AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT Australian High Commission Tarawa Quarterly Newsletter ISSUE: 03 DECEMBER 2010 PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARY VISIT SPECIAL POINTS OF The Australian Parliamentary Sec- his team received a typically INTEREST: retary for Pacific Island Affairs, the enthusiastic welcome from the Hon Richard Marles MP visited students and staff at the Kiribati • PM’s Pacific Kiribati on 30 November 2010. School and Centre for Children Mr Marles meeting the Principal of Australia Award Mr Marles was accompanied by with Special Needs. Among the the KIT, Ms Tess Martin senior advisers and officials from highlights was a rousing rendi- • RAMSI the Department of Foreign Affairs tion of the Australian national RKS Teanoai, Mr Marles discussed • More photos on and Trade and AusAID. anthem and a dance in tradi- bilateral defence cooperation and re- page 5 tional costume performed by gional maritime surveillance issues with the students for their Australian senior Kiribati Police Service and Aus- tralian Defence Force personnel. As part of his visit, Mr Marles an- nounced an additional $50,000 in fund- ing for the School and Centre for Chil- dren with Special Needs and another $45,000 for a new Satellite Internet HE Brett Aldam meeting the Par- INSIDE THIS Centre to promote officer training at liamentary Secretary for Pacific Mr Marles giving his speech at ISSUE: Island Affairs, the Hon Richard the School Marles MP on arrival in Tarawa Parliamentary 1 visitors. For their part, the Secretary visit Mr Marles’ visit reaffirmed the Australian team looked abso- lutely resplendent in the golden- Orthopeadic strength and vitality of relations 2 wattle inspired shirts presented Team between Australia and Kiribati. His visit included a courtesy call on to them by the school to mark the occasion. KAP (AYAD) 2 His Excellency President Tong and meetings with Government Minis- Mr Marles viewing the MTC simula- ters and senior officials. At a State tion room with Cpt. Boro RAMSI Photo 2 the Marine Training Centre. Mr Mar- Exhibition les also foreshadowed significant fur- Tarawa Climate 3 ther Australian assistance for the KIT Change Confer- and the Kiribati School of Nursing to ensure they take their place alongside PM’s Pacific 3 other leading teaching and training Award Mr Marles and delegation call on Also included in Mr Marles institutions in the region. H.E. President Anote Tong program were visits to the Ki- Social Club 4 ribati Institute of Technology House function hosted by His Ex- and the Marine Training Centre, Photos 5 cellency the President that evening, where he saw first-hand Austra- Mr Marles was delighted to be able lia’s support for these key insti- to experience traditional Kiribati tutions and reaffirmed Austra- performances, meet Australians lia’s strong commitment to living and working in Kiribati and promoting education and work enjoy the country’s unrivalled hos- force development in partner- Mr Marles on the Patrol Boat with Lt. pitality. ship with Kiribati. During a Cdr Brough and Commanding Officer Earlier in the day, Mr Marles and tour of the Kiribati Patrol boat, Taataa ISSUE: 03 PAGE 2 AUSTRALIAN ORTHOPAEDIC TEAM ARRIVES An Australian medical team the region for over ten years. were pleased to be able to reach as specialising in orthopaedics Nevertheless each visit brings many patients as they did during their arrived in Kiribati on 16 No- with it its own unique chal- time in Kiribati. The newest member vember to treat and operate lenges and rewards with this of the team, Dr Boris Brankov said it on patients in need of ortho- year proving to be no excep- was one of the best experiences he paedic care. The project was tion. Team leader, Dr Robert has had - describing Kiribati as a hid- managed by the Royal Austral- Genat, said the team had seen den paradise and its people as among asian Group of Surgeons with more than two hundred pa- the friendliest he had ever met. the support of the Australian tients and performed 26 op- Government through AusAID. erations during a particularly The Team (from left to The orthopaedic team con- hectic but rewarding two right)— Ben, Rob, Cherrie, sisted of two orthopaedic sur- week visit. Boris and Dale geons, two nurses and an Before returning to Australia anaesthetist. It was not the on 30 November, the team team’s first visit to the Pacific said they felt their trip had as they have been coming to been a success and that they KAP COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR (AYAD) Mr Carlo Iacovino is an Austra- AYAD, Carlo worked as an grateful that he has been made to feel lian Youth Ambassador for De- Education Officer and then such a part of the team. During those velopment (AYAD) currently CEO of the Clean Ocean Foun- rare moments when he is not work- working in the role of Communi- dation in Victoria, Australia. ing, Carlo enjoys surfing and says that cations Coordinator for the Ki- Among his many roles, Carlo the Gilbert Islands have some great ribati Adaptation Project (KAPII). has recently written a news waves - contrary to the belief that Carlo has been in Kiribati for story for the AYAD program ‘there is no surf in Tarawa!’ KAP, an about 7 months as a volunteer. about his work with the Tarawa initiative funded by AusAID, NZAID, There are currently 5 Australian Climate Change Conference. In the Global Environment Facility and Youth Ambassadors working in it, he describes how living in the Government of Kiribati and aims Kiribati and 11 Australian volun- Kiribati helps to foster a better to reduce Kiribati’s vulnerability to teers. understanding of the challenges climate change, climate variability, and Carlo Iacovino from KAP Carlo holds a Bachelor degree in faced by the country. Carlo sea level rise through adaptation. Media and a Masters degree in enjoys his work with KAP, de- More information on KAP can be Science. Prior to working as an spite the long hours, and is found at www.climate.gov.ki. port, saying that the country’s RAMSI PHOTO EXHIBITION police had represented Kiribati with distinction and had helped The High Commission was pleased The launch was only the second to improve the lives of Solomon to support the launch of the RAMSI time the exhibition had been Islanders. photo exhibition (RAMSI: A history shown in the Pacific after it’s un- Kiribati was a founding member in pictures) on 16 November at veiling at the Pacific Islands Forum of RAMSI in 2003 with the names Bairiki Square. The exhibition was meeting in Port Vila in August. It of all those to have served in the officially opened by the Minister for was timed to coincide with the mission read out at the launch. the Line and Phoenix Islands, the tenth anniversary of the signing of An impressive contingent then Hon Tawita Temoku, the RAMSI the Biketawa Declaration by Fo- assembled in their RAMSI uni- Special Coordinator, Mr Graeme rum leaders in Kiribati in 2000. forms to mark the occasion. Wilson and the Pacific Islands Fo- RAMSI was established under the rum Representative to Solomon Biketawa Declaration which allows Islands, Mr Sakiusa Rabuka. Also Forum countries to help a fellow present were Government Minis- member in a time of crisis. ters, senior officials, the Acting In his remarks, the Special Coordi- RAMSI Special Coordination Commissioner of Police and mem- nator thanked the Government of Mr Graeme Wilson bers of the Kiribati Police Service Kiribati and the Kiribati Police who have served in RAMSI. Service for their continuing sup- ISSUE: 03 PAGE 3 TARAWA CLIMATE CHANGE CONFERENCE the 10th of November 2010. The meet- climate change and early access to adaptation ing brought together major developed funding for the most vulnerable states. and developing country economies and some of the most vulnerable small island states for intensive talks on the interna- tional climate change negotiations ahead of the 16th Conference of the Parties (COP16) in Cancun, Mexico. The Conference culminated with the adoption of the Ambo Declaration by The Tarawa Climate Change 12 countries; Australia, Brazil, China, Conference in session Cuba, Fiji, Japan, Kiribati, Maldives, Mar- shall Islands, New Zealand, Solomon The High Commission was pleased to Islands and Tonga. The Declaration set join the Australian delegation to the the scene for Cancun by calling for ur- Tarawa Climate Change Conference gent and concerted global action on held at Parliament House in Ambo on PRIME MINISTER’S PACIFIC AUSTRALIA AWARDS (PMPA) The High Commission was delighted structured leadership development com- Marii is currently studying towards a Masters when Ms Marii Marae, a Kiribati student ponent, such as attending the prestigious in Environmental Law at the Australian Na- currently studying in Australia under the Leadership Development Program or par- tional University where she is due to finish her Australian Development Scholarship ticipating in the Pacific Leadership Pro- studies at the end of this year. (ADS) program, was confirmed as one gram. Prior to taking up her scholarship offer in of the Pacific recipients of the Prime The program started in 2010 and will offer January 2009, Marii worked as an Environment Minister’s Pacific Australia (PMPA) awards to eligible postgraduate ADS and Inspector with the Ministry of Environment, Awards in 2010. ALAS scholars from the Pacific. Lands and Agricultural Development. The PMPA Awards give postgraduate This year’s recipients received their students studying under the Australian awards at a presentation dinner hosted by Development Scholarships (ADS) or Australia’s Minister for Tertiary Education, Australian Leadership Award Scholar- Senator the Hon Chris Evans, on 23 No- ships (ALAS) programs the opportunity vember 2010. The Australian Prime Minis- to build on their academic experience ter, the Hon Julia Gillard, MP also attended through a practical work placement in the event and met the recipients.
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