Eye on the News [email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:X Issue No:40 Price: Afs.15 www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes TUESDAY . SEPTEMBER 01 . 2015 -Sunbula 10, 1394 HS RECCA-VI will be different from previous ones: MFA This time regional countries will also reach an agreement The First Vice President Abdul tum was leading managed to stamp nefarious ends of ISI will be foiled on timely implementation of the economic projects . Rashid Dostum - who has spent out insurgents in the area and re- slowly slowly. The people of Af- Abdul Zuhoor Qayomi sults for Afghanistan and the en- the past few weeks in Faryab, and store law-and-order. He termed the ghanistan will not let the Taliban tire region. Mustaghni said that more recently in Sar-e-Pul prov- retaking of Kohistanat as a big vic- adopt their plans here," Dostum KABUL: The Ministry of For- the Afghan government has taken ince - said on Monday that plots tory and congratulated the people said. "I congratulate this victory on eign Affairs (MoFA) said that the all preparations to host the sum- against Afghanistan in Sar-e-Pul by for it. Dostum called on Kohistanat all Sar-e-Pul residents including the Sixth Regional Economic Cooper- mit. MoFA has held several meet- Pakistan's Inter-Services intelli- residents to unite, and work hard youth, elders, religious scholars, ation Conferences for Afghanistan ings with representatives of con- gence (ISI) have been foiled after at maintaining security in the dis- women and those who go to (RECCA VI) would be different cerned ministries to take their sug- the Taliban were defeated in Ko- trict. He also appealed to the lo- school."A number of tribal elders in th from the previous ones. gestions regarding the conference, histanat district. This comes after cals to prevent the Taliban from Sar-e-Pul praised Dostum's efforts Airport and 4 Macroryan as well Spokesman of the MoFA, he added. He said that high-rank- the military operation that Dos- making a comeback in the area. "All to stabilize the province. as terror attack on parliament. The Ahmad Shekib Mustaghni, in in- ing officials from 70 countries and militants also wanted to conduct terview with Afghanistan Times representatives of some regional terror attacks on the Presidential Pal- said that the difference of the and international organizations AT News Report ace, NDS headquarters, Ministry of 126 school girls, teachers poisoned in Herat Defense, US embassy, Kabul Police RECCA VI conference with the have been invited to attend the previous ones is that a regional two-day conference. The REC- KABUL: The National Director- Headquarters, parliament and dents have already been occurred of them were unconscious when Khatemul Nabieen University, the consensus will be reached on great CA VI conference which is going AT News Report rd th while the Taliban have been admitted to the hospital. He said ate of Security (NDS) arrested 30 statement added. The statement said economic projects in different ar- to be held on 3 and 4 of Sep- blamed for it. Muhammad Rafiq that all the admitted people are in people in connection with devas- that the NDS operatives also recov- eas including trade, transit, devel- tember will explore ways to en- KABUL: As many as 126 Sherzai, spokesman for Herat stable health condition. A health tating terror attacks in Kabul. opment of natural resources, re- hance regional economic schoolgirls, teachers and kinder- ered two trucks full of explosive ma- provincial hospital, said that they team has been sent to the area for A press statement issued by terials. It is worth mentioning that gional connectivity and private cooperation.It is worth of men- garten kids on Monday myste- have admitted 126 student and investigations, Sherzai added. the NDS said that the operatives the Taliban militants have recently sector development. tioning that the first RECCA con- riously fell sick in the city of teachers of Habibul Mustafa Herat police spokesman, Abdul of the spy agency arrested 30 mil- intensified their terrorist activities He added, this time regional ference was held in Kabul city in Herat prompting officials to School. Raouf Ahmadi, confirmed that in- itants of Haqqani network, who in different provinces, particularly countries will also reach an agree- 2005, the second in 2006 in New probe whether they were poi- He said that classrooms might cident and said that they have were allegedly involved in recent Kabul. Militants conducted five ter- ment on timely implementation of Delhi, the third in 2009 in Islama- soned by the Taliban insurgents. have been sprayed with toxic ma- launched a probe into the incident; suicide truck blast in Shah Sha- ror attacks over the past 20 days in the economic projects. bad, the fourth in Istanbul in 2010 They were rushed to a nearby terial. He added that the girls and however, no arrestment has been heed are of Kabul, suicide car blasts Kabul only that killed and wounded He hoped that the RECCA VI and the fifth was held in Dushan- hospital. In the past such inci- teachers were vomiting and some made so far. near Hamid Karzai International over 500 innocent civilians. conference will yield fruitful re- be, the capital city of Tajikistan. 