

SAN 14 fffi F^NCI^ ' (Italian) Church, Stein, of Stein, native 400 Bullfrog;1Ex;' Kendall 30 Patrick), lot*on W line o£ Mission street. :35 Pts., Peter and brother Lewis' a < tp and Paul's ~- 3811500 ..... \u25a0 by vv ROOMS WASTED. high of Germany. : \u25a0,-\u25a0<\u25a0 r; Bullfrog- May ;1C S of Sycamore.'. S 25 W. 80; also lot on . where a solemn mass will be celebrated :. vIOO Ex.".391 1000 Queen.'. ; Trains leave snd weds* \u25a0 .. 125 N Seventeenth. N repose her commencing at ",-E7"Friends and :acquaintances are respect- 400 Bullfrog'.Mln 50 2000 Mont \u25a0 Bullfrog 02 line ox- Capp street." of ' * fcr the of eoul, •\u25a0 ,"-. '. .to arrl-»e at room, use kitchen: within fully to the to-morrow BullfgiN'Bk Ton .2 50 100 by W 105: \u25a0:\u25a0 Kitt.\u25a0••\u25a0 . rff^s, r -ONE unfurn. with 10 o'clock. \u25a0\u25a0 .• invited attend'' funeral~ 1000 15 3600 Mont .. - Clyde /QtT walk Market st,«; state 1900, at Blfg Grace 11. and K. J. YounK-to S. and 20 minutes" Third and city, November 2, (Sunday),' November -5," 10:' ar- m.T^from • 600 NBk.bSO 15h300.NorthStar.. -4S --. DUVAL-^-In this \u25a0 . -of terms; pas. Box VMS. Call offlco. Duval. the parlors of H. F. Suhr & Co., 1137 Mis- 4000 Dm B Btte C 500 Orig:Bullfrog. 23 Charlotte sE.: Payne, r lotion NW corner SAN FIIAXCISCO. Marie beloved wifk of the late Louis - s • - IS' Height L-yorf streets, W 25 by N 100; $10. /C9J^|||v2j natiVe Germany, aged CO yeari slon ;street. -, between Seventh and Eighth. i 500 Dm B Btte C -20 200 Ton Blmont.l 42%- and a of Havarla\ Cemetery. , • Bullfrog: 45 :. E. B. and Sarah C.' Pond to .Frederic J. STORAGE AXD W.UiKIIOUSES. :S months and 10 days. Cremation I. O. O.F. 2000 Den \ 25! 500 Ton Belmont..l W, street respect- THEALL— city, November 2, 1905,' 1000 Dixie .;.:-... Oy 4600.T0n Gold Mt. 11 H Rlckon.:. lot >on.N corner of Pase REPORTS are In . TRADE {CTfYlends and acquaintances this^ " 90:3; $10. Square- Storape Co.. 001 Alfred, C husband :of Miry 1000 Esperanza :. 01: 300 Ton MldwajV.l40 and' Central avenue. N 25:6 by "W* UNION Transfer arnl fullyinvited to attend the funeral to-morrow dearly beloved - ! • and : „ to John (Foot Market Street) aye. Eatt 4JS. Storage. iSunday). C, p.- m., from ncr Theall, and father of Margaret, E.*, Phoebe 100 doldfleldMln -eo| -.\u25a0•,.' '\u0084 Robert W. Theresa M. Deane* of Van Ness Phone November at 1 • " • ." Annla A\:< on N line of Fell freight. street, L., Mary Theall, a native of \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- J and Doyle.-lot moving, packing; cut ratrs on 1417 Pacific between . A. and Horace. \u25a0:-. ".Afternoon' Session. ' by 137:6; -a»mt»_- late residence. *- York, • years ;28 : etreet,~ 150:3 W of Ashbury. -W. 50 N FAVORABLE mTi- MAIN LINE. O. U. aged 54 •- ARE New 1 month and furniture, Hyde and Lnrkln. Cremation I. 15.000 Blue Bull.' 07j 4000 Kendall 33 -' -\u25a0 A--EMI-OUIUM Storage & Van Co.: days. (Eastern papers please :copy.) •• . ..... $io:- :•\u25a0.-\u25a0- \u25a0"-••\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -.-.\u25a0• --\u25a0 \u25a0-.;-.; .*.:. : 7.00a Eluilra, Vacavillc.