THE OHIO ARCH !TECT, ENGINJ£ER AND BUH,IlER The upper half of the sides and the roof of this home as well as the garage are covered with WEATHERBEST Stained Shingles Residence of Dr. Charles E. Goodell, Jamestown, N. Y, Freeburg & Fidler, Architects STAINED SHINGLES Make Lasting and Artistic Material for Roof and Sides BECAUSE FI RST-Stock is thoroughly dried before staining and every shingle is subjected to a process that treats the wood perfectly from tip' to butt thus leaving no part unprotected. Mould spores grow in the dark and destroy, therefore that part of the wood that 'is covered should be protected even more than the part that the sunlight can reach. SECOND - WEATHERBEST solution or stain is a combination of the best wood preservatives and the most lasting colors with plenty of binder included. to fasten. these durable colors to the wood so they can give maX1111l1m servIce. WEATHERBEST WILL NOT O!'~~ Y STAND THE WEATHER TEST BUT THE COST IS NOMINAL-BECAUSE FIRST-Quantity produced and up-to-the-minute factory equipment reduces cost of production to a minimum. SECOND-WEATHERBEST Stained Shingles are furnished in any color bundled ready to carryon the roof or scaffolding. This reduces carpentry labor, a big item in building. ' DO NOT DECIDE TO USE ANY OTHER STAINED SHINGLE UNTIL YOU HAVE INVESTIGATED WE AT HER B EST Color Samples on wood and full information 'frnished upon request TRANSFER STAINED SHINGLE CO., Inc. North Tonawanda, N. Y. East Chicago, Ind. ~ W EA THERBESTStained Shingles Stand the Weather Test .: ::Tl-t E . ' O :tfI ~ ' \, A,cji n EcT, E.NGINEER AND BUILDER ,, : : :' .. ,. , ' ••• ' ,) r " .> I ~"" } ' > tI-.... ,~ IThe','Manest" Natural Gas Furnace GENERATES more WARM AIR than any other gas furnace made. Why not buy the BEST , Over 4200 sold in Cleveland ALONE within the last 7 years. A RECORD THAT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. It can also be ATTACHED to a COAL FURNACE as an AUXILIARY. WRITE FOR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR. THE "MANEST" FAMILY CLOTHES DR YER IS ABSO­ LUTELY FIREPROOF. Examined and approved by the Board of Un­ derwriters. The clothes come from this dryer as PURE and WHITE as when d ried outdoors. The SIMPLEST, MOST SANI­ TARY and DURABLE DR YER MADE. It is INDISPENSIBLE for FINE RESIDENCES, APART­ MENTS, HOSPITALS, HOTELS, Etc. Send for descriptive circular. The Mannen & Esterly Co. 2241-2255 ST. CLAIR AVE. @w1.tlJ}~ .'HE OHIO ARCHITECT, ENGINEER .... ND BUILDER J 15-2U233 When Laying Out ·House Wiring I Consider that the up to date home will have a stationary or portable vacuum cleaner. Have the outlets conveniently located for them. It will save the owner money and trouble to have this done when the house is under course of construction. The Illuminating Company Illuminating Bulldlng CLEVELAND, OHIO PUBLIC SQUARE Fairmount School, Jamestown, N . y . FreeburK Q!I, Fidler, Architects A. WESTERLINE & SON PLASTERERS - Plain and Ornamental KEENS CEMENT WORK A SPECIALTY STUCCO WORK Contractors for the PlasterinK on the above school and many prominent buildinKs in Jamestown 111 FRANCIS ST.. HOME PHONE 1088-8 JAMESTOWN. N . Y. 4 THE OHIO ARCHITECT, ENGINEER AND BUILDER SARGENT HARDWARE Will meet the requirements of the best built Homes and Public Buildings Sargent Hardware was used in the following build. ings : Fairmount