THE MEMQRIAL H ISTORY OF HARTFORD C OUNTY CONNECTICUT THE MEMORIAL H ISTORY OF HARTFORD C OUNTY CONNECTICUT 1633-1884 EDITED BY. J HAMMOND TRUMBULL LL.D. PRBSIDBNT O F THE Com~mc'r|cu'r HISTORICAL Socvm INWO T VOLUMES VoL.IL TOWN H ISTORIES PRO_‘)'ECTED B Y CLARENCE F. YEWETT BOSTON E DWARD L. OSGOOD PUBLISHER 1886 HQ /1‘ A 4 ; ‘ .I '.. / f I Copyrig/1:, 1 886, BY G EORGE DRAPER. All r ight: rzxerzvd. Enihzrsitg 1 8:25:! : jom: W n.soN AND Sou, CAMBRIDGE. A.. H W. L. E. 462 ---an-. _.-._._.-_..Ir CONTENTSND A ILLUSTRATIONS. The I ndex to both volumes will be found at the end of Volume I. GHAPTER 1 . PAGE AVON.M.H.Bartlett........'........1 ILLUSTRATIONS} T he First Wadsworth Tower (from a drawing by Daniel Wadsworth), 2 ; Monte Video, 3; The Con%regational Church, 7; The M eadow at Deer Cliff, Entrance to Deer C 1 if, 9. CHAPTER I I. BERLIN. T he Rev. IV. W. Woodworth . .. .... I3 ILLUSTRATION : P ortrait of J. G. Percival, 26. FAQ-SIMILE: E xtract from Kensington Society Records (1731), 16. CHAPTER I II. BLOOMFIELD. M rs. Elisabeth G. Warner . .... .. 29 CHAPTER I V. BRISTOL. E paphroclitus Peck ..... .. ... ... 39 ILLUSTRATIONS: M ap of Bristol in 1776, 41 ; a Deacon’s Cap, 46; House builty b Abel Lewis, 47; Relics of Old Times : Inluirl Chest, Parson Newell’s A rm-chair, Carved Powder-horn, Sword, and Canteen, 48; a Roberts C lock, 52; Residence of Edward Ingraham, 55. CHAPTER V . BURLINGTON. T heH0'n.R0la1ui Hitchcock . .. .. 63 CHAPTER V I. CANTON. F rom Notes by D. B. Hale and Levi Case ... '. 67 ILLUSTRATIONS! “ S atan’s Kingdom,” 68; the Original Collins Works, 72; G eneral View of the Collins Compan ’s Works at Collinsville, Granite D am, built in 1868, Polishing and acking Department, 73. I Vi C ONTENTS AND ILLUSTRATIONS. CHAPTER V II. PAGE EAST G RANBY. Charles Horace Clarke .. ... .. 77 ILLUSTRATIONS: A H igley Copper, 80; Newgate Prison in 1802, 81 ; Newgate P rison as it now appears, 82. CHAPTER V III. EAST H ARTFORD. Joseph 0. Goodwin. .. 85 ILLUSTRATIONS: D r. \Villiams’s House, 92; the Hartford Bridge, 96 ; Mrs. M ary (Lord) Pitkin, 102; the Elisha. Pitkin House, 104. CHAPTER I X. EAST W INDSOR The Rev. Dr. Increase N. Tarbosc . .. 107 ILLUSTRATION : T he Old Theological School of Connecticut (East Wind sor H ill), 113. CHAPTER X . SOUTH W INDSOR. The Rev. Dr. I’/wreasc N. Tarbox . 129 ILLUSTRATION: F itch’s Steamboat, 137. CHAPTER X I. ENFIELD. T heRev. George W. IV'inch . 139 ILLUSTRATIONS: E nfield Falls, 140; Map (of 1642), 144; the A. G. Hazard R esidence, 149; the North Family of Shakers, 153. FAC-SIMILES: R eceipt of Thomas Abbe, 148; Protest against Slavery (1777), 1 5]. CHAPTER X II. FARMINGTON. T he Rev. Dr. Noa-hP01'te1'. ... 163 ILLUSTRATION: T he Present Meeting-House, 178. UNIONVILLE. J amesL.0awles . .... 199 CHAPTER X III. GLASTONBURY. W illiam/S. Goslce. .... 205 ILLUSTRATIONS! T he Hollister House (1675), 208; the Taloott House (1699), 2 09. CHAPTER X IV. GRANBY. W z'lliamSco1n'lle Case .... .... .-. 229 CONTENTSND A ILLUSTRATIONS. vii CHAPTER X V. PAGE HARTLAND. F rom Notes by Lester Taylor . ... ... .. 237 CHAPTER X VI. MANCHESTER. T he Re12.S'. W. R0bln'ns .. ... 