ie Avalon Hill Philosophy Part 78 GENERAL As stated before many times in this column. THE AVALON HILL PBM GAME CHAMPIONSHIPSI' Ava/on Hili goes to considerable effort and ex· The Game Players Magazine pense to be more than just another game com­ An unusual thing about the wargaming hobby is that. although it is an activity in which great care The Avalon 1"1,11 GENERAL <.<led,cated to the 1"""''''3­ pany toirs following. Financiallyspeaking. i/ might lion of aulho,,,.,,ve a,tlcles on the ....tegy. tacl'e5, and be wiser if we expended all of our efforts in the is taken to precisely define victory and defeat. ••".""" of Avalon H,II wa'games 1'1"'0"081 .,t,cle5 .'. area ofgame design andnew games ro the exclu· there has been relatively little interest in organiz­ mcluded onlV insomuCh as they f'''W'OO useful b.ckg(OuJ>d ing competition, and recognizing skill. This is all ,,,formaMn on CUrrent Avalon H,II '"les. The GENERAL IS sian of customer services in periphery areas. pUbhsho>d by the Avalon H,II Game Comp.ny solely fo' 'I>e Things like Opponents Wanted ads. AREA rating the more remarkable when one considers that the cullu'al ..cli"••"on 0' tM se';OU$ game af,ciQnad<>. or,the andmatchingservices.pbmpads, variantkirs. rhe culture of which wargaming is a part is nearly hOp(lS of ,mp,,,,,,ng 'he game owne"s prof,creneyol pl<ly an<! ORIGINS tournaments, and even THE GENERAL obsessed with organized competition. from the prov,d,ng .e'v;ces "'" othe'",IS" ava,lable '"'h8 Avalon 1'1,11 billion-dollar world of professional sports. down to game bull itselfdo notpayfOf themselves excepr in terms of intern8tional Monopoly tournaments. There are Publ,ca"on oS b'-monthly ""'h ma'hngs made cfose ,,, rhe good wilf generared among our customers. Ihe end of Feb<ua"" Aprol. June. Augu.!. Ck:l<>ber and The folfowing guesr editorial by my long time unfortunate aspects of this competitive zeal. but December All <!doto"..1and g"""'81 marl should tie sen! to most of it is just innocent diversion. in my opinion. 'he Avalon 1'1,11 Ga",., ComPMv. 4517 Ha,lo'd R<>ad, postal friend and tormentO/, Tom Oleson, an­ If you enjoy studying batting averages. and Baltimore, MD 21214 0"" yea, SOO"",;pllOnS a'e .9.00. nounces anothersuch losing venrure. /( you share Two y...., suboc"pt>OO$ a'e S 14.00. Previous subsc"Pt"'" ourcompetitive instincts andappreciate having a following league standings. why not? Similarly. if 'ates or '7.50 ar><l 512.00 w~1 be accepted.s 5 and 6 ;ss"" "goal" fOf your hobby parricipation, we think you take pleasure in polishing your skills in one or te'ms ,e"""wvelv. All domestic .ub"""pt,ons sent vre bul~ palm". Dome.tic F~.t Clas. De,ve<y II<'od Bil subsc,iptlons to you'llshare ourexcitementabout thepossibilities. Canoda and Me.ico must pay an _,t;onal 59.00 po, yea, /(so, Of ifnot. drop us a line with your thoughtspro postege d'a,ge. A~ o..e,.oa, .ub,c<ipt>ons must adO an o<l<li· and eon. Continued on Page 1 7, Column "onal $ 12.00 po' ye.' PO.tage c~a'ge. Sond check. 0' money o<<Ie..o,"y. AH '. Mtresp"".'ble fo.- cashl",t '" "an.it. T",,"" wlt~ a current Ame'",an Ex",e••, VISA, 0< Maste, C,,",ge ca'd may ca~ 800·638·9292 toH Jreo to 'enew sub"",ipt,on. 0' • o,<Ie, me,ch.n,b.e Ab.olutely MCompla,nt. 0, quo.t"'n. will : be handled "" ,~.. numbe'. Any bu.;ne.s othe, th.n a c'edlt c.'d purch."" must be handled by ma,1 AdO,e••cnarlge. mu.t : t>e .ubmllted at least 6 w....k. in ad..ance to ~a,antee f <lehv.'y. Paid .dve",sing ,. not accep'e<!. but news of "np," • tanee to ''''' 9am"9 CommuMy ,s so~cited. C""""n',on an· • """neement. must be 'ece,ved.t .....t 3 month. in advance end conla,n ,nfo.-mat,on pena,n,ng to AH lIOme. in use. : : A'''cle. f'om subsc"be,s a,e conS'dere<! for publjc."on i .t Ihe d''''',e''on of our edlto"al ...n. A'ticl•••~ould be : • • t\'l>Ow"tten. doubl.·spaced, end embrace the renel. 01 good Snghsh usage. The'e ,. nohm" towo,d length Accompanv· • : ,ng ...mple••nd dlag,ams .houl<f be neallydon. in blaCk or • • 'ed ,nk Pltol09,aphs ,hould he"" c.ption and credit line • • • w"tten On b.ck. Relected .",d.s w,1I loa r.turnedwhen."", pou,ble :' EOtTOR: Donald J. Greenwood ASS'T EDITOR: Alan R. M()()n • i REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS, J An9,01,lIo. R Beym•. A • BIurnl>erg, 0 Buro",', RC ng. J. Conoollv. J. Dav,o. R • • Ka'-n. R Ha'mon. T. H ". J. J.rv....n. R, Modrow. J O·Ne~t. • M..Ilc"",. T.O"'son,G, C Ransom.J. St.h",r,O. Tum· : bull. M, UN. C. V..ev. M Wa'''"''. K. ZUCke, • GRAPHICS: Jean 9.e'. Sleph.n,e C,ech, Ma'g.,et • Lehman, Rodger MacGow.n. Dale Sheaffe, I EXCLUStVE AGENTS: ARGENTINA. Sandte' Gesang. SA; Jose E. Unbu,u 377; 1027. BuenosAires.AUSTRALIA. Je<1kO Gem., LId.. 111 Be.t"ce St.. Cheltenham. 