Index Page numbers in italics indicate Amylopectin, 65 Bagel(s), 116 –117, 205 Basket-weave rolling pins, 44 recipe illustrations Amylose, 65 Dough, 117 Bâtard Anaerobic bacteria, 73 Dough with Sponge, 203 shaping, 111 A Angel Food Cake, 267 Baguette, 154–155, 163 Sourdough Access, disabled, 85 cooling, 239 scoring, 113 Apple and Walnut, 174 Acetate sheets, 48 mixing method, 242–243 Bain-marie (hot water bath), 353 Multigrain, 176–177 Acidity, 61, 73, 74 pans for, 238 Baker’s cheese, 15 Multigrain Rye, 180–181 Active dry yeast, 20, 106 Anise, 22 Bakers’ percentages, 96–97 Rye, Rustic, 181 Adulterated food, 72 Biscotti, Almond, 323 Baker’s scale, 36 with Rye Flour, 175–176 Aerobic bacteria, 73 Cookies, 326 Bakeware, 48–50 White Wheat, 173 Agar-agar, 13, 66, 70 Ice Cream, Star Anise (variation), Baking, Savory. See Savory Baking Whole Wheat, 172 Airbrush, 48 479 and Pastry Whole Wheat Lean Dough, 118 Alcohol abuse, and kitchen safety, seeds, 25 Baking formula. See Formula Batch ice cream freezer, 54 86 Springerle, 322 Baking mats, flexible silicone, 50 Bâtonnet vegetable cut, 690 Alkalinity, 61, 73 Anniversary Cake, 870–871 Baking pans, 48–50 Batters. See also Crêpes All-purpose flour, 9, 212 Apple(s) for bread making, 44 dried fruit in, 243 Allspice, 22 Butter, 450 Baking and pastry professionals. See hydration of, 57 Almond(s), 23 Butter, Cumin, 451 also Management mixing methods. See Mixing Apricot Pillows, 635–636 Caramel Sauce, Clear, 454 career opportunities for, 2 methods, batters Bear Claws, 626 Charlottes, Warm, 552 certification of, 3 Pâte à Choux, 216–217, 228 Biscotti, Anise, 323 Cheesecake, Harvest, 605, 610 character traits of, 6 Chocolate (variation), 228 Biscotti, Chocolate, 324 Cobblers, and Dried Fig, Spiced, 547 education of, 3 Baumé scale, 470 Biscuit Russe, 300 Coffee Cake, Braided, 630 historical background, 2 Bavarian Cheese Mousse, 388 Bombe, Frozen (variation), 502 Crêpes with Cranberries, Caramel networking, 4 Bavarian Cream, 359, 393 Cake, 584 Sauce, and Ice Cream, 735 organizations of, 911 Charlotte Royale, 566, 579 Chocolate Cake, 283 Crêpes Normandy, 621 periodicals for, 910–911 Charlotte Russe, 567 Chocolate Torte, 576 Crisp, 549 reading list for, 908–909 Chocolate (variation), 393 Croissants (variation), 625 Filling, 520, 549, 550 Baking powder, 20, 60, 61 Lemon (variation), 393 Dacquoise, 296–297 Financiers, Almond, 290–291 Baking science Peanut Butter S’Mores Cake, 599 Dough, 226 Fritters, 554 emulsions, 68–69 Raspberry (variation), 393 Dragées, 793 Galettes, 641 gluten-free baking, 70 Torte, 565, 571 Financier, Apple, 290–291 in Honey Cardamom Sauce, 457 information sources on, 909 Torte, Strawberry Yogurt, 598 Financier, Apple, with Date in Morning Glory Muffins, 249, 617 leaveners, 59–62 Wine (variation), 393 Dressing, 748, 749 Pie, 519, 520 liquefiers, 56–59 Yogurt, 394 Florentine Squares, 313 Poached, 290 low-calorie and low-fat Beakers, 37 Ice Cream (variation), 479 Poached, Compote, 447 substitutions, 69 Beam balance scale, 36 Macaroons, 328 Sorbet, Granny Smith, 492, 492 shortening agents, 58 Bean flours, 70 Marjolaine, 262 Sorbet, Sangria, 495 stabilizers, 56 Bear Claws, 612, 626 in marzipan, 833 Sourdough, and Walnut, 174 