L(t(tk Co Che aock fEo.rr .Dhich J(ru rDeae h.lalrrt l''f Jft .t t.3-5t tvr:,n trl cf)tcrrc,o Je(L)rsb blstoplcol soctexy socrcta nec/J/s DECEMBER LOCALREACTItlNS TO KRISTALLNACHTTOPIC OF DEC. I8 I,IIETING ]-,IINSKYFUND TO FIIIANCEPUBLICATIONS Speokerot EmonuelKnew Life Both ONCHICAGO JEWISH HISTORY In Nozi Germony,Here in Thirties List Detoils for Submissionof The eflect of the Kristallnacht out- rage upon the chicago Jewish community of flonuscripts;Mony Send Donotions 19lB y'lill be the topic of lhe Society's Plans have been finalized for the next meeting, Lo be he 1d Sunday afternoon, operation of the Doris Minsky 14emorial Fund np.pnhF. lA .t Fmrn,,Fl l^.n.rcd^tinn ThF q..iorv <np:12.. Mrrtin M.i.7.. dill ..i.lrp<< i-hp Lrrc trrrud9u ctnri..l personal Established in memory of a founder of the subject on the basis of his o$n Society and its long-time Vice-President, recollect ions as a young refuqee from Ger- the fund will have as its rnajor purpose many who had 'rimself arrived in Chicago providing financial assistance to publica- during that very year. tions on Chicago Jewlsh history. Mr. Mai.nzer's ta.ik, ririeo "Krista.ii- 0r. I rving Cutler, h.imself a Society nacht: Personal Recollections fr om a Chica- I,l founder and leader as |tllell as an eminent go vantage Point," hilI oegin at 2:00 P in authori ty on IocaI h istory, has agreed to the temole at 5959 North Sheridan Road. Tha :rl.lr6cc .'i I I ha hv . c^. i.l serve as fund chairran, A mailing to Soci- ^ro-o.1o.l h^,,r 1-h r6froehhonl c li6-inhin- .1" l.nn qLv f r i a^.lc .n.l "'i associates of Doris and her husband. Joseoh P1.1 . Admission wiII be free to all. Minsky, has already produced a Iarge nufltber Speaker Has Unusual Backqround of contributions to the fund; and it is The speaker, born in Hal1e, Germany, hoped that the fund ' s first monograph can appear during 1989, emigrated to Chicago in I9lB and served in the U.S. Army in India during llorld |lar II. Sponsors. ContribLrtors t,lill Be Listed A reti.p.l .p.tifipd n,,h1i. ...n!,nf.nt hF has been an officer and director of Congre- Contributors of $100.00 or more to the gation I zra-Habonim, of 5eI fhelp of Chicago fund becoae fund sponsors, hill be listed and of the Je!./ish FamiIy and Community Ser- in n,,h I i..t innc in.l I ry r c_ ^11 vice. ceive each oublication as it appears. 0ther He brings to his topic both the recol- contributors wilI be listed in the fund's lection of lile as a Jew in Hitler's Ger- fir<t n,,hli.itinn A .^F., ur-. cdLrr puuarLd- - -uPy many and memories of the Thirties as a mem- tion produced by the Minsky Fund |/'lill be ber of Chicago's community of recent arriv- sent to any current CJHS member who re- quests it. L"dL LUU!'La y. Fund conmittee members include, in ad- 14r. Mainzer wilI be introdJced oy dition to Dr. Cutler, Joseph Minsky, Mark CJHS Vice President and Program Chairman Mandle, Norman Schwartz and Dr. Irtain Burt Robin. Refreshments wi11, as usual, be SuIoway. supervised by qosoitality Chair,'rao Shirley The fo 11o|l.li ng guideli.\es are published Sorkin. for the informat ion of persons interested Free parking will be ava i lable at the in submitting manuscripts. congregational parking l_ot, and CTA buses lcontinued on next pagel stop at the door. 2 DOI'IATIOIISTOARCHIVES SHED LIGHT ONJE|{ISH LIFE DURING lgth CENTURY f,lementosBrins Activities 0f Buriol Societies,Lodges into Focus Ite-s recent ly do.a ted to lhe Society for the Chicago Jewish Archives bring to mi.rd sone inLeresting features of Chicago Je!,rish life in the nineteenth century. The donations recall the numerous sickness re- lief and burial societies urhich made earfy Jewish cemeteries a virtual patch!,lork of mini-burial grounds, the tendency of new Prrri qn.ioiw ^l le!,/ish orgd'izaLions to oe for-po by seced- awards donated ing from earlier ones and the lormer multi- for the Archives plicity of Jewish fraternal groups or Photo by Nor- lodges. manSchwartz ItemS given by Mrs, Henry Novy hiere lhree medal s a.d a r:obo^ baoge prese.reo German Jews Vllho found themselves unwelcome to her grandparents, Samuef and pauline in lhe larger fraternal orders such as the !^litkowsky, by the sick relief and burial Masons o. 0dd Fellol^ls. They i.n turn proved socieLy, ahebra Kadis^a Lbiaur Cho li-, L-aL initially un!aelcoming to Eastern European he helped to found in 1851. Jews, who then formed several fraternaf Society !ias Splinter croup groups of their oI^]n, The Knights of J.,eo ..", _n r-- ld t--en io-eo .aLegor). 