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HmA RED BANK, N.J., MONDAY, "MAY 7, 1962 VOt. 84, NO. 220 PU4 ui II ItoUiin Ollten. 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Eaas lawn Captured Rebel Attack Action Mounts VIENTIANE, Laos (AP) - Pro-Communist forces have cap- Against MDs tired Nam Tha, a provincial capital only 20 miles from Red China's border that the Royal Laotian government had vowed to A legislative assault was antici- the threatened boycott "would defend to death, pated today against New Jersey be just as strong a breach of doctors who have piedged that Premier Boun Oum's government and Peiping Radio today an ethics as anything else I can hey will not treat patients un- imagine." nounced the fall of the town to the rebels after a Sunday or der a medical-aid-to-the-aged bill He said he would expect the fighting. now pending in Congress. state Board of Medical Exam- The United States denounced A bill forbidding a doctor from iners to "exert its own disci- the rebel attack as a violation of refusing care to patients under pline" if the threat were carried the year-old cease-fire but U.S. he King-Anderson bill was ex- out. Nuclear officials in Washington generally pected to be introduced in the "This is throwing a profes- hoped it would not wreck at- New Jersey Assembly. sional obligation against a piece tempts to set tup a coalition neu Meanwhile Secretary of Labor of federal legislation," said tralist regime to take Laos cm Arthur J. Goldberg added his Hughes. "That's not good lobby- Missile of the cold war. voice to the chorus of criticism ing." Boun Oum's Information mini- against an estimated 200 New The signers of the declaration ster Bouavan Norasing said the Jersey doctors who have signed include doctors at Point Pleas- Is Fired 5,000 defenders of Nam Tha had a declaration of refusal to treat ant, Orange Memorial and Toms been evacuated and the city was GLASS WITH COLOR — Photo snows a section of new Bell Labi Research Center persons covered by the proposed River Community Memorial hos- WASHINGTON (AP) — The building in Holmdel with glass exterior. Building appearance it even darker from ederal bill. pitals, Beth Israel in Newark United States has fired its first Shocked, Horrified Fragmentary' Reports greater distances. Company officials say it will brighten up after landscaping is and Fitkin Hospital in Neptune. long range ballistic missile Bouavan said the governmen Goldberg declared in New York Henriksen listed support for yesterday that he was "shocked armed with a nuclear warhead had received only fragmentary completed. The structure, now completed, is about half occupied. It will be fully his stand as coming also from reports from the area, 225 miles occupied (about 2,500 workers) by August. This is stage one of project. Stage and horrified" by the doctors' California, Colorado, Florida, Il- . —a Polaris missile that was rock- resolution. northwest of Vientiane, and gave two, which is some years off, will about double building size. linois, New York and Texas. «ted out over the Pacific from no details of the retreat, He echoed both Gov. Richard Professional reaction in New a nuclear submarine, The only overland escape rout J. Hughes and Welfare Secretary Jersey was mixed, with many Abraham Ribicoff in saying that The test yesterday was the from Nam Tha, which had been doctors saying privately that they under siege for four months, was the threatened boycott would vio- Bruce Hentvlcksen thought the declaration played fifth nuclear explosion in Oper- late the Hippocratic oath of the ation Dominic—the series of U.S. a road leading to Houel Sai, 150 right into the hands of support- medical profession. would have paid into the Social ers of the King-Anderson bill. atmospheric tests. The four pre- miles to the southwest on the Beautiful or Ugly? However, Dr. J. Bruce Hen- Security trust fund, as provided . The issue of the declaration is Thai border. vious shots were dropped from riksen, chief surgeon at Point in the King-Anderson bill," the due for an airing next week-end planes. A group of 12 American mill' welfare secretary said. tary advisers with the govern- Pleasant Hospital, denied that when the state Medical Society .How far the missile darted over ment forces in the town fled in Difference of Opinion on 'Gray Glass' such action would violate the 'Breach of Ethics' holds its annual convention in the Pacific or how much wallop a helicopter to the royal capital, code. In a television interview yes- Atlantic City. it carried was not disclosed. How. Luang Prabang. One American By FRANK W. HARBOUR and Bell Labs, which will oc- manufacturers for a special Henriksen, who initiated the erday, Gov. Hughes said that (See DOCTORS, Page 2) ever a Polaris has a range of officer said the government HOLMDEL — Will the new cupy it —.are sticking to the "experimental - type" glass declaration, said: about 1,400/miles and its war- troops put up "a pretty good $20 million Bell Labs Research position that it will be — well, coated with aluminum particles "We have recently re-read the head's explosive power is esti- fight." Center here present a beauti- "very attractive," anyway. to reflect heat and create the oath and found that it doesn't Appropriations Bill mated at about the equivalent of ful or an ugly face to the out- It's all a matter of glass — appearance of a silvery finish apply to our declaration in any Peiping Radio said Pathet Lao to the building exterior. 