sweeteners, 62–64 Beer Bread Dough, 130 Marzipan, Pistachio, 810 Strudel, 550, 551 tempering chocolate, 69 Belgian Apple Cider Bread, 131–132 Marzipan, Walnut, 811 Tart, Almond, 540 thickeners, 66–68 Belgian Chocolate Rice Tart, 542 Nougat Montélimar, 816–817, 819 Tart, Custard, 538 vegan baking, 70 Bench knife, 43 Phyllo Dough Décor, 350 Tart, Puff Pastry, 530 Baking soda, 20, 60–61 Bench rest, 110 Pithivier, 583 Tarte Tatin, 528 Baklava, 342 Berliners, 146 Polenta Cake, 261 varieties of, 26–27 Banana, 33, 67 Berry(ies). See also specific berries Rochers, 794 Apple Cider Bread, 254 Cobbler, Three-Berry, 548 Spanish Vanilla Cake, 282 Bourbon Sauce, 449 Cream Pie (variation), 526 Summer Pudding, 669 Spritz Cookies, 314, 324 Bread, Belgian, 131–132 Cremeux, 365 varieties of, 28–29 Stollen, Christmas, 185, 194–195 Paste, 131 Ice Cream (variation), 481 Beta crystals, in chocolate, 69 Tart, Apple, 540 Apple corer, 40 Passion Fruit Broth, 463 Beurre Blanc, Pineapple Honey, 459 Tart, and Pine Nut, 536 Apricot(s), 31 Passion Fruit Broth, Pear and Thai Bialys, 204–210, 205 in Tremors, 809 Clafoutis Tart, 545 Jewels with, 758, 759 Bieber Spice, 902 Tuiles, Nougatine, 347 Dried, in Knackerli, 794 Peanut Chocolate Dome, 736, 737 Biga, 149 Almond Paste Glaze, 426 Sorbet, 493 Ciabatta with, 167–168 Filling, 894 Pillows,COPYRIGHTED 635–636 Syrup, MATERIAL 438 Focaccia with, 163, 168–169 Filling, Cassis, 894 Pralines, 792 Tuiles, 346 Lean Dough with, 162–163, 163 Frangipane Cake, 330 Sorbet (variation), 491 Bands, chocolate, 831 Naan with, 199 Frangipane for Filling, 895 Armagnac Vanilla Ice Cream, 480 Bannetons, 44 Rosemary Bread with, 166–167 Havana Cake, 280–281 with Almond Apple Financier with Banquets, plated desserts at, 734 Semolina Dough with, 161–162 Hazelnut Filling, 895 Date Dressing, 748, 749 Bar Cookies Whole Wheat, in Roasted Potato Leaf Croquant, 800–801 Arrowroot, 14, 66, 70 basic steps, 303 Bread, 164–165 Macaroons, 328 Ash content of flour, 9 Brownies, Cake, 334 Biological contaminants, 72 Marzipan for Modeling and Cake Asian pears, 27 Florentine Squares, 313 Biscotti Covering, 852–853 Aspic Gelée, 892 Pecan Diamonds, 311 Almond Anise, 323 Nuss Bonbon, 806 As-purchased cost per unit (APC), 94 Barding roasted foods, 697 Chocolate, 324 Pistachio Sponge, 278 As-purchased quantity (APQ), 95 Barley, 70 Biscuit, Décor, 349 Short Dough, 226 Australian-style wedding cake, 862 Barquettes, Smoked Salmon Biscuit Russe, 300 Spanish Vanilla Cake, 282 Autolyse, 108, 150–151 Mousse, 722 Biscuits, Buttermilk, 252 Spritz Cookies, Almond, 314, 324 Avocado and Crabmeat Profiteroles, Bartlett pears, 27 Bitter oranges, 29 Stollen, Christmas, 194–195 724 Basil, 21 Bittersweet Chocolate, 19 Amaretto Soufflé (variation), 400 Lemon Rasperry Cake, 606, 607, Orange Tartlets, 644 American Culinary Federation B 610 Black Bean Empanadas, 728–729 (ACF), 3 Babka, Chocolate and Pecan, 100, Pesto, 893 Blackberries, 28 Americans with Disabilities Act of 189–190, 614 purée, 366 Black Currant Sorbet, 493 1990, 85 Bacteria, 73–74 Baskets, Cherry Cheese, 612, 629 Black Forest Cake, 570, 571 918 BAKING AND PASTRY Black Friar plums, 32 Bread making. See also Yeast Dough; Butter. See also Fruit Butter