THE CITY RECORD. VOL. XXXIII NEW YORK, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1905. NUMBER 9882. THE CITY RECORD. Court. Plaintiff. Amount. Nature of Suit. Attorney. OFI'TCIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Rose Lebowitz (No. 2)....... 85 4o ...................................\V. It Published Under Authority of Section 1526, Greater New York Charter, by the I lelen Littaucr,. Supreme, BOARD OF CITY RECORD. Rings Co.. City of New York ...... Notice of motion to confirm report nn August 4. 1905, in matt_r of GEORGE B. McCLELLAN, MAYOR. pttbl is park, Fourteenth, Fi ft-en th JOHN J. DELANY, CORPORATION COUNSEL, EDWARD M. GROUT, COMPTROLLER. and Seventeenth Warrls, Br.,, k- !yn ............................. Inhn 1. D,Ianr. Supreme, Kings Co.. People ex rel. PATRICK J. TRACY, SUPERVISOR. Interstate Pav- Published daily, except legal holidays, ing (ompany. ...... Copy of writ of mandamus in matter against Edward M, Grout, as Subscription, $9.30 per year, exclusive of supplemet:ts. Three cents a copy. Cemptrnller, etc., on Noventbcr SUPPLEMENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc., of the city employees), 25 cents: 20, t 905 ........................ \ au .\ukrn & Rice. Canvass, io cents; Registry Lists, 5 cents each assembly district; Law Department and Finance Suprentc, Department supplements, to cents each; Annual Assessed Valuation of Real Estate, z5 cents each N. Y. Co.. City of New York ...... Certified copy of order on October 16. t905, iu lratt_r of opining All- section. thony avenue ................... Il. I. St. J, ho. Published at Room 2, City Hall (north side), New York City. Municipal, Brooklyn, Entered as Second-class Matter, Post Office at New York City. sd I )ist .... ............... ...... -rm-anscripts of judgment filed Oct her 17, 1905, as follows: John II. Ruttier. 37 47 ...................................3. 1. Crup•ry. .Arntld Zachow.. 77 1 n ................................... „ \I'm. II. Wohlers 74 40 ................................... TABLE OF CONTENTS. Supreme, Kings Ce.. C'ity of New York • • • • • Certified copy of order on October tt, 19o5, rtt matter of opening .\rmn,ry Coumtissioners, Board of— Manhattan, Borough of— Kingston avenue ................ l' S. Taper. Minutes of Meeting of October 23, Auction Sale .................... 9234 Supreme, 1905 . ................. 9227 \lttnicipal Civil Service Commission- Kings Co.. ('aroliue V. Con- \ssessors, Board of— Classification of Positions Amended 9222 nolly ......... ...... ( crlitie,l col,c f order on I)m-tobcr Public Notices ................... 9235 Public Notices ................... 9234 v. n„g ........................ I. 'I. Canavan. Meetings ...................... Board 9234 Municipal Court of The City of New City Bronx, Borough of— Court of Public Notices ................... 9232 York— Public Notice ................... 9215 City of Brooklyn, Borough of— New York. Otto and .August Minutes of Local Board Meeting. 9223 Notice to Contractors ................. 9244 Schmitt ...... ,r „u I lcl„h,v t I. Imp.;. Proposals ........................ 9233 Official Borough Papers .............. 9z3R in matter again>t 1V'illiam Change of Grade Damage Commission— Official Directory 9231 ,naun .......................... lietrr ;. \V Id "n. Public Notice .................... 9232 ........ (>tiics, Papers ....................... gz38 Supreme, IRanges in Departments .............. 9229 Queens ('o . ............... ...... ('opicm of petitions, affidavits an,l and Ferries, ll......t... of— Parks, Department of— Proposals ........................ 9239 n,,lices of motion nn October 31 1'ropcsalsProposals ........................ 9z38 1005, in matter , Edward Public Notice ................... 9239 Police, Department of— U. (:root. as ompi roller, etr.. location, Department of— Auction Sale .. ... ...... 9236 IS foll.,ws: Contracts Entered Into During the Owners Wanted for Lost Property 9236 NeIs-i S nt i t h Week Commencing October 9, Proceedings of October t6, 19o5.... 922.1 ( McGuire as- 1905 ............... ........ 9228 Public ,\dministrator- signment) ...... ................ .... ............... Ncl.:.'n `ntlth. I'roposals ....... .... ... 9239 Statement and Return of Moneys Nelson 5 nt it It h:.timate and . pnortionment, Board of— Recoiled for the Month of Oc- ( Lemon assi;n- l'ublic Notices .... ............... 9233 tuber, 1905 .................. 9-'3 ntent) ........ I'inance, I)epartnient of— Supreme, Abstract of Transactions for the Public Charities, Department of— Kings Co.. City of New York Proposals ........................ 9'3 • • • • . • Certified copy of order nn October Week Ending October 21, 19o5 9213 t8, hgoa, i❑ matter Of oneninc Corporation Sales of Buildings, etc, 9236 Street Cleaning, Department of— I.atit Nineteenth street, lirook- Notices of Assessments for Opening Ashes, etc., for Filling in Lands. , 9235 lvn ............................ 