s1~ M-1- t1t Br Med J: first published as on 17 July 1920. Downloaded from The Journal of the British Medical Associaton. INCLUDING AN EPITOME OF CURRENT MEDICAL LITERATUfhr WITH SUPPLEMENT. No. 3107.- SATURDAY, JULY 17, 1920. Price 1/- ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NEW EDITION, THOROUGHLY REviSED. By FREDERICK W. PRICE, M.D., F.R.S.(Edln.), The SURGERY of the HEART. Physieian to the Great Northern Central HospitaL http://www.bmj.com/ By Sir CHARLES A BALLANCE, K.C.M.G., THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY: Physician to the National Hospital for Diseases C.B., M.V.O., M.S., F.IC.C.S., Deseriptive and Practieal. of the Heart, London. Conisulting Surgeon to St. Thomas's Hospital, etc. For the Use of Students. 8 vo. net. By Sir EDWARD SHARPEY SCHAFER, LL.D., DISEASES OF THE HEART. Illustrated by 48 figures. Demy 10/6 D.Sc., M.D., F.R.S., Professor of Physiology Their Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Treatment MACMILLAN & CO. and Histology in Edinburgh University. by Modern Methods. With many Illustrations, several of which are With a Chapter on the Blectro-Cardiograph. By A. C. MAGIAN, M.D., Coloured. ELEVENTH EDITION. 8vo. 14s. net. Surgeon to the Manchester Prench Hospital and to Deny 8vo, 484 pp. Veryfully Illustrated. 218. net- the Wood Clinic for Genito-Urinary Diseases. LONGMANS, GREEN & CO Lancet.-"By great care, and by the use of an MANUAL OF VENEREAL DISEASES. 39, Paternoster Rtow, London, B C. 4. amazing amounit of material, he has accomplished 2ND EDITION. With 61 Illustrations. 10s. 6fd. net. what many readers have been waiting for, giving on 26 September 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. This manual has been written specially for the OXFORD MEDICAL PUBLICATIONS us a complete account of the diagnosis, progniosis, general practitioner, and gives complete practical and treatmeest of heart diseases by mnodern methods details for the most moderni treatment of Syphilis NOW READY. in association with all the invaluable teaching be- aLnd Gonorrhoea. 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