Volume 88 DER Issue 2 · 2020 ZOOLOGISCHE ISSN 0044-5169 GARTEN DER Zool. Garten N.F. ·88(2020)2pp.79-155 Zool. Garten N.F. Contents/Inhalt Lethal bloat syndrome in two lemur species associated with Clostridium perfringens infection at Tierpark Berlin, ANDREAS PAULY, CLAUDIA A. SZENTIKS, KRISTIN MÜHLDORFER, ALEX- ANDER HAAKE, ACHIM D. GRUBER, ANTINA LÜBKE-BECKER, ASTRID BETHE, MARTINA BLEYER & ANDREAS ZOOLOGISCHE KNIERIEM . 79 Heists, hoisters and herpetofauna: safeguarding zoological collections from thievery. ROBERT W. MENDYK, USA . 91 Die korrekte Wortwahl in der Tiergartenbiologie. CHRISTIAN R. SCHMIDT, Schweiz . 113 Keeping and breeding of threatened endemic Malagasy freshwater fi shes at Co- logne Zoo (Germany): a contribution towards the advancement of a conserva- GARTEN tion breeding network. THOMAS ZIEGLER, NATHALIE FRANK-KLEIN, SABINE OMMER, ROLF 123 HÜRCHE, PAUL V. LOISELLE & MIGUEL VENCES . Zeitschrift für die gesamte Tiergärtnerei (Neue Folge) Buchbesprechung: Sabine Begall, Hynek Burda, Radim Sumbera (2018). Graumulle. Cryptomys und Fuko- mys. Die Neue Brehm-Bücherei 679. VerlagsKG Wolf. Magdeburg . 157 Offi zielles Organ des Verbandes der Zoologischen Gärten – VdZ Organ of the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums – WAZA Buchbesprechung: Wolf-Rüdiger Große (2020), Der Fadenmolch, Lissotriton helveticus. Die Neue Brehm- Bücherei 503. VerlagsKG Wolf, Magdeburg . 158 Die Publikationen sind frei zugänglich unter www.vdz-zoos.org The published articles are open access at www.vdz-zoos.org Bibliographiert/Indiziert in – Abstracted/Indexed in Biological Abstracts; BIOSIS database; CAB Abstracts database; Fisheries Review; Key Word Index of Wildlife Research; NISC – National Information Services Corporation; Protozoological Abstracts; Referativnyi Zhurnal; Wildlife & Ecology Studies Worldwide; Wildlife Review (Fort Collins); Zoological Record. VNW ISSN 0044-5169 Zool. Garten N.F. Volume 88 88 (2020) 2 . pp. 79-155 Issue 2 . 2020 Impressum DER DER AG Zoologischer Garten Köln ZOOLOGISCHE Editorial Board: DER ZOOLOGISCHE GARTEN Riehler Str. 173 GARTEN ZOOLOGISCHE 50735 Köln Deutschland/Germany GARTEN Verband der Zoologischen Gärten (VdZ) e.V. Association of Zoological Gardens Zeitschrift für die gesamte Tiergärtnerei (Neue Folge) Bundespressehaus (Büro 4109) Offi zielles Organ des Verbandes der Zoologischen Gärten – VdZ Schiffbauerdamm 40 Organ of the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums – WAZA 10117 Berlin Deutschland/Germany Weltzooverband (WAZA) DER ZOOLOGISCHE GARTEN ist eine internationale, Editor-in-Chief World Association of Zoos and Aquariums wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift, die allen die Tiergärt- Prof. Theo B. Pagel WAZA Executive Offi ce nerei (im weitesten Sinne) betreffenden Originalar- AG Zoologischer Garten Köln Carrer de Roger de Llúria, 2, 2-2 beiten offensteht. Neben größeren Abhandlungen Riehler Str. 173 08010 Barcelona Spanien/Spain werden Kurzmitteilungen und Nachrichten aus 50735 Köln Zoologischen Gärten aufgenommen. Deutschland/Germany Hinweise für Autoren fi ndet man auf den letzten Seiten des Heftes. Rezensionsexemplare senden Sie bitte direkt an die Anschrift der AG Zoologischer Garten Köln (siehe oben). DER ZOOLOGISCHE GARTEN is an international Co-editors in Chief scientifi c journal which is open to all original papers Dr. Alexander Sliwa Instructions for Authors can be found on the last pages of each issue. concerning zoo biology and related topics. In additi- Prof. Dr. Thomas Ziegler Books for review: Please send books for review directly to the address of AG Zoologischer Garten Köln (see above). on to larger original scientifi c contributions, we ac- Oliver Mojecki Copyright: cept short notes and news from zoological gardens. Die in dieser Zeitschrift veröffentlichten Artikel sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Alle Rechte sind Editorial board vorbehalten. Kein Teil der Zeitschrift darf ohne schriftliche Genehmigung der AG Zoologischer Garten Founded in 1859 and continued since 1929 as Dr. Bernhard Blaszkiewitz Köln in irgendeiner Form gewerblich genutzt werden. “New Series” by Georg Grimpe, Karl Max Dr. Sven Hammer The articles published in this journal are protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of the journal may be used commercially in any form without the written permission of AG Zoologischer Schneider, Heinrich Dathe, Hans-Günter Petzold, Dipl. Biologe Volker Homes Garten Köln. Wolfgang Grummt, Bernhard Blaszkiewitz and Prof. Dr. Dieter Jauch Ragnar Kühne. Dipl. Biologe Claus Pohle Satz und Druck/Typesetting and Print: Dr. Dennis Rödder Verlag Natur & Wissenschaft Harro Hieronimus Aims and Scope Dipl. Biologe Michael Schröpel Dompfaffweg 53 42659 Solingen DER ZOOLOGISCHE GARTEN covers all aspects of Dr. Ulrich Schürer zoological gardens, as for