AUSTRALIA'S MARITIME JOURNAL MARCH, 1949 CONTENTS NAVY MARCH, 194? No. 3 EDITORIAL Page Lottcri to the Editors * Editorial 10 ARTICLES A Day in the Life of Raymond Ceppy 12 Mainly About Anchon Captain H. N. Warner 14 Cover: The I-irit Navel Member of the The Navy League Sea Cadets John Clark 17 Auatr alien Common wealth Nevai Board, Rear Admiral J. A. Collins, C.B., R.A.N. The "Guerre de Course" Reuben Renzo 23 Menus Advenced Base 34 Editor: PERSONALITIES 6. H. GILL, Captain H. L. Howden, C.B.E., R.A.N Associate Editor: Captain OVERSEAS HEWS W. 6. LAWRENCE, M.B.E. Maritime News of the World ** News of the World's Navies ** Moeogleg Editor: BARRY E. KEEN. SPECIAL FEATURES Incorporating the "Navy League Jour- AUSTRAL BRONZE CO. nel," Official Organ of the Navy League Seas, Ships and Sailors Norton 22 of Australia, and "The Merchant Navy," Journal of the Merchant Service Guild PTY. I I Ml 11 II of Australasia. Established 1914. NAVAL OCCASIONS Circulating through the Royal Austra­ Head Office and Works: lian and New Zealand Navies, the Mer­ What the Nevy is Doing et Sea and Ashore chant Service and to the general public ORIORDAN STREET, ALEXANDRIA, SYDNEY. • Published by The Nevy League, Royel Exchange Building, 54a Pit* Street, Syd­ •OOK Reviews Manufacturers of: ney, N.S.W. Telephone: BU 5*0*. Hi*forY of U.S. Novo. Oporotiom in World W«r II M J Copper Rods and Bars: Isusbars for Electrical Work: Manganese Bronze Rods; Subic 'prion Rot*: "In Danger Hour" * Bars and Ingots: Extruded Brass, Architectural Bronze, Muntz's Metal and Copper "Chinow Wnito" W in Round, Square, Hexagon and Special Sections: Copper Plats and Rolled Copper 12 issues post free in the British Empire. Anodes, Aluminium Bronze Rods and Bars, Copper, Brass, (iilding Metal, l?/»: foreign, 16/- Phosphate Bronze and Nickel Silver in Sheets and Strip. ' Wnol.salt D strib.tor.: GENERAL GORDON 4 GOTCH (A/sia) LTD, Muntz Metal and Naval Brass Condenser Plats. Th. Navy (or Notf Month i Australia and New Zeeland. Sheets and Sheathing. Nautical Qurt 2* Neva' Appointments. Etc. 4t Manufacturers of (under License): communtalioni. photogrophi and (•Iter, for IrtMrtlon (which ihould be short) should be addressed to G. H. 011 2SI Baaconifleld Stone's Manganese Bronzes for Marine Craft Propellers. Parade, Middle Park, Melbourne, Vic. ThO Editor does not hold himMlf rotponiibU for ASSOCIATIONS. CLU8S • ma tin ier.pt i. though every effort will be mod* tO return thole found unsuitable with which a Branch Office: stamped and nddie.ied envelope It eneloted The Navy League Th* opinion* aiprattad in lignod articles are * those of the wfitei-1 and not necettanlv thoee 101-105 KING STREET, MELBOURNE. of trie Navy Laoova, Ei-Naval Man's Association of Avtfroluj I* March, 1949 I &-»^&ti&m* ' •••' \£ 1— IV, Jt W I * ;J% II i JaiBiBfflgiiSa^ ...**&/x. ' -—'~>i:. "- ~ ~''/M/J'-":^'c^\ ... ^'XJ&U-- vr-'i NEXT M0NTH COPPER, BRASS AND ' '**&' 01 Htllitllliuil' ^NAVY™" OTHER NON-FFRROIK M.V. "OUNIKOON"—10.500 Ion. »-/ 1 rifclN MV*»M—rEIMWwM ~*>^a^"~zA> 1 WIRE CABLES & TUBES We hope to deal with a variety of topics in our forth­ MELBOURNE ^ffr* coming issue of "The Navy," and material for April is al­ STEAMSHIP ffi • B ready in the hands of the printers. It includes a short story CO. LTD. and, among the articles, one on: METAL MANUFACTURES LTD. HEAD OFFICE: PORT KEMBLA, N.S.W. \^M[ «««•«.. fhfll il King St., Melbourne. SELLINC AGENTS w^Se ^ SHIPS' LAND HIGHWAYS BRANCHES OR AGENCIES (wilt, DiMriEuto.. in .11 St.u.) AT ALL PORTS. ^(^r^^8J8W3 MANAGING- AGENTS fc'j Our contributor "Reuben Ranzo" says that he is not IVBI-S tc BRASS WIRE WIRE X CABLES i? Jl* for , • JSW'MI ~~~--?"NB unaware of the fact that railway trains are carried as a matter KNOX SCHLAPP PTY. LTD. BRITISH INSULATED - /Br • • \ia "" -~-7 ; 1 of regular traffic by ships, as, for example, that of the train HOBSONS BAY QOCK CALLENDER'S CABLES - r_0 * - ^hV - -_* MJmJpZ£v^*j!^^-;^ j ^^^^^^ _^-^flHji ferry service from Harwich, England, to the Continent. But AND ENGINEERING Collins House, Melbourne Liu. ^L. *« - -^^='^P^> the plan to transport large ocean liners by goods train from 84 William St., Melbourne •K^* jjr' < COY. PTY. LTD. •ssL" - ,v^^^P" the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean and vice versa which, It is SHIP REPAIRERS, ETC. " Krmbla Building, Sydney 44 Margaret St., Sydney. igj^^,^^^^s^ reported, is being worked out by engineers in Mexico, is r^A&jfy something new. According to this plan, trucks will carry Work*: » <S*p^ „ .. ^^ w4^LIH f \J$ •"'' ships of up to 35,000 tons on a one-hundred-and-fifty-mile Williamstown, Victoria. WButK^^^SMtKKKKmKBKBtHKBKKIi S&^JSai..,^ railway track across