AND THE ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM - - SYSTEM MANAGEMENT SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL THE AND SAFEGUARDS SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL FUND’S CLIMATE GREEN THE OF INDEPENDENT EVALUATION TRUSTED EVIDENCE. INFORMED POLICIES. HIGH IMPACT. C ountry case study reports INDEPENDENT EVALUATION OF THE GREEN CLIMATE FUND’S ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARDS AND THE ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM May 2020 Country case study reports GREEN CLIMATE FUND INDEPENDENT EVALUATION UNIT Independent evaluation of the GCF’s Environmental and Social Safeguards and the Environmental and Social Management System COUNTRY CASE STUDY REPORTS May 2020 ©IEU | i © 2020 Green Climate Fund Independent Evaluation Unit 175, Art center-daero Yeonsu-gu, Incheon 22004 Republic of Korea Tel. (+82) 032-458-6450 Email: [email protected] https://ieu.greenclimate.fund All rights reserved. First print edition This evaluation is a product of the Independent Evaluation Unit at the Green Climate Fund (IEU/GCF). It is part of a larger effort to provide open access to its research and work and to make a contribution to climate change discussions around the world. While the IEU has undertaken every effort to ensure the data in this Report is accurate, it is the reader’s responsibility to determine if any and all information provided by the IEU is correct and verified. Neither the author(s) of this document nor anyone connected with the IEU or the GCF can be held responsible for how the information herein is used. Rights and Permissions The material in this work is copyrighted. Copying or transmitting portions all or part of this Report without permission may be a violation of applicable law. The IEU encourages the dissemination of its work and will normally grant permission promptly. The IEU reserves the right to edit text for brevity and clarity in subsequent reprints. Citation The suggested citation for this evaluation is: Annandale, Darko, David Annandale, Daniela Rey Christen, María García Espinosa, John Horberry, Joseph Mavindu Mutunga, Peter Mwandri, Jyotsna (Jo) Puri, Giang Pham, and Andreas Reumann (2020). Independent evaluation of the Green Climate Fund’s Environmental and Social Safeguards and the Environmental and Social Management System. Country case study reports, May 2020. Independent Evaluation Unit, Green Climate Fund. Songdo, South Korea. Credits Head of the GCF Independent Evaluation Unit and technical lead: Dr Jyotsna Puri (Jo) Task manager: Andreas Reumann, Principal Evaluation Officer, Independent Evaluation Unit Editing: Greg Clough, Toby Pearce Layout and design: Giang Pham Cover photo: Kids enjoy fishing in a waterfall, Thailand, ©Pra Chid/Shutterstock.com A FREE PUBLICATION Printed on eco-friendly paper ii | ©IEU CONTENTS ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................................... IV KAZAKHSTAN COUNTRY CASE STUDY REPORT ............................................................. 1 MOROCCO COUNTRY CASE STUDY REPORT ................................................................ 17 PARAGUAY COUNTRY CASE STUDY REPORT ............................................................... 31 PERU COUNTRY CASE STUDY REPORT ......................................................................... 51 SAMOA COUNTRY CASE STUDY REPORT ..................................................................... 73 SRI LANKA COUNTRY CASE STUDY REPORT ............................................................. 101 ZAMBIA COUNTRY CASE STUDY REPORT .................................................................. 121 ©IEU | iii ABBREVIATIONS ADB Asian Development Bank AE accredited entity AFD Agence Française de Développement AfDB African Development Bank APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation APR annual performance report BAU business-as-usual CCPI Climate Change Performance Index CCS Climate Change Secretariat CN concept note CSO civil society organization DAE direct access entity E&S environmental and social EbA Ecosystem-based Adaptation EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development EE executing entities EHS environmental health and safety EIB European Investment Bank ESAP environmental and social action plan ESDD environmental and social due diligence ESIA environmental and social impact assessments ESMF environmental and social management framework ESMFS environmental and social management framework and system ESMP environmental and social management plan ESMS environmental and social management system ESP environmental and social policy ESS environmental and social safeguards EU European Union EWS Early Warning System FAA funded activity agreement FAO Food and Agriculture Organization FGD focus group