^ ^^D}% 3161 v- Nflf The Jonrnal $5.00 Job Printing a year tmu in all Lir.es VOL. I. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1912. Price, Five Cents. NO. 153, TRIBUTE TO DEAD WESTERN STUDENTS AN ENGLISH TEAM COD CURING SHEDS VESSELS FOR THE PANAMA FIRE AT PREMIER This "is Reason Railways Give for British Shipowners Taking Time by Proposed Withdrawal of Special the Forelock in Readiness for Public Men in London Refer to the Value Rates to Students New Soccer Club Organized Here to Be Cold Storage Company will Begin the New Channel-, of Trade Timely Action on the Part of the House of the Services Rendered by Known as the Rose Football Construction of this Addition to Brigade Resulted in Putting Charles N. Hays. Before the Railway commission at Team. the Works at Seal Cove. British shipowners have taken Out Flames. Ottawa a few days ago various uni­ time by the forelock in preparing for versities protested against the pro­ the trade development which will follow the opening of the Panama A Kitting Memorial to His Worth posal of the railways to abolish af­ The. Membership Will Consist of George II. Collins, Managing Dircc Conflagration Is Believed to Have ter July 1 the one-half one-way fare Canal. Not a few of the steamers Is Signed by Canadians in Englishmen and English-Cana­ tor of the Company Again in City Started From Gas Stove in the now granted to students attending now building on the northeast coast Imperial House dians Resident in the City —Vessels to Re Ready This Fall Kitchen—Dining Room Injured eastern universities. Mr. Phlppen, of England are designed to navigate K. C, for the Canada Northern, ex­ the canal, and will be ready even plained that the rates were orig­ before the waterway itself is opened. Not to be outdone by the Scottish There has returned to the city, Possibly the most striking of all inally made to allow westerners to The orders for these vessels have Again laBt night there was a residents of the city, the Englishmen the numerous tributes to the memory attend eastern universities before G. H. Collins, the general manager been placed very quietly, and, in threatened conflagration in the city. have taken steps to organize a foot­ of the late Charles M. Hays, presi­ western universities started. Now of the Canadian Fish and Cold Stor­ many cases, it is not yet known for This time it was in the Premier ball club. The initial steps were dent of the Grand Trunk and Grand that these universities had been es­ age Company. He has been on a which particular branch of the Pa­ Hotel. The fire Is supposed to have taken last evening In connection with Trunk Pacific railways, has just been tablished in the west, there was no trip to the south on business in con­ cific trade they are intended, but started from the gas stove in the this and the final organization of made public by the officials of the need for this, the railways claimed. nection with the concern with which the fact that they are building to kitchen. It spread quickly and the club will soon be completed, company In a letter received from A. E, Goodeve observed that many he is so prominently identified. He particular dimensions to secure as scorched the wall of the room badly. when the team representing it will twelve members of the Imperial British Columbia students had en­ will begin within a very short time much tonnage as possible on a re­ The dining room also suffered but get into training and be ready to House of Commons in London, all tered in courses in eastern universi­ the construction of another addition stricted draught of water leaves no more from water than from fire. meet the other teams of the city. of whom, it will be noted from the ties, and If the change was made to the plant at Seal Cove. This will doubt as to the intention of the own­ Before the fire department reach­ appended signatures, with the pos­ they would find their expenses un­ The new club Is to be known as be the cod-curing sheds, which will ers. The present year will see a ed the spot the house brigade had sible exception of the Rt. Hon. John expectedly increased. Mr. Phlppen the Rose Football Club. Member­ be heavily framed but will be of good many more vessels ordered for done good work by using the hose ship In it is open to English-born Burns, are Canadians themselves. agreed that this required considera­ timber and adapted for the purpose the same traffic. provided there for that purpose. The and English-Canadians. Practice fire was practically out before the The letter is as follows: tion, and the matter was left over of taking care of the catch of cod will begin at once feo