(J)07403 Revisions in Stratigraphic Nomenclature of the ~ :--:-..:.\~ ) ~ --=~ Colt1mbia River Basalt Group : .: :.~ . - By D. A. SWANSON. T. L. WRIGHT. P. R. HOOPER, . .---,-_ - .--: . and R. D. BENTLEY CONTRIBUTIONS TO STRATIGRAPHY G E O L O G I C A L S U R V E Y B U L L E T I N l 4 5 7-G lJ N !TED STA TES GOVERN \-1 ENT PR! NT! NCO FF!CE. WASH !NCTON : l 979 C Abstract ----------- ------------ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Introduction ---------------­ Acknowledgments --------------­ CECIL D. ANDRUS, Surdary Imnaha Basalt ----------------­ Picture Gorge Basalt ----------· Yakima Basalt Subgroup Grande Ronde Basalt GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Contact relations F1ows of Prineville chemic: H. William Menard, Dir«tor Redefinition of the Vantage Sa Wanapum Basalt ---------­ Eckler Mountain Member Frenchman Springs Memb­ Roza Member ---------- Squaw Creek Diatomi · Priest Rapids Y1emuer Saddle ~fountains Basalt ---­ Umatilla Member Wilbur Creek Member - ­ Asotin Member Weissenfels Ridge Membe, Esquatzel Member -----­ Pomona Member Elephant Mountain Memb - Buford Member Ice Harbor Member Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Lower Monumental Memt Main en try under title: References cited -------- --- ----- Revisions in stratigraphic nomenclature of the Columbia River Basalt group. ILL (Contributions to stratigraphy) (Geological Survey bulletin : 1457-G) Bibliography: p. G54-G59. Supt.ofDocs.no.: 119.J:1457-G Pun 1. Maps showing inferred I. Geology, Stratigraphic-No menclature-Northwest. Pacific. I. Swanso n, the Columbia River f Donald A. II. Series. Ill. Ser ies: United States. Geological Surve y. Bulletin ; 1457-G. FtGURE 1. Map showing localities QE75.B 9 no. 1457-G [QE645I 557.J'08s !551.7'3I 79-60 7047 ered by Columbia Ri · 2. Chart showing propose, For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office Group ---- -------· 3. Schematic strat1graphi Washington, 0 . C. 20402 showing chemical ty1 Stock Num ber 024-001-032 17- 1 CONTENTS Pa g~ Abstract Gl OF THE INTERIOR Introduction ··························· ······················-············ l Acknowledgments ••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••• 8 er:rttary --~ ~.: 8 --- .,. lmnaha Basalt ·····----------------------------------------------------- : ,i:- Picture Gorge Basalt ---------------------------------------------------- 12 ·.-. :'~~- Yakima Basalt Subgroup ·----------------------------------------------- 15 VEY -- ~ -a:: GrandeContact Ronde relations Basalt _____------------------------------------------------ • ______________________________________ • ___ 2116 -"""· ir~ctor Flows of Prineville chemical type ---------------------------------- 24 Redefinition of the Vantage Sandstone Member ________________________ 24 . Wanapum Basalt ---------------------------------------------------- 25 Eckler Mountain Member ---------------------------------------- 27 . ' Frenchman Springs Member -------------------------------------- 31 Roza Member ---------------------------------------------------- 33 ~ · Squaw Creek Oiatomite Bed and Quincy Oiatomite Bed ____ :___ 34 Priest Rapids Memuer -------------------------------------------- 35 Saddle Mountains Basalt --------~-------------------------- ----------- 38 ' Umatilla Member ------------------------------------------------ 40 Wilbur Creek Member ---------------------------------- ------ ---- 42 ; Asotin Member -------------------------------------------------- 43 _ Weissenfels Ridge Member ---------------------------------------- 44 Esquatzel Member __________________________ .__________ • ___________ 45 ·1 Pomona Member ------------------------------------------------ 46 ~ Elephant Mountain Member -------------------------------------- 48 ~ - Buford Member ------- - --------------------------·-- ------------- 50 Ice Harbor Member ------------------------------ ---------------- 51 Lower Monumental .\1ember ---------------------------- ---------- 53 References cited ----- - ------ ------- ----------------------- - --------------- 54 :Jl~ bia River Basalt group, · ·ey buUetin ; [457-G) ILLUSTRATIONS Pag• ·:1 wesr, Pacific. f. Swanson Pu.TE l. :\faps showing inferred original distribution of stratigraphic units in ates. Geological Survey. ' the Columbia River Basalt Group ________________________ In pocket : 1.7'81 79~07047 Frcuu l. Map showing localities mentioned in text and approximate area cov- ered by Columbia River Basalt Group ------------------------ G2 2. Chart showing proposed tenninology for the Columbia River Basalt S. Government Printinf Office Group ------------------------------------------------------ 7 ~02 3. Schematic stratigraphic section in Benjamin Gulch, Washington, 13217-1 showing chemical types -------------------------------------- 22 IV CONTENTS -- TABLES