E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 110 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 154 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 29, 2008 No. 14 House of Representatives The House met at 10:30 a.m. and was achieving justice, equality and fairness of this body. More people know about called to order by the Speaker pro tem- in our Nation. JOHN LEWIS because of his extraor- pore (Mr. ISRAEL). The former Gwendolyn Greene grew dinary leadership, but Gwen Britt was up in northeast Washington at a time f there by his side on Freedom Rides. when our Nation was failing to live up It is a testament to Gwen Britt’s hu- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO to its promise of equal opportunity. mility and quiet confidence that she TEMPORE She knew the racial divisions that ex- never advertised her proud and very isted in this segregated city, in our The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- important civil rights work. fore the House the following commu- schools, in our stores, even in our As Maryland State Delegate Victor nication from the Speaker: parks. And so in 1960, as an 18-year-old stu- Ramirez of Prince George’s County re- WASHINGTON, DC, dent activist of Howard University, cently said, ‘‘She talked about the civil January 29, 2008. rights movement if you brought it up, I hereby appoint the Honorable STEVE Gwen and members of the District of ISRAEL to act as Speaker pro tempore on this Columbia’s non-violent action group but she was one of those people who day. decided to take a stand. She walked spoke softly but carried a big stick.’’ NANCY PELOSI, into the Montgomery County park, Since her passing, words of tribute Speaker of the House of Representatives. then segregated, and tried to climb have poured forth. Governor Martin f aboard a horse on a merry-go-round; O’Malley noted, ‘‘She was a leader long something that all of us today would MORNING-HOUR DEBATE before her years in the Senate.’’ How think is normal for any American, par- true that is. Lieutenant Governor An- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ticularly any young American. thony Brown called her a ‘‘principled, ant to the order of the House of Janu- Yet as the Washington Post reported, active and fair-minded voice for equal- ary 4, 2007, the Chair will now recog- the students’ actions, as innocent and ity.’’ nize Members from lists submitted by as unprovocative as they seem today, And Prince George’s County execu- the majority and minority leaders for sparked 5 days of protests, and Gwen tive Jack Johnson said she was ‘‘one of morning-hour debate. and other activists were arrested for the most honest people you ever met.’’ The Chair will alternate recognition trespassing, spat upon and harassed by And on The Washington Post’s Web between the parties, with each party counter-demonstrators. site, people who knew Gwen posted limited to 30 minutes and each Mem- This experience left Gwen words of sympathy and tribute. ber, other than the majority and mi- undeterred. In fact, it fortified her al- nority leaders and the minority whip, ready strong character, as well as her For example, Katey Boerner, the ex- limited to 5 minutes. determination to do what she knew in ecutive director of the Glen Echo Park The Chair recognizes the gentleman her mind and in her heart was right. Partnership for Arts and Culture, has Gwen took to heart Dr. King’s words, from Maryland (Mr. HOYER). said some, almost 50 years after the ‘‘Make a career of humanity, and you demonstration that occurred to open f will make a greater person of yourself, up Glen Echo’s amusements to people HONORING THE LIFE OF GWEN a greater Nation of your country and a of all colors, ‘‘We plan to include her BRITT finer world to live in.’’ So said Martin story of bravery and shepherding Luther King, Jr. change in our upcoming civil rights ex- Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, today, Gwen Britt took that to heart. So she along with my colleagues from the hibition here at the park. We can now did make our Nation a finer place in treasure her memory for the amazing Maryland delegation, I want to take which to live. That experience in Glen story that was her life and the impact this opportunity to honor the life and Echo Park was only the beginning of that she had on so many through her legacy of a beloved figure from our Gwen’s civil rights work. State who passed into God’s hands on She left Howard University to join leadership.’’ January 12, State Senator Gwen Britt. the Freedom Riders who challenged Not surprisingly, Gwen Britt also Gwen lived a full, wonderful life. She Jim Crow laws in the South and in our made an important impact in the State was a wife, a mother, a grandmother, transportation system. And in 1961, she Senate after she was elected in 2002. legislator, a civil rights leader and a spent 40 days in a Mississippi jail for She rose to the position of deputy ma- friend. But she also was an inspiration, sitting in a whites-only train station. jority leader in 2007 and became an un- a woman of deep faith and conviction, JOHN LEWIS was one of Gwen Britt’s wavering voice for those who have felt with an unshakable commitment to friends. JOHN LEWIS, a hero, a Member the cold chill of exclusion. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H481 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:20 Jan 30, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29JA7.000 H29JAPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with HOUSE H482 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 29, 2008 Carl Snowden, the director of civil stage company that has a small por- House Republicans united behind a rights in the State Attorney General’s tion of the arts for our local residents challenge for an earmark moratorium Office in Maryland, said this, ‘‘She saw to benefit from. and the establishment of a new select other groups that have historically There are so many people in the committee that would engage in the been locked out of the system: women, newspaper today that talked about kind of thoughtful analysis and hear- Latinos, gays. And she felt all of those what a figure she was. But the one that ings where we could truly change the left out had to have a place at the brought to my mind the most was a way we spend the people’s money. table.’’ woman by the name of Martha Winfrey When you are flying an airplane and Gwen Britt was a woman of extraor- of Westwood who worked as an usher at the gauges start to tell you something dinary character and courage, and all Music Hall, and she conveyed the kind is wrong with the engines, the first those she touched during her 66 years of kindness that Patricia Corbett had thing you do, Mr. Speaker, is put the on this earth, her beloved family; her that we don’t know about. At Christ- airplane on the ground. Then you get sons, who spoke so eloquently at her mas, she would hand envelopes to the under the hood and you figure out what funeral; her husband, who himself was ushers and say, ‘‘Just be quiet with is wrong. a Freedom Rider, who himself was a these.’’ She had the most prestigious Well, I have to tell you that the ex- great warrior and advocate for justice box at Music Hall, Box 5, and when it plosion of earmarks under Republican in the civil rights movement. got crowded, she’d say to Martha, ‘‘I control in the past years and the inclu- The State of Maryland and our Na- don’t need to sit here. Let somebody sion of hundreds of unexamined ear- tion have been enriched by her actions else sit here instead of me,’’ and she’d marks in last year’s omnibus bill, and her leadership, as a young person, stand out in the hall and listen to the dropped in at the last minute under the as a State Senator, as a neighbor, as a performance. color of darkness, are evidence that the friend. She didn’t like people to know how gauge lights are going off. Mr. Speaker, today I want to extend old she was. I’m going to be kind and We need to call a timeout, have a my condolences to Gwen’s husband of not tell you, since my own mother moratorium on earmark spending here 46 years, Travis; her two sons, Travis, never wanted anyone to know how old in the Congress while we can come to- Jr., and John; and all of her family and she was. But we were blessed for many gether, men and women, Republicans many friends. years to have Patricia Corbett be our and Democrats, and figure out how we We will miss her dearly, although we gracious benefactor. restore public confidence in the way we are comforted that her life and legacy It is said over $65 million from the spend the people’s money. Corbetts were given to enrich the lives will endure and that she now is at rest By challenging Speaker PELOSI and in God’s hands.
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