T he Coiirier-G azette HOCKI.ANI, Il.tZETTE ESTABLISHED 1840. ( (TWO DOLLARS A YKAIt IN AUVANCR ROCKLAND COURIKlt ESTABLISHED 1S74.I 3Tbc $)rcss is ^rtl/unelican $rbcr fijnt Jflobcs tbe (fdlorlh at ^ ujo Clollars a Ijear (SINGLE COPIES PRICE EIVK CENIf V o l . 7.— N ew S e u ie s . ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, MAY 1, 1888. N umber I t , . ABOUT TOWN. PERSONAL POINTS OUR OUTLOOK. BOSTON 5 & 10 CT. STORE Concerning People W ho Are Known in We expect, in a few weeks, to publish an in­ CHEESE! W e place on pale thlfl day one groan o f This Vicinity. teresting illustrated article from the Century on F o r / Nice Plain Cheese, Fancy Sage B I R D C A G E S Miss May Sliea of this city is employed in lire in Siberia. Cheese, Neufchaiel Cheese. the office of the Grocers A Canncr’s Goreffe, rin d o E < -' Boston. Have the people of Ward 7 made an effort to ^ S h a d e s J. Henry Allen, formerly of South Thomas­ get better mail facilities? We think that a In a ll colors. The Art Shades are Decorated Toilet Sets, in Pink, Blue and Brown, OUR NEW ALARM. ton, is in Pe-nsylvania, in the interest of the well circulated petition seconded by Postmast­ and Transparent. All Minetto Shades, Plain At the low price of $ 2 . 0 0 per Ret. Empire State tire extinguisher. While in West er Hurley’s recommendation would give them or Decorated, are unsurpassed in Scanty. H O M E M A D E Theie nre full seta of ten piece* and all perfect Ahtlisro! Hark Ibero! What’, that noise - Chester he visited historic Brundyvdnc. the desired mail service. It's worth the trving Durability and Finish. Mounted on first- goods. ( all and nee them. W e have jiiPt received Nothing but tlie fire nlartn railing out the lioy. class Spring Roller ready to hang. 6,00 papers of The Methodist society at Rockport is greatly for. The Berry, don’t go North, while the Burpee, hoof pleased that Rev. C. A. Maine is to lie their it South, JELLY, IMPORTED FLOWER SEEDS, pastor for another year. He has been there “ Two Coronets,” Mary Agnes Tinckcr's new- Anil the Sear. lad. yank their liosecnrt to the Point; IN LARGE TUMBLERS, That we shall sell for one year ami lias endeared himself to all who serial which was commenced in the April nntn- Nor the nook It Ladder Truck to It. hub. in liltb LAND! FARMS! 2 F O U l 2 1 3 CEKTTS. Thtroo C ents z* paper. and tnuek have attended his church or otherwise made ber of The American Magazine has proved a These are all new seeds. Wonder if the whole department's out of joint; Ills acquaintance. success nt the start. Miss Tincker is a strong We have a large stock of goods on hand and we For the Garoetvell ’lectrlc system will successfully writer, nnd has hosts of ndmirers who will be CROSSE & BLACKWELL’S JAMS, arc prepared to sell them lower than ever. The Waterville Sentinel thus speaks of its assist them, schools and a former Thomaston High School glad to find her new story in the only distinct­ $5.00 TO $10.00 PER ACRE IN GLASS JARS. And save enough In a few year, by putting a atop principal; ively American magazine we have. —WILL llflY ROUE OF TI1B— to false alarm. Io more than pay lor tile entire Waterville should congratulate herself upon BOSTON 5 & 10 CENT STORE, out-put So say nothing of the saving in .wear ihe excellent work done in her schools during The Casco Loan and Building Association, FINEST LANDS IN THE WEST. word, and excitement, which is beyond com­ the year, and especially during the last term Portland, have secured an olllcc which will lie OPPOSITE THORNDIKE HOTEL., 15 putation. Already the establishment of a large central ADDRERH, ROCKLAND, . MAINE. building nnd placing in it it head master of kept open every day, for the convenience of PURE VERMONT HONEY, Uru.th bankings now go up in smoke. ability and experience, yield results which in­ Shareholders and others desiring information, 1 C. H.STARRET7, dicate bow well the money has been invested and nre now receiving advance payments and FRENCH CANDIES, FO R S A L E . Bicycles are coming out of their winter quar­ that made the results possible. Tnc new build­ Real Estate Agent and Notary Public, Tilt; Homestead of the late Marlboro Packard,sit­ ters. ing is a success. Mr. Crawford is a success. special deposits, for which interest Is paid at an P. & C. SARDINES, uated three miles from Union Common, containing It is gratifying to one acquainted witli the past agreed rate nnd certificates given. LENORA, NORTON 00 , KAN8AB. one hundred acres wood land and pasturage, well Is Rockland