Caymanian Friday, July 26, 2019 Issue No 406 www.caymaniantimes.ky Complimentary INSIDE THIS ISSUE Public Beach Upgrade | EDITORIAL — A2 Trees Untouched When is Emancipation Day? COMMUNITY NOTICES — A2 2,085 signatures required to reach 25% SPOTLIGHT ON TOURISM — A5 Full story on page A3 >> Jerome crowned IT’S Improve Your Hospitality Business’s TripAdvisor Popularity Cayman’s new Ranking BORIS!! Cycling Champion HEALTHCARE — A8 By Christopher Tobutt Jerome Ameline is the new Cayman Islands Cy- cling Champion in the Open category, after com- pleting the grueling 58 miles, which represented three laps of a road-race circuit from Frank Sound Road, to East End, around the Queens Highway and back in less than two and- Free hepatitis screenings to be a-half hours – 2 hours, 25 offered for World Hepatitis Day minutes, and 37.5 sec- onds, to be exact, on Sun- day 21 July. He was several New British prime minister Boris Johnson WORLD WATCH — B1 minutes ahead of fellow competitors Cebert Wood, By Michael Jarvis at 2:31:53 and Steve Ev- UK Correspondent ans at 2:28:40. “I’m feeling good, I’ve been training all A stacked in-tray awaits new Brit- year long. I’ve just been ish prime minister Boris Johnson, and on a trip in Colorado, so I while Brexit no doubt constitutes a train in altitude and I feel large part of it, there are numerous oth- er issues pending - and potential crises The race is organised Jerome Ameline is Cayman’s new Cycling Champion, impending. byvery the �it,” Mr.Cayman Ameline Islands said. after winning in the Open category On Tuesday when he was installed as Cycling Association, in ac- new leader of the ruling Conservative cordance with UCI rules and regula- seeing big international races like the Party (swearing-in as prime minister tions. UCI stands for Union of Cyclists Tour de France. Premier congratulate The Right International, and is the world’s gov- Honourable Boris Johnson erning body for cycling events, over- ... Continued story on page A7 was due... Continuedthe following story day), on Mr page Johnson, B1 WORLD WATCH PAGE 10 Wednesday, October 18, 2017 | Issue No 132 Caymanian Times BRITAIN BRACES...for aEDITORIAL hurricane | COMMUNITY NOTICES The unusual nature of this year’s normal. London was already PAGEnoticing A2 theFriday, In Julythe 26,early 2019 hours | Issue of OctoberNo 406 1987 C�������� T���� Atlantic hurricane season is making its This is the most powerful storm to effects of this weather phenomenon southern England was battered by the impact felt as far north as the British have hit Ireland in over 50 years. Monday afternoon with the skies turning unannounced Great Storm (they didn’t Isles. an orange tint and the sun taking on an have names then). The storm was Monday evening EDITORIAL Mainland UK and Northern Ireland eerie glow. ploughing its way north-eastwards The very experienced weather are bracing for a pounding from the Weather experts explained that was through Northern Ireland, which is part forecaster who under-estimated its remnants of Hurricane Ophelia which due to dust from the Sahara desertWhen impending ferocity is hasEmancipation found as much Day? has roared up through the North Atlantic of the United Kingdom, before sweeping that Ophelia had dragged through the This holiday marks the notorietyend of slav- ascestors the stormthrough itself various which celebratory killed and was battering the Irish Republic on into Scotland. atmosphere combined withery inhaze the British caused Empire. It is a public activities. Check out our Top Five list of holiday in several Caribbean18 countries people andEmancipation caused celebrations extensive around damage. the Monday with gusts close to 100 miles an Northern England, Wales as well and though the holiday commemorates Caribbean. hour. as London and other areas in south- away as Portugal. events that took place on 1 AugustBritain 1834, is better prepared this time it may be celebrated in differentaround. days in ANTIGUA & BARBUDA: Already three people have been killed east England were expected to feel the byThe the severe glow extra-tropicalof forest firesthese storm from countries. comesas far in Ireland, and there have been power effects of the storm with high winds and just a few days after the 30thHistory anniversary of the holidayIt comes just a few days after the 25th outages and other disruptions which torrential rain forecast for some regions, of another weather phenomenonThe British in like this other colonialanniversary powers of the now infamous Great had allowed the widespread practice of might take over a week to return to especially those in the north. part of the world. slavery to take place duringStorm the time of of 1987. expansion to the new world. In 1772, the ruling in the case of the case of Som- Slave Memorial in Martinique erset v Stewart determined that slavery was unsupported by the common law BAHAMAS: Jamaican Independence Day on August in England and Wales. While the ruling Antigua and Barbuda have continued 6, 1962. Both August 1 and August 6 was not clear on the situation in other