CONTRIBUl" Pap TABLE 1. Comparison of stratigraphic terminology used by Bingham and Grolier (1966) and Wright and others (1 973) with that of this REVISIONS paper ------------------------------------------------------- G4 NOMEN• 2. Average major-element composition of chemical types in the Colum- bia River Basalt Group -------------------------------------- 10 COLUMBIA I " By D. A. SWANSQr anc New stratigraphic nomenclatu is introduced to revise and expa divisions made informally by T. I The Yakima Basalt is raised to Ronde Basalt. Wanapum Basalt, I - age-are defined within it. The If from oldest to youngest, the Eck [ Rapids Members. The Saddle ;'vl oldest to youngest, the Umatilla, Pomona. Elephant ~fountain, BL The Picture Gorge Basalt is rest Imnaha Basalt, is used for basa area of Washington, Oregon. ar tween basalt flows are excluded the group is revised to ear ly, m - argon daces ranging from about l vertebrate fossils in the interbec t U' :. The basalt on the Colur: gon, and Idaho has been th I years. As geologic mappin formal stratigraphic name: ture used by current wod names based largely on te (1955; 1961), Bond (1 963) (1 973), and Hooper (1 974 I1-1. 1 Department of Geulogy. Washington S ti l Department of Geology. c~ntral Wuhir ) CONTRIBUTIONS TO STRATIGRAPHY nology used by Bingham and thers ( 1973) with that of this REVISIONS IN STRATIGRAPHIC -- -- - - ----------------------- G4 NOMENCLATURE OF THE of chemical types in the Colum- -------- ------ ------ -- -------- IO COLUMBIA RIVER BASALT GROUP By D. A. SWANSON, T. L. WRIGHT, P. R. HOOPER, I and R. D. BENTLEY2 ABSTRACT New stratigraphic nomenclature for units within the Columbia River Basalt Group is introduced to revise and expand that currently in use; it is based largely on sub­ divisions made informally by T. L Wright, M. J. Grolier, and D. A. Swanson in 1973. The Yakima Basalt is raised to subgroup status, and three formations-the Grande Ronde Basalt, Wanapum Basalt, and Saddle Mountains Basalt, in order of.decreasing age-are defined within it. The Wanapum contains four formally named members, from oldest to youngest, the Eckler Mountain, Frenchman Springs, Roza, and Priest Rapids Members. The Saddle Mountains Basalt is divided into IO members, from oldest to youngest, the Umatilla, Wilbur Creek, Asotin, Weissenfels Ridge, Esquatzel, Pomona, Elephant Mountain, Buford, Ice Harbor, and Lower Monumental Members. The Picture Gorge Basalt is restricted to north-central Oregon, and a new name, the Imnaha Basalt, is used for basalt probably of pre-Picture Gorge age in the tristate area of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. All significant sedimentary interbeds be­ tween basalt flows are excluded from the Columbia River Basalt Group. The age of the group is revised to early, middle. and late Miocene, on the basis of potassium­ argon dates ranging from about 16.5 to about 6 m.y. and reinterpretation of the age of vertebrate fossils in the interbedded Ellensburg Formation. INTRODUCTION ·:."\ The basalt on the Columbia Plateau (fig . 1) in Washington, Ore­ gon, and Idaho has been the subject of much study during the last 20 years. As geologic mapping has progressed, the need for a revised formal stratigraphic nomenclature has become apparent. Nomencla­ ture used by current workers is a mixture of formal and informal - names based largely on terms suggested by Mackin (1961), Waters (1955; 1961), Bond (1963), Schmincke (1967a), Wright and others (1973), and Hooper (1974). Despite the proliferation of informal • Department of Geology. Wuhingt.<>n Stai. Univenity. Pullman. ' O.panment of Geology. Central. Wuhingt.<>n Univenity, Ellenabuf1, ~ - . -~.. G2 CONTRIBUTIO~S_ _TO SI'RATIGRAPHY COLUMBIA .I 81, Elephant Mountain 93; bee . ... --···--··· CANADA ···--··· 82. Donald Paea 94, Flat cr:..it . UNITED STATES 83. Un ion Gap 9~. Dayville 84. Tiet.on River area 96, Picture Gori WASHINGTON 85. Bickleton 97. Foree Foeail 86. Arlington 98, Holmee Cre, d7, Maryhill 99, Spray 88, Bigp 100, Service C~ 89, Camua Creek IO 1. T-,,ickinhar. 90, Dale l O'l. Girda CrNk 91, Monument 103. Rudman Mountain and I 0-4, Lone Roclt ,r Monument 105, Butte Cree, 92, John Day 106. Beef Hollo"' z ALF w< V 0 26. Almola Cr~k 76, Ellensburg . .,,. ,. 21 • Alpowa Summit 57, Eltopia 1? lJ. Anawne 18. Enterprise !t 3J, AnaLOne Bulle 5J. F::.quauel C ~ 86. Arlington 94. Flat Creek 1, Asottn 17. flora !If:?. n 56. Basin Ci ty 97, Foree fosa1 •> - 106, Beef Hollow 72. Frenchman 1. J2, Ben1.im1n Gulch Spring, C I ~ 6J, Benton City 102. Gird.-:t Cree~ OREGON 65. Bickleton 9, Grande Ror 38. 3,gg, Basalt ty 1 lJ. 9ing-en locality t 16, Buford Cre,,k l, Grangevdl1 0 ,!. t! . 115, Sult Run area 103. Hardman l~ 105, Butte CreeK '!B. HasL1ngs ~ ~9. Camus Creek 98. Holmes Cr, ,,,. n
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