to haven tennis elub this sea­ and present condition ot things in our lower 10-22 NICE PICKLES, divided, tillage land under high cultivation, will cut son ? (In Bottlca or by the quart. forty tons of hay (English), nice young orchard, schools to see the great improvement and lie 7 We should judge from tlie comments of our three wells of good water, storj - and-a-half house J. W. Kilt' is making improvements about ter results which are being obtained now as OLIVES AND LIMES, wilh ell and stable connected, new burn 40xh0, compared with former years. Mr. Crawford exchanges that tlie verdict against C. C. Beal cooper shop, and school handy. For lurther par­ bis house. seems to be the right man in the right place. in tlie Clinton alleged murder case wns not PHOTOGRAPHS. PHOTOGRAPHS. VERMICELLi, ticulars inquire of or address 14-17 A. Z HENDERSON, Warren, Me. George Clough has entered the employ of satisfactory, and tint the people Who watched ITALIAN MACARONI. W. A. McLain, LIKED THE PLACE. tlie trial believe tlie young man innocent. VALUABLE ESTATE IX WARREN The K. & L. has been doing a line passenger Ilis counsel have discovered new nnd impor­ McLOON & CROCKETT, business of late. A. A. Cailie lias just made us a call on the tant evidence nnd will ask for a new trial. FOR S A L E . return from his final trip to Vinalliaven. As For sale in Warren, Maine, a valuable estate, John Mallett is having an addition made to the Bodwell Granite Co. have finished tiieir c- nsisting of a cottage house of seven rooms, with bis house, Sen street. The Waldoboro Board of Trade is putting in PHOTOGRAPHERS. The Best Table Raisins ell, with a nice cistern and furnace in cellar. Barn portion of the work for the Ha. lcm River some work for its town, and setting a good ex­ 25 x 50 feet, shed attached, excellent cellar under Workmen are digging the cellars for the new Bridge, there will be no further use for his EVER SHOWN IN THIS CITY. the whole with huge cistern, all in good repair. ample to other boards. They have secured a Orchard of thirty-five trees all in hearing order. Slnghi houses on Broadway. service on Fox Island. Mr. Cailie says it is corn Canning factory, contingent on acres 3 lbs. Good Raisins........................25c Thirteen acres of land with a never failing spring with feelings of regret that he takes leave of 321 Central Block, - Rockland, Me. of pure water all in good state of cultivation. With­ Alden McLain is rapidly recovering from liis enough being planted by tlie farmers, and arc injuries, and is out and about. his many friends on tho Island, anil that he New and Elegant Rooms nil on one floor, only one 2 lbs. Fine New Muscatels.........25c in a few minutes walk of churches, post-offices, praparing for a thorough canvass of the town flight o f Htairn and filled up with stores, and schools. This estate is very desirable will always have the pleasantest recollections o f and surrounding country tor this purpose. The C lbs. Nice Pop Corn................... .25c as th<* location is line nd will be sold on reasona­ Miss Nettie Gregory is book-keeper for the ble terms by the owner, W. H. WETIIERBEK, Atkinson House Furnishing Co. their hospitality and their handsome island. hoard has also set the ball rolling for a water AM Improvements in the Photo­ 4 lbs. Nice Dates......................... 25c Warren, Me., or C. M. WALKER, Rockland. 12 Mr. Cailie also says; ” 1 am particlarly in­ works system, and has other projects in view. E. K. Glover’s residence, corner of Masonic debted to F. J. Orbeton, tbe gentlemanly and and Broad streets, is being painted. graphic Art. FARM FOR SALE. entertaining book-keeper of tlie Bodwell Gran­ Bishop Fowler in bis address to the clergy­ Large Hky-llght mnde after plan* of Pcientlth- Ex­ A term for sale, situated in Friendship, contain­ Thorndike ft Hix received a car-load of ite Co., for the pleasure experienced during my men during the recent conference gave them perience and capable of making all kindH ot Soigle ing about one hundred and fifty acres, consisting of fancy Early Rose potatoes Tuesday. brief sojourns on the island, lie lias done all pictures, and especially Large Groups. We shall wood land, pasture and tillage. Cuts about 30 tons the following advice: -‘Methodists -bould make PURE VANILLA. of bay ; a small o chard; about six acres of land Pocahontas Council, Improved Orderjof Red- that time nnd opportunity would permit to preach Methodist doctrine.
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