to observe the end of slavery since 1834. are public holidays. Traditionally peo- parts of the Empire, this case was seen It may or may not be a coincidence that ple would keep at vigil on July 31 and as a key turning point in the change to- the islands annual celebrations also oc- at midnight ring church bells and play wards emancipation. cur around the same time every year. drums in parks and public squares to out the British Empire by the Slavery holds a J’ouvert celebration which is a for enslaved Africans. On Emancipation AbolitionSlavery wasAct �inally1833, abolishedwhich came through- into hugeOn the street �irst partyMonday that of takes August, place Antigua in the Dayre-enact there the is a�irst reenactment moments ofof thefreedom read- effect on 1 August 1834. The territories wee hours of the morning. ing of the Emancipation Declaration in controlled at that time by the East India town centers especially Spanish Town Company, Ceylon (modern-day Sri Lan- BARBADOS: which was the seat of the Jamaican gov- ka) and St. Helen's were excluded. Slav- Fox Hill Village in Nassau is the home ernment when the Emancipation Act ery was not abolished in these regions to the majority of Emancipation celebra- was passed in 1838. until 1843. tions in the Bahamas. This celebration dubbed as the ‘Bay Fest’ starts on the TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO: Caribbean Islands Commemorate al days. The Hatchet Bay Festival brings Emancipation Day with together�irst of August local andresidents continues and fordescend- sever- their own unique �lavor ants of the settlement and visitors of the and activities. village on Elethura Island. The festival The collective cry of ‘Freedom’ echoed showcases various cultural activities in- EDITORIAL | COMMUNITYthroughout theNOTICES Caribbean in 1833. This cluding a Junkanoo rush-out, cultural/ auspicious day continues to be com- Emancipation festivities run for a fashion shows, live band performances, PAGE 2 memorated annually around the islands few months on the island of Barbados. Bahamian crafts and food and drinks. Wednesday, October 18, 2017 | Issue No 132It begins in April commemorating the Caymanian Times ities. Emancipation day has a complex Bussa rebellion. One of the major slave JAMAICA: history,each with but its there unique are �lavorsome andcommon- activ- On 1 August 1985, Trinidad and To- alities with Caribbean Emancipation subsequent activities build on this in- DayN celebrations.OTIC AlthoughES the slavery itialrebellions commemoration that took place including in 1816. ManyCrop world to declare a national holiday to EDITORIAL commemoratebago became thethe �irstabolition country of slavery. in the the abolition of slavery throughout the It replaced Columbus Discovery Day, BritishAbolition CustomsEmpire, Act of it 1833 was notof�icially fully enforcedRegistration marked Over festival, which includes of ImportersMay, June begins which commemorated the arrival of untilTo August help importers 1st 1834. start Slaves using below a system the forand entry the declaration,�irst week of the August. Department Africa Daywill agestart of registeringsix were free. importers The older starting slaves, Monday, oratesis celebrated16 October the Labor on 2017. May Rebellion 25 and of the 1937, Day ofis 31 July 1498, as a national public hol- however,The registration were assigned is required a re-engineered by the implementation celebratedNational Signi�icance, on of aJuly new 26. whichonline Emancipation commem-electronic iday.Christopher The commemoration Columbus at Morugabegins theon formsystem of slaveryfor entry labeled declaration. as ‘apprentice- Effective 1Day November celebrations 2017, take the placeCayman on IslandsAugust night before with an all-night vigil and Customs Department will implement the new1 and system. then there This are will festivities require importers celebrat- Group of People Waving the Flag of includes church services, street proces- delible mark on Africans throughout Jamaica sions past historic landmarks and ad- to complete and submit entries electronically to Customs using the new gateway theship.’ diaspora. Slavery Despitehas de�initely its painful left origins, an in- activities end with the International Day In Jamaica Emancipation Day is part dresses from dignitaries including an portal COLS (Customs Online System). Importers will be able to access the portal Africans around the world have found foring theMarcus Remembrance Garvey’s on of Augustthe Slave 17. Trade The of a week-long cultural celebration, dur- address from the President of Trinidad through the website www.customs.gov.ky.and its Abolition, August 23. ing which Jamaicans also commemorate and Tobago. Tips of the Week For individuals who have not yet received training in the use of the system, Customs will provide in-house training. Motivational Tip waysHowever, to honor before the sacri�icesthey can use of COLS,the an- importers will have to be formally registered and recognised as an importer by Customs.
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