» - / V ■ i 'f ' rnm m ^ AVMMA€M DAILY ODtODLATiON Of iL rn^-Wt for tlie Month of Joty. 1988 5,159 Cloody probnMy foDeWei - hy M«aber.of ttio Andtt Buxom duwroro tonight and FMdngr. Not , of Orealotlono. nmeh ehanfo hi tompotatafo. \ TEN PAGES ' PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. m ., NO. 266. (daoalfled AdvertUlng on Page 8) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1988. DISCUSSION ON Havana Throng Flees Before Gunfire of Machado’s Guards OVER LEGALITY CUBAN CHIEFS PONDER OFHIIELOANS . ... ........... ........ ........... r > - OUSTING OF MACHADO GoTernor Cross Confers ' ' ^ V Leaders of President’s Own 1 e, . • ^•=^,VVvniniesr-‘lJt I ^ With State Leaders Over **No Need of Monroe Party Confer on Demand the Necessity of Calling Doctrine **—Pittman for His Resignation—^ Extra Session of Assembly New York, Aug. 10.—(AP)—^Ing to extend their governments to Party Lines Breaking United States Senator Key Pittman Latin America is negligible.” Hartford, Aug. 10.— (AP)—Peter of Nevada, chaimun of the Senate . He decline^ to commit himself on Down as Strike Contmnes M. Kennedy of New Haven, state foreign relations committee, termed whether the United States bad the Monroe Doctrine “an outworn director of the Federal Home Own­ cause, as yet, to intervene in Cuba policy” today. under the piatt amradment. It m Face of Decree of State ers Loan Corporation and Archibald Returning on the liner Manhattan was the Chiban question, to which he McNeU of Bridgeport. Democratic from the world economic conference is planning to give Ms attention in of War. National committeeman and mem­ in London, he said: Washington immediately, that “I think that for the purpose ot ber of the Federal Public Works brought an inquiry as to his stand Board of Connecticut, will confer assuring the Latin American peo­ on the Monroe Doctrine. Havana, Aug. 10.—(AP)— Tlie with Governor Cross ^ s afternoon ple that we are sincere in our an­ Pittman said there were two pro­ on the legality of Connecticut banks nounced policy that we will not in­ cedures which may be followed re­ question whether President Macha­ investing in home loan bonds. terfere, we should make a declara­ garding Chiba, one that the United do shall resign his post to bring There have been submitted to tion that there is no longer necessity States renounce the Platt amend­ for the Mimroe Doctrine. ment to the treaty giving Cuba her peace to (Duba, now under a form al­ Governor Cross suggestions that a ly declared state of war as the re­ special session of the legislature be “We should say that the Monroe freedom and allow foreign powers Doctrine is an outworn poU<^. it to intervene, or that the United called to legalize such investments. Almost as the camera clicked, the machine guns of presidential palace guards opened death-dealing fire upon this throng which had gathered sult of the menace of revolution, would be the greatest assurance the State intervene, should there .be Democratic State central commit­ in Havana streets to celebrate a false report that President Machado has resigned. Twenty-five were killed, more than 100 wounded. Members was placed today before the Nation­ tee chairman David A. Wilson hav­ Latin American people could have sufficient cause, under the Platt of the crowd ran in all directions to escape the grim spray of bullets. that we are sincere and that there amendment. al Ex^utive Committee of General ing written to the governor in sup­ Machado’s Liberal party. port of such action, but before de­ is no further obligation on our part He said be oelieved corruption In termining that such authortsration to interfere in theii domestic affairs. government to be the main cause The executive committee met to would constitute an emergency and “The purpose of the doctrine was of the present Cuban unrest. consider the formula of peace pre­ necessitate the caUing of the Gen­ INSURANCE HRM BALBO PREPARING to prevent certain European coun­ “Does that include President Ma­ sented by united States Ambassa­ eral Assemoly, the governor is seek­ MILK STRIKE IS AVERTED; tries from extending their power to chado?” he was asked. dor Sumner Welles, acting as medi­ ing all infcrmatiou possible m the Latin America. At present the “If be happens to be in line with ator in the conflict between the Ma­ matter. He has conferred with FOR FINAL FUGHT danger of European powers attempt- the shot,” he replied. chado supporter^ and the opposition. State Bank Commissioner Walter TO SPEED RELIEF Would Eliminate Bfachado. Perry and his deputy R. Gordon TEMPORARY TRUCE IS ON This formula entails the with­ Baldwin, and today’s conference is drawal of Machado to make way for a “follow up” in the home loan pro­ a President approved by all parties. posal. To Accept Federal Bonds for Air Armada to Make One Diffetences within the parties MACHADO MUST RESIGN over the mediation program widen­ The governor on Friday afternoon Ail Action on Part of* Farm- STRIKING FARMERS will confer with his state recovery ed as the Liberal conference got un­ board. This board includes in its Mortgages m State Be> Hop to Rome’s New Port der way, and it appearied possible ers Postponed Until After that the old party lines would be membership Dr. Edward G. Dolan of SAYS CONGRESSMAN HSH ARE DUMPING MILK completely obliterated. Manchester, recently named United cause of Legal Tangle. Ostia; Fliers Decorated. States collector of internal revenue; Another Meeting Has Been Meanwhile the general strike, Mrs. Fannie Dixon Welch of Colum­ - - 1 which brought the conflict over Ma­ bia, member of the state tubercur Ranking Republican , in chado to a head, continued unbroken losis commission; Frank D. Coster 'Mr aaveo, Ang. 10.