243 ILLUSTRATIONS; T he Cheney Holnestead, South Manchester, 245; Ruins of t he Glass-factory, 247 ; Wyllys Falls, 254; a Cheney Clock, 255; M anchester Centre (Soldiers’ Monument, Congregational Church, Town H all), 257. CHAPTER X VII. MARLBQROUGH. 1 Il1lssMa1'g/Hall. ...... .. 267 CHAPTER X VIII. NEW B RITAIN. David N. Camp . .... ' . 277 ILLUSTRATIONSZ T he South Congre ational Church, 287; the State Nor mal S chool, 295; the Stanley \ orks, 299; the \Voi-ks of the Amer ican H osiery Company, 305; the Works of the Stanley Rule and Level Company, 3 15. FAG-SIMILEI S chool Subscription (1784), 294. CHAPTER X IX. NEWINGTON. R oger Welles . 319 ILLUSTRATION: T he Churchill House ([754). 328. FAG-SIMILE : R eceipt of Simon Backus (1726), 326. CHAPTER XX. PLAINVILLE. S imon Tomlinson .. .. .. .. .- . 335 ILLUSTRATION: T he “ Old Root Place,” 336. CHAPTER X XI. SIMSBURY. L ucius I. Ba'rbe'r, MD. .... 341 ILLUSTRATIONS; T ariffville Gorge, 348; the Old Bronson House, 359. FAG-SIMILES : R eceipt of Samuel Stebbins (1784), 353; Receipt of Elihu Humphrey ( 1775), 358. CHAPTER X XII. Sournmcrron. S teplwn. Wallcley ... ... .. 363 ILLUSTRATIONS: S outhington Centre, 365; Map of Snnthington, 369. FAG-SIMILE2 S ociety’s Record (1726), Samuel Andrus, Clerk, 1138. viii C ONTENTS AND ILLUSTRATIONS. CHAPTER X XIII. PAGE SUFFIELD. H ezekiah Spencer Sheldon .. .. 383 ILLUSTRATIONS: T he Sheldon House, West Suffield, 405; the Connec ticut L iterary Institution, Main Buildings, 409; the Judge Gay House, 412; P ortrait of Sylvester Graham, 413. CHAPTER X XIV. WST E Hsnrrosn. The Rev. Franklin S. Hatch 415 ILLUSTRATIONS : P ortrait of the Rev. Dr. Nathan Perkins, 419; the Con gregational C hurch, 419; the Noah Webster House, 423. CHAPTER X XV. WETHERSFIELD. S hmmm W. Adams 425 ILLUSTRATIONSZ M arks of Turramuggus and Mantowese, 432; Map of \Vethersfield ( 1634-1644), 433; the Con re ational Church, facing 446; Portraits of the Rev. Dr. John Mars , Eilas Deane, and Rector Elisha V Villiams, 443 ; the Webb House, 478 ; Residence of S. W. Robbins, 4 87 ; the State Prison, 492. CHAPTER X XVI. ROCKY H ILL. Sherman W. Adams 493 CHAPTER X XVII. Wmnson. General H istory. The Re'v.Reuel H. Tuttle. .. .. 497 Churches o f Windsor. The Rev. Gown 0. Wilson 534 Early W indsor Families. Jabcz H. Hayden . 547 ILLUQTRATIONB: M ap of Windsor (1633-1650), 501 ; View of Broad Street, 5 19; Oliver Ellsworth and Wife, 526; Portraits of the Hon. Oliver E llsworth and Governor W. W. Ellsworth, 527; the Ellsworth 'Homestead, 5 27 ; Grace E iscopal Church and Parsonage, 532; the Congregational C hurch, bui t in 1794. 533; Map of the Palisado, 546; the H ayden Homestead, 560. Fso-snnnrzs: T he Town Lead weighed (1684), 509; Extract from the Rev. Samuel .\Iather’s Note-Book, 539 ; Votes passed by the Church Society (dignifying the seats and beating the drums, 1735), 541; Poquonnock Parish Records (1724-1727), 543. CHAPTER X XVIII. \VINDSOR L ooxs. Ja.bezH. Hayden. 56l Innvsrnsrroxs : M ap of Pine Meadow (1776), 563; the Ferry to East Windsor, 5 65; the Haskell House, 567. INDEX fEnd o Volume I. LISTF O STEEL PORTRAITS. VOLUME I I. Pun: E THAN A. ANDREWS, of New Britain ....... ... To face 280 CHARLES BOSWELL, of West Hartford . .. .. ... 422 ELIHU Bunmrr, of New Britain. .. .. .' 312 DAVID N. CAMP, of New Britain . ... ........ 278 CHARLES H. DEXTER, of Windsor Locks . ... .. ... .. 