-Winters. Uumsry 7-48P Cemetery. •. ICO Bullfrog Ex. 3S> 5000 Kendall .34 housphnld stored, moved, shipped, ua- Cy respect- ; ..... :••\u25a0 Jacob and Sophia' 11. iBrandt to Thomas V. Usnicla. Sacramcuto, Roods Itfl. City County Hospital Friends and acquaintances are 500 Bullfrog 30 Mont T0n.'..2 /JJOAlUchniond. ft., phone Grant EVANS—In the and \u25a0 \u25a0 Eat. 700 52% O'Brien.-, Clay-street ;and Way 7.ZBP 731 Howard nr. Third: Evans, aged fully invited to attend the funeral Sunday, Blfg Ex,: T0n,r.. 5a lot on SW corner of- Throughout Suliiua and Stations November 3. 1005. Marcaret 5, -m.,: '1600 blO -39 1000 Mont 2'- Presidio avenue. W< C5:10 oy S 83:4% $10. Cooler -Weather ,7.4oa Vallejo. Xspn. Callstoga, Santa Storage and Moving Co. 65 years. November at 9:45 o'clock a. from his 400 Bullfrog Ex." 40 1000 MacNamara.'. <} 34 ' -J., Kosa, Jlarttaez, PIEKCE-RODOLPH 1005, ' Twentieth- street, -be- „ Ellen- T. Keatlnsr to Edward Mary A. San namon B.BBP Msln office Kddy and FiHwore; tel. West SZs. November 3, late residence. 4130. i500 Bullfg N' Bk 15 lOOOM'Nmra.'b 30 35 . of Clay Nlles, Llvermore, FEUCHT—In Oakland. Feucht,, tween Noe and Castro, thence to the Church 600 Blfg NBk,b9o .15 1500 M'Nmra, b 60 3f. (or Mary E.).Keating, lot on N line the Country Has Improved . 740a Pleiwaaton. Margaret. «|fe of the late Conrad - Redeemer, street, AValnut,.E by 127:SH; Tracy. Lathrup, Stoctton 7.ZHF Montgomery the Holy corner of jDia-. 199:2E, of ' 30 N EEKINS Va:i an.) Storage Co.. 11 of Mrs. F. E. Haakell, Mrs. of. Most 600 Blfg NBk,b3o 15 1000 Nev- Goldfleld. \:25 ' ' ' K.iprcs*— (Via Davis), ; Shipping et cut rates. and mother mond and Eighteenth.* where :services will 1000 80y.b90 - Star. r..i47, grant. '.:\u25a0 \u25a0-'-.'- -J, \u25a0'\u25a0; -. : '\u25a0\u25a0' '•'\u25a0'. 8-00AShasta «. tcl. Main IS4O. : Meyer and William Feucht. a native Cemetery, Caah 16 600 North \u25a0 • City County .: - Ole Tone of Business TVilllanis. Willows. tFruto, Ucd Louis be held. Interment , Holy Cross 1000 Cash, Boy, Ton c.;;.,25 and of San Francisco to General Portland, Taconia, . of Ireland, aged 72 years. leaving. Eighteenth b6o= 15 1000 Ohio A.-anU Sophie H. Anderson, lot on S line of . BluC. Seattle. 7-43* SUPPLIES. States army via electric funeral 'car 1000 Cash; Boy ....14 2000 Orlg-Bullfrog. Mi KsilahtsLaadlas; SEWING ;MACIKXESIAXD FROMELIt'S— On board United and Guerrero streets at .10:30 a. m. ;OJ Fifteenth -street,' ,1C0:10 E- of Guerrero, E 2S B.ooa D»tK"Woodland. transport Losan. October 30, ,1905. .Charles ~200 Cent Eureka. 1 40 500 Red Lion .... by S •10O; .$ 7. - - Marysvllle.Urorliie "..... 7-48i» <' &*:an;ily use; best b4 WINCHELL—In this city, November 3, 1905, ; 3000 Conqueror "10 1500 Red Lion .". <<>4 ' Antloch, Byron. Tracy, lJO^?S?lC^Th^'rna^ri:' any L. FrcmeMus, a native of Sweden, aced Wlnchell,; .. ...;.;13.. A. S. anu Mate T. Macdonald and Kichard 8.20aMartinez, l> cheapest- nocond -hand all tnakfs at Edwin H. ' father of Volney E. ;16C6 Kendall.. s 5; 1000 St Ivee: • OUTLOOK IS OPTIMISTIC Stockton, Newman, Los Ii;ino«, years. of - Francisco, E. Win- *29 ,Ton'Belmont..l. 45 M. and Helen F. Lymaa" to Thomas- and Domes- Winchell San Louie 500 Kendall- -100 l>rice; :lI! kinds rented iowert rate?. and acquaintances are respect- Fales, . 