Volume LXXIX Darien High School, Darien, Connecticut 06820 December 21, 1978 I DBS Parking Citations 'Said Null and Void Ticket Money By Greg Burns mail the fine to the police on either side of Nutmeg Lane. The Police Department has department, not directly to the This will place even more stated that all ticket money paid The 500 parking tickets distri­ school and, therefore, is not an pressure on student parking lots. by Darien High students was buted by a DHS teacher's aide in internal fine. Assistant principal Gerard transferred to the Darien September and October to un­ A car cannot be issued a police Coulombe has requested a General Fund for the public use stickered cars in the parking lot parking ticket in the high school change in town ordinance sec­ of the town. do not by law have to be paid. lot because there is no town ordi­ tion 50 R-5 which, if passed into Many students have refused to Dr. Donald Robbins stated nance which requires stickered law, would allow the police to pay the fines. A junior who that the tickets, which are iden­ parking at DHS. A police park­ enforce the stickered parking in received close to $100 in fines tical to standard Darien Police ing ticket can only be issued to a the high school lot. The town or­ commented, "The tickets are Department parking tiCkets "are car which violates a town ordi­ dinance is scheduled to be voted unfair because honest people are void because at the present time nance or statute. An example of on later this month. being punished under fraudulent the police do not have the legal a no-parking area, where a ticket The teacher's aid who distri­ circumstances. They believed power to collect them." can be distributed to a parked buted the parking tickets was non-payment would violate the The school administration car, is the circle in front of the sworn in by the Darien police law. I think the school and the does have the authority to issue auditorium and gymnasium, chief and was instructed by the police owe a lot of mQney to and enforce internal fines for which is a fire zone. The no­ Darien police youth officer as a some students. " parking because the lot is the parking area extends down one "special policeman." continued on ,page 3 property of the Board of Educa­ side of Nutmeg Lane and a no­ ':1" tion. An example ofan "internal parking sign will be posted on ",/, fine" is the 5 cent a day penalty the other side of Nutmeg Lane in In Case of a Disaster New Superintendent of Schools for overdue library books. the next few weeks because of Do Not Panic,' Repeat. ·· James Loughran However, the parking ticket fine snow rem~val. In other words, required the ticketed person to no cars wIll be allowed to park By Peter Croncota . ,. For the first time sjnce the Kennedy years, students, are "Duck on command and learning the meaning of the'Cold cover head and face wj~h War ~nd ,its effects. )~res!9c::nt "hanld'~", ."..' i· ".".';":' . '-~ll 1.,t:J~mrvy~.a~t~.rl].~~p~.ss,e~Q,.~~~~Uit? The teacher,' h ndbook ' .' . pro Ide 2 bllhon for a ne cIvIl .. By Rick Richardson to be invoived in the learning Loughran, who ha ,been under the .. mer en . p r - defense pro ram. The program and Tom Walsh process as well as being involved Darien's assistant superinten­ lions Plan'.'"gives this as Ihe pro-' plans (or, the speedy evacuation in managing the organization," dent of schools for curriculum cedure for students' and faculty" ::Qr 14Q',miIUon Americans from is the personal philosophy of for the past two years, came in case n:l~IJ.-lTla.~.epJ;;;na.~ural" r:!!i:il.ipf~q~(~~,,(~~~t,~!l1 be done "A good administrator will earlier this month. '.pf James J. Loughran, Darien's emergen~~,s:::';'';~I-{S;;students!"wiIhlhd ~\V~th·~~.het1;iltest;lV~an'd prepares always feel that he stays close to Darien's present superinten­ the classroom in dealing with the new superintendent of schools. follow .tb¢se, procedures 'during,,,, '..'edub~tiQ.nalqnstitutiQnssuch as The decision by the Board of dent, Dr. Joseph P.Porter, an­ the, newly activated bomb, alert ,,'.: HHS'"for iiminediate emergency teachers, the students and the nounced last summer that he curriculum. He has to continue Education to appoint Mr. program in the months ahead. ';'J,.\action'in case of sudden nuclear plans to retire at the end of July Darien High SchooV.is,','auaok. 