—(AP)— A Held Tomorrow. Nmneroas Arrests in New ' Lislxm, Portugal, Aug. 10.— (AP) ANTI-CRIME DRIVE despite the efforts and expectations >'f Fairfielo, E. Kent Hubbard o f •ocapt Federtd bonds in —Sorrow over the death of a com­ of the government. M iddletown, p rcad en t o f the Con-4 ; jMVtgages was receiv- rade in the Azores dimmed for mem­ House Assures President »^ecticut manufactyrers’^ association;^' York State as Police and Havana, Aug. 10.— (AP) — A Insurance Hartford, Aug. 10.—(AP)— A bers of General Italo Balbo’b sea­ PROVES A SUCCESS state of war gripped (^ba today, its Deputy State Comniissiwier of Fac­ plane squadron the happiness they tory Inspection, William J. Fitz- the Con- temporary truce, between opposing of Support in Any Action purpose being peace. gei^d, Joseph Halloran of New Home Loan factions in Connecticut’s milk dis­ Dairymen Clash. otherwise would have found in pre Military forces ccmtrolled the is­ Britain, John J. Walsh of* Stam­ paratioo today for completing their land under decree of President pute prevailed today as the increase Maiebado, who said the general ford and Milton McDonald of ooiRpany notified flight to America and back. Taken on Cuba. Department of Josdee Makes in milk prices, established by the strike, paralyzmg industiy and Bridgeport. m anager Syracuse, N. Y., Aug. 10— (AP)— ’“ ’The airmen prepared to fly di­ of its de- state control board, became effec­ trade, bad given “enemies of the At least 52 arrests in connection rectly to Ostia, Rome’s new port, Report on Its Month OU public peace” a chance to “create a FEDERAL RELIEF Clark o f tive. Hyde Park, Aug. 10.—(AP)— with a determined onslaught of where thousands of Italians were revolutionary state in the countiy.” Bridgeport, Aug. 10— (AP) —^Ex­ lut repre- This day, on which farmers had striking milk producers upem trucks expi>eted to dc them homage and es­ President Roofievelt was assured - Oonfliotiag and unyielding atti­ pressing the view that a special ses- m ort- threatened to caU a strike if tbelii cort ikem in a triumphal ■prooesskm today by Rc^<?sentatlve Fish of Cainpa^n-- Record. tudes of numerous dements in­ -Sion of the-l<egialatuze.is delivering milk to a Dairying’s program had not been accepted, to Rome. New York, ranking Republican volved in the growing crisis in­ ly necessary,” for the promotion of The Pru .eutial company’s state­ saw all action postponed imtil after League plant at Deruyter this ’Twenty-three planes of the fleet member of the foreign affairs com­ creased the public tehsidn. Mach­ Connecticut public works projects ment, made public at the office of another meeting tomorrow of the morning were reported by State po­ arrived here at 9:30 a. m., e. s. t., Washington, Aug. 10.— (AP) — ado has been deft '’o suggestimis mittee, of united supnor’ in what­ with Federal aid, and for the relief the loan corporatior said: control board and a committee yesterday. The /4th was damaged in that be resign ihd that ^ secre­ of home owners unable to meet lice and tne office of Sheriff Ken­ ever action he deem." necessary to Government officials today looked “We are anxiOus to cooperate representing the Farmers National taking off at Ponta Delgada, Azores tary of states Orestes Ferrara re­ mortgage obligations. Democratic neth Parker. restore order in (hiba. ■ over the record and concluded the with the Home Owners Loan Cor­ Association. causing the death by drowning of sign. National Committeeman Archibald Eight deputy sheriffs were on ’The Republican leader called on month old Federal war against the poration and render assistance to The new milk prices, ordered to Lieut. Enrico Squaglia, relief pilot, The United States Ambassador McNeil left Bridgeport today for home owners wherever possible, and guard at the plant this morning be­ and injuries to three others. tLe President who is demsuiding an kidnaper, the gangster and the Sumner WellSs, moved swifly in his start today by the control board, fore the disturbance, said a prelim­ Hartford to urge on Governor Cross have given full ccmsideration to the Genera] Balbo deco*'ated bis men immediate new deal in the island racketeer is makteg satisfactory efforts to bring quick fruition to ef­ provided payment of 7 3-4 cents a inary report, and these called the the speedy f-Aiung of a special ses­ question of accepting home own'ers with the “Wings” awarded to trans­ Republic in the intei-ests of elimi­ progress.
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