Weather Distribution Today Fair today. Hi{h is the STs. HEBBANK benuiag tlOodlocw tonifht fol- 18,775 lowed by rain. Low tonight, «- 5#. High tomorrow SS4I. See neither, page 1. Dial SH I-0010 Hilly, Uosltj tHrougn miiy. Second am roatiit VOL. 84, NO. 101 P»U >t Rtd Bask tad at AddLtlsnai Miiliaj Otueu. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16. 1961 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Mitchell Defeat Explained Woolley Sees Two New Candidates on 1962 GOP Ballot 13 Italian Airmen FREEHOLD — County Republican chairman J. Russell No names were mentioned for the sheriff's spot, but Mr. Woolley at a press conference yesterday speculated why the Woolley, when asked if Freehold Township Committeeman Republican gubernatorial candidate lost his bid for election Albert V. McCormick is being considered for the post, said and revealed the possibility of two new faces on next year's all contenders are under consideration. date of county candidates. Mr. Woolley said no decision would be made on candidates Mr. Woolley noted that 5,457 persons who voted in the elec- because the steering committee would not meet until after the holidays. Murdered in Congo tion failed to vote for either James P. Mitchell or Democratic Governor-elect Richard J. Hughes. On the gubernatorial side, the leader noted a few past elec- He said he felt that if these people had voted, Mr. Mitchell's tion margins: In 1957, Governor Robert B. Meyner carried margin in the county would have been closer to the 18,000 the county by 144 votes; in 1953, Republican candidate Paul majority he had predicted than the actual figure of 12,386. Troast had a margin of 4,431, and former Governor Alfred E. Insurgent Troops But, he added, the 117,000 voters gave the Republican candi- Driscoll was given a plurality of 10,000 votes in 1949. date here a larger majority than any gubernatorial candidate In answer to the question of whether he felt Mr. Mitchell's in the past 20 years. refusal to debate Judge Hughes hurt him, Mr. Woolley said, Sheriff Ira E. Wolcott and Freeholder Walton Sherman, "It had nothing to do with it at all." Two of the biggest vote- whose terms will be up next year, are not expected to seek getters of all times, Mr. Woolley said, who were Franklin D. Roosevelt and Dwight D. Eisenhower, never debated their Are Blamed by UN re-election, Mr. Woolley said. opponents and it never hurt them. 1 AUCHINCLOSS STATUS COULDN'T GET AROUND LEOPOLDV1LLE, The Congo (AP) —The United Whether Rep. James C. Auchincloss will seek another term "I do feel the fact that Mr. Mitchell broke his leg hindered Nations today announced that insurgent Congolese next year will be entirely up to the 27-member Republican him in the campaign," Mr. Woolley said, "because it prevented steering committee, the county leader said. Mr. Auchincloss him from getting around to campaign as Mr. Hughes did." troops had "brutally murdered" 13 Italian UN airmen has said he would run for his 11th term if he were asked. Mr. Hughes got into every nook and corner of the county at the Kivu Province town of Kindu. When queried on who might replace Mr. Auchincloss/ Mr. and on some days scheduled a stop every 20 minutes, the leader Woolley named three leading contenders — Freeholder Director said. A UN spokesman said the unarmed fliers were shot Joseph C. Irwin, Assemblyman Alfred N, Beadleston and Sen. "I don't wish to use the injury as an excuse," Mr. Woolley by unruly troops shortly after their arrest last Saturday Richard R. Stout. Mr. Irwin lost a bid for the" congressional said, "but I noted when I was with him campaigning, Mr. afternoon. seat in 1940. Mitchell would be in pain and this affected him from being as Some of their bodies The congressional seat is for the Third District, which will jovial and relaxed as he usually is." include Monmouth and Ocean Counties. "AH in all, we did pretty well in the county," Mr. Woolley were dismembered arc! Brady Is hurled into the Lualaba There could be other shifting on the ballot, Mr. Woolley summed up. He said the loss of a committee seat in Middle- said, if Mr. Irwin seeks the congressional seat. Mr. Irwin's town was for local reasons. He noted the losses of mayors' River, the spokesman added, by term as freeholder expires next year. The leader did not spec- posts in Matawan and Matawan Township, but pointed out four soldiers who apparently suspected ulate on who would be the possible candidate for the one or two communities where the GOP recaptured the mayor's chair, Selected them of being Belgian para- freeholder seats, but said there will be younger men on the namely, Freehold, Little Silver, Atlantic Highlands and Man- troopers. ticket. asquan. 