1979. Mr. Loughran will take emergency program includes Since Russia has increased her over as superintendent of three alternatives. The first pro- civil defense program so that a schools August I. cedure.is used if there is suffi- minimal number of civilians will Mr. Loughran is no stranger , cient "warning and instructs be casualties in case of attack, it to the Darien school system. He . teachers to have students go follows that America has to first came to Darien in 1970 after home"if pQssible. If not, they either keep up with or outdo being a junior high assistant , stay with the teachers. them. principal in Greenwich where he The': second plan, for an still resides. He was principal at emergency when there is not suf­ ** ••• BUL LET IN····· Hindley School for three years ficient time to go home, instructs followed by two-and-a-half students and teachers to line the In the next issue of Neirad, years at Mather Junior High corridors facing lockers and the Darien High School com­ School and one-half year as in­ walls. munity will respond to the his­ terim principal at Middlesex The third plan is used for a toric restoration of diplomatic Junior High School. surprise nuclear attack or relations between the United ,Mr. Loughran, a native of natural disaster. This plan has States and China. Darien High Greenwich, received a Bachelor students and faculty duck under of Arts degree in political science School was one of the first desks and cover their faces with public high schools in America from lona College and a Masters their hands. This will protect the degree from Columbia Teachers eyes from blinding light. to have a group of students and College. He then took a two­ faculty travel to China. year graduate course at the Bank Street College of Education en­ titled "The Principal as an Educational Leader." In an interview with Neirad, he outlined a number of strengths of the Darien K-12 (Kindergarten- 12th grade) system. "The quality of our profes­ sional staff (teachers and ad­ Seniors Tim Appleton and Derrick Wenger net a wtId and dangerous ministrators) and students, who scotch pine for the Senior Class Christmas tree sale being held through have an interest in learning for this week. The sale will continue this week until all of the 775 trees are us to develop and motivate, are sokI, Continued on page 3 Foreign StUdents Share First American Christmas By Glenn Heitsmlth his reindeer for white Boxing Day, leftover food is kangaroos. Few homes need boxed and given to the needy. Six DHS students will experi­ fireplaces, so Santa has to come Summer vacation for students ence something new this year­ in through the door instead of lasts from the second week in an American Christmas. In re­ sliding down the chimmney." December until the end of cent interviews, students from Depending on the January. Australia, Denmark, Germany, temperature, the family will Roast Duck Feast Spain, Sweden and Thailand have a salad or something else Susanne Andersen from were asked, "What is Christmas cool for lunch. Dinner features Odense, Denmark, is staying like in your country?" baked chicken or turkey. For with her uncle while in Darien. The Macnish family moved to dessert, plum pudding is topped Susanne, a senior, told Neirad Darien from Sydney, Australia. with custard. Inside the pudding that on Christmas, Danish Cameron, a senior, responded, is a silver coin that belongs to the families feast on roast duck, red "Since Christmas occurrs at lucky person who finds it. cabbage, potatoes and earrots. mid-summer, Australian legend On Christmas Day, gifts are A special Christmas treat is states that when Santa Claus exchanged around the Christmas "risalamdi," rice pudding top­ Shown above is the proper sequential procedure in case the . reaches the equator, he trades tree. The next day, known as continued on page 3 high school is the center of an enemy attack or other disaster. Page 2 NEIRAD December 21, 1978 Here We Go Again Once again the parking problem at DHS has reared its ugl}' head. ---Viewpoint-- Once again the administration is faced with the task of resolving' a dilemna that has beset this high school for the past several years. Editor's note: Tbe Ideas expressed In tbls column do not necessarily After beginning a new program for the registration of motor represent tbe editorial position of Neirad. Readers are Invited to tum vehicles and distribution of parking stickers to juniors and seniors and in their views In editorial form to the Neirad bOll In tbe .'ront office. then the enforcement thereof, it has become known that parking cita· Submission of10lumn does not auraDlee pubUclltJon, but we will at· tions cannot be placed on those autos without permits and be legally lempt to print as many wortby "Vinvpolnts" as possible. enforced. The burden of blame for the failure of this latest effort can· not be placed upon the administration. The policy would have, and should have, worked.
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