May 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3781 Is it time to recognize Taiwan as an get issued by the Communist Party a proved, churches have been razed and wor- independent country, a thriving democ- good citizen score. But, Mr. Speaker, shippers subjected to detainment, physical in- racy, our eleventh largest trading part- you don’t know what your score is. So terrogation, and thought reform conditioning. ner? when you show up to travel, if your In the west, in Xinjiang Province, the United I want to bring up the South China score is not high enough, then you get Nations has reported the government to be Sea. denied travel. If you go to borrow holding roughly one million Uygurs without Mr. Speaker, how much time do I money or use your banking system, charge. Those who have escaped have testi- have remaining? you are denied your banking system. fied to being repeatedly told that God did not The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- Your kids can’t go to the colleges you exist and that they would only be fed after ac- tleman from Florida has 9 minutes re- want them to go to because you are de- knowledging the greatness of communism. maining. nied because you are a bad citizen. Mr. Speaker, I encourage this Congress and Mr. YOHO. Mr. Speaker, I will try to They have extended this and offered our President to take appropriate actions to tighten this up. this to Russia; they have extended this promote religious freedom of religious minori- Mr. Speaker, China, in the South and offered it to Maduro in Venezuela; ties in the People’s Republic of China. China Sea, has started claiming prop- and Iran wants this technology. f erty that is not theirs. It goes off to What better way for a despotic or au- REPORT ON RESOLUTION PRO- nine historical lines that come from thoritarian or Communist regime to VIDING FOR CONSIDERATION OF antiquity, from 300 or 400 years ago. control their citizens than the CC tech- H.R. 5, EQUALITY ACT; PRO- And they said: Well, we used to sail nology? VIDING FOR CONSIDERATION OF here, so this is our property. China uses technology to suppress H.R. 312, MASHPEE WAMPANOAG So they started building these is- their citizens to fall in line so that TRIBE RESERVATION REAFFIR- lands, and they went off the coast of they serve the Communist Party. Our MATION ACT; AND PROVIDING the Philippines, and the Philippines government empowers our people to FOR CONSIDERATION OF H.R. 987, took them to the Court of Arbitration reach their full potential. MARKETING AND OUTREACH in The Hague, and China lost the law- I will close with this last thing, Mr. RESTORATION TO EMPOWER suit. China ignored the ruling of The Speaker. China has interned over 2 mil- HEALTH EDUCATION ACT OF 2019 Hague, an international norm that we lion Muslim Chinese ethnic people, the are all supposed to follow. They ig- Uyghurs, in what they call reeducation Ms. SCANLON (during the Special nored it, and here you have the Spratly camps. Order of Mr. YOHO), from the Com- Islands that were little atolls sticking I want to show you this poster here, mittee on Rules, submitted a privi- shallowly out of the water at low tide. Mr. Speaker. This is a reeducation leged report (Rept. No. 116–61) on the China has gone in there, and it is camp. That means they just go there resolution (H. Res. 377) providing for probably the biggest environmental in- because they want to learn new skills. consideration of the bill (H.R. 5) to pro- sult to this world, where they have This is what China is doing with the hibit discrimination on the basis of dredged up over 4,000 acres of land and Uyghurs, the Muslim population. Not sex, gender identity, and sexual ori- they have built these land masses. I only that but they have armed entation, and for other purposes; pro- refuse to use the word ‘‘island’’ because crematoriums that are in place in viding for consideration of the bill that gives credibility to China. these camps. (H.R. 312) to reaffirm the Mashpee What they have done is built—ille- I’ve got to ask you, Mr. Speaker, Wampanoag Tribe reservation, and for gally, against the environment, against when you have got a place that looks other purposes; and providing for con- the ruling of international law—land look a prison, I don’t believe it is there sideration of the bill (H.R. 987) to masses in the East China Sea. for education. We went through World amend the Patient Protection and Af- President Xi Jinping had the gump- War II and the Holocaust. This Nation fordable Care Act to provide for Fed- tion to come here to the United States and all other nations said: ‘‘Never eral exchange outreach and edu- during President Obama’s era in 2015, again.’’ cational activities, which was referred he went to the Rose Garden and Mr. Speaker, it is happening right to the House Calendar and ordered to claimed: We will never militarize these now in China. We need to pivot away be printed. islands. from China buying stuff, and we need f Yet, today, there are runways on to encourage our manufacturers to go anywhere but China. HONORING THE MEMORY OF THE there that can accommodate military HONORABLE ELLEN TAUSCHER planes. Our satellites show that there I don’t want a conflict with China. are military barracks, offensive and de- Nobody does. But if we stand up collec- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under fensive weapons, and radar systems. I tively together and we encourage man- the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- think it is pretty well militarized. ufacturers to go, then we can get Chi- uary 3, 2019, the gentleman from Cali- They are doing that again and again na’s attention via their pocketbook fornia (Mr. GARAMENDI) is recognized and again. There are four islands they and we can change the course of the for 60 minutes as the designee of the have done now. history of this world. majority leader. Their goal is to go to the next chain Mr. Speaker, I appreciate your pa- Mr. GARAMENDI. Mr. Speaker, to- of islands which is closer to our main- tience, and I yield back the balance of night is a very special night for many land. This is something the world has my time. of us. Tonight, we honor the memory of to stand up to. If not, they are going to Mr. HICE of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, the an extraordinary Representative, Ellen keep continuing to march forward. threat to religious liberty and religious tolera- Tauscher, who served the Contra Costa This is a photo of when they started, tion in the People’s Republic of China is of area of California for almost two dec- and this is more of the dredging. We grave concern. Over the past several years ades. don’t have the one that shows them there has been an ever increasing intolerance She died nearly 3 weeks ago. Tonight completed, but you can find it on the of religious minorities. is our first opportunity to come to the internet. Article 36 of the Constitution of the People’s floor and to pay tribute to her. I had Now we are at the China of today. Republic of China guarantees the freedom of the pleasure of knowing her before she China has perfected 5G technology. religious belief. Yet the rights and safety of re- became a Member of Congress and then China today has over 800 million CCTV ligious minorities in the country are very much during her years in Congress and I also cameras, closed-circuit television cam- in question. had the unique opportunity to take her eras, and they have put a system in China is the home to nearly 90 million seat when she retired to become the place where they monitor their sys- Christians, and the country is anticipated to be Assistant Secretary of State. tems. home to the most Christians in the world by So tonight, we pay tribute to this ex- 2030. Yet, over the last several years, the per- traordinary woman. We do this in rec- b 2030 centage of persecution cases have risen year ognition of the work that she did on Today in China there are over 24 mil- over year. Furthermore, the government has Wall Street, the work that she did here lion citizens being monitored, and they increasingly required churches to be state ap- in the House of Representatives, and VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:27 May 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14MY7.091 H14MYPT1 H3782 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 14, 2019 her unyielding desire to reduce nuclear rights, and that was what she brought She continued to make sure that the risks throughout the world. to this body. science at Lawrence Livermore Na- To conduct the rest of tonight’s trib- We remember her for the mark that tional Lab was protected and also at ute, I am turning to a woman who she left on this institution. She contin- Los Alamos. She continued in her ef- served with Ellen for all of the years ued to lead on the Armed Services forts to make sure that the cutting that she was in Congress, a woman who Committee where she chaired the Stra- edge was always protected as a member is the leader of the Democratic Mem- tegic Forces Subcommittee and was a of the Board of Advisors of SpaceX, bers of California, ZOE LOFGREN.
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