the neck of Mexico, the Isthmus of Tehuantepec Working scale models have already been pro­ duced, and blue prints will be ready by the middle of the year. Anyhow, the report has suggested to "Reuben Ranzo" that an article on the more orthodox of ships' land highways —the Canals—might be of interest, and he has acted accord­ Time for a ingly. ZINC Without this essential metal there would be PRIZE MONEY CAPSTAN NO GALVANIZED PRODUCTS and • Prize money is in the air, and something is to be done NO BRASS. about distribution of that earned in the recent war, in the near future. With this distribution, the matter of Prize ZINC is also used extensively in lead-free PAINTS and in DIE CASTIN© and is a basic require­ Money will become a thing of the past, for the Act govern­ ment for many industries. ing the distribution in this case puts "Finis" to Prize Money in the future. We thought, therefore, that something on Prize High-grade ZINC is produced in Australia, using zinc concentrate from Broken Hill, N.S.W., and Money in the past might make a teadablc article, and one from Rosebery, Tasmania, and electric power generated by the Hydro-Electric Commission of has been prepared for our April issue. Tasmania. Sole Australian producers GENERAL All the usual features of "The Navy." What the Navy is ELECTROLYTIC ZINC COY. of AUSTRALASIA Ltd. doing ashore and afloat. News of the World's Navies, Mari­ time News, Nautical Quiz, Fiction and general articles, and Haad Office —360 COLLINS STREET. MELBOURNE the latest news of the Ex-Naval Men's Association and the CAPSTAN: THE EMPIRE'S Works — RISDON, TASMANIA Navy League. Order your April issue of "The Navy" now. FAVOURITE CIGARETTE Tto N«vy M.rcti, 1*4* , - —-•'-' »- • i \ LETTERS TO THE EDITORS jy# DELICIOUS WHEN SPREAO SHIP'S NAMES Fighting Ships"—page 8. It runs into many hundreds, and gives :\\ ON BISCUITS OR BREAP/ Sir, the dates of the first ship of the I have been an interested read­ name, and the number of ships er of your fine magazine for sev- carrying the name in the Navy's eral months now, and have en­ history. But, of course, you want joyed it thoroughly. Congratu­ far more than that. In the cur­ DELIGHTFUL FOR SAVOURIES lations on a fine publication. I rent issue of "The Navy Year BABCOCK ENRICHES ALL GRAVIES / am a keen student of the Navy Book and Diary, 1949," publish­ and its history, and particularly ed in London by Hutchinson and MARH'F of the ships themselves. Unfor­ Co. Ltd., Mr. Francis McMurtrie tunately there is not a very big gives the particulars you require BOILER scope here for my information for a limited number of ships, hunting, so perhaps you can help these being: "Amphion," "Arc- me by suggesting possible sources cpuife thusa," "Diadem," "Dido," "Eu- I could investigate. My main ryalus," "Formidable," "Isis," Tho future of stoom for marino purpoto* "want" in information is on the "Kent," "London," "Penelope," ii mot by tho latott Bobeock dovolop- type and main details, also dates "Revenge," and "Royal Sov­ monts, which, in turn, aro backed by MAKES A DELICIOUS BEEF BREW of addition to and deletion from ovor 50 yoare' MO •xparionco. At too, ereign"—the first of the seven as on (ant), timo hat provod tho sorvtco the Navy (all Empire Navies) of of this last name having been of Babcock BoiUr Plant IN A MOMENT OR TWO/ each ship of each name. Quite built in 1485. Mr. McMurtrie a tall order, isn't it? Neverthe­ gives brief details of the careers BABCOCK & WILCOX less, I have acquired quite a lot of all the ships bearing the of information already, but seem twelve names mentioned above, main GLOB EX BEEF EXTRACT up against a brick wall now. which might be of some help to Modern ships are comparatively you. But that, of course, is only - easy to trace, but the old timers scratching the surface of your of the 18th. Century and earlier desire. Probably the best thing are very difficult to dig out. The for you to do would be to write . main libraries here do not seem to Mr. Francis McMurtrie—who to have a great deal on the sub­ is Editor of "Jane's Fighting THE THE UNITED SHIP SERVICES ject at all. If you could suggest Ships," and who could possibly any way in which I could further advise you of your most likely FLEET-FORGE PTY. LTD. my studies in this direction, I source for the information you would be very grateful indeed. desire. Thanking you in anticipation, and PTY. LTD. wishing you all the very best. Ed., "The Navy." 9-13 I.ORIMER ST. Yours, etc., SHIP PARTICULARS D. K. Robertson, STH. MELBOURNE Sir, Storey Road, Would it be possible for you VICTORIA Preston, N.19, to supply me with some informa­ Vic.
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