School, Murray Apartments, Allen and Callahan, East 2nd Street, pfesbytrrian Manse, L. M. Butman residence. Lakeview Ave., also resi· dences of Erwin Shearman. W. L. Booth, Mrs. Daniel Eisenburg and Joseph Graff. McCRAY REFRIGERATORS McCray Refrigerators have been installed as follows : Resi. dences of W . T. Falconer, P. F. Simon. J. B. Fisher, Chas. Haas. Bertha Preston and Chas. C. Wilson. The McCray is of beautiful design and work. manship and utmost care is taken with every part of every "Refrigerator". Clark Hardware COInpany 109-1 1 1 Main Street, JaDlestown, N. Y. VAN D.ERVOORT SUPPLY CO. JAMESTOWN, N . Y. CEMENT, LIME, PLASTER, PLASTER BOARD, METAL LATH BUILDING TILE, FACE BRICK AND SEWER PIPE Furnished material for all buildings in this book THE OHIO ARCHITECT, ENGINEER A1"D UlJIL()J ~ R 5 Osborn's Charcoal Iron Old Style Roofing Plates Used throught ·this magnificent building NEW COUNTY COURT HOUSE, OMAHA, NEB. JOHN LATENSEN, Architect Only a roofing plate made from a GENUINE CHARCOAL IRON BASE coated by the full palm oil process through a seven pot old way set and carrying a coating rich in tin will stand the analysis. OSBORN'S CHARCOAL IRON OLD STYLE has been used again and again for this work and is fully in accord with their specifications. ROOFING PLATES which are accepted by the U. S. Government certainly should be considered by all leading Architects J. M. & L. A. OSBORN CO. Cleveland, Ohio 6 THE OHIO ARCHITECT, ENGINEER AND BUILDER Post Publishing Co.'. Building. F reeburg and· Fic11er, Architects. JAMESTOWN CONSTRUCTION CO. General Contractors and Builders Structural Steel Builders' Supplies General contractors on the above building and many others in Jamestown 12-16 River Street JAMESTOWN, N. Y. LINDBECK'S L. W. STEIN Planing Mill and Lumber Yard Contractor in Can furnish anything that goes PAINTING into a building. My eighteen years experience in the build­ and DECORATING ing business will ten you just what you need. Give me a can . Bell Phone 3 Home Phone 332-K 209 PINE STREET 2-16 River St., Jamestown, N. Y. JAMESTOWN, N. Y. THE OHIO I§rcbtttct ~ngfnttr anb .uflber - W. S. JUDSON, PRESIDENT AND TREASURER. E. MARTINEAU, VICE PRESIDENT HID MANAGER. 20 BLACKSTONE BUILDING, CLEVELAND, OHIO W. S. LLOYD, EDITOR, Published monthly by THE ARCHITECT AND BuiLDER COMPANY, Cleveland, Ohio, U. S. A., in the interests of the Archit<;ct, Engineer, Builder and Client. Enter~d as second-class matter, November 30, 1910, at the postoffiee at Cleveland, Ohio, Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Terms of subscription to THE OHIO ARCHITECT, ENGINEER AN D BUILDER, including postage, $1.00 per year, payable in advance. Single Copies 15 Cents. Contents for July- Modern Exterior Illumination 9 Architectural Work of Messrs. Freeburg & Fidler 14 London Building Acts 33 Campaign Against Smoke 40 The Farmer's Home of Today 42 "The Fourth" on' the Canal 50 Wanted-A Painter. 54 Editorial. 