'f3i srciet!, stiil iir as ieacers are urged to remember the Chi- the Chicago Hebrew Benevolent Society,-xisle,ic.. l/vas cago Jewish Archives !l]henever they consider itself a splinter qrouc lhal had seceded cisposinq of meterials urith local Jer,!ish froir :i- ealljer Hebre!1 Bene!olent Socjery. connections. Such j tems, although no long_ The earlier group l,!as in turn lormed by a er oi interest to the current olrtner, are groLrp of " Pol i sh-Pru s si an,' Jews afiiliated often of considerable value to students of with the city's second synagogue, Congrega- Jewisl- historV and s^ou lo oe preserved. The tion B'nai Sholom. Sociely r,,Ji11 be pleased to col.lect and Bolh of the societies established bur- evaluate such materiafs, --Norman Sch!,lartz i.l nr.,,nrle :l ihp em.l l .Fmpttrrw nn lhp southe"st co rrer o" Cl ar< street and T rvl-1g HinskyFund Aword (Cont,cJ) Park Road, knol/vn as Je!aish Graceland. Icontinued from previous pageJ f.lemento r Anyone 1s ellgtble tor the aiard includlog of EarlV FraternaL Lodqe non-Society nembers. AIso give- Lo the Archives recently 2. The subJect must deat Nith Chtcago Jerlsh Nls_ was a volune of by-. aws, pub I ished bo Lh in ,. It nus t be essentlally a nei contrlbuiton to V i.l.l iqh .^.1 Fn.l i(h nf fho parpt2 | nd.c the study of Chlcaqo Jerl sh history. 4. Ihe connlttee No. 99 of the 0rder of the Knights of Jos- NttI be rlexlble as to the sub_ Ject hatter and type or mate.tal subnttted. rhtle cnh Thc .1n^nr ic navid Ber.sLein. monographs sre preferred, the funds nay €lso be used The Knights of Joseph was one ol many for sp€c1al exhlblts, programs, school oaterials, ar- notated (a^o blbllogiaphles, etc. under the purvler or the fraternal o rders enrol I i1g Jedish men pr0crsms of the soclety. freqJenLly !^romen in a1 auxiliary) 'ormed 5. To be ellgjble fo! fundlfg, a. essenttally ri' rin^ '\F lellp- r-:lf of the nineLeenLh conpleted monogrEph nust be sub6l!ted Lo the codmtt_ cenlJrv. The lodge5 b,ere Iargely socia.l in 6. The monog!aph should be unde. l5,O0O ,orcrs nature although the solidarity thev e^gen- although exceptlons can be frade. 7. dered was also reflected in business, poli- lt ls antlclpated that one a,ard Ntll be nacte annually anountlng to about $1,?00. tn certatn sltua_ tical and charitable activities. tlons that amo!nt nay be increased by addltlonat funct_ lng fron outslde sources or fram the 5ociety itself. -heir development is a'r inLeresting 8. The arard slll be used .largely to pay for the rcflpr-l'nn of r.omm'rnilV relaLions at Lt-e cost of pLrbllcatlon of the nonoqraph. time. The first successful Jel,1]ish ones, 9. Ihe commlttee rlIl be solely r€sponslble Ior n.rf i.,rl:r-l v Rrnai Rrith and the free Sons selectlng the ann!al arard reclptenl. 10. Publlcatlons rill be copyrlghted by the Chl(a- Tcr:61 l-^.mo- h uy ^^.1 -dIIrvr g go Jerish Hlsto!lca-l 5oclety. -f ",4.o 'u, '-- TRACINGYOUR FAI+IILY ROOTS IS PROBABLYEASIER THAN YOU THINK OctoberSpeoker Tells CJHS MembersHow To Get Storted A fasclnated audience heaxd Judith Frazin expla jn that you don' t have to be a Daughter ol the American Revolution to know about your ancestry and learn about your f^milvic rnnf< Mr< Fr^-:^ c^vc I L rrl Jewish genealogy, gave a lecture-slide show presentatio'r aL the FaIl CJHS meetjng at Temple Sholom on 0ctober 7, A dynaF ic and interest ing speaker, she discussed the several I'Jays that children and grandchildren of Jewish imnigrants from Ce-tral and Eastern Europe could learJ. more about lheir ancestors. Using her own iami- 1y as an exanple, she described how she Judith Frazln spoke on tracing family roots at the made use of resources avallab1e lo the ama- 0ctober meeting tFrrr nFntalnnic.t uitn intFrFct i^. .n.l ,'n- Photo bY Moselle sch!'/artz iormative results. As she spoke of rele- possible. vant shtetls in Furope and ^amed ships carrying immigrants to the LJnited States lhe Soeaker uJas introduced by Society nearly a century ago, there were comments Program Chairman Burt Robin and the social of recognition and jde.rtification from mem- hour was hosted o/ Pospital ity Chair'nan bers of the audience, Shirley Sorkin.
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