i ) ■ .-U M f-Spresisidentpia:k-Ufim-airi r — A 3 Hospitali-budgettrtraveJs-fullI circle —- A 6 - ; - j 'iil, ,'ii. ^ _ i.U i- i.' .'.I .•' : Girls A-1 state Burley 48, Centennialal 65, Borahih 51, ' pJum i “35Q 7^2 ; : r ' ....... 1. " \ T T I Prep to u rn am en t Idaho Falls 44' OT0 l.ewiston 446 B oisee 49 CCSI, ^ 5 9 c ; J 5 5 J 7 - scores -etGiii la rt-z sm te Buhl SO, . ^ " W eiser 51,li Kuna^641 ( LiLak s -iu trict: to u rn am en t Kellogg 4 9 O T^ . Middleton.149 Prestoton 56 SIShei. ^ 3«I 15 s cclo lc 60 } ________________ iT ir s g Copyli^M - 10B5 a p M*gic Viiley inc. 35" .. -------- 8 4ih yei 4 9 ....................... /ear, No. Tw in Falls. Idaho0 ............... • — ,— 'Saturday, FetJruai^uaiYie. 1989 | | % ai d € d ee f i e i t <d e e l i fBeS“ i I b u tt h i n t ss a t t lr o u b lle i The Washin);ton I’oitP( tradedo picture: an end to a 'seriesies of The deficit for DeciDecember stood al rec oord-high rd U.S. d e fic its lh a t Ihad $10.2 billion, II $-I0()0 millionm dip from j k M WASIMN'CJTONN — The U.S. mer- causeiised major dislocations in1 the the November dcficit■ficit, a s bolh ini- I f I chandise tnide.deldeficit declined by a Amerilerican ecuiiumy during the eieighl ports'and expoils, set new monihly d r a m a tic 22 percercent last year to yearsirs i of the Reagan presidency.•. The' highs. Tht^deficts forfori bi.th .November , show its first iirimprovement since 15)S88 didecline in the trade deficitI was\ and December, howci)W(‘Ver. tu rn e d up- W 1!>S(), the j;overntiinment reported Fri- the firfirst since the 12.f) ui'rcinit -drup—w<\ urd—fraiii —pruvitiusitniK—m ont tirt—Htid---------- I----------------- ^ ^ --------drn-:------- --------------- iii~n5SCroso, to S31.'l billion,"lhe la s l y e a r w ere big*lier lliati■1 tlth e $9.9 billion H jB But tlie year-eniend fif'ures held dis- of thehe CarterI administration. monthly average fortlor the year, ^■ 3 quieliiif! news foror the future as the Tiie'lie IftSK deficit was $U8,7 biiiiiliioTi, C o m m erce S e cr re e ta ta r y R o b e rl A. WM d e fic its for the lastla^ two months be- a '(■’i.4 billion decline from the pn;)revi- Mosbiicher creditedited tbe trade " i^n climbinf^anew-ew, - - : KiLH; yt!ytiJir'.H Sl.'vi.l billion. B y-aiiotlotliLT d e fic it's d e clin e to;o a su rg e o f e r ­ "ll'£ very disturturbing lhat the im- measuasure of the U.S. trade balatance, ports, which increasetased by 27 percent provemenl is sl;ill.billing o u t a t a v e ry w hichich inflates thc value uf impiip o rts to a rocord S:)'22.2 billit)illion for the year. _____ iii|;li ___ level," said Lawrence by iiicincluding freight and insuraiance. Iniport.'i increased l>y,l)y just 8.3 percent Chimerine. chairn'irman of the WEFA ihe 19iaS3 dcficit was $i:r7.3 billiillion, (0 hit a three-yearr lo’low of bii- j^H Group of economicnic forecasters, 'The compaip a re d w ith S170.3 billion th e yeary lion, ______ WKjk trade deficit is goinggoi nowhere fast,' before,ore. H ut M o sb a cb e r sait:said "il is inipera- added Alien Sinai,li. c h ie f econom ist o f WhitVhite House I’ress secretary MMar- tive" that the UnitedLed Stat;)s '’fu rth e r H I The Boston Co. an'and ICcononiic Advi- lin Fi'Fitzwater hailed tbe H)SS] im- improve our overall•all trade deficit." H i ' provenvement as "good new;s" that "does"d He urged Americanan manufacturers p H Nonelheless, l‘W19S8 marked a major showw steady; improvement, a trendtri to increase their comrommilment to ex-’ | M ------- tiirniti|--iniiiil—in-in-lh*‘—inUrnatiiinal—towardard-iinprovemeiilr^---------------------------------•SeoTltAIJE-o:[2'oirHh'^u“A 2“ I North1 trial ~ Derangeed elk holeIds ■ set to> start uwoman, offf icer in hctome The Associated Press fiod “the biggCBt elk I eve,f saw" I on Tu(iesday looking into hor yard,ard, •GLEmVOOD SPRINGS. Colo,( Hurst said sho thoughttho the ani- K i The Washiiit-lon, I’lI’llSl ~ A demnged elk chased a 74- m al m ight be hungungry and went ycar-oldyet woman and a poHcc:e ofTi- outside with some-le- appleya to feed ^ WASHINGTON;'N — The trial of for- cer into a house in the heai‘art of it. tliis