About us 2021 Contents Read about our: • Vision 6 • Teaching 8 • Research 10 • Impact 12 • Collections and facilities 14 • Sustainability 24 • Diversity 25 • Alumni 26 • Interfaculty institutes 27 Discover our: 6 • Facts and figures 4 Vision • Prize winners 16 • History 18 • Partnerships 20 History 18 Get to know our faculties: • Archaeology 28 • Governance and Global Affairs 32 • Humanities 36 • Leiden Law School 40 • Medicine/Leiden University Medical Center 44 16 • Science 48 Prize winners • Social and Behavioural Sciences 52 The Leiden University charter from 1575. 12 Impact Production: Strategic Communication and Marketing Design: Nanda Alderliefste, Noinoloi.nl February 2021 26 [email protected] Alumni Photography in this brochure: Some photos in this brochure were taken before and others were taken during the period in which the COVID-19 measures in the Sweat Room were in force. 2 LEIDEN UNIVERSITY CORPORATE MAGAZINE 2021 A WORD FROM THE EXECUTIVE BOARD HESTER BIJL ANNETJE OTTOW MARTIJN RIDDERBOS RECTOR MAGNIFICUS PRESIDENT VICE-CHAIRMAN ‘As Rector Magnificus, I’m responsible ‘Leiden University is at the heart of ‘As Vice-Chairman, my days are spent for the research and teaching at this soci ety. Our researchers work inten- supporting the research, teaching wonderful university. We have a huge range sively with national and international and impact of this fantastic university of excellent research in Leiden and The partners, and our students come to through our operational management. Hague that allows us to contribute valuable Leiden and The Hague from 130 dif- That covers a wide area: it includes a knowledge to society. It is also most inspir- ferent countries. All of this helps this healthy balance sheet and all the lovely ing to channel my efforts into educating fantastic university flourish. The en- buildings in Leiden and The Hague as our students. Activating learning and the during coronavirus pandemic has not well as the IT that facilitates the digital- links between our teaching and research been easy for our students and staff. I isation of our teaching and allows are very important in our teaching. We hope we will be able to leave it behind our researchers to conduct excellent want to equip our students for the world us this coming year. research. We also provide the best of tomorrow, a world in which flexibility, ‘As President, I am going focus my possible services through our facilities resil ience and adaptability are essential. efforts on diversity, sustainability, department. In the coming years, I will With the right knowledge and skills, artic- impact and external relations at our work with my colleagues from HRM ulate and critical students will be able to university. A diverse and inclusive to create an agile organisation where contribute to a safe and sustainable society. learning and working environment for everyone has the time and space to That is why we also foster global awareness students and staff increases the quality develop. If we work together intensiv- and intercultural skills. Our alumni hold of teaching and research. And with ely, we can create a university that is a all sorts of positions and have an impact on sustainable teaching and research we great place to work and study. Since the society in all manner of different ways. want to help create a sustainable world, outbreak of coronavirus this collabora- ‘TheCOVID -19 pandemic turned for future generations too, as well as tion has taken a different shape – with everything upside down last year. My hope be a sustainable example as an organ- our staff working from home, teaching for 2021 is that we will once again be able isation. Another aim is to ensure that online and realising a safe university to meet in person – in our lecture halls society benefits in full from the know- where we can conduct research and and in the offices and labs on the campus. ledge that we develop. We are joining teach at a distance of 1.5 metres from We know how unbelievably valuable and forces with the cities of Leiden and The one another. We have discovered new important this is for everyone. I am incred- Hague because working with others forms of collaboration that are benefi- ibly proud of our researchers, lecturers and in alliances makes you stronger. cial to our university, and we will make and other members of staff: it is thanks to We also hope to make a difference with sure to retain and expand these. I am them that the teaching and research have our strategic partners in LDE Univer- extremely proud of our staff. Keeping continued without interruption, albeit for sities, Delft University of Technology the University ‘open’ and running has the most part remotely. Everyone has made and Erasmus University Rotterdam. asked a lot of them. Without their a significant contribution, for example to And we will continue to look beyond efforts, ingenuity and resilience none our research, by working on a coronavirus national borders to further expand our of this would have been possible. I hope vaccine, to our teaching by using innovative international networks. I look forward we’ll have more opportunity to see each digital teaching methods and to our support to setting to work on this with the other in person this year.’ for students by offering them additional whole University community.’ help. Ours is a university to be proud of.’ LEIDEN UNIVERSITY CORPORATE MAGAZINE 2021 3 FACTS AND FIGURES Facts and figures 2020 Leiden University was founded in 1575 and is one of the leading international research universities in Europe. It has seven faculties in the arts, humanities, medicine, social, natural and life sciences, at locations in Leiden and The Hague. ORGANISATION 29 % female 31 research institutes 592 professors professors 7,300 staff € 686 m turnover RESEARCH Scientific publications: NWO grants: European grants Doctorates: 6,400 23 (ERC): 447 11 TEACHING SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS Bachelor’s programmes: Master’s programmes: Total alumni: 47 81 127,340 Bachelor’s students Alumni abroad: 20,857 Students: 8,930 32,381 Master’s Graduates per year: students 130 11,524 Master’s Bachelor’s Nationalities 4,234 4,509 These figures are based on data available in January 2021. See www.universiteitleiden.nl/en for the latest information. 4 LEIDEN UNIVERSITY CORPORATE MAGAZINE 2021 LEIDEN AND THE HAGUE One university, two cities Since 1999, Leiden Uni- course, the Academy Building, which FOCUS ON FIVE THEMES versity has been located symbolises our history. And Campus Our research on societal issues always The Hague is our young, vibrant encompasses different scientific not only in Leiden, city of campus at the heart of national and disciplines, and our teaching follows discoveries, but also in The international politics, the judiciary this same interdisciplinary approach. Hague. Our location in The and socially engaged organisations. A We focus our activities on five key valuable addition to our interdiscipli- themes: Hague has grown drama- nary research and education, which • International law, peace and tically since its foundation, in turn allows us to make valuable security; and continues to make contributions to the city and region of • Globalisation and international The Hague. relations; significant advances in • Politics, public administration education, research and MAXIMUM IMPACT and public finances; knowledge transfer. Campus The Hague is a growing • Urban issues; locat ion for our teaching and • Health and patient care. research. We aim to strike the right ne university in two cities balance between bachelor’s and These themes have not been chosen means the best of two worlds, master’s programmes and education at random: they are directly related to and more opportunity to for professionals, and between the city of The Hague, as international Oexchange knowledge and experiences. teaching and research. The strong city of peace and justice with an enor- Leiden is our long-established scien- links between our research and mous range of organisations active in tific base, with its diverse range of dis- teaching mean we are able to make these fields. ciplines and unique facilities such as the maximum impact, not only in the Leiden University Medical Center, scientific terms, but also in terms of the Leiden Bio Science Park and, of culture, society and the economy. LEIDEN UNIVERSITY CORPORATE MAGAZINE 2021 5 VISION A sustainable, prosperous and just world As a leading European research university, located in the cities of Leiden and The Hague, Leiden University plays a prominent role in academia. High-quality academic research and teaching are crucial to a safe, healthy, sustainable, prosperous and just world. The University is committed to developing, disseminating and applying academic knowledge, and aspires to be a trusted figure in the public and political debate, both nationally and internationally. HOW WE STAND OUT: WHAT WE STAND FOR: WHAT WE STRIVE FOR: • We are an international research- • From its inception, Leiden Univer- • We aim for excellence in all our driven university, with a wide range sity has stood for freedom of spirit, research and teaching. of academic disciplines and degree thought and speech, and for the in- • We focus on achieving the maximum programmes. dependent development of research impact from our research and teach- • We have opted for a disciplinary and teaching. It is a place of refuge ing – academic, cultural, societal and structure, but our research and where any question can be asked economic. teaching are both disciplinary and and answered in complete freedom. • We work hard to create a lively interdisciplinary. • We educate students and PhD candi- academic community of students • Our teaching is inspired and fuelled dates for academic roles in academia and staff, inspired by the experience, by academic research. and beyond. Our graduates are able expertise and engagement of our • Our research is pioneering and to make a critical assessment of alumni.
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