Chocolate Black peppercorns, 22 Yeast Bread(s) Beurre Blanc, Pineapple Honey, 459 Almond, 283 Blackstrap molasses, 12 autolyse step in, 108, 150–151 and Bread Pudding, 374, 375 Flourless, 269 Bleached flour, 9 bagels, 117 Brown Sugar Rub, 461 High-Ratio, 265 Blender, 51 bakers’ percentages, 96, 97 Cinnamon Smear, 896 Marble Pound (variation), immersion, 51–52 baking, 114 Hard Sauce, Lemon, 461 256, 257 Blending mixing method, 239–240 cooling loaves, 114 Hard Sauce, Orange, 460 Soufflé, 275 Blind baked pie and tart shells, 212, 515 crust color, 59 quality of, 16 Tiered, 884, 885 Blitz Puff Pastry, 220–221, 233 desired dough temperature as shortening agent, 58 XS, 270 Block method of chocolate (DDT), 97–98, 106–107 Buttercream cooling, 238–239 tempering, 763 enriched dough, 97, 102, 108, coatings of, 406 Dacquoise, 295 Blood Orange(s), 29 114–115 for Décor, 850 Almond, 296–297 Sauce, 438–439 equipment and tools for, 43–44, flavorings for, 409 Coconut, 296 Sorbet (variation), 490 53, 112 French, 408–409, 419 Hazelnut, Soft, 297 Blow-dryer, 48 fermentation in, 60 German, 408, 419 Meringue, 298 Blown sugar pump, 48 bulk, 102, 107 Italian, 407 Devil’s Food, 266 Blown sugar strawberries, 836–837 direct, 102 Chocolate (variation), 418 Financiers, Almond Apple, 290–291 Blueberry(ies), 28 final (proofing), 112–113 Chocolate, Milk (variation), 418 Frangipane, 330 Cobbler, Three-Berry, 548 indirect, 106 Chocolate, White (variation), 418 Frangipane (individual), 682, 683 Compote, 448 intermediate (resting), 110 Coffee (variation) 418 Frangipane, Coconut, 329 Filling, 522, 523 fiber-enriched dough, 108 Hazelnut (variation), 418 frangipane for petits fours, 331 Muffins (variation), 615 flavorings and garnishes, 160, 168 Kirsch (variation), 418 Fruitcake, Christmas, 263 Pie, 519, 522 flavor and texture in, 102 Mocha (variation), 418 Ginger, 250 Pie with Fresh Berries, 523 folding dough, 108 piping Havana, 280–281 Blue Cheese gluten development in, 57, 103, 108 leaf, 823 High-Ratio Mousse, 722 leaveners in, 57, 59–62 rose, 823–824 Chocolate, 265 Tart, 711 liquefiers in, 57 shell border, 823, 868 White, 264 Bombe(s), Frozen, 474 mixing process, 102–105 Swiss Meringue, 408, 417 Yellow (variation), 264 Almond (variation), 502 overmixing, 104 Buttercream in Cakes and Pastries Lemon, 289 Chocolate, 502 pre-ferments, 148–149, See Almond Cake, 584 Lemon Buttermilk, 260 Chocolate Caramel, 664 also Biga; Poolish; Pâte Butterfly Cake, Mother’s Day, Marjolaine, 262 Chocolate Mousse, 665 Fermentée 874–875, 875 mixing methods. See Mixing Espresso and Vanilla, 508 preshaping dough, 108–110 Chocolate Marquise Torte, 587 methods, batters Fruit (variation), 502 proofing dough, 102 Congratulations Cake, 872, 873 pan preparation, 238 Lemon (variation), 502 retarding dough, 107 Dobos Torte, 572 Polenta, 261 Lemon, with Macerated salt in, 60 Frangipane Triangle Slices, 659 Polenta, Almond (variation), 261 Raspberries, 667 scaling dough, 108 Gâteau Praliné, 592 Pound Liqueur (variation), 502 scoring dough, 113 Havana Torte, 576 Lemon (variation), 257 Maple (variation), 502 shaping dough, 102, 110 –111 Hazelnut Torte, 571, 573 Marble (variation),
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