mountain town anti held1 themt “I scratchcd it umunder its chin," S S B I K t -'t * ^ '4 I H i mer White IlmisilUSe a id e O liver L, there fo_r th/ce hqurs.Friday. she said. ."All of a Euddon,e it got • |K fe-';-:g£2gE| =acg North is set to heyinhe Tuesday after ■■ The'ahima] also attackedI lawn1 up on its hind legsgs anda lungod at K V I S ? w a lm u sl a twii-vveeleek delay caused by cbairr, cars and wildlife oRiccccrs. ' m o with ita frontit feet.fc I o p ened. disputes over rulo;lies governing disclo- tj Tho cow elk eventually/ waa the gate and here it Clcamo." sure of govemmemenl secrets al the [yj. ^ lured to an open apot alonglg thc "I can’t movo too30 ftfast but I su re ' proceeding, court irl officials wiid Fri-. ..(Jo]Coiomdo .Rivor and drowt>wned m uat Imve traveled.led. fast then so «• clay. whilewh wildlife officials were; ' won-a -that.elk wouldn't catchcat me, " she U.S. Dislrici ColCourt Judge Gerhard deringder what to do with her,•, said said; "It courd"hHTGaTG -bt!en'‘^ E in p “ — ..... .. A. (le s e ll concludeided preparations by policepol Capt. Don Williams. trous." ap p ro v in g a l-l-pajpage pn.secution nc- Nadine? Hurst, who has liveved in H urst escapcd insidoinaii thc Iu u sg count, called an "tidmission," de- GlcnwoodGic Springs since 1919,I w ith bruises to horr arma r , thigh and scriliing deals the.he R e a g a n adm inis- heardhcfl her dogs barking oboi Tlm*».N»wi phoIo'AriOY An lout 7 R e a s o n to) r) e jo ic e tra tio n m a d e fo r secretsf third-country a.m.a.n and looked out the windo'low to ‘ See ELK onl>n P a g o A2 contributions to tluthe Nicaraguan Con- -------- A moment nfter mnmaking two free throws3 withv tournament win in IG attempts. The girls'1« A-1 - t r a s . no tim e re m ain inlg g tto tie th e gam e, B uhl’s Shan-Sh and A-2 basketball lall tournamenLs continue North, who wasis deputy( director for 1 ^ 1 non Cato rejoices,s, tas do thc fans. The Indiidians day at thc Collegege of Southern Idaho. For political and miliiililary affairs at the ludson's* 1<lover rece:eives went on to dcrentt KKellogg, 50*49, in n stateitc A-2 tails nnd completeJte coverage, see Sport.s F * National S«!curilyly Council, contends consolntion ^nmele Friday, Buhl’s first ssi ta te B l. , that the supportt forfi the rehels was . S it" sometimes oblaineined on a "quid pro Wmother l . $77.25 millilion * ([uo" basis — inin return for favors (‘ As.sociated i’rcsii had AIDS, none off usu-s would b»> here • ^ from the UnitedJ Slates'i — and that Apology today," Christian said as he left the ly may saves wri1iter’s lift■ then-Presidenl RonaldRo Reagan and -OS ANGKLKS — A jury gaveg courtroom, I'is dereti a coverup of < The Associated I’rtiss Dritish ritii Broadcastinf,' Corp. t ck H udson's lover a n addiii<.lional The jurors refusec those arrangement used to comment ' on. I p 11 • 1 57.i')i") m illion in d a m a g e s Fricriday, immediately aflerwar FriJav UM S tir r in gJ 1p a s s io n s - A 5 :e o rd e r , Ge5ell said i, ■ward. Reached by , In m ’s p resid u n l Haiti F ri ICliomeini, Iran's spiritual l.adcr,li „ ' jstin g h is total a w a rd to $2$21 .Tf) te lep h o n e la te r , jurorju itayniond s novel government hahas refused lo make fj'jji’j,,, Salmiin Rusluiie, autlior of Tile Sa- lid Tuesday that Rushdie's Hion because the late niovieJ sl;ir; Blanton, 27, a posUil^il \worker, said he e « blunder' and apolo- i concerning "possible , , Uinic V erse s," niif’ht satve v e his life anders Islam and orderi'd .Moio.'lems admission cor -------------------- .Moaem; jm sand tlic imum . Thcn-.^^^^^.^ pt his AIDS diagnosis a secrcLL thought the awardrd was excessive ________ _ willranapolo^jy. "IracTT3own and kil! the aiilK nielaiesi award was againstriiiKl-"~mi<l i: dissented on dam;lamages. (avil cas- e that the people may , rangemenis by higIligh government offi- , An Iranian eiivdv saidd A/ jato lh h ‘‘ '’““ ' ‘’I 'J idinn-born British ciliy.en. l's secretary and c^nfiilanl, .MMark es can be decided1 by agreement of ,, r 1 pardon him, ' K linm enei sa id .
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