example Dr. Mona van Schingen-Khan Umschlagseite/Cover: • experiences in breeding and keeping zoo Das Foto auf der Umschlagseite zeigt Löffelhunde (Otocyon megalotis). Foto: J. Beckmann. animals Editorial Assistant The cover shows bat-eared foxes (Otocyon megalotis). Photo: J. Beckmann. • management of zoological gardens Maerte Siemen • behavioral science E-Mail: editor@koelnerzoo.de All rights reserved. • research on animals in the wild Tel.: +49 221 7785 102 • conservation of rare and threatened species • reintroduction projects • planning, building and designing at zoological gardens including horticulture • veterinary medicine • zoological pedagogic • history of zoological gardens • news from zoological gardens • book reviews DER ZOOLOGISCHE GARTEN Zeitschrift für die gesamte Tiergärtnerei (Neue Folge) Volume 88 · 2020 DER ZOOLOGISCHE GARTEN Zeitschrift für die gesamte Tiergärtnerei (Neue Folge) Volume 88 · 2020 Verlag Natur & Wissenschaft · Solingen A. Pauly et al. · Clostridium perfringens in two lemur species 79 DER ZOOLOGISCHE Zool. Garten N.F. 88 (2020) 79-90 GARTEN Lethal bloat syndrome in two lemur species associated with Clostridium perfringens infection at Tierpark Berlin Tödlich verlaufendes Aufblähungs-Syndrom in Zusammenhang mit Clostridium perfringens -Infektionen bei zwei Lemuren-Arten im Tierpark Berlin Andreas Pauly1*, Claudia A. Szentiks2, Kristin Mühldorfer2, Alexan- der Haake3, Achim D. Gruber3, Antina Lübke-Becker4, Astrid Bethe4, Martina Bleyer5 & Andreas Knieriem1 1) Tierpark Berlin-Friedrichsfelde GmbH, Am Tierpark 125, 10319 Berlin, Germany 2) Abteilung für Wildtierkrankheiten, Leibniz-Institut für Zoo- und Wildtierforschung, Alfred-Kowal- ke-Str. 17, 10315 Berlin, Germany 3) Institut für Tierpathologie, Freie Universität Berlin, Robert-von-Ostertag-Str. 15, 14163 Berlin, Germany 4) Institut für Mikrobiologie und Tierseuchen, Freie Universität Berlin, Robert-von-Ostertag-Str. 7-13, 14163 Berlin, Germany 5) Serviceeinheit Pathologie, Deutsches Primatenzentrum GmbH (DPZ), Leibniz-Institut für Primaten- forschung, Kellnerweg 4, 37077 Göttingen, Germany Summary In 2019 and 2020 five cases of a bloat syndrome occurred in the lemur stock of Tierpark Ber- lin. It is very likely, that this syndrome was caused by a Clostridum perfringens infection. The authors describe each of these five cases in detail and give recommendations for the therapy and prophylaxis of this potentially lethal condition. Keywords: Lemurs, bloat syndrome, symptoms, pathology, therapy, Clostridium perfringens, Eulemur *Corresp. author: E-Mail: a.pauly@tierpark-berlin.de (Andreas Pauly) 80 A. Pauly et al. · Clostridium perfringens in two lemur species Introduction Tierpark Berlin (Germany) has kept a large collection of lemur species for many years. Since 2012 the endangered red-collared brown lemur (Eulemur collaris) has been held there. The species was first reared successfully in Germany in 2019 at Tierpark Berlin. In the same year, Tierpark Berlin received, for the first time in its history, the critically endangered blue-eyed black lemur (Eulemur flavifrons) on recommendation of the EAZA Ex situ Programme (EEP) coordinator. This lemur is the flagship species of the conservation organisation Association Eu- ropéenne pour l‘Étude et la Conservation des Lémuriens (AEECL), which has been financially supported by Tierpark Berlin for many years. The diet of the lemurs at Tierpark Berlin consists of vegetables and apple. From time to time, they receive browse. Bark chips are used as sub- strate to cover the floor in the inside exhibit. The ground of the outside enclosure is covered with topsoil mainly overgrown with grass. Pond et al. (1982) described an acute gastric dilation in 21 Old World monkeys (OWM), which were wild-caught and kept for experimental studies. The syndrome occurred after food restric- tion followed by ad libitum feeding (biscuit-type diet with a high amount of carboh ydrates) or associated with anaesthesia. In four of these cases, Clostridium perfringens was isolated from the intestine. Pathologic examination revealed an atonic stomach, greatly distended with gaseous fermented ingesta and in some cases rupture of the stomach. Terio et al. (2018) men- tioned an acute gastric dilation or “bloat syndrome” caused by a Clostridium perfringens in- fection in OWM and New World monkeys (NWM) after overeating and drinking, following anaesthesia or after disturbances of the gastric flora induced by antimicrobial treatment. This syndrome is a medical emergency and, if left untreated, leads to acute shock and death. Acute gastric dilation was also described by Abee et al. (2012) and Yasuda et al. (2015) in OWM and NWM. Williams (2002) published eight cases of Clostridium difficile infections in lemurs associated with diarrhoea and
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