that the team firemen arrived. for discussion between the railways that the company will be obtaining Mrs. Sawle of Hazelton was among "House of Commons Library, and the universities. may get in good shape. From fire and water there was at an' early stage of the proceedings the arrivals in the city yesterday. "London. As a result of this, organization considerable damage done to the o of the company. The sheds will be "My Dear Sir—Up to the last pos­ there is likely to be a good deal of kitchen and the dining room. of two storeys in height and will sible moment the personal friends friendly rivalry aroused between the be built to carry the immense weight of Mr. Hays here In the House of FISHERIES QUESTION Roses and the Caledonians with the THE PREMIER'S VISIT GOING TO LONDON Commons (and they are not a few) result that the city should have at that is put upon them. had been hoping and praying that least two excellent soccer teams. With the strike in the old land Premier Borden Will Leave in June not only for the sake of his family Decision of the Privy Council with Re­ some months ago there has been a Natters which Attracted the Attention to Discuss Naval Question and your company, but especially for spect to Appeals has Import­ INSPECTION TOUR delay in the construction of the of Hon. Nr. McBride while the sake of Canada, he might have ant Bearing. steamers. The order has been placed in London. Ottawa, May 29.—Premier Bor­ been in the list of rescued from the den, with two ministers, will leave Major Mills of Work Point Barracks for the wooden vessels that are to Titanic. For days his name was first on June 2 8 for London to confer Is on a Visit to This Point to be built on this coast. All of the in and then out of the printed list with the imperial authorities on the There Will Be a Reference of Several Inspect Local Militia Here vessels will be ready for use in these British Columbia Stands High in tlie of saved. May we express to you waters early this coming winter. question of the Canadian navy. Pressing Points to tlie Courts Estimation of the British the profound regret which we feel for Decision There arrived in the city by the Investor at Present for the irreparable loss of which you WHEAT PORTS Prince George Major J. E. Mills of have sustained through the death of Work Point' Barracks, who has come Odd Fellows' Officers your president. Prince Rupert and Vancouver Will here on a tour of inspection of the The Odd Fellows have elected Premier McBride of British Co­ "When it Is realized that his abili­ The decision given the other day Be shipping Grain Before Pan­ by the judicial committee of the privy loca] militia corps. He is accom­ senior office bearers as follows: lumbia has arrived in Montreal after ties as 'a railway man were perhaps ama Caiiiil Opens council, to the effect that the Do­ panied by Mrs. Mills. • The official A. H. Allison, N. C; Neil McNeil, a short trip to England, where sev­ not excelled, if equalled, by those of minion government refer to the Su­ Inspection of the rifles here will be V. G.; W. G. Barrie, recording sec­ eral important provincial matters en­ any other man on your continent, Vancouver, May 29.—H. Patton, preme Court of Canada questions af­ tonight, when there is a parade of retary; A. R Philips, financial sec­ gaged his attention. One of these and that his character and qualities brother of the Chicago wheat king, fecting the jurisdiction of the fed­ the company ordered for the pur­ retary, and C. G. Thome, treasurer. was the necessity for the erection of endeared him to everyone *who got has declared here that western pose. Installation night will be on July a building in a prominent place in eral government and the privinces, wheat will come to British Columbia to know him and became Ins friend, -o — 1, when other officers will be ap­ London for British Columbia offices. without securing- t,he consent til .lit- ports even before the opening of the then we can estimate to" some extent Rev. Charles R. Sing arrived home pointed. W. G. Barrie was appoint­ This necessity is due to the extraor­ provinces before making such refer­ Panama Canal, and it will be ship­ the loss which his death means to yesterday after attending the meet­ ed delegate for the district to attend dinary growth of interest in the prov­ ence, will have the result of bring­ ped from Vancouver and Prince Ru­ you personally, to your company, and ing of the Methodist Conference in and meet with the Grand Lodge at ince and the Immense Increase in the ing forward a number of matters pert.
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