Introducing the new HP MICRO 30(MILX and HP 3000 Series 925 HEWLETT PACKARD Table of Contents Personal Computers Volume 7, No. 6 PARTNERS WITH' HP 17 General 1 VAB migration to HP Recision Architecture - Announcing AdvanceRint: lowcost Editor a suu'~ss advanced shared printing AdvancePrint replaces Rint Central I mywester Buy AdvncePrint with AdvanceLink HP Channels is published monthly for and save -SUCCESSFULA Hewlen-Packard's value-added busi- AdvanceMail update HP Pascal Language Processor and new $~LUTIONS ..I' ' " ,,. nesses to provide you with information - - right-toexecute product about HP's products and services to 2 Baan Info Systems on HP commercial UNIX 20 Desktop help you be more successful. system ME Series 10 on the HP Vectra RS 20 PC For further information on any of the HP-HIL barcode reader now supported on products and services discussed in HP HP Vectra ES and RS PCs Windows/386 releases the power of the HP Channels, please contact your HP sales Vectra RS PC rep. Customer Support HOW to order windows/386 from HP See back cover for subscription 4 Training New tested products list shows compatibility New RJW3000 training course of HP Vectra CS PC information. Terminal emulation in ROM available on Business Computers HP ve~traPC Note: Not all HP computer products 4 General ROM-based applications on the HP vectra are sold and supported in all counsries. TransacUXL: Native Mode performance for PC with ROM disc accessory card Pleare check with your local HP sales Transact applications HP Touchscreen to HP Vectra PC software ofice. HP announces office applications on UNUC upgrade Program strategy Discontinuance of HP Vectra StarLAN PO Hewleft-Packarddoes not warrant the New release of Executive MemoMakerll 50 5 HP 3000 now available accuracy of the information provided in HP introduces a new product line HP Channels and shall not be liable for ~ewminis at micro prices Peripherals any use made of the information con- Low-cost HP MICRO 3000LX/GX 25 Mass Storage tained herein. Information provided in Datacomm Program now available New disc subsystem features high capacity HP Channels is subject to change with- HP Easytime makes life easier in compact package New midrange 900 Series HP 3000 systems New SCSI discs join the midrange product out notice. New highend HP 3000 Series 955 provides family a 50 percent performance boost over the New HP 7959B extends current midrange On the cover Series 950 product offering I New HP 3000 systems literam HP 7959B and 7%3B system support Introducing NS X.25 3WNNetwork Link When to choose the HP 7936 and 7937 Remarketed HP 3000 systems availability instead of the HP 7959B or 7%3B More office products available on 900 Series HP 9153C ad 9122C support on HP 9000 HP 3000 system BASIC 3.0 and 4.0 Selective operation of the HP 35401A with New upgrrsde feature comparison between the HP 3000 HP 9153M and HP 97%3B Return credits will drop On seh?Cted WAN link products 28 NetworkS ARPA TCPIIP now available for HP Vectra Technical Computers PCS Introducing LU 6.2 API: new HP-to-IBM 14 HP Precision Architecture/ networking product HP-UX HPUX 2.0: what's new for the HP 9000 30 Terminals Series 800 HP 2392A and 2394A terminal obsolescence Ems plans 1 HP-UX A.B2.00 HP 9000 Series 800 The HP MICRO 3000LX offers a new networking enhancements supplies HP SQU300 for HP-UX 6.0 entry point into the HP 3000 family and 31 New 3%-inch disc for HP 9122C stores 1.42 the new Series 925 offers HP Precision 16 HP 9000 Mbytes of data Architecture in a midrange system. New SCSI interface HP Direct Order Phone Numbers These highlighted systems are only two HP 9000 Series X)O CPU board updates of six new HP 3000 products. See arti- Correctiod: HP 9153C support on HP 9000 <- . - BASIC 5.0 cles on all six new systems beginning on page 5. CLASSIFIEDS HP CHANNELS 32 Soft- kkages Available and wanted April 1988 HP Computer Museum www.hpmuseum.net For research and education purposes only. VAB migration to HP Precision Architecture Vendor Products SDG TRMl3000 Summit SPECTRUM Tymlabs PREVIEW When the new Hewlett-Packard Preci- Here is a list of VARs and their soft- VTLS VTLS sion Architecture (HP-PA) systems were ware products that have been migrated CUSTOMER PRODUCTS announced, HP, in anticipation of the to MPE-XL. BRADMARK DBGENERAL importance of migrating VAB software, CAROLIAN SILHOUETTE13000 established several programs. Among Vendor Products FDPIBoston MASS these are Fast Start and Expanded Fast /Miami CLAS ADAGER ADAGER Start. Both programs were created to HOLLAND HOUSE UNISPOOL ARGl Subscription 7' aid key VABs, as well as major and key Fulfillment Package . Infocentre SPEEDWARE account customers. ASK MANMAN Insurance Data VISION-MIS Processing PROPERTY Bea Management P.A.R.T.S. The Fast Start program required a par- CASULTY SYSTEM BSA PROPHIT -7 ticipant to come to the Software Eval- Pertaine SCHOOL13000 Cognos PowerHouse STUDENT13000 uation and Migration Center (SEMC) in Col lier-Jackson CJIPAYROLL MENU13000 Cupertino