April 7, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2787 Americans nationwide that partici- MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT REPORTS OF COMMITTEES SUB- pated. They include the Scots’ Chari- Messages from the President of the MITTED DURING ADJOURNMENT table Society (the oldest charitable so- United States were communicated to Under the authority of the order of ciety in the United States), the St. An- the Senate by Mr. McCathran, one of the Senate of March 27, 1997, the fol- drew’s Society of the City of Charles- his secretaries. lowing reports of committees were sub- ton, SC (the first St. Andrew’s Society mitted on April 2, 1997: f in the United States), the Saint An- By Mr. JEFFORDS, from the Committee drew’s Society of New York, (the sec- EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED on Labor and Human Resources, with amend- ond oldest society in the United ments: States); Scottish Society of Martha’s As in executive session the Presiding S. 4: A bill to amend the Fair Labor Stand- Vineyard, MA; the American-Scottish Officer laid before the Senate messages ards Act of 1938 to provide to private sector Foundation, Inc.; the Association of from the President of the United employees the same opportunities for time- States submitting sundry nominations and-a-half compensatory time off, biweekly Scottish Games and Festivals; the Cal- work programs, and flexible credit hour pro- edonian Foundation, Inc.; the Clans of which were referred to the appropriate committees. grams as Federal employees currently enjoy Scotland, USA; Council of Scottish to help balance the demands and needs of Clans and Associations; Scottish Herit- (The nominations received today are work and family, to clarify the provisions re- age USA, Inc.; the Illinois St. Andrew’s printed at the end of the Senate pro- lating to exemptions of certain professionals Society; the Tartan Education and Cul- ceedings.) from the minimum wage and overtime re- quirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act tural Association, Inc.; Highland Light f of 1938, and for other purposes (Rept. No. 105– Scottish Society, Massachusetts; Scot- 11). tish Historic and Research Society of MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE RECEIVED DURING ADJOURNMENT By Mr. JEFFORDS, from the Committee the Delaware Valley, PA, and numer- on Labor and Human Resources, without ous individual Scottish Americans in- Under the authority of the order of amendment: cluding those from my own State of the Senate of January 7, 1997, the Sec- S. 295: A bill to amend the National Labor Mississippi. retary of the Senate, on March 21, 1997, Relations Act to allow labor management cooperative efforts that improve economic Mr. President. I am proud to declare during the adjournment of the Senate, competitiveness in the United States to con- my Scottish-American ancestry and it received a message from the House of tinue to thrive, and for other purposes (Rept. is an honor to recognize the 677th anni- Representatives announcing that the No. 105–12). versary of the Declaration of Arbroath. House has agreed to the following con- f Tartan Day is indeed a significant day current resolution, with amendment: INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND for all Americans. S. Con. Res. 14. Concurrent resolution pro- viding for a conditional adjournment or re- JOINT RESOLUTIONS f cess of the Senate the House of Representa- The following bills and joint resolu- tives. tions were introduced, read the first THE VERY BAD DEBT BOXSCORE Under the authority of the order of and second time by unanimous con- sent, and referred as indicated: Mr. HELMS. Mr. President, at the the Senate of January 7, 1997, the Sec- close of business Friday, April 4, 1997, retary of the Senate, on March 21, 1997, By Mr. ASHCROFT: during the adjournment of the Senate, S. 514. A bill to provide uniform standards the Federal debt stood at for the awarding of compensatory and puni- $5,384,750,396,046.34. received a message from the House of Representatives announcing that the tive damages in a civil action against a vol- One year ago, April 4, 1996, the Fed- unteer or volunteer service organization, and eral debt stood at $5,137,761,000,000. Speaker has signed the following en- for other purposes; to the Committee on the Twenty-five years ago, April 4, 1972, rolled bills: Judiciary. the Federal debt stood at H.R. 514. An act to permit the waiver of the S. 515. A bill to provide uniform standards for the awarding of compensatory and puni- $428,814,000,000 which reflects a debt in- District of Columbia residency requirements for certain employees of the Office of the In- tive damages in a civil action against a vol- crease of nearly $5 trillion spector General of the District of Columbia. unteer or volunteer service organization, and ($4,955,936,396,046.34) during the past 25 S. 410. An act to extend the effective date for other purposes; read twice. years. of the Investment Advisers Supervision Co- By Mr. KENNEDY (for himself, Mr. ordination Act; to the Committee on Bank- LEAHY, Mr. DODD, Mr. AKAKA, Mr. f ing, Housing, and Urban Affairs. INOUYE, Mr. ROBB, Mr. LAUTENBERG, Mr. MOYNIHAN, Mrs. BOXER, Mr. Under the authority of the order of WELLSTONE, Ms. MOSELEY-BRAUN, Mr. HONORING THE REINSCHS ON the Senate of January 7, 1997, the en- THEIR 50TH WEDDING ANNIVER- HARKIN, Mr. FEINGOLD, and Ms. MI- rolled bills were signed on March 21, KULSKI): SARY 1997, during the adjournment of the S. 516. A bill to amend section 1977A of the Mr. ASHCROFT. Mr. President, fami- Senate by the President pro tempore Revised Statutes to equalize the remedies lies are the cornerstone of America. [Mr. THURMOND]. available to all victims of intentional em- The data are undeniable: Individuals ployment discrimination, and for other pur- f poses; to the Committee on Labor and from strong families contribute to the Human Resources. society. In an era when nearly half of MEASURE PLACED ON THE S. 517. A bill to provide relief to agricul- all couples married today will see their CALENDAR tural producers who granted easements to, union dissolve into divorce, I believe it The following measure was read the or owned or operated land condemned by, the is both instructive and important to first and second times and ordered Secretary of the Army for flooding losses caused by water retention at the dam site at honor those who have taken the com- placed on the calendar. mitment of ‘‘till death us do part’’ seri- Lake Redrock, Iowa, to the extent that the S. 515. A bill to provide uniform standards actual losses exceed the estimates of the ously, demonstrating successfully the for the awarding of compensatory and puni- Secretary; to the Committee on Agriculture, timeless principles of love, honor, and tive damages in a civil action against a vol- Nutrition, and Forestry. unteer or volunteer service organization, and fidelity. These characteristics make f our country strong. for other purposes. STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED For these important reasons, I rise f today to honor Clarence and Helen BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS Reinsch of Argyle, MO, who on April 9 ENROLLED BILL PRESENTED By Mr. ASHCROFT: will celebrate their 50th wedding anni- The Secretary of the Senate reported S. 514. A bill to provide uniform versary. My wife, Janet, and I look for- that on March 20, 1997 he had presented standards for the awarding of compen- ward to the day we can celebrate a to the President of the United States, satory and punitive damages in a civil similar milestone. The Reinschs’ com- the following enrolled bill: action against a volunteer or volunteer mitment to the principles and values of S. 410. An act to extend the effective date service organization, and for other pur- their marriage deserves to be saluted of the Investment Advisers Supervision Co- poses; to the Committee on the Judici- and recognized. ordination Act. ary. VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:58 Oct 24, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\1997SENATE\S07AP7.REC S07AP7 mmaher on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with SOCIALSECURITY.
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