world's finest combination for the world's finest rifles. Buy Redfield. Get performance. The real beauty of a Redfield Rifle Scope is in See your dealer or gunsmith or write for free its performance. Whether it is the craftsman 32-page full-color catalog. who makes it. or the shooter who uses it. per­ formance is the one thing that matters. At the moment of truth, Redfield can be depended upon. There is a Redfield Rifle Scope for every shooting purpose ... big game, varmint, target, bench rest or plinking. The outstanding feature of each is that invisible, built-in extra that imparts pride, confidence, dependability and satisfaction for the marksman - and as­ Redfield sures the ultimate in accuracy. Redfield 5800 EAST JEWELL AVE •DENVER. COLORADO 802 2 2 Scopes and Mounts are acknowledged the SIG HTING EQUIPMENT NOT SUBJECT TO THE FEDERAL GUN CONTROL ACT OF 1968 gunmaking by Ithaca. We hot-forge it Some people might think from bar steel. Then stress-relieve it for extra strength, accuracy. the way we make this gun You'll never warp or rupture a Model 37 barrel. is downright dumb Our lockup between barrel and receiver is like a battleship gun's breechblock-close-tolerance threads, plus lugs. No loosening with age. If it's smart to make something as You get one-piece accuracy that keeps cheap as it can be made ·and still you on target shot after shot. have it work, then we aren't smart. You get Ithaca's exclusive bottom For example, we could stamp ejection, too. Empties, burned powder receivers out by the hundreds. and gas go straight down. Protects But tin and paint make for short gun you and your shooting partner. Ideal life. Ours is machined out of a for left-hand use. And our Raybar® 7112-pound block of high-grade steel . front sight that "lights" your way We mill, broach, and drill it down to a to the target. Soaks up light rays, solid 1Y2 pounds. It lasts the life of concentrates them right in the sight the gun. And that's more than so you get on target faster. a lifetime. You won't feel like you're toting All the major action parts are a cannon around after a couple of machined or forged from solid billets hours in the field with our Model 37. of steel. A lot of shotguns are fi lied The 12-ga. model weighs only 6112 lbs. with tinny stampings or castings of The 16 ga. is 6 lbs., and the 20-ga., these parts. You can hear them rattle 53,4 lbs. They're called Featherlight.® together when you pump the action. Handle a Model 37 at your nearby You hear a solid, fitted-steel chunk! lthacagun dealer. It does more than chunk! when you pump our Model 37. just work. It lasts. The barrel is produced on a giant Ithaca Gun Company, Inc. roto-forge introduced to American Ithaca, N. Y. 14850 .-:,. •itha,agun SEPTEMBER, 1969 TRICCER Vol. XV, No. 9-9 George E. von Rosen TALK Publisher ATCHING UP with som e of the C past winners of our free gun con­ c 0 N T E N T S test, we are pleased to announce that Mr. Cort Meader of Connecticut is the winner of the H arper 's F erry flintlock FEATURES replica by Centennial Arms. Mr. John Takach of Erie, P a., is the winner of REBUTTAL! Modern design muzzle-loaders harm the sport .. .• .....• • ..•.. ... John Baird 18 a handsom e Walker .44 revolver by Replica Arms. Con g ratulations to ESTIMATING RANGE them. Easy method of determini ng range ... .... .•. •. .. ..•. ..... Robert Singhaus 21 Be sure to watch future issues for EARLY SHOOTING ACCESSORIES more exciting free gun drawings. Part I, powder horns and flasks ... .. .... •.. ...... •. •.... James E. Serven 22 ROLLING BLOCK CREEDMOOR • • • Numrich barrel makes it easy to do .. .. •..•.. • .. • .. •. ... .. Mason Williams 26 The other day, I was shopping THE SHOTGUN SIGHT around in a sporting goods store, and Who needs it? You do! . ... .. ............. • .. ... .. Col. Charles Askins 29 happened to hear a customer ask for HUNTING FOR A TROPHY a box of .22 ammo. The clerk ask ed Defining a trophy and a record head . ..........•..•. ...... .. Les Bowman 32 for his Firearms ID card, and the cus­ THE PARIS GUN tomer replied: "Wha t ? You mean I Range, 75 miles; target, Paris ...•..•..•.. ... .. ..... •. .• ... Louis Goth 34 have to spend $5 for a card just to buy S&W SCHOFIELD REVOLVERS a box of .22's?" The clerk said that Story of the gun and the man .. .. ... • .. •. .•.. .. .. .. ..... E. Dixon Larson 37 this was so, whereupon the customer said: "The hell with it. Show m e a COLT POCKET AUTO PISTOLS Full color print for framing.. ... ... .. .. .. .. 40 tennis racquet." This took place in Illinois, where it is reported that less THE .45-70 TRAPDOOR than half of the estimated 2 million Interesting facts about mode ls, production dates... .. .... ... • . 