58 Mid-Summer Levity 68 ,. , VOLUME 23 NUMBER 7 ~ ~ ~-------------------------------~ 8 THl': OHIO ARCHITECT, ENGINEER AND IlUII.DER High-Class Hardwood Interior Finish Doors, Sash, Mill work for all kinds of buildings Mouldings, all kinds The Lumber Peters Mill Work and Lumber Co. Shingles 1895 Carter Road, CLEVELAND M.J.MURRAY &CO. Fine Plumbing Hot Water and Vapor Heating ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN 323 Washington Street JAMESTOWN, N. Y. HIGH GRADE IMPERVIOUS FRONT BRICK BROWN, GRAY, BUFF, IRON SPOT, CORDUROY, VELOUR, DEVONSHIRE, SARUKS, BRADFORD PRESS Salt Glazed Face Brick, Fireproofing, Partition, Promenade Roofing and Encaustic Tile A FEW JOBS IN WHICH OUR_BRICK AND TILE WERE USED : JAMESTOWN. N. Y. CORRY. PA. MEADVILLE, PA. Hotel Samuels, Even,ing J oumal Buil ding. Moose C lub, Gokey Building. Murray Residence. Hotchkiss 'Dlock. ""inter Gardell, IO E: car Fritts :Resiclence, Chas. M iller Residence. No. 7 School. WARREN, PA. Treppe Residence. Fairmount Ave. School, ICeo. Leanhart Residence, New Engine HoW'~e . ~a ' g l e Temple. Dr. Beatty Residence. FALCONER. N. Y. ~ '[urray Buil ding. H igh School. Frick·MoGee Building. LUDLOW. PA. J oseph Graf Residence, Union School. GREENVILLE. PA. Presbyterian 'Manse, SHERMAN, N. y. Homer Apartment House, Immanuel Lutheran Parsonage, High School. Thid Coll ege. T. C. Campbell Residence. CLYMER, N. Y. UNION CITY, PA. \V esterma n Residence, New School- Tile High School. Dr. BedeWs Residence. ERIE, PA. Miss Williard Residence. OIL CITY, PA. Chamlber .of Commerce. )1rs. Sullivan's Garage. Geo. Veach. ~ofayer Block. Dr. John Wilkins Residence. Palace 'Hardware ,Building. WESTFIELD, N. Y. J. R. Steel Residence. ALBION, PA. Geo. Cowan Residence, Evangelical Church. Boyle Residence. Young Residence. OLEAN, N. Y. NORTH EAST. PA.' FRANKLIN. PA. F lint Residence. Ackerman Residence. Evan'gelical 'Church. Post Office. 'German Lutheran Parsonage, Steel Plant. Ross Block. T heatre. A. M. (OBBE, 27 Barrett BI~g., Jamestown, N. Y. THE OHIO ARCUx"n:CT, ENGINEER AND BUILDER '. , , ~ c, THE OHIO '< ~tcbitect <!tugtueer nub ~uilber VOLUME XXIII J ULY, 1914. NUMBER 7 MODERN ,EXTERIOR ILLUMINA TION HOW THE PERFECTiON OF THE TUNGSTEN FILAMENT HAS' SERVED. BY MEANS' OF SCIENTIFIC PROJECTORS. TO PRODUCE STARTLING NIGHT EFFECTS Engineering Building of National Electric Lamp Association, Nel~ Park. under new illumination. A recent electrical exhibition in Cleve­ world's knowledge of electricity a cen­ land has brought this community to a tury ago. new realization of the close and intimate "Today," the speaker said, " it takes relationship that modern life has to do three pages of the Century dictionary to with the development of electrical sci­ define electricity and its cognates." ence in all its forms. Pre~iously in this magazine an elabor­ A speaker at an engineering society ate article told of the "New Science of banquet in Cleveland, recently, referred Lighting" interiors and especially pic­ to an early edition of an American (Eng­ ture galleries and studios. lish) dictionary in whi~h a three line That is only one important branch of definition of electricity as "that form of this intricate field of scientific research. energy which impelled, when rubbed to­ Within the house every architect and ?"ether, one piece of amber; jet, or seal­ hom~ builder knows ' ~ow essential the lIlg wax, to attract another piece of am­ electrical inst~lIation has become, and the ber, jet cr ceiling wax," summed up the housewife knows how varied are the Ia- to TnE; OHIO ARCHITECT, ENGINEER AND BUILDER bar saving, comfort giving, devices of acy that would illll111inate a wide area of the present day electric appliances.
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