L' ,_, C/l < ..J < 0 .0 0 c: 0- 0 N I- 0 Cl) :i:: . onor Memory Of Dee1d f- ... ~t.'1 t'l • 'ae/ Yom Kippur War - .;! c:: :;,: ..J tJ w • ory of those who fell Yedidim. This group includes Can­ ..., #'.= ..t:) Kippur War will be tor Israel J. Barzak, Cantor Aaron z • < • benefit to be held at Marcus, and their accompanist, > a'nu-EI on Monday, Michel LeBens. ,;:- 0 •CY. 1 at 7 p.m. Proceeds Cantor Barzak serves at Temple THE ONLY ENGLISH -JEW/SH WEEKLY IN R. /. AND SOUTHEAST MASS . C:: N n. 1g will be sent to the Beth El in Fall River, Massachu­ poalot Fund for the setts. He studied at the Hebrew . _ ____ Orphan~f the Yorn VOLUME LVII, NUMBER 51 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1974 I, • • t • Union College of ·sacred .Music. Kippur War. Moetzet Hapoalot, through its schools and centers, its Cantor Marcus serves Congre­ social workers and other profes­ gation Tefereth Israel in New Premi-er Gold-a Meir_Prepares sionals, works in cooperation ,with Bedford, Massachusetts. He is a the Israeli government to provide graduate of City College of New for these survivors' needs in the and the Cantor's Institute of the TQ form Minority Government areas of education, rehabilitation, Jewish Theological Seminary of America in New York. · family care, legal aid and child government. Intensive negotiations - and its program to parliament for A dessert reception will precede JERUSALEM Premier care. aimed at forming a broader its formal approval. the program. Reservations may be Golda Meir announced that she The program, which is spon­ coalition ·cabinet embracing . the Mrs. Meir's appearance at the made by calling Lenore Ciora at was prepared to form a minority sored by Dvorah Dayan Club, Pio­ National Religious ·party collapsed President's residence was delayed 331-2278 or Jacqueline Teverow at coalition government and that she neer Women, will include both a earlier in the evening. nearly six hours by a final attempt 421-1339 or tickets may be bought had asked Defense Minister speaker and a musical presenta­ Narrow as it is, the composition to bring the Religious party into at th~ door. Contributions may be Moshe Dayan to serve in the next tion. The guest speaker, Chaim of the new government should · the coalition. This failed after the sent to Alice Eichenbaum, treasur­ Cabinet. Goldgraber, an Israeli, is a permit Mrs. Meir to enter into Chief Rabbinate voted er at 96 Savoy Street, Providence Mrs. Meir made her veteran of the Yorn Kippur War. negotiations with Syria on an unanimously to reject a Labor­ 02906. Checks should be made announcement just 45 minutes A graduate of Hebrew University agreement for disengagement of proposed compromise on the payable to Dvorah Dayan Club, before the expiration of the 21-day in Jerusalem, he is currently forces . .Secretary of State complicated question "who is a Pioneer -Women. mandate to form a new teaching and studying for his Kissinger is expected to visit Jew?" Ph.D. in American History at Other committee members are Damascus and Jerusalem next The issue turns on the validity Brandeis Universiiy. He was pre­ Ethel Chinitz, chairman; Mrs. Ei­ week to get talks started. of conversions to Judaism viously a Graduate Fellow in chenbaum, cochairman of the des­ Coalition Will Have 58 Votes conducted abroad by Relorm and American Studies at Smith Col­ sert reception, assisted by Lor­ The new government, composed Conservative rabbis, neither of lege. raine Ageloff, Marilyn Eisenberg, of · Mrs. Meir's Labor Party and whom are recognized as rabbinical A former staff member at Ra­ Sarah Gewirtz, Yetta Glicksman, affiliated lists of Arab authorities by the Orthodox mah eamps, he is now on leave of Tess Hassenfeld, Esther Kantor, representatives and the establishment here. absence as associate director of Gladys Kapstein, Sarah Kouff­ Independent · Liberal party, will The National Religious party the Education Camp Exchange m an, Betty Levitt, Doris have 58 votes in the 120-seat has been demanding a change in Program of the Youth and Hech­ McGarry, Jeanette Roth, Ellen Israeli Parliament. The largest the Israeli Law of the Return that alutz Department. Schecter, Frances Magner, Jea­ opposition bloc the Likud, has 39. would define only those persons The musical presentation will nette Weiss, mailing; Jerry Foster, Speaking with reporters, Mrs. converted by Orthodox rabbis as feature an interpretation of Has­ invitations, a_nd Gertrude Meir said she had asked Mr. Jewish, and therefore , sidic and Israeli music by the Diwinsky, publicity. Dayan to continue in his post. ''.I automatically eligible lor have asked him, I am asking him citizenship. and I will ask him to serve in the Delay Proposed Ebon S-ees Negotiotions Soon new Cabinet," she said, "and .I The Labor party had prop!isec' hope he will