UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05768220 Date: 08/31/2015 RELEASE IN FULL From: Mills, Cheryl D <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2010 7:01 AM To: Subject Fw: Poland Sitrep From Lee b/I From: Rodriguez, Hugo F To: SES_DutyDeputies; S; D(L); D(S); P_Officers; SES-O_Shift-II; SES-O_SWO-Only Sent: Sat Apr 10 06:57:48 2010 Subject: FW: Poland Sitrep Colleagues, the latest from Amb. Feinstein of Embassy Warsaw. In short, the crash took the lives of many of Poland's senior civilian and military leadership; succession/transition will be the first major test of Poland's constitution. The speaker of the lower house of parliament, Bronislaw Komorowski, will temporarily assume the presidency. The constitution requires he call for presidential elections within 14 days and that elections take place within 60 days. An unofficial manifest is included. Rgds, H. From: Feinstein, Lee Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2010 6:44 AM To: Gordon, Philip H; 'Sherwood-Randall, Elizabeth D.'; Quanrud, Pamela G; 'Hovenier, Jeffrey M.'; Karagiannis, Alexander; Heidt, William A; Glantz, Mary E; Sainz, Francisco D; SES-0 Subject: Poland Sitrep All, This is going out as a cable momentarily. The main point is that the crash killed not only the President and his wife but a broad swath of Poland's top national security leadership. In this sense it is an unprecedented governmental tragedy, and a test of Poland's constitution. The sitrep follows. Shortly before 1000 Warsaw time, a Polish government Tu-154 plane carrying a delegation headed by Polish President Lech Kaczynski crashed in heavy fog at the airport in Smolensk, Russia. Russian officials have told the press that there were no survivors; the foreign ministry spokesman said there were 88 passengers on board. The delegation was en route to ceremonies hosted by the Russian government to commemorate the 70t1, anniversary of the Katyn massacres. There is as yet not government confirmation of the deaths, but there is no expectation of survivors. Speaker of the Polish Sejm (the lower house of parliament) Bronislaw Komorowski is en route to Warsaw to take over the powers of the presidency and those of the Commander in Chief, according to press reports. According to the Polish constitution, if the president dies in office, the Speaker temporarily assumes the presidency, and has 14 days to announce the date of special presidential elections. The elections must be held within 60 days of his announcement. This is the first major test of the Polish constitution, and the government is itself sorting out the details of the procedure in this unprecedented circumstance. Prime Minister Tusk is returning from Gdansk to Warsaw, and will chair a meeting of the Council of Ministers at 1P local time. Tusk has received condolence telephone calls from Russian Prime Minister Putin, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and other world leaders. UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05768220 Date: 08/31/2015 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05768220 Date: 08/31/2015 The magnitude of the loss is difficult to overstate including, in addition to the President and the First Lady, the top national security leadership of the Presidential Chancellery, the head of Poland's armed forces, all or nearly all of Poland's military chiefs, a deputy minister of defense, a deputy foreign minister, a presidential candidate, and members of Parliament. Crowds of people with candles and flowers have started to assemble in front of the presidential palace in downtown Warsaw. A mass in honor of those who died will be held later this afternoon. Poland is in shock and entering a period of deep national mourning. Below is an unofficial and incomplete manifest of those who are on the plane. Among them are: President Lech Kaczynski First Lady Maria Kaczynska Former President Ryszard Kaczorowski Wladislaw Stasiak, Chief of the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland Aleksander Szczyglo, State Secretary, Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland and Chief of the Office of National Security GEN Franciszek Gagor, Chief of National Defense Jerzy Szmajdzinski, Vice Speaker of the Sejm and Democratic Left Alliance Presidential Candidate Andrzej Kremer, Under Secretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Stanislaw Komorwoski, Under Secretary of Defense, Ministry of Defense Mariusz Handzlik, Under Secretary of State, Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland Slawomir Skrzypek, Chairman of the National Bank of Poland Lista °sob na pokladzie Tupolewa Tragiczne informacje naplywaja ze Smolefiska, gdzie rozbif sic rzadowy samolot z prezydentem Lechem Kaczynskim na pokfadzie. Wraz z prezydentem na poldadzie samolotu byto wiele najwainiejszych °sob w paristwie polskim, miqdzy innymi: prezes NBP, wiceszef MSZ, wicemarszatek Sejmu Jerzy Szmajdziriski, szef IPN, postowie, biskupi, szef twiatowego zwikzku AK. Wedfug programu Rady Ochrony Pamiqci Walk i Mqczeristwa, na ligcie pasa2erow prezydenckiego samolotu TU-154 powinni znajdowaa siq: Lech Kaczyriski Maria Kaczyriska DELEGACIA OFICJALNA 1. Pan Ryszard KACZOROWSKI b. Prezydent RP na Uchodictwie 2. Pan Krzysztof PUTRA Wicemarszatek Sejmu RP 3. Pan Jerzy SZMAJDZINSKI Wicemarszalek Sejmu RP 4. Pani Krystyna BOCHENEK Wicemarszalek Senatu RP 5. Pan Jerzy BAHR Ambasador RP w Federacji Rosyjskiej 6. Pan Wtadystaw STASIAK Szef Kancelarii Prezydenta RP 7. Pan Aleksander SZCZYGLO Szef Biura Bezpieczeristwa Narodowego 8. Pan Jacek SASIN Sekretarz Stanu, Zastqpca Szefa Kancelarii Prezydenta RP 9. Pan Paw& WYPYCH Sekretarz Stanu w Kancelarii Prezydenta RP 10. Pan Mariusz HANDZLIK Podsekretarz Stanu w Kancelarii Prezydenta RP 11. Pan Andrzej KREMER Podsekretarz Stanu w Ministerstwie Spraw Zagranicznych UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05768220 Date: 08/31/2015 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05768220 Date: 08/31/2015 12. Pan Stanislaw KOMOROWSKI Podsekretarz Stanu w MON 13. Pan Tomasz MERTA Podsekretarz Stanu w MKiDN 14. Gen. Franciszek GAGOR Szef Sztabu Generalnego Wojska Polskiego 15. Pan Andrzej PRZEWO2NIK Sekretarz ROPWiM 16. Pan Maciej PLAZYKISKI Prezes Stowarzyszenia „Wspolnota Polska" 17. Pan Mariusz KAZANA Dyrektor Protokotu Dyplomatycznego MSZ PRZEDSTAWICIELE PARLAMENTU RP 1. Pan Leszek DEPTULA Poset na Sejm RP 2. Pan Grzegorz DOLNIAK Poset na Sejm RP 3. Pani Graiyna GkSICKA Poset na Sejm RP 4. Pan Przemystaw GOSIEWSKI Poset na Sejm RP 5. Pan Sebastian KARPINIUK Posel na Sejm RP 6. Pani Izabela JARUGA - NOWACKA Poset na Sejm RP 7. Pan Zbigniew WASSERMANN Poset na Sejm RP 8. Pani Aleksandra NATALLI - WIAT Poset na Sejm RP 10. Pan Arkadiusz RYBICKI Poset na Sejm RP 11. Pani Jolanta SZYMANEK - DERESZ Poset na Sejm RP 12. Pan Wiestaw WODA Poset na Sejm RP 13. Pan Edward WOJTAS Poset na Sejm RP 14. Pani Janina FETLIKISKA Senator RP 15. Pan Stanislaw ZAJAC Senator RP OSOBY TOWARZYSZACE 1. Pan Janusz KOCHANOWSKI Rzecznik Praw Obywatelskich 2. Pan Stawomir SKRZYPEK Prezes Narodowego Banku Polskiego 3. Pan Janusz KURTYKA Prezes Instytutu Pamiqci Narodowej 4. Pan Janusz KRUPSKI Kierownik Urzgdu do Spraw Kombatantow i Osob Represjonowanych PRZEDSTAWICIELE KOtCIOLOW I WYZNAN RELIGIJNYCH 1. Ks. Bp. gen. dyw. Tadeusz PLOSKI Ordynariusz Polowy Wojska Polskiego 2. Abp gen. bryg. Miron CHODAKOWSKI Prawostawny Ordynariusz Wojska Polskiego 3. Ks. plk Adam PILCH Ewangelickie Duszpasterstwo Polowe 4. Ks. pplk Jan OSIKISKI Ordynariat Polowy Wojska Polskiego PRZEDSTAWICIELE RODZIN KATYKISKICH I INNYCH STOWARZYSZEKI 1. Pan Edward DUCHNOWSKI Sekretarz Generalny Zwigzku SybirakOw UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05768220 Date: 08/31/2015 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05768220 Date: 08/31/2015 2. Ks. pratat Bronistaw GOSTOMSKI 3. Ks. JOzef JON IEC Prezes Stowarzyszenia Parafiada 4. Ks. Zdzistaw KR6L Kapelan Warszawskiej Rodziny Katyriskiej 1987-2007 5. Ks. Andrzej KWAtNIK Kapelan Federacji Rodzin Katyriskich 6. Pan Tadeusz LUTOBORSKI 7. Pani Boiena LOJEK Prezes Polskiej Fundacji Katyriskiej 8. Pan Stefan MELAK Prezes Komitetu Katyriskiego 9. Pan Stanistaw MIKKE Wiceprzewodniczacy ROPWiM 10. Pani Bronistawa ORAWIEC - LOFFLER 11. Pani Katarzyna PISKORSKA 12. Pan Andrzej SARIUSZ - SKAPSKI Prezes Federacji Rodzin Katyriskich 13. Pan Wojciech SEWERYN 14. Pan Leszek SOLSKI 15. Pani Teresa WALEWSKA - PRZYJALKOWSKA Fundacja „Golgota Wschodu" 16. Pani Gabriela ZYCH 17. Pani Ewa BAKOWSKA wnuczka Gen. bryg. Mieczystawa Smorawiriskiego 18. Pani Maria BOROWSKA 19. Pan Bartosz BOROWSKI 20. Pan Dariusz MALINOWSKI PRZEDSTAWICIELE SIL ZBROJNYCH RP 1. Gen. broni Bronistaw KWIATKOWSKI Dow6dca Operacyjny Sit Zbrojnych RP 2. Gen. broni pil. Andrzej BtASIK Dowodca Sit Powietrznych RP 3. Gen. dyw. Tadeusz BUK Dowodca Wojsk L4dowych RP 4. Gen. dyw. Wtodzimierz POTASINSKI Dowodca•Wojsk Specjalnych RP 5. Wiceadmirat Andrzej KARWETA Dowodca Marynarki Wojennej RP 6. Gen. bryg. Kazimierz GILARSKI Dowodca Garnizonu Warszawa LEE. FEINSTEIN AMBASSADOR TO POLAND +4822 504-2900 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05768220 Date: 08/31/2015 .
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