'Specific Proposals' Speaker The UN spokesman. George Ivan Smith, said the UN com- 'Mr. Democrat' PRINCETON (AP) - Some 15 To Give Approval mand was presenting "specific- of the state's top Democratic proposals" to the Central Con- leaders have picked Assembly- go government for forceful ac- man Maurice V. Brady. D-Hud- tion to investigate and pun's.t Answer son, as speaker of the Assembly FREIGHT DERAILED — A flatcar of * Reading Railroad those responsible for the murder House Speaker Is Sought for the remainder of the 1961 freight train stands upright after the JO-car, three-en- and to prevent a repetition. egislative session. If the government response On Roads gine train hit an open twitch and derailed at Edison, The decision was made at seems insufficient. Smith said, On Shift N.J. Four trainmen war* hurt in th* accident. closed door meeting yesterday the UN is prepared to act im- TRENTON - State Highway Rayburn Dies at the Nassau Inn here attended'mediately on its own. He added Commissioner Dwight R. G. Palm- IAP Wirephoto) HOLMDEL - The Board of Ed- by Gov. Robert B. Meyner. j that Malayan troops prepared tor •r has promised to come up ucation will seek the approval o with an answer within two weeks BONHAM, Tex. (AP)-House Stale Democratic Chairman any necessary action, already are Speaker Sam Rayburn, "Mister the state education commissioner Thorn Lord said no other posi- being flown to reinforce the 200- to a Monmouth County request to shift Holmdel high school stu Fair Haven Democrats (or toad expansion in the neigh- Democrat" to millions of Ameri- ions were discussed at the meet- man Malayan UN garrison in cans, died today. dents from Keyport to Red Bank ing and that the group had de- Kindu. borhood of Sandy Hook Park. High School. Assemblyman Alfred N. Bead- Death by cancer and its com- cided to wait until Gov.-Elect The UN already had threatened plications ended the colorful po- A resolution to this effect was Richard J. Hughes returns from military action if the rebellious leston, R-Monmouth, headed a adopted by the board last nigh delegation of Monmouth officials litical: career of the 79-year-old Kosene Preparing his Caribbean cruise Nov. 29. soldiers — part of a disorders following the Red Bank Board of who discussed the road situation Texan in a bed at Risser Hos- Hughes has requested a meet command of more than 2,!'li pital here. Education's action'Tuesday nigh ing of the state's 21 Democraticjclaiming allegiance lo leftist Vic with Palmer yesterday. :to accept the students. The first notification of Ray County leaders shortly after heiPremier Antoinc GizonRa—failed They presented two requests to Earlier this year, an ^attempt Palmer: burn's death went to the White returns, Lord said. to give up the Italians. was made to transfer the Holm- A Reply to Flood One of those at the meeting, 1. That (he state widen Rt. 36 House in Washington, and the UN headquarters here was in actual announcement that he was del studentJ, but the slate com- who declined the use of his teletype consultation with Acting to four lanes for the nine-mile FAIR HAVEN— Mayor Mil- support of local Democratic can- dead came from there: missioner of education turned name, said Lord told those pres- Secretary-General U Thant in itretch from the Garden State thumbs down on the proposa ton 'Kosene last night declined didates and blamed their clos One of the first to be notified, ent that Hughes will accept John New York throughout the night Parkway in Keyport to Atlantic when a two-year time limitation to issue a full statement in reply defeat on campaign brochures too, was Rep., John McCormack, W. Davis, D-Salem, as speaker to decide on lhe next steps to Highlands, all in one project, with-i was to be included in the con- to charges that he was usurping which he said "read like an auto- of Massachusetts, Democratic for next year. Davis is majority be taken by the world body. out disrupting business along the tract between the two boards. control of the locai Democratic biography" of the mayor. leader of the House, and the man leader. The same person said highway or hampering local traf- No Restrictions organization. James Acker, party candidate The murder of the Italians was who is the leading candidate to that Hughes will accept Elmer announced after word that Con- The Red Bank board on Tues- The mayor said the blast from for Borough council, in the Nov. 2."> That the state take over succeed Raybu'rJi as speaker. |M. Matthews of Essex County a golese Gen. Victor Lundula had day set no restrictions on its ac- ohn A.
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