568 The Rev. JONATHAN EDWARDS, of Windsor . .. .. 130 Conmuws B. Enwm, of New Britain ... .. .. .... 316 NATHANIEL HAYDEN, of Windsor ..... ....... 532 Ancusrns G. II,\z.uw, of Enfield . ... ... .... 160 ELIAS INGRAHAM, of Bristol . .. .. ... .... i 58 Jums (J. Looms, of Windsor ... .. .. .. 516 Roswsu. A. N1-:.u., of Southington. ...... .. 380 ALFRED Nomn, of Berlin . .. ..... .... .. 20 SETH J. NORTH, of New Britain . .... .. .. .. 296 ELISHA M. Puss, of Enfield . .. .. .... .. 158 Gen. WILLIAM Pmnson, of Windsor . .. .... 530 1Major SAMUEL Prrxnz, of East Hartford. (Ame;/pa.) .. ... 103 1The Rev. TIMOTHY PITKIN, of Farmington. (Artotg/pa.) .. ... 176 President Nom PORTER, of Yale College . ... ..... 164 1 T he Pitkin portraits are from the “Pitkin Genealogy," in preparation by Mr. A. P. Pitkin, of Hartford. X L IST OF STEEL PORTRAITS. W.The H. R ev. SMITH, Joan of SMALLEY, New Britain of New ...Britain . ... ...... ' ........ Tofaa 314 FREDERICK T. STANLEY, of New Britain . .. ... 310 IIENRY STANLEY, of New Britain . .. .. .. ..... 302 JOHN B. TAI.CO'l"l‘, of New Britain . ...... 282 ORRIN Tnourson, of Thompsonville. ........... 156 Gen. SAMUEL B. WEBB, of Wethersfield ... .. ..... 478 E. N. Wmcn, of Bristol .. ........ 60 SAMUEL W1Lc0x, of Berlin. .. .. .. ... .. ... 22 EDWARD W11.c0x, of Berlin . ......... 26 Fnsmamcx WOLCOTT, of Litchfield . ... ... ... 136 OLIVER Wo1.c0rrr, of Windeor . .... .. ..... 132 Ouveu \\'o|.c0'r'r, Ja., of Litchfield . ..... ... 134 DI‘-WILLIAM W 000, of East Windsor. ..... 126 MEMORIAL H ISTORY OFHE T COUNTYF O HARTFORD, CONN. Qtomn h istories; I. A .-1 A VON. BY. M H. BARTLETT. VON w as incorporated in 1830. Previously it was the north parish in the town of Farmington, and went by the name of N orthing ton. On the north it is bounded by Canton and Simsbury, and on t he south by Farmington, while on the east and west it has as natural boundaries the '1‘alcott Mountain range and the Farmington River respectively. Until 1845 the western boundary was somewhat to the east of the river ; but in that year the portion of Burlington which lay east of Farmington River was annexed to Avon, excepting a block of about eighty rods square, which was at the same time annexed to Canton. The a rea of Avon is about thirty-three square miles. A consider able portion is level fertile land in the valley of the Farmington River. This river passes through the town twice, first flowing south along its western boundary, and then, after describing a semicircle in Farm ington, re-entering Avon on its eastern side near the base of Talcott Mountain, and passing to the north into the town of Simsbury. The n ortheastern corner of the town is remarkable for the beauty of its natural scenery. Here is the highest ridge, south of Mount Tom, Massachusett-s, of that trap formation which intersects the State from north to south. On its highest point, and within the boundary of Avon, which follows the top of the ridge for five miles, stands the observatory known as Bartlett’s Tower, built in 1867, a short distance from the site of the towers erected by Daniel Wadsworth in 1810 and 1840, which were successively destroyed, one by wind and the other by fire.
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