1. \\. [Burch 1,. Streets and Parks ............ 9238 Pronosals ........................ 9235 Stn mrentc. Notices to Property-owners........ 9235 Public Notice ..................... 9233 N. Y. (-o.. time of New York • - Certified[ co1w Imf order on October Notice to 'Taxpayers ,, , , , , , , , ,,,,, 9237 Supreme Court, First Deoartment- t8. too5. in matter of opening Public Notice ......... .. ..... 9237 Acquiring Title to Lands, etc...... 9-39 East Eighteenth street........... \1. I. `t. 1„hn. Fire Department— Sopreme, Auction Sale ..................... 9232 Supreme Court, Second Deparhnent- 81 Lands, etc...... 9243 Kings Co.. John I. Gutheil. 4.368 Notice of judgment filed Oet~ther t8, Ilealth, Department of— Acquiring Title to 1905 ........................... 'tV. W. Cham1) i.. Minutes of Meeting of September 27, Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, De- Supreme, 1905 ......................... 9216 partutcnt of— Ki"gs ( n .. ............... ••••.. '17anscripts of judgment filed October Proposals ........................ 9232 Proposals ........................ 9235 t7. ,905. as follows: Jacob \fearer... 79.1 6 ................................... 1-. L. Ent.ti;!e \lar_aret Lamo- reaux ........ t.74m 3 .................... .............. ko},ert Stewart DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. Municipal. Brooklyn, 3d I)ist.... Patrick J. IIealy Abstract of transactions of the Department of Finance fir the fleck ending Oct(t- against City of her 21, 1905. -New York.... .-... ('„p, „( .unnu„n, :m, c„ml,laiOt ..... %urn X Rngen.hutz. Miunici'~al, Deposited in the City 1 reasury. \tank at'n, 7th Dist... .\ncltnr Bohemian To the credit of the City Treasur\ ..... ............................... $8,248,393 20 Real Estate .\s - To the credit of the Sinking Fun(Is ..... ............................... 442,539 32 sociation against City of New York.... ...... Imps of .nntntnns anl c„mlmlaint ..... .I . l' npek & (',- Total ..................................................... 52 $8,690,932 Municipal, Brooklvti. Stock and Bonds Issued. 3d I list .... ............... , , .... 'l-ranserjpts of judgment docketed Oc- ....tuber t3 and 17, 1905, as follows: Three per cent. Stock ................................................ $16,5oo 00 John C. Cordes. ...... ....................... Tm.cns S McCro sin. 1-our per cent. Bonds ................................................. Ioo,000 oo Catherine Food. Louis Ilertb.... ...... ...................I............... Supreme, •1-otal .................................................... $116,5co 00 Kings Co., Ri bert B. Cor- bett .......... 309 6 ` Memssorifrt ml judsttdent filed October _n, 190; ........................ L. 11. Prcuderga.t. Warrants Registered for Payment. Supreme, N. Y. Co, • U n it e d States Appropriation .Account;—" A " Warrants ............................. $705,430 25 Fireproof Ac- Special and Trust Accounts—" B" Warrants .......................... 14,570,746 02 count L' o o Is and Box Cont- Additional \Vatcr Fund—"C " Warrants .............................. 124,584 21 pany ........ 1,111,1 o,t 'I- ranrcript 4)f judgment tiled October t7. t 9o; ........................ Saxe & Powell, Total .................................................... $15,400,760 48 County. Kings Cu.. People ex ref. Commissioners of Public Char- Suits, Orders of Court, Judgments, Etc. ities of City of New York ...... ...... Certified cony of order oft October 19. 1905, in matter against Val- Court. Plaintiff. Amount. Nature of Suit. Attorney. eutine T. Saucy ................. George C:ru. Stt Creme, N. V. Co.. City of New York • • • • • • Certified copy of order on October t 2, 1905. in matter of opening City icauntont avenue ............... I'. McClure. Court of Supreme, City of N. Y. Co.. Title Guarantee New York. Arthur Buenlers. and Trust as assignee and C o m p a it v judgment against Jac,b creditor ...... ...... Certified copy of order on October l), [puler et al. ..... l ,I,% mIf summ"ns anJ complaint..... 11. Swain. 16, 1905, in matter against U. S. I list., Joseph H. Garvey, judgment Southern dcbt~r .......................... W. McC'os':ey. last. of Municipal, New York. 0 I d Dominion Brooklyn, S I e a mship 1st Dist ... ................ ...... Transcripts of judgment docketed Company ..... 676 2S Certified copy of final decree entered October 13, 19o5, as follows: October 21, 1905 .................\. A. Wray. Samuel Eisler (No, t)....... $225 4u ...................... ............ \\'. O. Miles. Rosie Eisler.... 105 40 ................................... .. Henry P. Gorg .. (No. t)....... t86 40 ................................... Claims Filed. He P. Gorg (No. 2)....... 225 40 ..................................
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