42 gun owners have applied for ID cards. FREE GUN DRAWING When this magazine hits the stands, Win a new Browning BAR auto rifle . • . 44 we will be in the midst of the vaca­ RADAR BULLET TRACER tion season. When you are out of town, New weapon against sniper fire .. ..... .. .. ... .. .. • .. • ..... George Tol es 48 why not stop in at a gun shop; if for no other reason than to just say h ello, and let the dealer know that not all DEPARTMENTS gun bugs have taken up tennis. Shooters Club of America ... .. 5 Pull I . Dick Miller 45 • • • Crossfire 7 Questions & Answers 58 Speaking of ID cards, the r ebuttals Hand loading Bench . ... George C. Nonie 10 Gun Rack 64 to E.B. Mann's article in the June is­ Our Man In Washington . Carl Wolff 12 Index of Advertisers .. .. .. .. .. .... 75 sue are beginning to come in (along Point Blank .. Col. Charles Askins 14 The Gun Market .. ........ .. .. 77 with som e very hot letters damning Jerom e Rakusan . Editor Maj . George C. Nonie . Military us for publishing the article) , and the Harold A. Murtz . Associate Editor Les Bowman Hunting one letter or article selected as a re­ E. B. Mann ...... .......... Contributing Editor Don McEvoy Sales Manager sponsible, constructive argum ent will Col. Charles Askins .. Shooting Edito r Jon Kaufman . Promotion Manager be published in the October issue. Maj. George C. Nonie .. ..... Handloading Sydney Barker Art Director Di ck Miller ... .. ... ....... ... ......... Trap Lew M errell ....... ...•.... Ass't Art Director And speaking of the October issue, Rob ert Mandel . Antique Arms Andrew Molchan ... Advertising Sales we will have a return of the police Wm . Schumaker ... Guri smithing Leonard Diamond .. Adve rtis ing Sa les articles by Col. Rex Applegate, a cou­ Shell ey Braverman Modern Arms M. Gross ......... Ass' t Circulation Mgr. ple of feature test r eports on new Col. Rex Applegate . .... Police Sally Loges . ...... Subscription Mgr. guns, and articles for every gun in­ terest. SHOOTING SPORTS THE COVER The venerable "Trapdoor," or Spring­ field Model 1873, .45-70. There is a EDITORIAL OFFICES: Jerome Rakusan, 8150 N. Central Park, Skokie, Ill. 60076, ORchard 5-5602. full c:olor print inside, without type, NATI O NAL ADV. O FF ICES , 8150 N. Central Pa rk Ave .. Skokie. Ill.. 600 76 . ORchard 5-60 10. GL"NS Magaztne la p u blished monthly by Publtshers' Development Cor p ., 8150 N. Central Park Avenue. Skokie, ready for framing, and a meaty artic:le Il linois. 60076. Second class postage paid a t Skokie, Illinois. and at additional malling offices. SUBSCRIPTIONS: One year ( 12 Issues), $7.50. Single monthly copies, 7 5 e . CHANGE OF ADDRESS: F our weeks' notice required on the .45-70. Photo by Dr. R.L. Moore, o n a ll changes. Send old address as well as n ew. CONTRIBUTORS submitting manus cripts. photographs or drawings do so at thel.r own r isk. Ma t e rial cannot be returned unle s s accompanied by sufficient postage. Jr. PAYMENT will be made at rat.es current at time of publication and wtll cover reproduction in any or all GUNS Magazine editions. ADVERTISING RATES furnished on reque&t. Copyright 1969 Publis hers ' · D1H·e\opnwnt Corporation. All rlllbts reserved. Tille to this pub1ic.e.tlon passes to subscriber only o n d elivery to his address. 4 GUNS SEPTEMBER 1969 New$ Itom fhe ... SHOOTERS CLUB OF AMERICA Dediccited to the Constitutional R ight of Every Citizen to K eep and B ear A nns JANUARY 1, 1970 GOVERNMENT CONFISCATES ALL FIREARMS 11 Action follows Federal Registration Act" Don't let this prophecy come true. Government controls are Second Amendment to the Constitution. To deprive shooting at an all-time high and the rig hts of shooting sportsmen and portsmen of their firea rms is ignoring the trouble and eek legitimate gun owners are periled as never befor e in the his­ ing easy solutions to a serious problem. Of course r egistration tory of t he United States. Public clamor- tined by inaccu­ laws wil! ucceecl in getting the g uns of sportsmen r ecorded rate and intentionally misleading articles and statistics in the -but these are not the weapons used in the commis ion of mass media- means even more trouble for the rig hts of fire­ crimes, becau e the vast majority of sportsmen have a healthy arms ow ners in the months ahead. respect for law a nd order. Current trends in fi rearms legislation are reminiscent in The SCA is making these facts known to legislator s and is many ways of the furor in the United States prior to enact­ achieving succe s in winning co nverts.
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