discussion FI financial institution FMO Netherlands Development Finance Company FP funding proposal FPIC free, prior and informed consent GAP gender action plan iv | ©IEU GCF Green Climate Fund GDP gross domestic production GEF Global Environment Facility GHG greenhouse gas GIZ Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit GRM grievance redress mechanisms HDI Human Development Index IA Implementing Agency IDB Inter-American Development Bank IEU Independent Evaluation Unit IFC International Finance Corporation (i)NDCs (intended) Nationally Determined Contributions IPCC intergovernmental panel on climate change IPP indigenous peoples policy IRM Independent Redress Mechanism iTAP independent Technical Advisory Panel IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature KII key informant interview LDCF Least Developed Country Countries Fund MDBs multilateral development banks MRV monitoring, reporting and verification MSME micro, small and medium-sized enterprise NAMA Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action NAP national adaptation plan NAPA National Adaptation Plan of Action NDA national designated authority NGO non-governmental organization OAS online accreditation system PAP project approval process PES Payments for Ecosystem Services PMU Project management unit PPF Project Preparation Facility PPP public-private partnership PSOs private sector organizations RBP results-based payments REDD+ Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries RFP requests for proposals RMF results management framework ©IEU | v RPSP Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme SAP simplified approval process SDGs Sustainable development goals SES Social and Environmental Standards UN-REDD United Nations Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNEP United Nations Environment Programme UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change USD United States Dollar WB World Bank COUNTRY-SPECIFIC ABBREVIATIONS Kazakhstan KAZREF Kazakhstan Renewables Framework NAP-GSP national adaptation plan-global support programme SER Strategic Environmental Review Morocco ADA Agricultural Development of Morocco ANZOA Agence Nationale de Developmente des Zones Oasiennes et de l’Arganiers CFMs Climate Fund Managers CIO Climate Investor One CIO CEF Climate Investor One Construction Equity Fund CIO DF Climate Investor One Development Fund GMP Green Morocco Plan LFPs livelihood and forests programmes MAMF Ministry of Agriculture and Maritime Fisheries NSSD national strategy for sustainable development PFIs private finance initiatives SEFF sustainable energy financing facilities SUNREF sustainable use of natural resources and energy finance TFSC transforming financial systems for climate Paraguay AFD Agencia Financiera de Desarrollo INDI Paraguayan Institute for Indigenous Peoples INFONA National Forest Institute MADES Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development MDS Ministry of Social Development MRE Foreign Ministry vi | ©IEU PND Plan Nacional de Desarrollo PROEZA Poverty, Reforestation, Energy and Climate Change Project SARAS Environmental and Social Risks Administration System SEAM Environment Secretariat SISNAM National system of the environment STP Ministry of Planning VME Vice Minister of Energy Peru AbE-FAV Adaptation and Financing for Alpacas Herders and Vicuña CAF Development Bank of Latin-America CEPLAN National Agreement Forum ENBCC National strategy on forest and climate change ENCC National strategy for climate change GDF Geothermal Development Facility KfW Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau MAC citizen support mechanism MINAGRI Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation MINAM Ministry of Environment NTFP non-timber forest product PAC Project Administration Council PDM Province of Datem del Marañón PIR preliminary inquiry report PNCB Programme on forest conservation PROFONANPE Peruvian Trust Fund for national parks and protected areas SERFOR national forest and wildlife service Samoa AUA Apia Urban Area CBO community-based organization CRICD Climate Resilience Investment Coordination Division CRP Climate Risk Profile EPC Electric Power Corporation EPPD Economic Policy and Planning Division GoS Government of Samoa LTA Land Transport Authority MFAT Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade MNRE Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment MoF Ministry of Finance MoH Ministry of Health MWCSD Ministry of Women, Community and Social Development ©IEU | vii MWTI Ministry of Works, Transport Infrastructure NCCCT national climate change country team NEMS Samoa National Environment and Development Management Strategies (1993) NESP Samoa National Environment Sector Plan 2017–2021 NIA National Implementation
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