THE TEESDALE MERCUEY—WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 1899. THE TRANSVAAL CRISIS. FIELD AI-IL>_ GARDEN? CURRENT OPINION. GERMAN? AND BRITISH TRADE. LONDON SHOOTING OUTRAGE. A BATCH OF SUICIDES. WIFE AND TWO CHILDREN WODNDED. MR. KRUGER AND THE FRANCHISE. WORK FOR THE WBEK.—Amateur An inquest was held at Southwell, Notta, on nin THE' TRANSVAAL CRISIS. The German Reichstag discussed the Bill for the In the early hours of Sunday morning a terrible says: K;ep bhe window plants oloan. Q, !l prolongation ol the provisional commeroial ar- Saturday, on the body of Walter Simpson, 30, a shooting affray took place at 32, Odell-street, a groom, who shot himself with a revolver.—A ver- The Transvaal Raads have adjourned 'until freely to indoor plants on warm days. ' £v M ** The Daily Chronicle writes: The heedless rangement between Great Britain and Germany. 1 quiet little thoroughfare at the Old Kent-road end July 3, in order to give the . Burghers an oppor- draughts, however.- Scarborough and n ^ Jingoes go on, according to their wont, beat- Count Posadowsky, Secretary of State, replying dict of temporary insanity was returned. UerQ80 of Albany-road, Camberwell, London. A man tunity of considering Mr. Kruger's proposed re- lilies require to ba kept somewhub dry at fu ? ing the big drum and conjuring with that to oriticiems of the measure, said that the view At Portsmouth, George Lmey, 68, a pensioner- t0 ts named Floyd, who, with his wife and family, forms. The President, in bhe cburae of a speeoh, for a month or six weeks. If the leaves of ° blessed word, the " paramountoy " of the British that t he concession of the most-favoured treatment painter, employed in the dockyard, committed, 0at,ar Power. But it is needful to recall them to a con- oooupied the basement of a tonement house was seen suicide by hanging himself in a shed a,t the baok said there was no reason why the Reformers should creeper or nasturtiums are eaten, search at y to England notwithstanding Canada's resort to shortly after the closing of the public-houses to 01 sideration of the fact that there is not only of his house. not have the franchise on the Bame- terms as tho caterpillars—probably a, pale^groan one of aT^ differential treatment againBt Germany, showed enter his premises with some cans of beer. Shortly C autonomy in the Transvaal and independence in weakness was not . in accordance with facts. An inauest was held at Jersey on Saturday on other Uitlanders. - colour to the plants, "Hand-pidk'ing is' fch' afterwards four shots were heard in rapid suc- 8 nls the Orange Free Slate, but also constitutional "Against Canada," he' said, "we have ap- the body of Mr. Stanley Edwin Malet, 58, prin- successful remedy. Plants iu indow bo*« ° cession, and Mrs. Floyd, her head streaming with MB. CHAMBERLAIN AND THE SITUATION. UBtl freedom in Cape Colony. As the Queen's Lieu- nob be allowed bo.suffer.for. w.wiu 0f water• i4, plied the autonomous tariff, while to other blood, rushed into the street followed by her cipal agent of imports, who shot himself. Deceased In the House of Commons Mr. Chamberlain tenant, Sir Alfred Milaer is bound. to act countries we concede the most - favoured are more liable to become dry than many ii • '' husbaud. The latter was seized by a sailor, had been in a depressed condition for a consider- gave emphatic contradiction to a cablegram from em in the Cipe Colony on the advice of the nation treatment. \ Should their relatione with Even iu rainy weather a good tfupply 0f wJ ?" who heard tho screams and rushed to the able time, and had threatened to commit suicide. Cape Town, and eaid he had authorised Sir Alfred 8 Queen's Ministers; and they are now the re- needed, as in most cases the hundoes notreaohul us undergo a change, we ehall avail our- spot, while the woman taken to the adjacent —The jury returned a verdict of suicide whilst Milner to abate that he had no commvuioation presentatives of an Afrikander majority. Vet, box in buffioieut quantity to- be "ot edvanta selves of the full powers conferred upon us, surgery of Dr. Jones. Meanwhile Floyd made suffering from a fib of temporary mental aberra- "with Mr. Cecil Rhodes on Transvaal affairs siuoe by reason ""of' the publication of his violent and bring the autonomous tariff into operation the .plants. Paiut the.