VOL. Ill GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D. C, APRIL 27, 1922 No. 24 PRESENT JULIUS HILLTOP TRACK SQUAD COMPETING GENERAL STAFF CAESAR NEXT WEEK IN PENN RELAY CARNIVAL REVIEWS UNIT Mask and Bauble Club Will Give Georgetown Represented By a Score of Men In Track Classic—Bob Georgetown R. O. T. C. Makes Shakespearean Play On ' LeGendre To Defend Pentathlon Title Against Strong Good Showing In Rigid Test May 4 and 5. Field—Eight Relay Teams Entered. For College Rating. The Mask and Bauble Club, which was Following in excellent military fashion Georgetown's delegation to the Univer- blue and gray track followers expect behind the Third Cavalry Band from reorganized at Georgetown during the sity of Pennsylvania Relay Carnival, their favorite to experience no great Fort Myer the Georgetown University first part of the present school year, will which is to be held at Franklin Field, difficulty in winning. Reserve Officers Training Corps march- Philadelphia on Friday and Saturday of Georgetown will be represented In present their first production on Thurs- ed last Tuesday afternoon on the Var- this week, left Washington Thursday eight relay races at the classic. The com- day, May 4th, in Gonzaga College sity Field, where the unit was given the night at 7 p. m. for Quakertown. The petition will be the keenest the country first part of its three-day inspection. hall when Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar" squad which is the largest to represent can offer in the collegiate world, but will be given. The performance will be The General Staff Committee, appoint- repeated on the next evening at 8 o'clock. ed by the U. S. A. officials, appeared highly pleased with the very creditable Thursday's performance will begin at showing that the outfit made in under- 2:15 P. M. going this extremely rigid and most tho- The coming production is under the rough test. persona! direction of Mr. Charles B. During the initial part of the inspec- tion the neatly attired battalion, with Han ford. Mr. Hanford is a Shakespear- light packs and rifles, and under the ean actor of high standing who has been leadership of the cadet officers, passed associated in the past with Barrett, in review before the inspecting officers. Southron and Marlowe. Since Mr. This was followed by an individual in- Hanford has taken charge of the work spection of the corps, and then came of the club considerable progress has the close and extended order drill, been made, and under his careful tute- shooting of pistols and machine guns lage the play is expected to be an excel- and mortars by the members of the lent presentation. crack blue and gray rifle squad, which The entire cast has been working hard terminated Tuesday's program. during the past several weeks and their Wednesday's work consisted of an- work should bear fruit in the coming other battalion review, after which came production. In addition to the members a second individual inspection. Physi- of the cast the various committees which cal training under the leadership of have been handling the details of the senior cadet officers also played a promi- play have accomplished excellent results nent part in the afternoon's work. The to date and the presentations should be Sophomores were then selected to con- conducted without any mishap. The com- duct squad drills and direct deploy- mittees in charge and the cast of char- ments, all of which was done in acters are as follows: praiseworthy fashion, Wednesday's in- Executive Committee—Charles O'Mal- spection terminated with the platoon ley, chairman; Charles O'Bryne and drills, seniors and juniors commanding. James Kirwin. Financial—Phillip C. Lauinger, John McCann, Joseph McDonough and Ch.-iries O'Byrne. PUBLIC LECTURE Programs—James McNally. BUREAU ORGANIZED Costumes—Thomas Slattery. Stage Manager—J. Cox Fcrral. Reception Committee—Daniel Shanley. Students to Address Organiza- tions on Sociological, Economic The Cast. and Political Questions. Julius Caesar Joseph McGowan BOB LEGKNDKE, PENTATHLON CHAMPION WHO IS EXPECTED TO DEFEND HIS Brutus Robert Morgan TITLE SUCCESSFULLY IN PENN RELAY CARNIVAL FKIDAY Cassius Lawrence Downey The l'hilonomosian Society has in- the Hilltop warriors of the cinder path Marc Antony Joseph O'Connell Georgetown at the Penn Relays in sev- augurated another precedent at George- are expected to give a good account of (fctavius John O'Neil eral years was headed by Coach John town—a public lecture bureau. In its Decius Robert Ward D. O'Reilly and Captain Jimmy Con- themselves. In the drawings for the role of the "venerable progressive" the Casca Joseph McDonough nolly, intercollegiate mile titleholder. different positions Georgetown fared as society has arranged a series of lectures Tribonius John F. Daly While in Philadelphia the Hilltoppers follows: Quarter