65.45 64.45 73.05 72.05 This document was created with Win2PDF available at http://www.win2pdf.com. The unregistered version of Win2PDF is for evaluation or non-commercial use only. This page will not be added after purchasing Win2PDF. TUESDAY . SEPTEMBER 01, 2015 AFGHANISTAN TIMES HRW wants aid donors TO STRESS ACCOUNTABILITY KABUL: A leading rights group put human rights front-and-cen- ence, will be the centerpiece of the government to enforce the EVAW on Monday urged Afghanistan s ter in all discussions of ongoing September 5 meeting s agenda. It Law. KABUL: Millions of dollars have rectly given to on-budget line min- the HPC and particularly if you foreign donors to press the gov- and future support for the Afghan noted the document lacked spe- Similarly, donors were asked been spent under the Afghanistan istries. I will cite a practical ex- ask the war-affected families, they ernment to address the country s government. The official ex- cific goals and measurable bench- to fund initiatives that helped pro- Peace and Reintegration Program ample; the US gives $50 million will clearly say the council has persistent human rights problems plained human rights gains since marks for progress on human mote the rights of women and girls, (APRP), a government peace pro- to the Rural Development Minis- achieved nothing. She said the rec- at a major international meeting 2001 remained extremely fragile rights. The group called for focus including earmarking funding to gramme, but many people are not try for its development projects onciliation of the nearly 10,000 of senior officials. and had reversed in some areas, on updating and expanding the recruit and retain female police happy with its outcome as they and National Solidarity Program militants was not an achievement Human Rights Watch issued putting at risk the rights of all Tokyo Framework to include new, officers. say the conflict has further inten- (NSP). Maybe some of the mon- because most of them had returned the call in letters to representa- Afghans, particularly women and realistic, and measurable human The Afghan government and sified compared to the past. ey was used to provide jobs to to the battlefield. She said they tives of a dozen donor countries, girls. The watchdog asked the Af- rights commitments. Donors foreign donors were also urged to By joining the APRP, de- reconciling militants. Gains The would call it achievement if the who are scheduled to gather in ghan government and its interna- should press the Afghan govern- take substantive steps to bolster signed, implemented, and execut- High Peace Council says so far surrendering militants did not re- Kabul on September 5 for the Se- tional donors to strengthen their ment to ensure greater account- the resources and capacity of the ed by Afghans to provide a way 10,500 militants have joined the turn to their comrades. The uni- nior Officials Meeting to discuss support for the protection and ability of state security forces re- Afghanistan Independent Human for insurgents to stop fighting and peace process, with nearly one- versity teacher said the HPC of- humanitarian and security com- promotion of human rights in the sponsible for extrajudicial killings, Rights Commission (AIHRC). rejoin their communities with hon- fourth former rebels surrendering fices in Kabul and provinces con- mitments to the country. country through continued em- torture and other abuses, the or- Kine said: The Senior Offi- or and dignity, ex-rebels make the in northwestern Badghis prov- sumed enough budgets despite be- The meeting is a follow-up to phasis on the Tokyo Mutual Ac- ganisation continued. cials Meeting provides the Afghan commitment to renounce violence, ince. The fewer number of mili- ing inaccessible for people and the December 2014 London Con- countability Framework. How- Respect for the basic human government and its international sever all ties with the insurgency tants joined the peace process in without any significant achieve- ference and the 2012 Tokyo Con- ever, there are indications the Af- rights of the general population supporters an important oppor- and abide by the Constitution of southwestern Nimroz province. ment. She also criticised the HPC s ference. Phelim Kine, deputy Asia ghan government s Realising Self- was a crucial element of counter- tunity to recommit to specific, Afghanistan. This includes the The body says the surrendering composition and said: Former director at Human Rights Watch, Reliance paper, presented by insurgency operations, it re- measurable steps for protecting acceptance of the government of militants have turned in 8101 government officials and politicians wrote in the letter: Afghan offi- President Ashraf Ghani at the marked.
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