) l )\IEAT8, 'ATB, rei .ta.. ,. E' thr • .,,, :U now Ito'. l'aO()I!Hllt:lI "OOO~, bl.. .tamp. N~ Ibroa,b III ... '" valid. UOAa, bo.k I •• r al,... 1\1 , ••d 10. lI.e po."a. Ihr •• ," Ao,. 81. 8110E8, "o.k Ihroo ,Irplano Fair .tlln,,,1l I , !! and Ii rood lnddlnllely. No new sla.mp until All'. J. OASOLINE, IU-A , •• pO.I .ow roo. IOWA: PIk 1'IIHda7. '0. 01" ,.110 .....h. B·d, R·', B·8, C·ti, C·1 and C·8 •• up,., ,.od 'or tly. ,0110"" ...b. FUEL OIL, p.r'o. THE, DAILY IOWAN· one throuJh live eo.pon. IQotl ihrou,.. AUI. 81. La.t year'. llerlod '011' and "". tlou,on ••1 1. expire AUI_ 81. Iowa City'. Mornlnv Newspap.r FIVE CENTS I'IlI u.OOIA..... D r •••• IOWA CITY, IOWA TUESDAY. JUNE 26, 1945 VOLUNEm • After Historic Nine- Week Conference -- e a Ions Foes Hope 'SHI~ HOSPITAL' IN PACIFIC Yanks Trap India', Leaders, British Meet- San Francisco To Slice 20,000 Japs . Indian Government Parley Begins Decision Made ------------------------------~------------ SIMLA, IndIa (AP)-Twenty- announced but it r portedly in­ Maha abha, an organization of ex­ Infantry, Guerrillas one of IndJa's top political leaders cluded discussions ot a proposed tr me Qrthodox Hindus, which op­ .Budget convened yesterday with Lord general election, reorganization of poses the Wavell plan. At 12:53 CWT OPA Tighten Hold Wavell and began dlscussing the the provisional government with a The confprp melon the lawn British viceroy's proposals to allot coalition cablnet, and the election of the v ceroy's lodce In a H1mala- On Cagayan Valley more posts In the Indian govern- of a councl' l of the c ntral gov- On ' - ·th S t yan mounw," tlln" Yo'l co - Lend-Lease Supplies ment to In dl ans. Th e conferees ernment on a parity basis. ,. dJ d Truman to Addreu Going to Russia MANILA, Tuesday (AP) _ A accepted an agenda proposed by til h Idl rs in kilt t n ng guar gain up to six miles northward by Lord WavelJ and at the conclusion Lord WaveU In an addr ss to the and scarl I-liveried rvanl5 run­ final Gathering Via Siberia-Crowley the United States 37th infantry di- of the first day of dlscussions it delegates asked tilat all factions ning errands. Late Today vision and a thrust southward by was said that the "conference ls "rise above the levels of old prej- Th Mo.lem I agu id b fore WASHINGTON (AP)-A the 11th airborne division troops proceeding satisfactorily." udlces and enmitles of parly and Il~ op ning that this Ion prob- BULLETIN new altack on the oUi 'e of price and guerrillas tightened a vise on Mohandas K. Gandhi, spiritual sectional advantage." lie relt rated ably would b £hort and that a SAN FRANCISCO (A P)­ adminiSII'ation - through its an estimat d 20,000 Japanese now head of the all-Ind[a Congress that no final constitutiunal settle- rec s would b allowed for work­ "thoroughly tl'app d" in the Ca- party, remalned in Simla but did ment of the Indian problem was ing commlU to consider the Deleoates 01 50 UDlt.d Natiou pocketbook-was planned ~'es­ gayan valley of northern Luzon, not attend the meetin~ He said sought here, bul thaI the confer- pruposals. apprond by nmdlD9 yoW .. tenia)' by opponents. Gen. Douglas MacAl;thur an- he was not a relegate. The Con- ence might pave the way fOI' uch Wavl'll proposed the tablish- DlQht a chart.r dMlqDed 10 The h OilS e appropriations nounced today. gress party was represented by Its a result. men I of an Interim ,overnment In malolaln world P4K1ce. eommitt reconUll nd d $174,- Extent of the advance by the president, Maulana Abul Kalana- There was a demonslration out- whi h he would k p the war mln- The hlatorle deda10D was 500,000 for th agency fO l' the southbound fore s, which landed zad. The Moslem league, rival ot sid the viceregal gates as the con- istry but turn over all the other made at 10 53 p. m. Paelle war­ yenr bc!?inning ,J lily I, and foes SatUl'd:1Y ne(lr the north coast port Gandh['s party, also was repre- ference proceed d. The d mon tra- cabin 1 pos to Indlal . lime. (12:53 a. m. eeDtral war of Aparri, was not diSClosed, but. sen ted by lis president, Mahomed WI'S paraded with banners, shout- Gandhi had II two-hour conf r­ said privately they will try to A HUGE WARSHJP is cradled In one of the floating dry docks now time Tueaday) lD the crowded cut it deeply. L .. gisl!ltioll to ex· they hod mnde llmiles in the first Ali Jinnah. Ing their slogans. Among th par- nee Sunday with Wav 11 but d - OoodUt Sao Franclaco opera beln&' used by the navy In the Paciric, The floatIng' "shhl hospital" is few hours after' their unopposed The accepted agenda was not tiel pants were m m~rs of th clm d to give p rllculars. tend the OP A 'R Ii fe another built In ten sections, moved as close as possible to conlbat zones ancI del':cent by parachute and glider. ---------------7--:...