600,000 tons Of TNT. forces stormed Nam Tha In a side world? the material which makes up way." "fierce counterattack" after the virtually the entire exterior of The experiment was a flop. The King-Anderson bill, now The joint announcement yester- There seems to be a differ- According to Rollin H. Mc- before the House Ways and day by the Atomic Energy Com- royal army—"along with the ence of opinion on the subject the building. Senate Action Due American"—began a large-seal In the beginning, Western Carthy, Western Electric con- Means Committee, provides for mission and the Defense Depart —but Western Electric Co., payment through Social Security attack on rebel defense positions, Electric contracted with two struction director, and Harold merit said the weapon was trig' which is building the structure, J. Wallis, Bell Labs assistant of hospital care for the elderly. gered at about 6:45 p.m. EST in The New China News Agency vice president, by the time the The doctors oppose the meas- the Christmas Island testing dispatch from Xieng Kouang, th On State Budget "special" glass was installed ure as an encroachment on the rebel headquarters, said the de- Highlands Election area. in the building's south wall, medical profession. TRENTON (AP) - An approp- the state's narcotics laws were fenders were routed and "took Western Electric. decided to riations bill calling for a record " Launched by Sub flight in great numbers." The Henriksen said that individual due for Assembly passage, but call it quits. and group support for his stand $499.4 state budget next year was Matthews said companion bills The missile was launched by dispatch said "surrounding due for Senate action today as the Polaris submarine Ethan areas" also were seized. Flaws Found has been coming from all sec- providing for stiff mandatory Governing Body The glass, which was coated tions of the country. the state's legislators braced for penalties for narcotics violators Allen and presumably from deep Rash Reinforcements by evaporating the metal onto another marathon session geared stand little chance of Assembly in the ocean but an AEC spokes- There was ho indication of th Identical Resolution the surface in a layer almost to meeting the May 14 adjourn- approval. man declined to confirm this. casualties in either the govern He said Dr. Dudley Youman, molecular-thin, turned, out to ment date. Critics of the mandatory pro- Tbt PoUrls has been test fired ment or Communist reports. chairman of the board of dele- To Be Selected have flaws (pin-point blotches) gates of the Louisiana State Med- The budget for the year, be- visions say they remove discre- , many time* previously but al- Nam Tha was the lastsgovern and, the officiaisifeporied, the HIGHLANDS — The stage is A field of 14 candidates seeks ical Society has sent a telegram ginning July 1 is the last man- tion from judges In sentencing ways with a dummy warhead. ment stronghold in the northwest manufacturers Were unable to Nam Tha province. Vientiane had set here for tomorrow's munici- the council posts. congratulating the New Jersey datory item which could force non-professional dope pushers. The ballistic missile Is one of perfect the process within the doctors and saying that an identi- the lawmakers into a special ses- Sandman planned to call for a the few pieces of ordnance ever been rushing reinforcements to pal election — the third under The list is broken down into time allotted for building com- the town to make it a showpieo the borough's new form of gov- a five-man slate headed by May- cal resolution would be presented sion in order to recess as sched- bipartisan commission to work developed by the United States pletion. to his.society at a meeting today uled. and put in the hands of operating of resistance.' ernment. or Cornelius J. Guiney, Jr. (See SENATE, Page 2) To finish the east, west and in Monrcf/ La. Action was also planned on a forces without having been given The doom of the provincial cap- As was the case in the two Former Mayor Frank J.
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