29 Lewis, line of Fifteenth Mcmlota. Armoca. Hanford. aokw oifice, fcixth. IT?'Friends services chell of Chicago and Mrs. W.E. a na- 1500 5W 1000 Ton 81m0nt.1. 47% Louise lot- on S VHalia, PorterTllle i tic U"2l Market St.. near fully invited to attend the funeral Kendall ..... street, 110 W of by S 100;' $10. • Z4&* m., tive of Massachusetts, aged -76' years. .(Chi-' 1000 Kendall, Hme Con 06 Folsom. W>2s " • Cotta, Lathrop. Mo- . p. ' \u25a0 a 10 31 700 Ton Merced. ' to-day (Saturday), at o'clock -at • \u25a0 County to Bar- $5. $S; «HBhtly 2 \u25a0 papers please '\u25a0 '-City:and of San Francisco 9OAPort ALL kinds ?.). Co., 401 caso copy.) -. i4OOO Kendall V.'.'.: -82 Home Con.b3o 08 - Brisk desto, Fresno. Hanford, Vlsalla, second-hand.*-<> where dolls the parlors of CraUr. Cochran & and; acquaintances respect- 2.000 Ton-Mldway..l.4o. tholomew, and Lena Van Toll, lot on E line Work Continues to Be ?10, $15. You tnow avenue, between Polk and Lar- tE7"Friends are 12,000 Kendall-... 35 100 S; Sixteenth, S'2!:2 Bakersfleld 4-48* window, Market st. Golden Gate fully invited to attend the funeral Sunday, 14,000 Mdway.l of Rondell' place, 159:4 of' ' Llvermore, Stock- •wingin the U'^l kin streets, under thfe auspices of the Swe- Kendall-... 36 -500 Ton 42% by E; 00:10;;$— — . 840aXI1cs. 6«n Jose. Olivet Cem- /November 5, at .1 o'clock D..m.,- from- the " V • and More Cases of Advances ton CtMllton). Vall«y Spring, dish Society. Interment Mount mortuary chapel ; CILoSING QUOTATIONS." Same to Marie Blot, lot on W line of Shot- lone, Sacramento, PlacerTille, AXD P BS etery. of the Golden Gate Under- street, Eighteenth. 30 by W TVrEWKITEns *'| ;_. taking Company. :2475 Mission street, near .Tonopah^. District. well 215 S='of '. S \u25a0 Jlarysville. Hfd 81nff.... 4.08F SUP^ 1905, . \u25a0 > Noted Colfai. IGALLAGHER—In' this city, November 2. Twenty-flrirt. '\u25a0 Interment \u25a0 New I. •O/ O;:F. Bld.Ask.j Bld.AeX. 122:0; $ . : in Wages Are Oakdale, Jamestown, AS:*iceptionaily,good No. 2 mmlntrton. No. Pat- — 'Arthur to Claus D. 8-40A Chinese. ' at William Gallacher, beloved brother of Cemetery. Belmont ....1-45:1 47(Lucky Tom. '^5 W. and Nettie S. Barron Sonora. Tuoluuine »n«i AncrJs... 4.08f» Smttli Premier. $25; other typewriters cf — — .. H. and Katherine Friedrichs, lot on N line of and rick J. Gallacher, a native Bai'.yshannon. In city. '\u25a0 1905, lielmont :Ex.. : 32 -.- 34 Ofrdtn Kaat. higher and lower pries; rcnlalp, $2 »>O. r-e WISE tl'is November 2... Mar- ' — 12|MacNamara. Liberty W Dolores, ,W 25 by N — 9.ooA AtlnntlcEsrrcss— 4.20^ County Donegal, IreUnU, aged: ss years. garet, George native Uoston Ton.. 11 Midway ..1.40 1- *2 street. ISO of NEW YORK, Nov. 3. Weekly Klchraond. Port Costa, Mar 11ne a Ty'it-writcr Exchans*--. XV. rsliforala et. place to-day beloved wife of Wise, a. — ... 114; $10.

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