------------~---..::...-~------­ boWIe. year is awaiting final passage. then welded to&'tther. It has a capacity of 100,000 tells-more than The two forces were approxi­ Del89at.. aDd apectaton The sum Is part of a $3,134,031,­ enou&,h to handle the largest ship iJl our fleet, t.hus saving' time in re­ maLely 50 miles apart at last re­ Itood to th.lr feet and ap­ • 56 deficiency supply blJl laid be­ tumlnr batUe-dama&'ed craft to fighting condition. Orflcial navy photo . ports. Plan~s Sink 122,645 10 Nip Factories plauded wheD th. Earl 01 Hall­ tote the house by the commlUee. Between them, and now only Enemy Planes fax, presldlnl, announced the It Is $17,854,173 below budl'd eAtI­ four miles north of the haatenin&' Tons of Jap Shipping Hit in Daylight Raid unanimous vote. mates. It covers Sl,975,OOO,OOO tor At a Glance-- I 371h division, were Amerlcau-Ied Th d I at vot~ to approve lend-lea e. United Nations Stifle guerrilla forces In. the Cal'ayan both the United Nations chlrter Testimony made public by the provinee capital of Tuguerarao. Army, Navy, Marine Blast U. S. 450-500 Superforts and the stotute of a new world committee disclosed terms given Naz; Economic Plans These guerrilla!! seized the town court. Russia alter this country halted last weck and since have 'foul'ht Airforces Strike Bomb Aircraft, Also unanlmoUIII,. approved b,. new lend-lease to it th rough Eur­ Today's off constant enemy counierattacks, At Enemy Empire Ordnance Industries leaders of 50-naUon delepUone ope earlier this year. Search for German Status of Tuguegol'ao was In Okinawa Field w" a su" Uon by uba'. Gull. Leo T. Crowley, lend-lease ad­ doubt today os the Japanese con­ GUAM, Tuesday {AP)-Search lermo ~It to t up a prepvi. ministrator, sald supplies still go Intrigue Revealed GUAM, Tuesday (AP) - Be­ Iowan tinued in recopture of the fire­ Liberatol's, Privateers and Marin­ GUAM, Tuesday (AP) - Four tween 450 Dlld 500 B-29's . truck 10 tor,. comml on whl h wUl bold to Russia through Siberia at the By State Department I.. first _,,~ Wednescla,. mona­ blal'kened ruins of the town as ers of FI et Air Wing One have small Japanese aerial ossaults, the Japon '0 oircraft, ammunition and request of United States military --~- Maj. Gen. Robert S. Beightler's sunk 122,645 tons of Japanese m,. In San Fralld~o. first against Okinawa ground in­ ordnance fucwri In daylight leaders but otherwise shipmenLs WASHINGTON (AP) - The Deiegates aPllrove* * *world char­ 37th Buckeye relief column drew shipping since beginning opera­ about noon toouy in the larg t Interim headquortel'3 wlll be 5- have been discontinued "and all of state department unfolded ye~ter­ ter in standing vote. near. tions "over enemy waters," and stalJation since that I land was se­ demolition, pin-polnt ml Ion ev r tabl!. hed in London. the items in the process of manu­ dllY a plan to clamp contl'ols The 37th, driving down highway damaged another 128,890 tons, cured Thursday, cau d minor flown o,oln t Jopan war Indu - After opproval ot the document facture that were not related to throughout the world on German Opponenlq of OPA plan budget No.5' alongside the Cagayan river, Fleet AdmIral Chester W. NimH" damage to American airtield in- try targe . for the n w world oraannation the fal east were either canceled economic ambitions. In cut. de~troyetl an undisclo ed number allnoUtlC ~ today. a II . tiona SundAY. Fiv of th fa('lon w e in the Which wa hammered out here 01' th Y were given the opportun­ Assistant SecI' tary William L, of Japan('se heavy 150-caliber ar­ nln weeks HolJrax said. Ity ot taking them up on a pay­ Clayton told a senate military sub­ His communique described com­ Two of the raid rs weI' Nagoya or a; two in th 0 'oka s c­ 20,000 Japs definitely trapped tillery pieces and killed 175 enemy bined army, nnvy and marine lIer­ down. tor, two in the FiiU ar a near "I think we all aar I' that we ment basis." committee: have tak n p tt In 0 hlaWrlc mo­ on Luzo n.
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