-interiors of eranni, 10 a desperate effort to escape from tho sailor, tion. 1896. Ho warned Parliament againsb belioving, dispatoh, Sir Alfred Milner has become the very agam»t them also. We should have to furnish Gradually withhold ..w^r uom a^0"?,1!8- exponent of the doctrine of force to be applied for who, however, kept him until the arrival of the Madame Gauffney, an olderly lady visitor, has wibhoub confirmation, the numerous ' statements ample justification for our actiou if, because a police. The latter then entered the hou*e, where died at Worthing under circumstances pointing to Transfor bo larger pobs rooted ouoting|, of the final subjection of Lhe Dutch element in South British colony favours the mother country'to the whiob, at a time like the present, were invented they found two little girls—Floyd's daughters— suicide by laudanum poisoning. The deceased niums, petunias," obc. Tuohmae not j Africa, and he has further declared his belief in extent of 25 per ccnt.—a "British colony to which and circulated for obvious reasons. Finally, he ono aged nine and the other 6ix, lying apparently locked herself up iu her room at her lodgings in flower its wanf oflo'yalfy. Happily' evon yet, iu spite of we export to the value of 17,000,000 marks and denied the absurd rumour thob he was making all the unwisdom on both eides of the dispute, the dead on the floor, both having been shot. No Warwick-place for four days, and when at leDgth arrangements for leaving England. There was, of and epacris place in a cold frame for the' aumm which sends to us four millions—wo allow our- time wss lost in conveying them to Guy's Hospital, omens are for peace. Mr. Kruger jhas extended his selves to be driveu into a state of latent tariff, war the police burst the door open she was found oourse, not a word of truth in the suggestion. Sponge the. leaves of. palms and other for whore they were_foun<l to..be severely wounded, plants occasionally to remove, dusb and'in f Bloemfonteiu proposals in many particulars, the with suoh a oountry as the British, world-wide Next day Mr. B. Roberts asked the Secretary aen latest being that it is made dear that the "re- the younger one so badly that no hopes were en- On Saturday evening Herbert ^fcennings, a young Placq pelargoniums that have flowered in Empire, with whioh ionumeral politico-commercial for the Colonies whether the alteration of the form formers" are not to bj barred out by reason of the tertained of her recovery. Mrs. Floyd, who is about man residing with his mother,and stepfather at sunny spot outdoors. Give very little wate^ and political, one oan say, friendly relations unite of the Transvaal oath of allegiance by omitting past conspiracies of some of them against the State. 45, wa3 found to be suffering from two bullet Shaldon, near Alton, Hauts, committed suicide .in and when the leaves turn yellow shorten the ahonli U3." Germany would for reasons of utility grant wounds—ono in the head and another in the neck. bherefrom an express abjuration of all allegiance to The question of the number of new seats is left to a most determined manner. He created a quarrel to two inches. Remove .dead flowers and y |i » India the most favoured nation treatment although Dr. Jones succeeded in extracting the bullet any other State, as suggested by Sir Alfred Milner, e Q President Kruger's own aotion, and is therefore open India had imposed countervailing duties against in the house because his tea was not ready, and leaves from zonal pelargoniums growino inm j from the throat, but the wound in the head would enable British subjects to become naturalised eB to adjustment still. The moderate Boers are Germany. Great Britain would be accorded this used threatening language; Going out in a fit of houses. After this is doue BpriuUle a°little fo?" required a more serious operation, and the in bhe South African Republic without losing their urging greater liberalty in the one point of serious treatment for as long a period as it might be deemed tempet- he declared he would commit suicide. tiliser on bhe Burface ot the. soil iu each pot. Water" woman was sent to Guy's Hospital. The British nationality; if nob, whebher he would bako difference, the question of retroactive effect. useful. No notioa was taken of the threat, but a few carefully so as not to wash tho manure over thn neighbours say that the couple have not Bbeps bo leb bhis be known to British subjeotB in On all hands there is a desire to leave minutes later Stennings was found by his step- sides of the pots. Thin out berries oi grapes in lived very happily together, quarrelB being the Transvaal, so that they should not unwittingly a quiet interval in which some peaceful father hanging from a beam. the fruib guarden. Summer-pruno outdoor finik compromise may be arranged. We oannot frequent. The man is said to have been very lose their British nationality.—Mr.
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