3192. V,cto"o. BELGtUM. CODACO SPRL; 1072 Ch.ossee de i NillO\lO: 1DaD a"'.eltes; FRANCS; Jeu. Oesca".s. 5. ruede i i la Baume; 7SOOB Pa'i•. GREAT BRtTAIN. M,chaelS Modet" 648 H'gh Rood. N F,nchtay, N 12 ONL: GRSECS. Ame"c.n 600k & News; 68 SVng,ou A....: Athens 408, ITALY. OOti THE ESSENCE OF DUNE 3 Atlredo Genu": T"'emalP,s.l: Vi.dei Lecci. 1.JAPAN, POSt A Combination Review& Character Analysis By Future Pastimes and Charles Vasey Hobby Co.. \-38 Yoyogl. Shlbuyo·'u, TQl<vo; MALAYStAI REPU8L1C OF SINGAPORE; Wong International Sntp. 6 1914 DIPLOMACY J.lon S,no, 8ul.n. Singapore 17. SOUTH AFRICA; G.mma 18 Games lid: P.O. 6<>" 2904. Capetown 8000: SPAIN. hidro AMore Historical Variant for DIPLOMACY By Lewis Pulsipher Ma,,,,,.,·Aguado. Temen' Coronel Gongol<t, Tablas No 11. Barcelona 34: SWSOEN, PlaygrOUnd H8. 5I<.'pol<."....90n 2 THEHUNT 21 F. S222 42 LUND, A Scenario for OUTDOOR SURVIVAL By Rick Mathews A,.. Tochnk;!an: J.ck, Oon GENERAL Subscriptions; Ge'llude Zomb'o JUST ANOTHER PRETTY FACE 23 Purcho.es 01 Games. PBM kits .nd part.: Ch".,y ~haw The Opponems Wanted Survey Revisited By Woody Davis Quaolion. Con""rn;n9 Pt.y: Rese.ro~ & Des,gn Depart. menl FOURPLAYER DIADEM SCENARIO , 24 NOle All ques"ons Should be thoroughty dl.g,.mmed No ANZIO Bask Game III ByTom Oleson questoons w,1t be .n.wered tMt a,e not accompamed by a self·addressed. stamped envelope Onty questions reg.rd· 'ng 'ule OIa"f,co"on, (nOI h,sto"c.1 0' des'lln subteclS) can ORIGINS PREVIEW 27 be onswer.d A Closer Look al our Events for lhe Nalional Con ByTheSlaff 'FYOU CHANGE YOUR ADDRESS: 'nform u. 'mmedi­ aIel. The POSt Olf,,," deS1l0l'S maga"ne...en ,f VOU teave. TWO IS BETTERTHAN ONE 29 forwa'dlng '<Id'ess AH ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBtLtTY ProbabililyTables for TwoSuccessive Allacks in PB ByAndrew Katsampes FOR ISSUSS LOST DUE TO AN INVALtD AODRSSS Please ,t.'e both your r>ew and ol<! odd,ess RULES OF CONDUCT 30 Official Avalon Hill Rules for AREA PBM Play By Tom Oleson Tilt· ,~",,, '''' ,n~II.(I.\· b SERIES REPLAY: DIADEM 35 III1.L_.-({!f ANZIO Four Player Variant Game ByA. Barrera, R. Diaz, J. Duerr, H, Duerr 6U'''f' '."lImpf"." /~ DESIGN ANALYSIS 44 4517 Harford Road, ~\!!!!.Ja.. ANZIO Designer's Notes for DIADEM By Tom Oleson Baltimore, Md. 21214 \!/ ~ 3 -~".",:",~....--. THE ESSENCE OF DUNE by the designers of Future Pastimes-Bill Eberle, Jack Kittredge, and Peter Olotka with modular assistance from that indomitable Englishman Charles Vasey. The authors for our feature on DUNE are body mositure. Its storms cut both men and metal within wheels." The game has been constructed to actually the design team which makes up thai to ribbons, giant sandworms attack anything that foster just such a sense of intricate danger and op­ talented group called FUTURE PASTlMES-a moves on the surface of the endless deserts, and portunity. small, new game company which stood lhe hobby possession of its wealth mak.es one a target for the In the DUNEgame, each player is challenged tll on its colleclive ear in 1978 with COSMIC EN­ most powerful and deadly forces in the Empire. make the most of the resources he starts with. Each COUNTERS. That novel game system proved to be Such a planet promotes the utmost of thrift, cau­ player has a given number of troops, leaders, spice, lhe forerunner from which DUNE evolved lO our tion, shrewd calculation, and swift, precise action. wealth, weapons, and special advantage.s and di ­ eternal gralilude. Yet, nOl everything herein is seen Just the sort of place for an evening of classic con­ advantages relating to the abilities and political in­ through the naturally biased eyes ofthe creators of frontation among friends. heritance of one DUNEcharacter, and also secretly the game. Lo, there is an inlerloper in the SCripl in controls a leader of one other player. On a map theform ofthat inveterategame critic andall round What makes Dune more interesting as a location representing most of the planet's northern rogue Charles Vasey.
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