mile Relay, ninth on various sociological, economic and po- Metellus Louis Slattery will be quartered at the Hotel Aldine. position; Half Mile Relay, first place; litical questions which should furnish its Portia Arthur Lynch Of primary interest to . Georgetown Distance Medley, eighth position; Sprint members a wealth of opportunity to de- Calpurnia Thomas Kernan followers is the Pentathlon champion- .Medley, fifteenth position; One Mile Re- velop their powers of logical presenta- China Edward Lynch ship which will be conducted on Friday. lay, eleventh position; Two Mile Relay, tion and convincing oral discussion. But Soothsayer Tames McLarney Entered in this event is the present title- third position;, and Four Mile Relay, the main purpose of the bureau is not Marullus Charles Clifford holder and former Georgetown captain sixth place. The entries in the re- practice, but practical. It will give the students an opportunity to join in the Lucius Joseph McQuillen Bob Legendre, who will endeavor to win lay races will be found in another very practical work of helping to spread Flavius Charles O'Bryne the title for the third time. The blue section of this issue. Walter Volkmore and gray star will be pitted against truth on questions vitally in need of every Pindarus William Kalt will compete in the open pole vault and the country's best including the two helping voice. Several three-men teams Titimus Thomas Slattery javelin throw; John Hooker in the high Popilius Frank Mahoney former titleholders, Everett Bradley, of have been selected and are preparing jump and the hop, step and jump; and First Citizen Michael Bruder the .University of Kansas, and Brutus their subjects thoroughly from triple as- Scconl Citizen James Kirwin Hamilton, of the University of Mis- Lyle Tullar in the hurdles. The squad pects in order that each speaker may Third Citizen James McLarney souri.. Legendre is being counted upon will return to Washington Saturday have a 20-minute opportunity to dilate Fourth Citizen Charles Perlitz to be returned the winner of the title and night. (Continued on page 12) THE H O Y A PRINCETON DEFEATED HILLTOPPERS WIN RIFLE TEAM LOSES BY GEORGETOWN 9-6 QUADRANGULAR MEET THREE CORNERED SHOOT Coach O'Reilly's Charges Win Georgetown Scores Second Track Hilltoppers Defeated by Yale and Seventh Straight Victory. Victory of Outdoor Season. Boston University—Guilfoyle's Squeeze Play Effective. LeGendre Stars. Work Features for G. U. Brainy baseball and wild base running Georgetown track athletes easily out- The Georgetown University Rifle scored Georgetown's victory over Prince- classed the University of Maryland, Team, with a score of 495, was forced to George Washington University, and Gal- take low honors in the triangular rifle ton, the seventh straight of the season. laudet College in a quadrangular meet The Tigers outhit the Hilltoppers, 9-7, last Saturday afternoon, April 22nd, at match held last week with Boston Uni- but the runs were a different thing. 9-6. the Hilltop. Scoring more than four versity, and. Yale, the latter winning with times as many points as its nearest op- Thomas' inability to cope with the a perfect score of 500. Boston landed ponent, the Blue and Gray totaled 88 second place with 498. Though the Hill- WHERE THERE IS LIFE THERE squeeze play was the direct cause of the points. The University of Maryland. IS DOPE. Tigers' downfall. registering 20 points, was second, George toppcrs were defeated in the match, fired DON'T quit. Georgetown could do nothing in its Washington University with 10 points in the prone position, they pressed their - There's a cure for everything, even finished third, while Gallaudet College half, nor could Princeton in the second. opp nents to the utmost. '.'hams." trailed with a total of 8 points. Boston's team, composed of crack shots, Jim Murphy decided to start something From the start it was conceded that none of whom are members of the R. O. IF the doctor tells, you you have in Georgetown's part of the second, and O'Reilly's charges would greatly over- T. 0.. is led by Capt. Frank Anselmo, walking typhoid, fool him and buy a singled to right. Florence beat out a shadow the field, and overshadow it they did, taking -all three places in the 100- who tecently scored 991) out of a possi- pair of roller skates. bunt, as did Malley, and the bases were yard dash, the 220-yard dash, the 440- ble j,009 in a live-stage match against full with none out. Murphy thought THE shoemaker says you hope to yard dash, the half-mile, and the mile. Yale. Vale, the victor of the contest use your awl to mend a sole. his base-stealing average could stand Georgetown took first place in the dis- and i taimant of the American Intercol- And he knows a lot about vamps. fattening, and made a dash for home.
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