do so." deferring the question for a year, Between Syria And l_s,aeh-- Asked 'if _Mr. Dayan _/lad given and submitting the matter to fier a cdmihiiment, Mrs:-< Meir review by recognized rabbinical JERUSALEM - Foreign Syria will not want to have a smiled and said, "We'll have to authorities. Minister Abba Eban believes that completely isolated position' on talk it over." The National Religious party in disengagement negotiations with this prisoner question," meaning TO DISCUSS ABORTION: lila Sa­ Meeting With President turn submitted this proposal to the pinsley, Rhode Island Stahl Sena­ Syria will begin some time this that he thought Damascus would Mrs. Meir made her Chief Rabbinate for an opinion. month. soon accede to Israel's condition tor, will be the guest speaker on Abortion and Abortion Laws at a announceme nt of the new After a four-hour meeting, the He said in an interview taped that it produce a POW list before meeting of the Touro Fraternal M­ government after con'ferring with Rabbinate voted unanimously to for west German television over negotiations can begin. sociation which will be. held on President Ephraim Katzir at his reject the proposed compromise. the weekend that he based that Eban also confirmed reports Wednesday, February 27, at 8 Jerusalem residence. As leader of During the meeting, the Ashkenazi prediction on the "assumption that that he planned to visit p.m. at Touro Hall. the · Labor party, she had received Chief Rabbi, Shlomo Goren,, held Washington in March "to discuss The event is for Touro members, on January 30 a three-week a 2 5-m i n u t e t e I e p h o n e Mrs. Meir Announces with Secretary of State Henry A. their wives and interested friends. mandate to form a new conversation with Rabbi J. B. Kissinger the next stage of the There is limited seating available. government and was required by Soloweichik of Boston. a leading New Golan Township Geneva conference." He said his law to report to the President Talmudic authority , who planned visit was based on the TEL AVIV Officials Basketball Team Wednesday on her progress. reportedly urged that the assumption that disengagement announced that groundbreaking After hearing her report, compromise be rejected. agreements with Syria as well as for a new Jewish township on the Runs Into Snags President Katzir said that he had Mrs. Meir told reporters that with Egypt would be in effect by Golan Heights will begin within a granted Mrs. Meir an additional she regretted that the National then. ROCHESTER, N.Y. - Black few weeks. The announcement was week to complete the· formation of Religious party had decided not to Eban said on his TV interview Muslims here issued a protest apparently intended to underline her cabinet and allocate the join the government over this that while Egypt would prefer that against the Israeli basketball team Israel's determina,tion not to ministerial port-lolios. She . will issue. But she added that she still Syria reached some kind of playing against the University of return any of the Golan Heights ttien present the new government hoped it would come into the arrangement with Israel before Rochester team, and demanded territory captured in the 1967 Six Cabinet at a later date and that Egypt proceeded to the next phase that the three black players on the Day War. Premier Golda Meir she would continue to hold open of peace negotiations at Geneva, university's team not participate in also had made that clear in a three ministries for the party for a he was "not certain that President the tournament. speech to settlers from the Golan limited period of time. Anwar Sadat will subordinate The game nevertheless took Heights and other regions. Mrs. Meir said that other Egyptian interests to what could place, but one of the black players The new township will be differences with the National be the caprice of Syria ... If Egypt failed to show up for the game populated by regular army soldiers Religious party over political and were to take that view, then and the other two played only the and by civilian employcs of army territorial issues had been resolved Egyptian sovereignty would have first half of the game. The Israeli installations in its initial stages, during the protracted negotiations. moved from Cairo to Damascus," team was victorious, !02-60. the announcement said. The Promise Given on Election Eban s.aid. army's manpower division will The Israeli team, on tour Labor party sources said Mrs. He said that both Egypt and throughout the country and under award concessions and subsidies to Meir had agreed to a demand by Israel were carrying out their security wraps, has run into other the settlers, to be announced the Religious party that new di sengagement commitments ,mcidents.
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