for all migration accesses. CJIADVANCED GL PSG FASTRAN An engineer from the SEMC was CJINEWSPRINT SPLASH SPLASH assigned to that participant for the dura- CRI RELATE13000 Tymlabs BACKPACK tion of the program. BUILDER13000 Unison MAESTRO DISC OMNIDEX RADAR The Expanded Fast Start program FILEPRO TAPES DBMGR required that the participant have an INSIGHT AMS contract, and that an HP-PA- DRC Vesoft MPEXl3000 INVISIONSFD jT trained systems engineer (SE) be SECURITY13000 DSI QED -? assigned to support them. The assigned WDS COMPASS Gerber Alley THE ALTERNATIVE 1 CONTRACT SE accompanies the participant to the Infocentre SPEEDWARE SEMC for the initial migration access, INNOVUS (SSG) SPSS If you are interested in acquiring any of and is responsible for scheduling future SPSS-X the above-listed software, please contact accesses either at the SEMC, or at a BMDP the VAB directly, or if there is software Field Migration Center (FMC). These MINITAB not listed that you require, contact that programs have been the vehicles for JBI MARK11 VAB, and urge them to gain admittance migration of many VABs, tool sup- Martin Marietta MAS13000 to the Expanded Fast Start Program. pliers, and major end-users. MSAIAMI AMAPSl3000 OCSl3000 OCS VABs who have not migrated their soft- To facilitate these programs, Hewlett- PSG FASTRAN ware to MPE-XL, and are interested in Packard organized several migration PSS ROBOT13000 doing so. should contact their HP sales centers throughout the United States ROBELLE QEDlT rep, who will assist them with admit- and Europe. The SEMC has aided in SUPERTOOL tance into the Expanded Fast Start the migration of over 35 VABs, and EXPRESS DBAUDIT Program.* continues to facilitate the Expanded SATCOM BOSS13000 Fast Start program, and other programs PSI13000 *Tojoin rhe Expanded Fast Start Program, an created to migrate software to Precision QMSl3000 AMS conrracr must be established, and field Architecture. Their professional and well-trained staff have been critical in ensuring the success of these migration programs. fessional partner in the middle and 1 Baan Info Systems on HP commercial high-end UNIX operating system mar- 1 UNZX s~ystems ket. Baan's motivation for choosing HP as a partner is based on two things. The high quality of HP's products and HP's strong commitment to the UNIX operating system The prospective of HP's international support. HP chose Baan as a partner for several important reasons: The possibility of expanding new business Baan's leadership in the UNIX operat- ing system market for MRP solutions The financial health of the company and their business attitude. Thinking industrial In the software industry, people should focus on data-directed tasks instead of function-directed tasks. Software. which is being developed for the data environment, is flexible. The Baan soft- ware enables the system and implemen- tation management to assemble the desired version of the software accord- ing to individual wishes. According to Baan, a software product consists of subassemblies such as special func- tions, da'tabases, operating systems, computers, special procedures. etc. Those subassemblies should be replace- able at any time by other, newer and better, products. In Baan's philosophy, the databases must be replaceable, because a new DBMS will come. That is the reason Baan developed their own The Dutch Systemhouse, Baan Info Baan is a successful Dutch system- fourth-generation language (4-GL), Systems (Baan) - an HP VAR since house specializing in UNIXB operating which is database independent. In this May 1987 - and Hewlett-Packard system-based commercial applications. Netherlands have recently signed a The very early commitment to the language, the customization of screens, print-outs, and summaries is very easy. joint-marketing agreement. The agree- UNIX operating system as the de facto ment includes cooperation in activities standard for future software has given such as advertising, production of bro- Baan a substantial lead on national and Windowing is productivity chures, and organizing seminars. international competition; they Every software module is equipped Recently, both partners organized a suc- developed specific applications for with advanced windowing techniques. cessful CIM seminar entitled, "Produc- manufacturing (mixed solution of MRP A number of different processes may be tion Control in Larger Industrial and Make To Order) and the building started up, without leaving the original Companies." industry. application. Apart from that, the win- dowing techniques make working with Baan previously worked with several Baan's Manufacturing Systems (BMCS) hardware vendors. Due to increasing very user friendly and efficient. HP CHANNELS April 1988 demand, they decided to look for a pro- Baan Manufacturing Control System Available soon (BMCS) Group Technology Product Configuration For more information on Baan Info Systems and BMCS, their manufactur- ing control system.
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